BANL6100 - Syllabus - SUI20

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University of New Haven

College of Business
Economics & Business Analytics

BANL 6100 – Business Analytics

Section 01
Summer I 2020

Ahmet Ozkul, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept of Economics & Business Analytics
Office: Orange N125
Phone: 203-479-4862
Skype: asozkul
Class Hours: MTWR
Office Hours: Thursdays 3pm-4pm (or by appointment) on Zoom


Prerequisite: None
This course reviews statistical concepts and methods with emphasis on data analytics and visualizations. Topics
to be covered include descriptive statistics, plots and graphs for discrete and continuous data, statistical
inference, regression, and selected non-parametric methods including chi-square. In addition, pivot tables and
other Excel analytical tools will be covered. Students will obtain a solid introduction to R as a functional
programming language and will be able to use Excel and R to effectively conduct statistical and graphical
procedures. 3 credits.

At the end of this course, students should be able to:
1. Explain basic concepts of probability and statistics.
2. Demonstrate basic statistical skills.
3. Conduct data analysis using appropriate statistical software.
4. Present data sets graphically.


OpenIntro Statistics, Christopher D. Barr, David M. Diez, and Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, 4th Edition, 2019.

This is a free eBook, available at

Textbook’s website is:
If you would like a hard copy of the text, you can purchase one at Amazon for approximately $25 or on
CreateSpace for about $15.


All students are required to use R and R-Studio. R is a statistical programming language, and R Studio is the
third-party software user interface for R. They will be used in almost all course assignments. R is freely
available under GNP General Public License for various operating systems (including Windows and Mac OS),
and RStudio is also a free download. You can download them to your own computer as described below:
1. Download R: Visit
2. Download R-Studio: Visit
Choose ‘RStudio Desktop Open Source Edition’ for your operating system.

Also, the College of Business obtained a license to run Rstudio Server Pro locally at University of New Haven,
available at

Your ID and password are already posted on Blackboard. This could be more convenient because R can be
accessed from home, classroom or library using any browser, and keeps all your coursework in one place.


You are required to finish a free course on statistical programing language R to help you with understanding
course materials. This course is online and provided by “Introduction to R”. You will receive 5
points for completing this course towards your final grade. You will receive an invitation from to
sign up for these two courses.


There will be several homework assignments during the semester. Your answer for each homework should be
uploaded to Blackboard by the due date. If a submission is late, it will receive no credit. Contact the instructor if
you believe that extenuating circumstances prevail, but be aware that exceptions will be made only for truly
exceptional situations. Extra credit project could be assigned at the discretion of the instructor.


• Textbook’s website:

• New Haven Business Analytics. ( This is the ECON & BANL Department R and
Excel resources page. The site was created specifically to support this course. It contains several additional
videos on R and Excel techniques that are useful for student learning.
• Youtube videos, such as : Learning dplyr ; MarinStatsLectures channel:
• R Statistical Software:
• RStudio:
• R-Bloggers is web site to keep up-to-date with R and analytics:


You are expected to participate in all class activities, and you should be prepared to contribute to the
discussions and class work. This class moves at a demanding pace and requires consistent attendance to be
successful. Nevertheless, it is recognized that absences may be unavoidable due to illness or family emergency.
In this event, students are expected to keep up with their readings and assignments. Absences for more than 2
weeks is detrimental to a student’s ability to keep up with the course work; in this event, the instructor’s
permission is required for satisfactory completion of the course. Whether excused or not, excessive absences
may result in a failing grade, since these signify a failure to fulfill course requirements.

Exams: There is a midterm and a final exam. Check the schedule below for the exam dates. Contact the
instructor if you have any schedule conflict with another course. Also, there will be a quiz every week asking
short questions.


Week Topics
5/16 Review Syllabus
5/18-5/21 Pivot Tables in Excel
Introduction to R
Data Wrangling and “dplyr” package / Visualization and
5/26-5/28 “ggplot2” package
6/1-6/4 Normal Distribution and Confidence Intervals
6/7 MIDTERM EXAM on SUNDAY at 2pm-4pm
6/8-6/11 Hypothesis Testing-1: One sample means
Hypothesis Testing-2: Proportions
6/15-6/18 Inference for numerical data and t-tests
Inference for categorical data and Chi-square test
6/22-6/25 Introduction to Linear Regression
Introduction to Logistic Regression
6/28 FINAL EXAM on SUNDAY at 2pm-4pm


Letter Grades and Cutoff Points

A+ = 97 – 100 C+ = 77 – 79
A = 94 – 96 C = 73 – 77
A- = 90 – 93 C- = 70 – 72
B+ = 87 – 89 D+ = 67 – 69
B = 83 – 86 D = 60 – 66
B- = 82 – 80 F = BELOW 60

(1) This syllabus and course outline are subject to change based upon, among other things, class progression and topics
of interest. It should be noted that requirements may also be adjusted during the semester and supplemental
materials may be provided from time-to-time. Make-up assessments will be provided at the sole discretion of the
instructor and subject to a grading penalty.
(2) UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC INTEGRITY. Adherence to the University of New Haven Policy on Academic
Integrity (the “Code”) required. The University has a standing policy with regard to academic integrity as set forth
in the applicable documents. Students are expected to have an understanding and commitment to the fundamental
values of honesty, trust, fairness, and respect as expressed in the University’s policy.
Any student found violating the Code, e.g., cheating on an exam or found guilty of plagiarism, or such other
violation of the Code, shall be subject to disciplinary action, including course failure. See, Academic Integrity
(3) UNIVERSITY SUPPORT SERVICES. The University recognizes students often can use some help outside of
class and offers academic assistance through several offices. In addition to talking with your instructor and advisor,
we recommend you contact the Office of Academic Services (OAS) for help with your academic studies (call
203.932.7234 or visit Maxcy 208). The Center for Learning Resources (CLR) in Peterson Library is equipped to
help you with writing, mathematics, biology and physics.
(4) COMMITMENT TO POSITIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT. The University adheres to the philosophy
that all community members should enjoy an environment free of any form of harassment, sexual misconduct,
discrimination, or intimate partner violence. If you have been the victim of sexual misconduct, we encourage you
to report this as required by University policy. If you report this to a faculty / staff member, they must notify the
University’s Title IX coordinator about the basic facts of the incident (you may choose to request confidentiality
from the University). If you encounter sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, or discrimination
based on race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability
please contact the Title IX Coordinator, Caroline Koziatek at +1.203.932.7479 or
(5) SPECIAL NEEDS. Students with disabilities are encouraged to share, in confidence, information about needed
specific course accommodations. The Campus Access Services office ("CAS") provides comprehensive services
and support that serve to promote educational equity and ensure that students are able to participate in the
opportunities available at the University of New Haven. Accommodations cannot be made without written
documentation from Campus Access Services. Phone: (203) 932.7331. See the link below:
(6) RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCE POLICY FOR STUDENTS. The University of New Haven respects the right of
a student to observe religious holidays that may necessitate absence from class or from other required university-
sponsored activities. A student who wishes to observe such holidays shall not be penalized for an absence, but shall
be required to provide advance notification, preferably at the beginning of the term, but at least two weeks before
the holiday; a student is responsible for making up missed work. Reasonable accommodations shall be made for
missed assignment deadlines or exams because of religious observances. More information about religious
observance policies can be found in the Student Handbook.

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