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Physica A 389 (2010) 2725–2732

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Ground state phase diagrams for the mixed Ising 3/2 and 5/2 spin model
N. De La Espriella a,b , G.M. Buendía a,∗
Department of Physics, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas 1080, Venezuela
Department of Physics, Grupo Gamasco, Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba 230002, Colombia

article info abstract

Article history: We calculate the ground state phase diagrams of a mixed Ising model on a square lattice
Received 20 January 2010 where spins S (±3/2, ±1/2) in one sublattice are in alternating sites with spins Q (±5/2,
Received in revised form 1 March 2010 ±3/2, ±1/2), located on the other sublattice. The Hamiltonian of the model includes
Available online 23 March 2010
first neighbor interactions between the S and Q spins, next-nearest-neighbor interactions
between the S spins, and between the Q spins, and crystal field. The topologies of the phase
diagrams depend on the values of the parameters in the Hamiltonian. The diagrams show
Mixed Ising models
Ground-state phase diagrams
some key features: coexistence between regions, points where two, three, four, five and six
states can coexist. Besides being very useful as a way to check the low temperature limit of
the finite-temperature phase diagram, often obtained by mean-field theories, the richness
of the ground state diagrams for certain combinations of parameters can be used as a guide
to explore interesting regions of the finite-temperature phase diagram of the model.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Mixed Ising systems with higher spins have been actively studied in condensed matter and statistical physics. Their
relative simplicity and rich behavior make them an excellent laboratory to study a variety of multicritical phenomena. More
recently, these systems have become increasingly relevant for the understanding of novel bimetallic molecular compounds
the structure of which resembles two kinds of magnetic atoms alternating in a regular lattice [1–5]. In particular, the less
explored mixed spin-3/2 and spin-5/2 model seems to be pertinent to the understanding of certain biological compounds.
Numerous experiments indicate that a mix of 3/2 and 5/2 spins is behind the unusual magnetic properties of certain types
of ferric heme proteins known as ferricytochromes c’ [6–9]. Besides their crucial role in oxygen transport by blood, heme
proteins are used as a synthetic base to design novel biomaterials with potential applications in optical communications,
and are considered as the base for nanoporous catalytic materials [10]. As far as we know there have been very few studies
on this mixed system, most of them based on mean-field approaches. These mean-field studies suggest that the 3/2–5/2
mixed Ising system has a rich magnetic structure that includes first- and second-order phase transitions, compensation
temperatures, and reentrant behavior [11–15]. As a first step toward a deeper understanding of this model, we present a
detailed analysis of its ground state behavior when nearest-neighbor, next-nearest-neighbor interactions and crystal field,
are present. Ground state phase diagrams are an important tool to understand finite-temperature phase diagrams, to locate
critical points, and are very helpful to check the reliability of numerical and theoretical results.
In this work we calculate exactly the ground state diagram of a mixed Ising 3/2–5/2 spin model, by enumerating all
the possible states of the system in a square lattice and numerically calculating their energy. The remainder of this paper is
organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce the model and explain how the ground state diagrams are calculated. In the
subsections therein we present the ground state diagrams for the different combinations of parameters in the Hamiltonian.
The conclusions are presented in Section 3.

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +58 212 9063556; fax: +58 212 9063600.
E-mail address: (G.M. Buendía).

0378-4371/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2726 N. De La Espriella, G.M. Buendía / Physica A 389 (2010) 2725–2732

±3/2 - 5/2
+ 5/2 ±3/2 I

±3/2 ±5/2
±5/2 ±3/2

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1

Fig. 1. Ground state diagram for the model J1 . The energy of the ground state is the same in both regions, E0 = −30|J1 |.

2. Model and its ground states

We study a model that consists of spins in two interpenetrating square sublattices. One sublattice has spins S =
±3/2, ±1/2. The sites of the other sublattice have spins Q = ±5/2, ±3/2, ±1/2. A Hamiltonian for this model that includes
near and next-nearest neighbors and crystal field interactions is,
H = −J1 Si Qj − J2 Si Sk − J3 Qj Ql − D Si2 − D Qj2 (1)
hnni hnnni hnnni i j

where hnni and hnnni mean next and next-nearest neighbors, respectively. J1 , J2 , J3 , are the exchange interaction parameters,
and D is the crystal field, all in energy units. In general we expect that the sublattices have different anisotropies, here for
simplicity’s sake we take a single-ion anisotropy constant D in the understanding that it represents the average crystal field
felt by the entire lattice.
In order to generate the ground state phase diagrams we have calculated the energy of each configuration of a 2×2 unit
cell of the form,

S1 Q1

Q2 .

The ground state of the Hamiltonian described by Eq. (1) is translationally invariant, then according to a conjecture of
Luttinger and Tisza (LT) [16] a 2×2 cell is sufficient for including all possible ground states [17]. Although in Ref. [17] the LT
conjecture is formally proved only for systems with next-nearest-neighbor interactions that obey simple physical symmetry,
in the same article the authors argue that this restriction is too strong and can be relaxed to include isotropic interactions
along nearest-neighbors and diagonals inside the unit cell as it is the case presented here. For the 3/2–5/2 spin system there
are 62 42 = 576 configurations of the unit cell. Which one of these configurations is the ground state depends on the value of
the parameters in the Hamiltonian. Many of these configurations are degenerated. The equations of the boundaries between
the regions of the phase diagram are obtained by pairwise equating the ground state energies. Since our Hamiltonian does
not include an external field, all our results are invariant under a global inversion of the spins.
Due to the complexity of the Hamiltonian, we are going to discuss separately the ground states for several models that
contain different combinations of parameters. These models are going to be labelled by the parameters in the Hamiltonian
that are different from zero. In general the diagrams will become more complicated as more parameters are included in the

2.1. The J1 model

In this model J2 , J3 , and D are all zero. There are only interactions between nearest-neighbors S and Q . This model is highly
degenerated, with many configurations having the same energy, for example there are 216 configurations with zero energy.
There are only 23 different values of the energy depending on the value of J1 . As expected the ground state diagram of this
model is very simple, as seen in Fig. 1. It has only two regions, a ferromagnetic one when J1 > 0 and a antiferromagnetic
one when J1 < 0, the expression for the the ground state energy is the same in both phases, E0 = −30|J1 |.
N. De La Espriella, G.M. Buendía / Physica A 389 (2010) 2725–2732 2727

Table 1
Ground state energies J1 –D model (corresponding to Fig. 2).
Region Ground state Energy
I ±3/2 ± 5/2 −30J1 −17D
±5/2 ± 3/2
II ±3/2 ± 3/2 −18J1 − 9D
±3/2 ± 3/2
III ±1/2 ± 1/2 −2J1 − D
±1/2 ± 1/2
IV ±1/2 ∓ 1/2 2J1 − D
∓1/2 ± 1/2
V ±3/2 ∓ 3/2 18J1 − 9D
∓3/2 ± 3/2
VI ±3/2 ∓ 5/2 30J1 −17D
∓5/2 ± 3/2

Table 2
Ground states energies J1 –J2 –J3 model (corresponding to Fig. 3).
Region Ground state Energy
I ±3/2 ± 5/2 J1 > 0 ±3/2 ∓ 5/2 J1 < 0 −30|J1 |− 9J2 − 25J3
±5/2 ± 3/2 ∓5/2 ± 3/2

II ±3/2 ± 5/2 −9J2 + 25J3

∓5/2 ± 3/2

III ±3/2 ± 5/2 9J2 + 25J3

∓5/2 ∓ 3/2

IV ±3/2 ± 5/2 9J2 − 25J3

±5/2 ∓ 3/2

1 -2
D/3 I
J =-
0.2 1 D/2

-0.2 IV
J 1=D
3 VI
V 2D/
-0.6 J 1=

-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2


Fig. 2. Ground state diagram for the model J1 –D. The equations of the coexistence lines are indicated in the plot. The ground states and their energies are
shown in Table 1.

2.2. The J1 –D model

In this model the parameters J2 and J3 of the Hamiltonian given in Eq. (1) are zero, there are only interactions between
nearest-neighbors and crystal field. There are 67 different energies. The ground state phase diagram consists of six regions as
seen in Fig. 2, where we also show the equation of the coexistence lines between them. The corresponding ground states and
energies are shown in Table 1. The structure of the diagram is symmetric under the transformation J1 → −J1 . As expected,
when D is negative, as |D| increases the ground state favored the states with lower spins. There are three ferromagnetic
regions (J1 > 0), and three antiferromagnetic regions (J1 < 0).
2728 N. De La Espriella, G.M. Buendía / Physica A 389 (2010) 2725–2732


J 2=


5J 3

|J 1

-2 J3=0

-2 -1

Fig. 3. Ground state diagram for the model J1 –J2 –J3 . The equations of the coexistence lines are indicated in the plot. The ground states and their energies
are shown in Table 2.

Table 3
Ground states energies J1 –J2 –D model (corresponding to Fig. 4).
Region Ground state Energy
I ∓3/2 ∓ 5/2 J1 > 0 ±3/2 ∓ 5/2 J1 < 0 −30|J1 |− 9J2 − 17D
∓5/2 ∓ 3/2 ∓5/2 ± 3/2

II ∓3/2 ∓ 3/2 J1 > 0 ±3/2 ∓ 3/2 J1 < 0 −18|J1 | − 9J2 − 9D

∓3/2 ∓ 3/2 ∓3/2 ± 3/2

III ∓3/2 ∓ 1/2 J1 > 0 ±3/2 ∓ 1/2 J1 < 0 −6|J1 | − 9J2 − 5D

∓1/2 ∓ 3/2 ∓1/2 ± 3/2

IV ∓1/2 ∓ 1/2 J1 > 0 ∓1/2 ± 1/2 J1 < 0 −2|J1 | − J2 − D

∓1/2 ∓ 1/2 ±1/2 ∓ 1/2

V ∓3/2 ∓ 1/2 J1 > 0 ∓3/2 ± 1/2 J1 < 0 −2|J1 | + 3J2 − 3D

∓1/2 ± 1/2 ±1/2 ± 1/2

VI ∓1/2 ∓ 1/2 J2 − D
∓1/2 ± 3/2

VII ∓3/2 ± 1/2 9J2 − 5D

±1/2 ± 1/2

VIII ∓3/2 ∓ 5/2 9J2 − 17D

∓5/2 ± 3/2

IX ∓3/2 ∓ 3/2 J1 > 0 ∓3/2 ± 3/2 J1 < 0 −12|J1 | − 3J2 − 7D

∓3/2 ∓ 1/2 ±3/2 ∓ 1/2

2.3. The J1 –J2 –J3 model

In this model the crystal field D is zero, there are near-neighbor interactions between the spins S and Q , and next-nearest
interactions between spins of the same class, S–S and Q –Q . The phase diagram consists of four regions as indicated in Fig. 3,
where we also show the equations of the coexistence lines between regions for the case J1 = 1. The structure of the phase
diagram is independent on the sign of J1 . The corresponding ground states are presented in Table 2. Region I is ferromagnetic
or antiferromagnetic depending on the sign of J1 . In contrast, in regions II, III, and IV, the ground state is independent on the
sign of J1 ; in these regions the dominant interactions are given by J2 and J3 . At the points, (J3 /|J1 | = −3/5, J2 /|J1 | = 0) and
(J3 /|J1 | = 0, J2 /|J1 | = −5/3), three different regions coincide.

2.4. The J1 –J2 –D model

In this model the only parameter that is zero in the Hamiltonian is J3 . In contrast with the J1 –J2 –J3 model, that also
depends on three parameters, this model presents a quite complex phase diagram, with no symmetries. This complexity is
N. De La Espriella, G.M. Buendía / Physica A 389 (2010) 2725–2732 2729

-0.6 IX
-0.8 V


0 -1
IV -2 -1.8 -1.6 -1.4

-1 I

-3 -2 -1

Fig. 4. Ground state diagram for the model J1 –J2 –D. The inset is a magnification of the regions V and IX. The ground states and their energies are shown in
Table 3. The equations for the coexistence lines are in Table 4.

1 II

0.5 I

0 V

-0.5 VII

-1 IX

-1.5 VIII
-3 -2 -1 0

Fig. 5. Ground state diagram for the model J1 –J2 –J3 –D with J2 /|J1 | = −1. The ground states and their energies are shown in Table 5. The equations for the
coexistence lines are in Table 6.



0 IV
-1 XI
-4 -3 -2 -1 0

Fig. 6. Ground state diagram for the model J1 –J2 –J3 –D with J2 /|J1 | = 1. The ground states and their energies are shown in Table 7. The equations for the
coexistence lines are in Table 8.
2730 N. De La Espriella, G.M. Buendía / Physica A 389 (2010) 2725–2732

Table 4
Coexistence curves J1 –J2 –D model (corresponding to Fig. 4) D0 = D/|J1|, J20 = J2 /|J1 |.

Region Coexistence line D0 Range J20 Range

I–II D0 = −3/2 D0 = −3/2 J20 ≥ −1/2
II–III D0 = −3 D0 = −3 J20 ≥ 1
III–IV J20 = −1/2D0 − 1/2 D0 ≤ −3 J20 ≥ 1
IV–V J20 = 1/2 −2 ≤ D0 ≤ −10/7 −1 ≤ J20 ≤ −5/7
IV–VI J20 = −1 D0 ≤ −2 J20 = −1
IV–IX J20 = −3D0 − 5 −3/2 ≤ D0 ≤ −10/7 −5/7 ≤ J20 ≤ −1/2
V–IX J20 = −2/3D0 − 5/3 −10/7 ≤ D0 ≤ −4/3 −7/9 ≤ J20 ≤ −5/7
I–IX J20 = −5/3D0 − 3 −3/2 ≤ D0 ≤ −4/3 −7/9 ≤ J20 ≤ −1/2
V–VII J20 = 1/3D0 − 1/3 −2 ≤ D0 ≤ −4/3 −1 ≤ J20 ≤ −7/9
VI–VII J20 = 1/2D0 D0 ≤ −2 J20 ≤ −1
VII–VIII D0 = 0 D0 = 0 J20 ≤ −5/3
I–VII J20 = −2/3D0 − 5/3 −4/3 ≤ D0 ≤ 0 −5/3 ≤ J20 ≤ −7/9
I–VIII J20 = −5/3 D0 ≥ 0 J20 = −5/3
II–IV J20 = −D0 − 2 −3 ≤ D0 ≤ −3/2 −1/2 ≤ J20 ≤ 1

Table 5
J1 –J2 –J3 –D model with J2 /|J1 | = −1 (corresponding to Fig. 5).
Phase Ground state Energy
I ±3/2 ± 5/2 J1 > 0 ±3/2 ∓ 5/2 J1 < 0 −30|J1 |− 9J2 − 25J3 − 17D
±5/2 ± 3/2 ∓5/2 ± 3/2

II ±1/2 ± 5/2 J1 > 0 ±1/2 ∓ 5/2 J1 < 0 −20|J1 |− 3J2 − 25J3 − 15D
±5/2 ± 3/2 ∓5/2 ± 3/2

III ±1/2 ± 3/2 J1 > 0 ±1/2 ∓ 3/2 J1 < 0 −6|J1 | − J2 − 9J3 − 5D

±3/2 ± 1/2 ∓3/2 ± 1/2

IV ±1/2 ± 1/2 J2 − J3 − D
±1/2 ∓ 1/2

V ±3/2 ± 1/2 9J2 − J3 − 5D

±1/2 ∓ 3/2

VI ±1/2 ± 1/2 J2 + J3 − D
∓1/2 ∓ 1/2

VII ±3/2 ± 1/2 9J2 + J3 − 5D

∓1/2 ∓ 3/2

VIII ±1/2 ± 5/2 J2 + 25J3 − 13D

∓5/2 ∓ 1/2

IX ±3/2 ± 5/2 9J2 + 25J3 − 17D

∓5/2 ∓ 3/2

an evidence of the relevance of the crystal field term in systems with large spin. In this case the system has 96 configurations
with different energies. The ground state diagram is shown in Fig. 4, indicating nine different regions, separated by fourteen
lines. Fig. 4 also includes an inset were we show the detail of the two smallest regions, V and IX. The topology of the phase
diagram is independent on the sign of J1 . The ground states and their energies are shown in Table 3, and the equations
of the lines that separate the different regions are in Table 4. In the regions VI, VII, VIII, the energy of the ground state is
independent of the sign of J1 . Besides the three points in the diagram where three phases coincide, there are other three
points where four phases coincide (−3/2, −1/2), (−2, −1), (−4/3, −7/9), the points are labelled as (D/|J1 |, J2 /|J1 |).

2.5. The J1 –J2 –J3 –D model

In this model all the parameters that appear in the Hamiltonian are different from zero. As in the previous cases the
topology of the phase diagram is independent on the sign of J1 , but now it strongly depends on the sign of J2 , then we are
going to consider by separate the cases J2 < 0 and J2 > 0.

2.5.1. The J1 –J2 –J3 –D model with |J1 | = 1, J2 = −1

As it is shown in Fig. 5 the ground state of this model has nine different regions whose energies are shown in Table 5.
In Table 6 we write the equations of the thirteen lines that separate the different regions. There are three regions, I, II, and
N. De La Espriella, G.M. Buendía / Physica A 389 (2010) 2725–2732 2731

Table 6
Coexistence curves J1 –J2 –J3 –D Model with J2 /|J1 | = −1 (corresponding to Fig. 5) J30 = J3 /|J1 |, D0 = D/|J1 |.

Region Coexistence line D0 Range J30 Range

I–II D0 = −2 D0 = −2 J30 ≥ 1/2
II–III J30 = −5/8D0 − 3/4 D0 ≤ −2 J30 ≥ 1/2
III–IV J30 = −1/2D0 − 1/2 D0 ≤ −2 J30 ≥ 1/2
IV–V D0 = −2 D0 = −2 J30 ≥ 0
I–V J30 = −1/2D0 − 1/2 −2 ≤ D0 ≤ −1 0 ≤ J30 ≤ 1/2
IV–VI J30 = 0 D0 ≤ −2 J30 = 0
V–VII J30 = 0 −2 ≤ D0 ≤ −1 J30 = 0
VI–VII D0 = −2 D0 = −2 −1 ≤ J30 ≤ 0
VI–VIII J30 = 1/2D0 D0 ≤ −2 J30 ≤ −1
I–VII J30 = −6/13D0 − 6/13 −1 ≤ D0 ≤ −12/25 −6/25 ≤ J30 ≤ 0
VIII–IX D0 = −2 D0 = −2 J30 ≤ −1
VII–IX J30 = D0 /2 −2 ≤ D0 ≤ −12/25 −1 ≤ J30 ≤ −6/25
I–IX J30 = −6/25 D0 ≥ −12/25 J30 = −6/25

Table 7
J1 –J2 –J3 –D model with J2 /|J1 | = +1 (corresponding to Fig. 6).
Phase Ground state Energy
I ±3/2 ± 5/2 J1 > 0 ±3/2 ∓ 5/2 J1 < 0 −30|J1 |− 9J2 − 25J3 − 17D
±5/2 ± 3/2 ∓5/2 ± 3/2

II ±3/2 ± 3/2 J1 > 0 ±3/2 ∓ 3/2 J1 < 0 −18|J1 | − 9J2 − 9J3 − 9D

±3/2 ± 3/2 ∓3/2 ± 3/2

III ±3/2 ± 3/2 J1 > 0 ±3/2 ∓ 3/2 J1 < 0 −12|J1 | − 9J2 − 3J3 − 7D
±1/2 ± 3/2 ∓3/2 ± 3/2

IV ±1/2 ± 1/2 J1 > 0 ±1/2 ∓ 1/2 J1 < 0 −2|J1 | − J2 − J3 − D

±1/2 ± 1/2 ∓1/2 ± 1/2

V ±3/2 ± 1/2 J1 > 0 ±3/2 ∓ 1/2 J1 < 0 −6|J1 | − 9J2 − J3 − 5D

±1/2 ± 3/2 ∓1/2 ± 3/2

VI ±1/2 ± 1/2 −J2 + J3 − D

∓1/2 ± 1/2

VII ±1/2 ± 5/2 −J2 + 25J3 − 13D

∓5/2 ± 1/2

VIII ±3/2 ± 5/2 −9J2 + 25J3 − 17D

∓5/2 ± 3/2

IX ±3/2 ± 5/2 J1 > 0 ±3/2 ∓ 5/2 J1 < 0 −6|J1 | − 9J2 + 15J3 − 13D
∓3/2 ± 3/2 ±3/2 ± 3/2

X ±3/2 ± 5/2 J1 > 0 ±3/2 ∓ 5/2 J1 < 0 −12|J1 | − 9J2 + 5J3 − 11D
∓1/2 ± 3/2 ±1/2 ± 3/2

XI ±3/2 ± 5/2 J1 > 0 ±3/2 ∓ 5/2 J1 < 0 −18|J1 | − 9J2 − 5J3 − 11D
±1/2 ± 3/2 ∓1/2 ± 3/2

XII ±3/2 ± 5/2 J1 > 0 ±3/2 ∓ 5/2 J1 < 0 −24|J1 |− 9J2 − 15J3 − 13D
±3/2 ± 3/2 ∓3/2 ± 3/2

III where the ground state is ferromagnetic when J1 > 0 and antiferromagnetic when J1 < 0. The ground states of the
remaining six regions are independent on the sign of J1 . From the diagram we can notice that there are two points where
three phases coexist, two where four phases coexist, and one point (J2 /|J1 | = −1, D/|J1 | = −2, J3 /|J1 | = 1/2) where five
phases coexist.

2.5.2. The J1 –J2 –J3 –D model with |J1 | = 1, J2 = +1

The phase diagram for this case is quite rich, as can be seen in Fig. 6. It consists of twelve regions, whose ground states
are shown in Table 7. In three of these regions, VI, VII, and VIII, the ordering is independent on the sign of J1 . The equations
of the twenty coexistence lines are in Table 8. As expected for a complicated diagram, there are many points where several
phases coexist; in particular at the point (J2 /|J1 | = 1, D/|J1 | = 0, J3 /|J1 | = −3/5) six phases coexist.
2732 N. De La Espriella, G.M. Buendía / Physica A 389 (2010) 2725–2732

Table 8
Coexistence lines for the model J1 –J2 –J3 –D with J2 /|J1 | = +1 (corresponding to Fig. 6) J30 = J3 /|J1 |, D0 = D/|J1 |.

Phases Coexistence line D0 Region J30 Region

I–II J30 = −1/2D0 − 3/4 −9/2 ≤ D0 ≤ −3/2 0 ≤ J30 ≤ 3/2
I–IV J30 = −2/3D0 − 3/2 D0 ≤ −9/2 J30 ≥ 3/2
II–III J30 = −1/3D0 − 1 D0 ≤ −6/5 J30 ≥ −3/5
II–IV J30 = −D0 − 3 −9/2 ≤ D0 ≤ −3 0 ≤ J30 ≤ 3/2
III–V J30 = −D0 − 3 −3 ≤ D0 ≤ −2 −1 ≤ J30 ≤ 0
IV–V D0 = −3 D0 = −3 −1 ≤ J30 ≤ 0
V–VI J30 = −2D0 − 7 D0 ≤ −14/5 J30 ≥ −7/5
VI–VII J30 = 1/2D0 D0 ≤ −14/5 J30 ≤ −7/5
VII–VIII D0 = −2 D0 = −2 J30 ≤ −7/5
VIII–IX J30 = 2/5D0 − 3/5 −2 ≤ D0 ≤ 0 −7/5 ≤ J30 ≤ −3/5
V–IX J30 = 1/2D0 −14/5 ≤ D0 ≤ −2 −7/5 ≤ J30 ≤ −1
IX–X J30 = 1/5D0 − 3/5 −2 ≤ D0 ≤ 0 −1 ≤ J30 ≤ −3/5
X–XI J30 = −3/5 −6/5 ≤ D0 ≤ 0 J30 = −3/5
XI–XII J30 = −1/5D0 − 3/5 −6/7 ≤ D0 ≤ 0 −3/5 ≤ J30 ≤ −3/7
I–XII J30 = −2/5D0 − 3/5 −3/2 ≤ D0 ≤ 0 −3/5 ≤ J30 ≤ 0
I–VIII J30 = −3/5 D0 ≥ 0 J30 = −3/5
II–XII J30 = −2/3D0 − 1 −3/2 ≤ D0 ≤ −6/7 −3/7 ≤ J30 ≤ 0
II–XI J30 = 1/2D0 −6/5 ≤ D0 ≤ −6/7 −3/5 ≤ J30 ≤ −3/7
VII–IX J30 = −7/5 −14/5 ≤ D0 ≤ −2 J30 = −7/5
III–X J30 = 1/2D0 −2 ≤ D0 ≤ −6/5 −1 ≤ J30 ≤ −3/5

3. Conclusions

In this work we have presented the ground state phase diagrams of a mixed Ising model of spins 3/2 and spins 5/2
situated in alternating sites of a square lattice. We have considered cases where different combination of interactions
appear in the Hamiltonian, taking into account next, next-nearest-neighbor interactions, and crystal field. As expected,
the complexity of the diagrams increases as more interactions are taken into account, particularly when the crystal field
is added. These diagrams will be useful in future studies of the finite-temperature phase diagram of the model, not only as
a way to check the reliability of the different techniques used by comparing the low or zero temperature limits, but they
will also be a valuable tool to identify the regions in which the model could present an interesting magnetic behavior. We
identified the points where several phases coexist at zero temperature, and it certainly would very interesting to explore
the finite-temperature behavior of the system in the vicinities of these points.


G.M.B. acknowledges the hospitality of the Consortium for Interdisciplinary Sciences at the University of New Mexico.
N.D.E acknowledges the support of the Studies Commission of the Universidad de Córdoba.


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