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Film “Monsoon Wedding”

World Geography
1. Question 1: Geographers frequently observe landscapes to better understand a
place and a people. Early in the film, there are images of Delhi, India. Describe some
characteristics. What did you notice about the buildings and the various urban
landscapes depicted? 
In Delhi, India at the beginning of the film I noticed that the houses were stone and the
stores/buildings were closer together with banners everywhere. In the streets there are
many people walking. Bikes and small cars were also a common transportation because
of the crowded roads. There were also old monuments that you could see from the top of
the city. The urban spaces were compacted, meanwhile the open space is where there is
2. Question 2: Globalization means facilitated travel and connection between places
across the globe. This film depicts a gathering of Indian characters for a wedding,
many of whom are returning to India from other countries where they are residing.
From where are some of the characters coming, and for what reasons are they in
other countries?
Hemant the groom came back from Texas. Hemant was in Texas for schooling. Rahul
came from Australia for the wedding. Rahul was in Australia for schooling.
3. Question 3: One aspect of globalization is the spreading of western cultures
(particularly of US culture). What examples of this depicted in the film? List 2
examples that appear as cultural hybridization and 2 that appear as cultural clashes
( at least 4 examples total).
In the film, they were watching a cooking show on tv, which is common thing here in the
United States. During the wedding ceremony, Aditi had hennas, which is also a popular
thing here in the United States. During the scene where Aditi and Hemant go to talk at the
coffee shop, Hemant orders a coffee with no sugar which is clash with India culture.
Also, another culture clash is the white tent that they use because normally in India
culture they use a white tent for a funeral not for a wedding.
4. Question 4: As we’ve discussed earlier in the semester, Globalization does NOT
mean the erasure of difference between places. India is a country in South Asia
with an old history and ancient cultures. Long-held rituals and traditions co-exist
with a world influenced by new technology and outside cultures. Describe at least 3
examples in the film you observed in which tradition is present alongside
During the film, the men were playing golf, while in the background the women were
carrying baskets on their head dressed in culture clothing. It is an example of modernity
right in front with tradition in the background. The white tent is also an example of
modernity because normally in India culture they use a white tent for a funeral, so they
compromise by using the white tent and using marigold flowers for color. The last
example of modernity along side tradition is a marriage that is loved based and an
arranged marriage. Dubey and Alice had an loved based marriage, while on the other
Film “Monsoon Wedding”
World Geography
hand Aditi and Hemant had an arranged marriage, where they first meet at the
5. Question 5: Globalization frequently involves processes of uneven development, and
the film also explores the experiences of differing socio-economic class in India.
How does the wedding experience of Aditi and Hemant differ from that of Dubey
and Alice? What kinds of expectations for a wedding are attached to the two
Aditi and Hemant had a big engagement where they first meet. Dubey and Alice’s
engagement was small and very short. Dubey and Alice’s wedding was private and just a
couple of people. On the other hand, Aditi and Hemant had a big wedding, that lasted
several days, where there was a lot of people and a lot of gifts. Aditi and Hemant had an
expectation of getting married because her aunt even said that her husband and her only
met once and got married.

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