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Reaction Paper

Topic: Should business be Ethically Sensitive?

In my perspective that within any firm whether it's multinational, small-scale or medium
scale it must desperately need to follow the standards of the moral rule book, as the sake of
preserving the image and existence of the business. If I think about it would actually bring more
harm than good for a business that is not ethically sensitive, because those businesses are just
like humans who would easily offended then forget all your thousands good deeds for one small
mishaps and snaps turns to dust all of your clientele and investors turn backs against you or
worst with an extra visit to courts. What I really wanted to convey is that my premise just simply
tell that the products or services that you sell are extensions of your company, once allegations
within the firm then spread through to the masses it would cause a butterfly effect were one
small problem that can cause big changes leading most often as a lost. Those problems could
avoided if we could only play fair competition and don’t a literally be scumbag in the business
world, if not just expect for multiple lawsuits and bankruptcy like the case if you have watched
the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street" you'll get the idea.

As in the business world full beings called scumbag at business, that is very shady at their
businesses as those big corporations that can even bend the existing laws, especially in the
Philippines thanks to legislative crocodiles. The biggest scumbag that I know is John Belfort
owner of Stratton Oakmont Inc. an "over the counter" brokerage house where the company that
marketed "penny stocks" and allegedly defrauded investors with the securities fraud "pump and
dump" a form of microcap stock fraud that involves artificially inflating the price of an owned
stock through false and misleading positive statements in order to sell the cheaply purchased
stock at a higher price, a real scumbag indeed. Well this man literally the definition of greedy as
he earn $3 billion revenue during 1989 to 1996 with he's shady business, but even though he earn
a lot of cash he was guilty for security fraud and money laundry in 1999 that imprisoned him for
more than 4 years and a never ending compensation for he's investors that hunts him tell death.
He was also mentioned that has allegations with the mafia and addiction to drugs, but the movie
was great Leonardo di Caprio great artist, great comedy from Jonah Hill, and the real reason I
watched that movie because of Margot Robbie.

After watching that movie and study about business ethics it's really hard to stick to the
rules, because your main goal is profit not loss or just even. As I realized that being greedy for
money and fortune are just becoming like King Midas, where everything he touches turns to gold
and then blinded that lend him to lose things truly had a value people around him same goes for
Belfort loses he's wife and children. As I realized greed is an excess of ambition and the
deficiency is sloth, and if I do create a business it has to be ethically sensitive to avoid future
even it takes time, because nothing pays more than a true hard work.

Reference: The Wolf of Wall Street (Bantam, 2007)

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