Itinerary Day 1: Cusco - Wayllabamba 12km: Inka Trail Inka Trail Inka Trail

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Inka Trail


Inka Trail Day 1: Cusco - Wayllabamba 12km

Pick up from you hotel at 6.00 – 6:20 AM in our prívate bus to then go to Piskacucho
(2700 masl) community known as Km. 82 where passes the train road Cusco to Machu
Picchu. Beginning our trekking from this spot we will cross the bridge and we will walk
along the left shore of the Urubamba River that flows to the Northeast of the Sacred
Valley. After passing over some plain terraces, we will arrive to Miskay (2800 masl) to
then ascend and finally see the Inca Citadel of Patallacta (2750 masl) then we will
continue our trekking along the valley created by the River Kusichaca, gradually
ascending up to reaching our first camping of Wayllabamba (3000 masl).

Inka Trail Day 02: Wayllabamba - Warmiwañusca – Pacaymayu 12 Km.

This day we will get up aprox. at 6.00, after enjoying breakfast we will begin our
trekking the most difficult of the day, the walking consists in a sudden and narrow
getting up (9 kms.). Along this getting up the landscape will change from sierra to puna
(a dry and high area with little vegetation). In the moment that we arrive to the first path
of the mountain known as Abra de Warmihuañusca (path of the dead woman).
Immediately after the path we will descend towards the Valley of Pacaymayu (3600
masl) where we will camp after six hours of excursion.

Inka Trail Day 03: Pacaymayu - Chaqicocha – Wiñayhuayna 15 Km.

This is the most interesting and astonishing day of our walking, because of the number
of archeological sites that we will visit and we will receive more information from our
guide. From Pacaymayu we will go up to the second path the Abra de Runkurakay
(3970 masl). At midmorning we will visit the archeological complex of the same name,
This site is situated at 3800 masl, it consists of anoval small structure that was created
for having answered to the purpose of a watchtower. After passing the path we will
descend towards Yanacocha (black lagoon) and we will get into the cloudy forest, to
finally arrive to Sayacmarca (3624 masl). This is a beautiful complex done of a demi-
circular building with diverse levels, of narrow streets, of liturgical fountains, yaredsand
cannals for irrigation. Continuing by an easy getting up, we will arrive to the third path
Abra de Phuyupatamarca (3700 masl). Along which we will keep on ascending towards
Wiñayhuayna (2700 masñ). In this site we will find a field house with a restaurant, a bar
and rooms with bath and hot showers.

Inka Trail Day 04: Wiñayhuayna - Machupicchu – Cusco 5 Km.

This day we will get up at 4:00 in the morning to leave Wiñayhuayna on time, we will
ascend towards the “Intipunku” or “Sun Gate”. The excursion will take us an hour
approximately, to then walk over the plain stones that are located at the edge of the
cliffs of the mountain from where we will be able to watch the rise of the sun over the
citadel of Machu Picchu. From “Intipunku” we will descend towards Machu Picchu
arriving in 40 minutes and then direct to the spot of control where we will be able to
save our belongings, immediately we will go towards the Inca City where we will have
a guiding of approximately two hours. Afterwards you will have a free time to walk
around the citadel or got up the mountain of Huaynapicchu from where you may
experiment spectacular sights of valleys and mountains that surround the citadel of
Machu Picchu or visit the temple of the Moon and the fabulous Inca Bridge. By the
afternoon we will go down towards the town of Aguas Calientes where you will be able
to visit the springfalls to thus relax after having walked during four days. Here we will
give you your train ticket for returning to the city of Cusco, arriving at an approximate
of 8:30 in the night. It

Inka Trail Includes:

• Pick up from your hotel in ours of the morning by bus towards Km 82

(place of starting the trekking).
• Tickets of entrance to the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu.
• Bilingual professional guide, two guides over 9 paxes or more.

• Cooker: especialized in preparing the food.

• Porters (who carry tents, food and cooking equipment)

• Hosting for the guides, cooker and porters
• Feeding: 3 breakfasts/ 3 lunches / 3 diners
• Ticket for the returning train from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo

• Bus from Ollantaytambo towards Cusco.

• Tents (blowing matress, chairs) dinning tent, cooking tent
• Ballon of oxygen
• Box for First Aids

Inka Trail It does not include:

• First breakfast and lunch last day: after visiting Machupicchu you have
free time to enjoy the ruins and may choose to take lunch Machu Picchu or
Aguas Calientes.
• Visit to the springfalls of Aguas Calientes: you may relax whilst waiting the
train for returning to Cusco, which is located at 10 minutes walking from the
• The towels and bathing suits or swimming trunks can be obtained Aguas
• Ticket by bus from Machu Picchu – Aguas Calientes.
• Sleeping bag

Inka Trail What do we recommend to take:

• Necessary clothing for 4 days trekking, preferably shorts, light T-shirts,

warm clothing
• Jacket or poncho for the raining
• ideal shoes for the trekking
• Sleepign bag
• Matras: will be offered by the agency and will be taken by the passenger.
• Cammera, filming, bateries
• Caps to protect from the sun, rain and cold
• Sun blocker
• Repelent for insects
• cookies , chocolates and candies(sweets)
• mineral wáter and purifying pills (Micropur)
• Small towel
• Bathing clothes (in case going to the spring falls)
• Original Passport
• Optional:sticks for walking (covered with gum)

Inka Trail Optional Service:

• Extra porter to carry personal things, a porter can take up to 17 kilos, that
may be contracted for two people.
• An additional night hotel in Aguas Calientes, it may be reserved at an
additional cost depending of the hotel you choose.
• If you wish to visit Machu Picchu again the next day, the cost is additional
to the cost of the ticket for the entrance.
• Train in Vistadome service (first class) instead of (backpacker touristic
train), additional cost.
• Sleeping bag Discount available:
• Students (students require an identification document, international ISIC
Card, valid for the student, it must be up-dated.)

<a href=”">Inka Trail</a>

<a href=”">Inka Trail</a>ITINERARY

<a href=”">Inka Trail</a>Day 1: Cusco - Wayllabamba

Pick up from you hotel at 6.00 – 6:20 AM in our prívate bus to then go to Piskacucho
(2700 masl) community known as Km. 82 where passes the train road Cusco to Machu
Picchu. Beginning our trekking from this spot we will cross the bridge and we will walk
along the left shore of the Urubamba River that flows to the Northeast of the Sacred
Valley. After passing over some plain terraces, we will arrive to Miskay (2800 masl) to
then ascend and finally see the Inca Citadel of Patallacta (2750 masl) then we will
continue our trekking along the valley created by the River Kusichaca, gradually
ascending up to reaching our first camping of Wayllabamba (3000 masl).

<a href=”">Inka Trail</a>Day 02: Wayllabamba -

Warmiwañusca – Pacaymayu 12 Km.
This day we will get up aprox. at 6.00, after enjoying breakfast we will begin our
trekking the most difficult of the day, the walking consists in a sudden and narrow
getting up (9 kms.). Along this getting up the landscape will change from sierra to puna
(a dry and high area with little vegetation). In the moment that we arrive to the first path
of the mountain known as Abra de Warmihuañusca (path of the dead woman).
Immediately after the path we will descend towards the Valley of Pacaymayu (3600
masl) where we will camp after six hours of excursion.

<a href=”">Inka Trail</a>Day 03: Pacaymayu - Chaqicocha

– Wiñayhuayna 15 Km.
This is the most interesting and astonishing day of our walking, because of the number
of archeological sites that we will visit and we will receive more information from our
guide. From Pacaymayu we will go up to the second path the Abra de Runkurakay
(3970 masl). At midmorning we will visit the archeological complex of the same name,
This site is situated at 3800 masl, it consists of anoval small structure that was created
for having answered to the purpose of a watchtower. After passing the path we will
descend towards Yanacocha (black lagoon) and we will get into the cloudy forest, to
finally arrive to Sayacmarca (3624 masl). This is a beautiful complex done of a demi-
circular building with diverse levels, of narrow streets, of liturgical fountains, yaredsand
cannals for irrigation. Continuing by an easy getting up, we will arrive to the third path
Abra de Phuyupatamarca (3700 masl). Along which we will keep on ascending towards
Wiñayhuayna (2700 masñ). In this site we will find a field house with a restaurant, a bar
and rooms with bath and hot showers.

<a href=”">Inka Trail</a>

Day 04: Wiñayhuayna - Machupicchu – Cusco 5 Km.
This day we will get up at 4:00 in the morning to leave Wiñayhuayna on time, we will
ascend towards the “Intipunku” or “Sun Gate”. The excursion will take us an hour
approximately, to then walk over the plain stones that are located at the edge of the
cliffs of the mountain from where we will be able to watch the rise of the sun over the
citadel of Machu Picchu. From “Intipunku” we will descend towards Machu Picchu
arriving in 40 minutes and then direct to the spot of control where we will be able to
save our belongings, immediately we will go towards the Inca City where we will have
a guiding of approximately two hours. Afterwards you will have a free time to walk
around the citadel or got up the mountain of Huaynapicchu from where you may
experiment spectacular sights of valleys and mountains that surround the citadel of
Machu Picchu or visit the temple of the Moon and the fabulous Inca Bridge. By the
afternoon we will go down towards the town of Aguas Calientes where you will be able
to visit the springfalls to thus relax after having walked during four days. Here we will
give you your train ticket for returning to the city of Cusco, arriving at an approximate
of 8:30 in the night. It

<a href=”">Inka Trail</a>Includes:

• Pick up from your hotel in ours of the morning by bus towards Km 82

(place of starting the trekking).
• Tickets of entrance to the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu.
• Bilingual professional guide, two guides over 9 paxes or more.

• Cooker: especialized in preparing the food.

• Porters (who carry tents, food and cooking equipment)
• Hosting for the guides, cooker and porters
• Feeding: 3 breakfasts/ 3 lunches / 3 diners
• Ticket for the returning train from Aguas Calientes to Ollantaytambo

• Bus from Ollantaytambo towards Cusco.

• Tents (blowing matress, chairs) dinning tent, cooking tent
• Ballon of oxygen
• Box for First Aids

<a href=”">Inka Trail</a>It does not include:

• First breakfast and lunch last day: after visiting Machupicchu you have
free time to enjoy the ruins and may choose to take lunch Machu Picchu or
Aguas Calientes.
• Visit to the springfalls of Aguas Calientes: you may relax whilst waiting the
train for returning to Cusco, which is located at 10 minutes walking from the
• The towels and bathing suits or swimming trunks can be obtained Aguas
• Ticket by bus from Machu Picchu – Aguas Calientes.
• Sleeping bag

<a href=”">Inka Trail</a>What do we recommend to


• Necessary clothing for 4 days trekking, preferably shorts, light T-shirts,

warm clothing
• Jacket or poncho for the raining
• ideal shoes for the trekking
• Sleepign bag
• Matras: will be offered by the agency and will be taken by the passenger.
• Cammera, filming, bateries
• Caps to protect from the sun, rain and cold
• Sun blocker
• Repelent for insects
• cookies , chocolates and candies(sweets)
• mineral wáter and purifying pills (Micropur)
• Small towel
• Bathing clothes (in case going to the spring falls)
• Original Passport
• Optional:sticks for walking (covered with gum)

<a href=”">Inka Trail</a>

Optional Service:

• Extra porter to carry personal things, a porter can take up to 17 kilos, that
may be contracted for two people.
• An additional night hotel in Aguas Calientes, it may be reserved at an
additional cost depending of the hotel you choose.
• If you wish to visit Machu Picchu again the next day, the cost is additional
to the cost of the ticket for the entrance.
• Train in Vistadome service (first class) instead of (backpacker touristic
train), additional cost.
• Sleeping bag Discount available:
• Students (students require an identification document, international ISIC
Card, valid for the student, it must be up-dated.)

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