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Maynard Annual Town Meeting Instructions – 13 June 2020

In order to provide a safer environment for attendees due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Annual Town Meeting
will be very different than in the past. Maynard has rescheduled the Annual Town Meeting to Saturday, June 13th
at 1:30 PM in the Mill & Main parking lot off Sudbury Street. The format of the meeting will be “Drive-in Movie
Style” with cars parked in every other space and in staggered rows to accommodate
social distancing. (Click map to enlarge.)

To minimize congestion on Sudbury Street, automobiles will be routed

through a zig-zagging queue for voter registration. Early arrival is encouraged
due to a slower than normal registration process. Drivers will remain in their
cars for voter registration, and wearing a mask during registration will be
required. We will distribute procedural instructions and materials at registration,
and then you will be directed to a parking spot. Inactive voters will be routed to a
special table to update their status, and then directed to a parking space.

Walk-ins will also join the queue and be directed to a registration table, and then to
a socially-distant, limited seating area in the front.

Parking will start at Row 3 and fill in from right to left (see map layout). Rows 1 & 2
will be reserved for scheduled speakers to avoid slowing down the meeting.

Audio will be available on car radios using a dedicated FM channel at 97.3 on the radio
dial. The meeting will also be broadcast on WAVM at 91.7 on the dial. We are
working to streamline the meeting by combining votes and limiting
presentations. Our hope is to complete the meeting within two and a half hours. Attendees are advised that
limited rest rooms will only be available for emergencies so please plan accordingly before leaving home.

At registration, each voter will be given an instruction package.

 This package contains:

Warrant Pencil Numbered Ballot

Green Voting Card (Yes) Red Voting Card (No) Blue Question/Comment Card
Supplemental Article Info & Map FinCom Explanations School Presentation
This Instruction Sheet Voting Schedule
 Rain Date ............................................................................................ 1:00 PM, 14 June 2020 at Mill & Main parking lot.
 Audio shall be broadcast ...................................................................... Tune your car radio to FM stations 91.7 or 97.3.
o To know if you have the right channel, America the Beautiful and God Bless America will be playing prior to the
start of the meeting.
 There is limited seating for walk-ins under the tent up front.
 There are limited rest rooms up front to the left.
 Face masks must be worn when outside of your automobile.
o If you can’t wear a mask for health reasons, you must park in Row 20 for your own protection (a police officer
will be pleased to direct you).
 Articles will be moved by the Select Chair, a FinCom recommendation, and in some cases a Planning Board
o Brief remarks by the Select Chair representing the Article’s Sponsor who will also reference the printed material
in your packet.
o Moderator will open the article for discussion (comments and questions).
o To be recognized for a comment or question, open your window and hold up the blue card.
o A runner will come to your automobile with a portable, extended (boom) microphone and you will be
recognized by the moderator. (Note: please do not touch the microphone to avoid repeated cleaning.)

5 June 2020 ATM Instructions Web final

Maynard Annual Town Meeting Instructions – 13 June 2020

o Please make comments and questions short and to the point. We ask this as a consideration of the unusual
circumstances of this meeting.
 Voting
o In order to keep the number of votes to a minimum, the moderator will consolidate votes.
 A consent calendar will be used on typically non-controversial articles (see Voting Schedule in your
 To remove an article from the consent calendar, please hold up a blue card while motion is read.
 Removed articles will be voted separately.
 Other articles shall be discussed individually, however, to speed up the meeting, several articles shall be
voted together that have similar passage requirements. Please see Voting Schedule.
 To remove an article from the combined vote, please hold up a blue card while motion is read.
 Removed articles will be voted separately.
o Open Majority votes
 Moderator will call for a vote of those in favor, open your window and hold up your Green Card (Yes).
 Moderator will call for a vote of those opposed, open your window and hold up your Red Card (No).
o Secret Ballot votes
 Moderator will state ballot numbers and ask you to mark your ballot.
 Ballots will be collected at your automobile using extended baskets by the collectors. Please drop ballot in
face down and unfolded to speed counting. (Note: please do not touch basket.)
 Considerations
o Please do not leave your motor running unnecessarily. Use your A/C only as needed.
o Please do not honk your horn.
o Please stay in your automobile.
o Please hold your voting card as high as practical in order to be seen.
o Both driveways will be available for exiting.
o If you have been recently ill, have a fever or exposed to COVID-19 in the last 14 days, please be aware of the
risk to you and others. Should you plan to attend, please note a special section has been reserved for you at
Rows 15 & 16.
o There will be limited rest room capability. There will be numerous hand washing and sanitizing stations
available, which we encourage you to use as needed.

5 June 2020 ATM Instructions Web final

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