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Seguridad en Sistemas Operativos


“Network Mapper (Nmap)”

Alumno: Jean Carlo Montemayor Martínez

Matricula: 1806487

Catedrático: Lic. Yair Brando García Castillo

San Nicolás de los Garza, NL a 6 de febrero del 2020

Network Mapper (Nmap).........................................................................................3
Requirements for using nmap............................................................................3
What kind of information can be obtained from the scans?...........................3
How can I prevent prevent scans on my computer?.......................................3
Scanning my computer.......................................................................................4


The importance of the security of our devices is increasingly heard among us and therefore, people
are increasingly interested in knowing how to protect themselves from the various attacks that exist
today in our environment, so in this document we will know in a basic way that is Network Mapper
better known as Nmap, which shows us information and how to protect ourselves against attacks of
this type.

 It will be understood as nmap
 The requirements to use this tool will be understood
 You will know what kind of information this tool can give us

 Finally, some measures will be taken to protect us from this type of scan.

Network Mapper (Nmap)
It is a free open source tool for vulnerability scanning and network detection.

Network administrators use Nmap to identify which devices are running on their systems, discover
available hosts and the services they offer, find open ports and detect security risks.

It is designed to scan networks, although its most interesting use is to scan a simple host, through
specially formed IP packets. Nmap allows you to determine if a host is available on the network,
what services it offers (including application name and version), what operating system it runs, what
type of firewall is in use, and many more features. This article tries to demonstrate just these most
basic uses.

Requirements for using nmap

They are not given as requirements per se, but it is very useful to know about the following topics:

 Port Knowledge
 Basic knowledge of networks
 Knowledge of services
 Operating Systems Knowledge
 Firewall Knowledge

Personally, I consider this research given this knowledge in order to understand the basics of nmap.

What kind of information can be obtained from the scans?

The following information can be obtained:

 Service Version Detection

 Operating System Detection
 Open, closed and hidden / private port detection

How can I prevent prevent scans on my computer?

We can protect ourselves in some ways:

 Activating the Firewall

 Blocking the ICMP service ports so that ping is not accepted

 Modifying the default TTL value to avoid knowledge of the Operating System

Scanning my computer
Hare 5 escaneos a mi computadora:

1. Operating System detection scan

2. Port Scan

3. Scan Services

4. Vulnerability scan

5. Fast network scan



Es importante el conocimiento de las herramientas que los atacantes utilizan para así podernos
defender de ellos además de que existen muchas debilidades en nuestras maquinas, es cuestión
de ir aprendiendo poco a poco como es que se aprovechan de ellas los atacantes, en nmap
también hay varias formas de escaneos como por ejemplo los ataques silenciosos o los que no
dejan huellas.


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