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Quick Reference
List of Operators Operator How to type Appearance
x and y represent real numbers.
z and w represent either real or complex numbers. Matrix superscript [Ctrl]6 M 〈 n〉
m, n, i, j, and k represent integers.
S (and any names beginning with S) represent string Matrix transpose [Ctrl]1 MT
expressions. Vectorize [Ctrl] -
u, v, (and any names beginning with v) represent vectors. X
A and B represent matrices or vectors. Picture [Ctrl]T n/a
M and N represent square matrices. n
f represents a scalar-valued function.
F represents a vector-valued function. Summation [Ctrl][Shift]4 ∑X
file is a string variable that corresponds to a filename or path. i=m
X and Y represent variables or expressions of any type.

When spaces are shown in an equation, you need not type the
Product [Ctrl][Shift]3 ∏X
spaces. Mathcad automatically spaces equations correctly.
Range sum [Shift]4 ∑X
Operator How to type Appearance i

Parentheses ’ (X) Range product [Shift]3 ∏X

Addition [Shift] = or + X+Y i
Addition with line break [Ctrl][↵ ] X…
Definite integral [Shift]7 ∫a f ( t ) dt
Subtraction and
- X – Y , –X Indefinite integral [Ctrl]I ∫ f ( t ) dt
Derivative [Shift] /
d f(t)
Multiplication [Shift]8 or * X·Y
Division / --- n
z nth derivative [Ctrl][Shift] / d f(t)
Inline division [Ctrl]/ X÷z dtn

Limit [Ctrl]L
lim f ( t )
Factorial [Shift]1 n! t→a
Complex conjugate " X lim f ( t )
Right-hand limit [Ctrl][Shift]A
t → a+
Absolute value [Shift]\ |x| lim f ( t )
Left-hand limit [Ctrl][Shift]B
Square root \ z t → a-
nz z c,
nth root [Ctrl]\ Global Definition [Shift] ‘ or ~ f(x,y,z,...) expr
Reciprocal /1
Symbolic Equals [Ctrl] . c→

Exponentiaion [Shift]6 zw Greater than [Shift] . or > x > y, S1 > S2

Equals = c= Less than [Shift] , or < x < y, S1 < S2
z c, Greater than or equal to [Ctrl][Shift]0 x ≥ y, S1 ≥ S2
Definition [Shift] ; f(x,y,z,...) expr
Less than or equal to [Ctrl][Shift]9 x ≤ y, S1 ≤ S2
Mixed number [Ctrl][Shift] = km
n Not equal to [Ctrl]3 z ≠ w, S1 ≠ S2
Vector and matrix [ vn, Mi,j
subscript Bold or Boolean Equals [Ctrl] = z w

Range variable ; 1..10 and [Ctrl][Shift]7 x∧y

Dot product [Shift]8 or * u·v or [Ctrl][Shift]6 x∨y

Cross product [Ctrl]8 u×v xor [Ctrl][Shift]1 x⊗y

Vector sum [Ctrl]4 ∑v not [Ctrl][Shift]5 ¬x

Matrix inverse [Shift]6 -1 n/a Local Definition [Shift] [ w← f(a,b,c, …)

Magnitude and [Shift]\ |x| Add Line ]
Operator How to type Appearance
Predefined variables

Conditional Statement [Shift] ] if Constant=value Definition and use

Otherwise [Ctrl][Shift] ] otherwise π = 3.14159... Pi. Mathcad uses the value of π to 15

digits. To type π, press [Ctrl[Shift]P.
For Loop [Ctrl][Shift] ’ for ∈ e = 2.71828... The base of natural logarithms.
Mathcad uses the value of e to 15
While Loop [Ctrl] ] while digits.

∞ = 10307 Infinity. This symbol represents values

Break [Ctrl][Shift] [ break larger than the largest real number
representable in Mathcad (about
Continue [Ctrl] [ continue 10307). To type ∞, press [Ctrl][Shift]Z.

Return [Ctrl][Shift] \ return % = 0.01 Percent. Use in expressions like 10*%

(appears as 10 ⋅% ) or as a scaling unit
On Error [Ctrl] ’ on error at the end of an equation with an
equal sign.

CTOL = 10–3 Constraint tolerance used in solving

Greek letters and optimization functions: how
closely a constraint must be met for a
To type a Greek letter into an equation or into text, press the solution to be considered acceptable.
Roman equivalent from the table below, followed by [Ctrl]G. CWD = “[system path]” String corresponding to the working
Alternatively, use the Greek toolbar. folder of the worksheet.
Roman FRAME = 0 Counter for creating animation clips.
Letter Uppercase Lowercase equivalent
ORIGIN = 0 Array origin. Specifies the index of the
alpha Α α A first element in arrays.
PRNCOLWIDTH = 8 Column width used in writing files with
beta Β β B WRITEPRN function.
chi Χ χ C PRNPRECISION = 4 Number of significant digits used when
delta ∆ δ D writing files with the WRITEPRN
epsilon Ε ε E Tolerance used in numerical
TOL = 10–3
eta Η η H approximation algorithms (integrals,
equation solving, etc.): how close
gamma Γ γ G successive approximations must be for
a solution to be returned.
iota Ι ι I
kappa Κ κ K Keystroke commands
lambda Λ λ L
Keystroke Action
mu Μ µ M
" Create text region
nu Ν ν N
[Ctrl]M Insert or change size of matrix
omega Ω ω W
[Ctrl]U Insert Unit
omicron Ο ο O
[F1] Help
phi Φ φ F
[Shift][F1] Context sensitive help
phi (alternate) ϕ J [F9] Calculate region
pi Π π P [Ctrl][F9] Calculate worksheet
psi Ψ ψ Y [Automatic Tools ⇒ Calculate
Calculation] If checked, makes Mathcad update screen
rho Ρ ρ R continuously. If unchecked, prevents
sigma Σ σ S Mathcad from calculating until you
explicitly tell it to.
tau Τ τ T [Ctrl]G Change to Greek Variable
theta Θ θ Q Changes character before [Ctrl]G from
Roman to Greek and vice versa.
theta ϑ J [Shift]2 Insert X-Y Plot
[Ctrl]7 Insert Polar Plot
upsilon Υ υ U
[Ctrl]2 Insert Surface Plot
xi Ξ ξ X
[Ctrl]5 Insert Contour Plot
zeta Ζ ζ Z
[Ctrl]T Insert Picture
Note: π (lowercase pi) has its own shortcut, [Ctrl][Shift]P. [Ctrl]R Refresh screen
[Ctrl]D Delete (without saving for copy and paste)
[Shift][F9] Evaluate Symbolically

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