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Behavioral Management

The ABCs of Behavior (Operant Conditioning)

The “Setting Event” or the thing that sets the

Antecedent stage for behavior to occur

The performance or behavior – what a person

Behavior does (anything a dead person cannot do)

The “Reaction” – a state or act resulting from

Consequence the behavior
Behavioral Management
Reinforcement: The Four Consequences
Positive Reinforcement Most Effective

• Get something good (desired)

Negative Reinforcement Behavior
• Avoid something bad (desired)
Penalty Performance

• Lose something good (undesired)

Punishment Behavior

• Get something bad (undesired)

Least Effective

For more information:
Behavioral Management
Reinforcement: Extinction
Extinction is the eradication of a behavior. You can extinguish a
behavior by:
 Using consistent punishment or penalty

 Not providing any reinforcement (ignoring)

 Behaviors being extinguished generally flare stronger prior to
 People may be receiving consequences or reinforcements from
other sources or intrinsically, so ignoring may not always extinguish
 Unfortunately, in the absence of intrinsic rewards, you can
inadvertently extinguish desired behaviors by ignoring them
Behavioral Management
Reinforcement: Three Dimensions of Consequence
 How compelling is the consequence?

Does the performer consider the consequence

Perspective Positive or Negative
positive (desired) or negative (undesired)?

Does the consequence occur directly after the

Timing Immediate or Future
behavior, or sometime later?

What is the likelihood that the consequence will

Probability Certain or Uncertain

The most compelling = PIC

The least compelling = NFU
Behavioral Management
Reinforcement: The Six Personal Needs
 To motivate, choose consequences based on personal needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs The Six Personal Needs

Physiological: food water shelter
Safety and security
Order Become
Belonging Affiliation
Esteem Recognition
Self-actualization Power
Behavioral Management
Tips for Consequence Management
 Positive reinforcement has been proven to encourage discretionary effort
– it makes people work harder than before
 Negative reinforcement increases behavior but encourages only
compliance or minimum performance (those who get negative
reinforcement do only what is necessary to escape punishment)
 Punishment and Penalty must be used sparingly on behaviors you want to
extinguish – they do not encourage or shape positive behavior at any level
 Whether or not a consequence is motivating is determined by the
 Make consequences and action plans personal… tie to personal needs and
 Extinction occurs when someone does something and nothing happens. If
your people do good work and you say nothing, you’re decreasing the
chances that it will happen again.
Behavioral Management
Some Recommended Reading
 Daniels: Bringing Out The Best In People
 Daniels: Performance Management
 Fournies: Coaching For improved Work Performance
 Fournies: Why Employee Don’t Do What They’re Supposed To Do

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