Part 2 Contnu'd Morning Star

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Ness and I went downstairs and out the door, where everyone was waiting for us outside. “Took you 2
long enough.” Rosalie said to me, her eyes narrowed at me. “Sorry, Aunt Rosalie.” Nessie said. Edward
spoke up. “Renesme, remember she isn’t your aunt in school. She’s your-““Yes, Dad I know, I know she
is my cousin. Mom is my cousin. Uncle Jasper is my cousin, Uncle Emmett is my brother, Aunt Alice is my
sister and you’re my brother.” Ness said brightly. “Good, oh and what is Jacob?” Edward asked her.
“Jacob is... hmm... Jacob is.... my friend?” she asked curiously. “Yes, Jacob is a close friend of the family.”
Bella said winking at me inconspicuously.

Edward threw me a key. “Here Jacob, consider it as another thanks for everything you do for Nessie.” he
said as Bella kept Nessie busy. I raised an eyebrow. He probably heard everything that went on upstairs.
Edward smirked, agreeing with me as he got in the car with Bella. Blondie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper
took off in a different car. I went to the garage. Nessie placed her hand on my shoulder. Where are we
going? She thought. “Garage. Your dad left me a little present.” I said grinning with anticipation. The key
was probably to a car. I ran to the garage with Nessie half a step behind me and clicked the alarm button
on the key. There stood the newest black-. “Oh my god... it’s a Lamborghini Gallardo!” Nessie half
screamed as she interrupted my thoughts. We jumped up and down like children screaming. Yes... she
knew about cars. Yes... I taught her.

We got into the car, half tired from our screaming, but just as eager to drive it. “Come on... hurry up...or
I swear I will throw you out of the car and drive myself.” Nessie said as she got into the passenger seat. I
listened to her and drove to school.

The school wasn’t supposed to be too close to the house but... with my driving we made it there extra
earlier. I parked near the rest of the family’s cars. We both got out and spotted everyone waiting by the
office entrance outside. “Thanks.” I said to Edward when I got there. “Yea, dad that ride is awesome...
especially for Jacob.” Nessie said as she approached him. “Nessie.... brother... not dad.” Edward
reminded her. “oops.” she said as she hung her head. We all went inside to get registered.

“Good morning. My name is Edward Cullen these are my siblings Renesme, Alice and Emmett Cullen.
These are my cousins Rosalie, Jasper, and Bella Hale. And of course our family friend Jacob Black. The
lady behind the counter looked staggered, and completely blown away, obviously by our looks. “Umm...
these are your schedules.” she said after a brief moment of silence. “Have a nice day.” she said as we

As soon as Nessie received her schedule she ran right up to me and asked me what I had. “Yes! Yes!
Yes! You’re in all my classes.” she said happily. I smiled happy as well. Then took another look at my
schedule. “Oh... we don’t have math together.” she said as she examined my schedule again. She
pouted. “Hey, don’t worry we still have most of the day together.” I said to make her smile and she did.

We went outside and sat on the benches and talked and talked and talked until the bell rang. We went
to class together; first period was biology with Mr. Roberts. “Good morning, you must be Jacob black
and Renesme Cullen? He asked us before class began. “yep.” I responded. “There is an available table at
the back... where you can sit.” he said. Nessie sighed. “Thank the lord we didn’t have to introduce
ourselves.” she whispered as we went to our seats.

The lesson was pretty boring and easy. That was probably because I learned everything before. Nessie
probably felt the same way even though it was just her first year round at school, she would still need to
repeat school afterwards. Occasionally she yawned, but I saw her taking notes carefully anyways. I did
the same from class to class. Before lunch, was math, the only class I didn’t have with Nessie. Mrs.
Furtado sent me to the only available seat next to a jock; he looked like a shrimp near me though. It was
a partner problem, so that involved me working with him. Apparently his name was Matt Connigton and
surprisingly he was smart and not a jerk like most jocks were. We finished the problem before anyone
was even close. “So you’re new here.” he asked me. “Yea.” I said as I looked at the front of the class
waiting for time to go by before I could see Nessie. “Waiting for the bell to ring huh?” he asked as he
leaned back on his chair. “huhuh.” I said again. He was pretty annoying. He asked me questions now and
then about how I liked it here... and where I came from. But when the bell rang I got up gathered my
things and left so I could walk with Nessie to the cafeteria. She had a different teacher for math. I saw
her getting out of class cautiously as if she was going to fall down and she sighed and blushed when I guy
whistled at her as he was passing by. I kept my hand balled up in fists as he passed by, trying to keep
myself from hurting him.

As soon as Nessie saw me she smiled. “Hey!” she said as she walked towards me. “Hey.” I replied. My
hands unclenched themselves as we went to the cafeteria. “So how’d it go... make any new friends yet?”
I asked as we staring walking. “No... People were kind of mean. Some girls were making stupid remarks
about me. You know... saying things like show-off and snob. I didn’t even say anything to them. I didn’t
say anything to anyone.” she said sighing. “A lot of people came up to me though, asking me if I was
available.” she said angrily. “Available?” I said raising an eyebrow. “Dating someone.” she responded. I
told them nicely that I wasn’t really interested in them though.” She said laughing and going red. She
was talking about boys. I chuckled. We stood in line and got a tray of food. Alice waved to us from the
end of the cafeteria.

We sat with everyone. Laughing and talking about our day. Apparently Bella got asked out a lot and
Edward was pretty moody about it. “It’s not like I said yes.” she told Edward trying to make him smile.
Nessie and I ate, watching the family bicker and argue. The bell rang and we headed off to our classes.

Eventually we made it through the day, exhausted. I opened the car door waiting for Nessie to catch up,
when a girl approached me. She was a blond and wearing a mini skirt and a short top saying “Hey”. I
wasn’t the least bit interested and this made her mad. “Hey I’m Chelsea.” she said harder tone. “Hello.” I
said as I opened the car door. Nessie got to the car and looked at the girl worriedly. The girl looked up at
Nessie and then at me then glared at Nessie and continued on. “So... you must be new here.” she said
looking at me from head to toe. “Yea?” I said my tone questioning. “Well... I can see you’re in a hurry...
she said looking at Nessie again. “How about we get to know each other later.” she said holding a piece
of paper with her number in her hand. “Sure, sure.” I said acting as if I didn’t see the number in her
hand. I got into the car and backed away trying not to run over her and her friends.
The whole ride home it was very quiet. We went to the Cullen’s place and had a snack. Nessie was still
pretty quiet. “Hey... anything wrong?” I asked after we finished eating. We headed out to play some
football. She simply shook her head and smiled. The smile didn’t touch her eyes. Something was up.

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