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IIR Filter Designing using MATLAB

Task 1:
Design following high-pass filters:
1. Butterworth

2. Chebyshev Type-I

3. Chebyshev Type-II

4. Elliptic

With the following properties

 fpass = 6kHz
 fstop = 4kHz
 fs = 44.1kHz
 Order: Minimum Order
 Match exactly = Pass-band (if applicable)
 Apass = 1dB
 Astop = 60dB

Create a Simulink model which generates the following sinusoids:

a) Frequency = 3kHz
b) Frequency = 8kHz

And passes them through your filter (one at a time). Observe the output on the scope and attach
your outputs
Simulink Model
Scope outputs

1. Butterworth

For 3kHz
For 8kHz

2. Chebyshev Type-I

For 3kHz
For 8kHz

3. Chebyshev Type-II

For 3kHz
For 8kHz

4. Elliptic

For 3kHz
For 8kHz

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