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Change management approach deployed at Jaguar

A Critical Analysis
learned ways of coping with By 1998, almost ten years after
experience that have developed the acquisition, it was thought
during the course of an that Jaguar cost Ford more than
difficult to conceive because
organisation’s history, and which $6 billion taking into
managers must deal with the
tend to be manifested in its consideration purchase price,
associated human resource
material arrangements and in the investments, loans, and
issues and future uncertainties.
behaviour of its members” accumulated annual losses.
Furthermore, the consequences
according to Brown (1998, p. 9).
associated with implementation
are difficult to predict and
Restructuring Jaguar
harder to track, hence, this can
Organisations such as Jaguar 
create a dynamic of their own.
have been synonymous with Even though organisational
However, organisational
high performance since it was culture comes in many forms
change has become a way of and the popular view of
founded in the 1920s and
life, with mergers, takeovers, culture and its implications for
reputed for being one of the
redundancies, deregulation, job instigating any kind of change
foremost British luxury car
is clear and simple, according
cuts, increased competition and
brands. However, Ford being to Schwartz and Davies (1981,
the constant emergence of new p.35) “Culture is capable of
considered as one of the most
technology having become blunting or significantly altering
successful car manufacturers in
daily occurrences. the intended impact of even well
the world, in 1989, Ford
thought out changes in an
acquired Jaguar for £1.6 billion organisation,” thus culture can
to give it a stake in Europe's have either positive or negative
Within this very concept of
luxury car market and a global impact on change.
change, organisational culture Hence, within the context of
luxury car brand to rival BMW
has been defined as “the organisational change, culture,
and Mercedes-Benz.
patterns of beliefs, values and product and processes, this

1 | energypolicylab | April 2016

Change management approach deployed at Jaguar Halewood
assessment will explore the 7,5 % of the manufacturing sector industry. In addition, the
challenges and problems facing in the Union” (EC 2008). Direct worsening macro-economic
the European car market and employment by the automotive situation where consumer
the organisational change industry stands at about two demand has been falling has
management approach adopted million employees, while the also been credited with the
by Ford in the reorganisation of total employment effect (direct decline since the late 90’s.
Jaguar at Halewood. It shall and indirect) is estimated to be
also critically analyse if the about ten million.
The competitive growth
location and reputation of the
strategy for most companies in
Halewood plant as a centre of
With thirty different car trying to expand their market
excellence had any influence in
companies competing for a share is by cutting into the
the strategic reorganisation of
market share, the European car market share of one another
market is notably the most and by implementing cost
difficult and competitive cutting measures,

Europe’s Car market in the world. However, rationalisation, diversification

profits have been falling in into new sectors, fully acquire
recent years and market trends or acquisition of a stake in
The automotive industry is have also shown an equal analogous businesses and
critical to European decline in sales. Furthermore, shifting from Ford-style mass
manufacturing, being one of Europe’s car market suffers production to lean
Europe’s major industries, it from excess capacity having manufacturing and
employs six per cent of the total between them an estimated modularisation. This
workforce within European capacity for three to five million competition and desire for
manufacturing industries. Its units. These challenges could global dominance has led to an
importance is closely linked to be attributed to economic increase in the number of
the growth of the domestic changes within the industry, mergers and acquisitions
economy and largely due to the forces of globalisation, open within the industry. Mergers
fact that it accounts for a huge competition from Japanese and acquisitions therefore
amount of international export. manufacturers and the shift allows the company to widen
According to the European from institutional decision its focus of core competencies
Union’s Department for making towards the European to cover unchartered territories.
Enterprise and Industry, “The Union which has led to the
EU is the largest automotive undermining of the traditional
production region (34%) in the notion of national production
world and the industry comprises within the European car

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Change management approach deployed at Jaguar Halewood
In line with the challenges product and plant instigating any kind of change
facing the European markets, in development. Hence, recently is clear and simple, according
the late ‘90s Ford Europe huge investments were made to Schwartz and Davies (1981,
performed so badly suffering into Halewood, which has been p.35) “Culture is capable of
heavy losses and falling market almost entirely rebuilt at a cost blunting or significantly altering
share and this was attributed to of £300 million to facilitate the intended impact of even well
poor model development and production of the new Jaguar X thought out changes in an
failing to keep up with market Type after the production of the organisation,” thus culture can
trends which had have either positive
been dividing with or negative impact
Culture has a dominant influence on
the emergence of on change. Culture
organisational life therefore to instigate any
new segments such form of organisational change, the has a dominant
as people carriers, organisational culture must be managed influence on
sports utility accordingly. Hence, to successfully implement organisational life
a permanent organisational change, one would
vehicles and therefore to instigate
need to start by changing the attitudes and
premium brand cars, values of people. any form of
etc. Ford reacted by organisational
Ford Escort was stopped in
strategically restructuring the change, the organisational
1998. This diversification is part
management of its European culture must be managed
of Ford’s new strategic focus of
organisation, commissioned the accordingly. Hence, to
repositioning its ability to
development of new models, successfully implement a
spread its costs across models,
costs and excess capacity permanent organisational
forge new partnerships with
reduction through plant closure change, one would need to start
strategic suppliers and enter
and redundancies, formation of by changing the attitudes and
into joint ventures to produce a
strategic alliances to improve values of people.
range of models that can
its position in diesel engine
compete in every market
technology and transmissions
segment. The key objectives of the
and, finally, the development of
restructuring drive at the
its Premier Automotive Group.
Halewood plant by Ford was to
Restructuring Jaguar move the company back into
Ford has always been aware Culture profitability repositioning it for
that if new models are to be sustainable growth. There were
Even though organisational
produced then there has to be a various challenges in the
culture comes in many forms
significant increase in new aftermath of approval for the
and the popular view of culture
investment made towards production of the X-400 in 1998
and its implications for
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Change management approach deployed at Jaguar Halewood
and one was the transforming and information technology, Birmingham and Coventry
the lack of discipline and poor developing more effective which are Jaguar’s proven
staff morale among the processes (improving the standards; (b) the gradual
workforce at large. In addition quality and efficiency of each introduction of new working
to this the supply chain production area) and also practices within the plant or
processes of the plant were covered was Jaguar’s heritage centre of excellence in a
obsolete which makes it a more and brand. The worked on controlled manner; (c) renew
difficult situation for longer- getting rid of obsolete practices and build fresh working
term planning. Problems such and convincing people to relationships based on respect
as poor build rate stability, high accept more flexible working and trust; (d) management of
inventory and a supplier patterns emphasising on the plant sought to change the
distribution network that was delivering quality. A key part pessimistic and suspicious
too wide compounded the list of the strategy was being able culture of employees to one of
of issues. Therefore, to win over the employees by positivity, trust and mutual
transforming the production persuasion, overcoming respect.
plant had to complement the institutional scepticism from
culture change strategy, cynics by reassuring them that
thereby ensuring that the staff they were serious about Location Influence
and processes at Halewood delivering change promised Jaguar’s decision to use the
were prepared for the luxury with the much needed
Halewood plant for the
vehicle production. In order to investment following after.
production of its long awaited
achieve new levels of first-volume-model range was
dedication and commitment the met with a lot of criticism due
Jaguar’s engineers worked with
company made a lot of
to its precedents. Halewood
Halewood employees on
investment into the training of plant which was home to Ford
generating X-type pre-
the workforce to raise staff Escort had been categorised for
production prototypes giving
morale and ensure that the new its failings after a steady decline
them operational responsibility
car is built to Jaguar quality. in performance due to age-long
with more of the workforce
prior reputation for poor
having supervisory roles. The
productivity, quality, tense
In transforming the working core strategy that was deployed
management and weak labour
culture Jaguar ensured that to enable the employees
relations made worse by the
employees undertook a two- achieve the necessary changes
falling standard of the British
and-a-half-year intensive was to concentrate on; (a)
car industry. However, having
training concentrating on raising the quality standards to
considered several locations
increasing skills like numeracy match Jaguars plant in
around the world Ford chose
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Change management approach deployed at Jaguar Halewood
the Halewood plant as it sought production, supported by just- production. This culminated in
to benefit from its substantial in-time delivery of components the setting up of a supplier
experience in the high volume and systems. The park next to the Halewood
end of car manufacturing. implementation of lean plant to enable key suppliers
manufacturing saw an eighteen manufacture and assemble at
per cent increase in plant Jaguar’s close to Jaguar. Once
Located in the North West of
productivity and parts the build rate is confirmed local
England, the Halewood plant
inventory dropped by half with based suppliers and suppliers
which employs a three
an improvement in quality. within the supplier park begin
thousand strong workforce
sub-assembly, ideally twelve
received a whooping
hours before parts
£300m investment
are required.
The change strategy as part of the
from Ford in 2001,
restructuring process was a leaner and meaner
transforming the culture, which led to the establishment of the
plant from mass- centre of excellence for Lean Manufacturing – This new culture
production assembly a transformation to low-inventory, waste-free strongly supports
production, supported by just-in-time delivery
plant to a state of the lean manufacturing
of components and systems.
art manufacturing and just-in-time
plant with the planning and control
capacity to produce premium which aim to meet demand
products such as the Jaguar X- The old manufacturing facility instantaneously by greatly
type. The site long enjoyed an used in the Ford Escort reducing inventory, with
impeccable reputation production were virtually perfect quality and no waste.
throughout the industry for its removed and replaced with The principle of lean
manufacturing excellence. new production lines modelled manufacturing is relatively
after the Jaguar plants in simple and easy to understand,
Birmingham and Coventry. it means a drive towards the
Leaner and Meaner Many of the component elimination of all waste in order
supplier were hugely affected to develop an operation that is
The change strategy as part of
by the process improvements faster, more dependable,
the restructuring process was a
and Jaguar also required extra produces higher quality
leaner and meaner culture,
responsibility from suppliers products and services at a
which led to the establishment
hence engineers from supplier lower cost. The principle of
of the centre of excellence for
companies were integrated into just-in-time planning is quite
Lean Manufacturing – a
the development team to similar to lean and sometimes
transformation to low-
support the launch phase of used interchangeably and it
inventory, waste-free

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Change management approach deployed at Jaguar Halewood
basically means “producing met instantaneously with Conclusion
goods and services exactly when perfect quality and no waste.
Culture as a concept is complex
they are needed” according to
and the extent to which it
Slack et al (2007, p.466).
The strategy for radically influences organisational
transforming Halewood would behaviour depends on the
The three key elements of lean be making the plant a lot more existence of logical, clear and
manufacturing which customer –centric, through the rational organisational goals.
underpins the techniques of JIT implementation of new quality Evidence has shown that
were also implemented as part assurances and a change in attempts to change sub-
of the change strategy at the their order of priorities - - a organisational or organisational
Halewood plant and these are; difference from previous culture could be too risky
the elimination of waste, the concerns of cost and sometimes and often run into
involvement of the workforce productivity being top difficulties and in such
in the process and the drive for priorities as this would also instances the change strategy
continuous improvement become a top priority for should take into consideration
(quality). Elimination of waste operations managers. the culture or manage around
starts by identifying any the current culture. However,
activity which does not add Secondly the establishment of the cultural view of
value including over- "Centres of Excellence" to
organizations offers the idea
production, inventory and promote and institutionalise
that all organizations have
the newly introduced lean
unnecessary process and within them the possibility and
manufacturing concepts
enriching the value added the capacity to change
activities. The lean approach throughout the plant.

requires employee
The supply chain architecture The core objective of Ford’s
involvement, through job
at Halewood was restructured restructuring is to turn around
enrichment, team-based
with the implementation of a negative effects of the losses
problem solving, job rotation
new concept Nirvana, which that it suffered in the late ’90s
and multi-skilling. The reason
require only a single person via a reconfiguration of its
being that this encourages the
employed directly by Jaguar to managerial and organizational
employee to take ownership of
manage the entire supply chain. structures, development of new
the job, with a high degree of
This involved modularisation models, cost reduction
responsibility and engagement.
of processes, define and programs and entering into
Continuous improvement
outlined precisely and then partnerships/joint ventures
which require that demand is
outsource to an experienced with suppliers to produce a
third party service providers. range of models that can
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Change management approach deployed at Jaguar Halewood
compete in every market
segment. As part of Ford’s
strategic focus it intends to
maintain continuous efforts on
facility and employee
development while also
adopting best working
practices. It also intends to
continue design improvements
through changes in the number
of components and sub-
assemblies and better use of
materials and processing
techniques which will lead a
reduction in production costs.

“The truth which makes men free is for most part the truth which men prefer
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Change management approach deployed at Jaguar Halewood


BROWN, A., 1998. Organisational Culture, 2nd ed.

London: FT-Pitman Publishing.

BURNES, B., 2004. Managing Change, 4th ed.

Harlow: FT-Prentice Hall

BURKE, W., 2002. Organization Change; Theory and

Practice. London: Sage.
CARNALL, C., 2007. Managing Change in
Organisations, 5th ed. Harlow: FT-Prentice Hall.

DONNELLY, T., and MORRIS, D., 2003.

Restructuring Ford Europe. European Business
Review, 15 (2), pp. 77-86


the spot: How Jaguar Transformed Ford Halewood.
2001. Professional Engineering, 14 (3), pp.25

SENIOR, B., and FLEMING, J., 2006. Organisational

Change. London: Prentice Hall Publishing.

SCHWARTZ, H. and DAVIS, S.M., 1981. Matching

Corporate Culture and Business Strategy.
Organizational Dynamics, 10 (1), pp. 30-48.


2007. Operations Management. 5th ed. Harlow: FT-
Prentice Hall.


Cultural Change and Managerial Careers. Personnel
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Commission: Enterprise and Industry [online]
Available from:
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January 2008]

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Change management approach deployed at Jaguar Halewood

About the Author

Jeuel John is the MD/CEO of Liberty

Duron. He is a research expert in
procurement, supply chain, project
management, energy and public
policy and focuses on strategy and
policy advisory in the private and
public sector. He has been responsible
for Policy and Strategy since he
founded Liberty Duron.
Jeuel John energypolicylab
drjeuel #energypolicylab

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