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Closure – Project Closure Report

Project Closure Report for: <Project Title>

Date of Project Closure report: <Month day year>

Distribution List: <Project Sponsor, Project team, Resource owners, etc.>

Attachments: <Project charter, Project Closure Checklist, Lessons Learned Summary, Online Reference
links, other relevant project documents, etc.>

1. Project Background Overview/Project definition

1.1 Project Overview Give a very brief summary of the project outlining the
planned objectives.

1.2 Project Dates Dates from project initiation to completion; enter

major milestone dates such as design
completion, product release etc.
1.3 Project Organization List all project participants including Project team
members and sponsors (and their roles
within the project).
Also include the staff release dates (if

2. Project Performance and Outcome

2.1 Was the project successful?

2.2 Compare the final project outcome with Describe the success of the project in terms
the planned project goal and objectives. of achieving its intended objective and
outputs.  Were deliverables delivered on time
and with customer acceptance? 
2.3 List any project deviations (in terms of
scope, time resources, cost, delays) and
reasons for deviations

2.4 Were the quality objectives met (if

2.5. List project models, method, tools and
processes used.

3. Project Experiences/Observations
3.1 Were there any unexpected impacts (positiveDescribe
or unexpected impacts, positive or negative
3.2 Describe experience with the project
management methods and tools

4. Unrealized/Outstanding Outputs
4.1 List Outstanding items Identify any remaining/outstanding items impacting
project completion/closure (e.g. training)

4.2 Actions points required (on the outstanding Identify actions items, due dates and responsibilities
items) for above
4.3 Were any outputs unrealized? If so, how hasList
thisitems that will not be implemented within the
affected the overall impact on the project? project,  that may have been cancelled or
deferred to subsequent or other projects.

5. Improvement Recommendations and Comments

5.1 Suggestions and Improvements List suggestions for improvements for
processes, methods, tools, cooperation,
reporting etc

6. Other Comments
6.1 Closing remarks List closing remarks

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