Talent Allocation and The Competency Model

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Talent Allocation

1. Introduction
2. Competency based Talent Allocation
3. Benefits and Challenges

1. Introduction

Why is Talent Allocation relevant?

• AIESEC gives its members a lot of opportunities

⇒ To make sure that people choose the opportunity that fits best for them,
YOU must find the right position for them!

• Member allocated to the wrong position

⇒ Big frustration for the member, who is not further developing his potential,
EB can’t reach their goals

• Member allocated to the right position

⇒ Higher individual and overall performance, better mood and working
atmosphere in the LC and a satisfied and further developing member

How can Talent Allocation contribute to improve the number of right person-job

• Clear Talent Allocation processes helps you find out if a person might fit to a
job already BEFORE the member starts in this position. Instead of using your
energy for bringing back motivation to a member who is unhappy with his job,
you can use it for a sophisticated allocation and avoid respective situations.
⇒ That’s a WIN-WIN situation!

2. Competency Based Talent Allocation

Talent allocation process proposal

Step1: Right before and after induction conference

Since we want to make our new members aware of the necessity, opportunities and
proper use of the Global Competency Model, you should try to do so as soon as
1. Show the members what the GCM is about, how we use it and how they can
use it for their personal development
When?: Ideally before induction conference (→ core information). Otherwise in workshops during
induction conference or LCM! (depending on scenario below)

2. Show the members how to run the test and tell them the meaning of the
When?: Ideally before induction conference. Otherwise in workshops during induction conference
or right after it! (depending on scenario below)

3. Members should run their first competency assessment test

When?: Ideally before induction conference. Otherwise right after it! (depending on scenario

The idea is to use the first test result as a base for the talent allocation
process (as well as for the further talent development)!
Concerning the following proposition to do so there are three scenarios possible:

Scenario 1: (→ first contact before induction conference)

1. Your team and you were able to introduce the GCM before the induction

• This can be done e.g. on information evening, opportunity fair,

within team presentations, first LCM…)
• Additive/Optional: Create an information sheet (how to sign up; how
to run the test, how to get the test results) and hand them out e.g.
one week before induction conference starts.

2. New members take the competency assessment test before the


3. New members should deal with their test results at home before induction
conference and bring it to the conference

4. Within the GCM session at induction conference they can make use of
their test results to get a deeper understanding of it. This practical
approach also might make it much easier for them to follow the often
ambitious GCM sessions.

5. During feedback talks at the end of the induction conference the trainers
should make the members aware of the importance of their test results for
their further team and opportunity choice.

Scenario 2: (→ first contact at induction conference)

1. Your team and you were, due to capacity and lack of time reasons, not
able to introduce the GCM before induction conference

⇒ You can send them some first information about the GCM
2. New members get a deeper understanding of the GCM and the
assessment test during the GCM session at the induction conference.
(Make sure that the trainers know which level of knowledge about the
GCM your new members will bring with them!!)

3. During feedback talks at the end of the induction conference the trainers
should make the members aware of the importance of the GCM and the
test results of the assessment test for their further team and opportunity

4. You have to make sure that the members sign up for myaiesec.net and
run the competency assessment test right after the induction conference
and before the final allocation takes place!!

Scenario 3: (→ first contact after induction conference)

1. Your new members have been receiving a Big Picture workshop only and
did not get in touch with the GCM.

2. You can introduce the GCM at the next LCM

⇒ Session Outline GCM LCM can be found here:


3. Members in the LC know how they can use the GCM for their personal
development and how the GCM will be integrated in the LC life by the
4. You have to make sure that the members sign up for myaiesec.net and
run the competency assessment test right after the LCM and before the
final allocation takes place!!

Step 2: Talent allocation

When?: After induction conference!

You should now possess:

⇒ A good overview about every new member and its preferences
⇒ Objective information from Talent Selection (Letter of motivation, academic
⇒ Information about how many and which people you need for which position
(→ from Talent Planning)
⇒ Feedback from trainers from induction conference
⇒ Competency based job descriptions which can be found here:

additionally every member now has its competency assessment test results!!

These test results combined with the other information should now be used to
reach the best possible talent allocation!
Here are some thoughts how you can arrange this:

 When it now comes to the decision which team might fit best to the
respective competencies and skills of the new member it is important to
balance the wishes of the new members and the needs of every
single team and the LC as a whole!
 One way to deal with this complication is as follows:

1. Your team and you present the respective competency based job
descriptions, which are available for the different teams to the new

2. You describe them which set of competencies would be very

advantageous to feel comfortable in the respective team and that
they should take this serious.

3. In a personal orientation talk the new member needs to share the

results of his competency assessment test with one of your team
members and/or you.

4. Together they compare the test results with the different

competency based job descriptions.

5. Based on this comparison and the other documents about the new
member, your team member and/or you give advice which job
might fit best to the new member.

6. Finally the new member will be allocated to his new job.

Some potential complications need to be considered as follows:

! If the new member is not willing to share his test results with anybody, you
have to respect this. In this case you can only ask him to run the
comparison for himself and tell him that he should make his choice
sophisticatedly. He should also choose an alternative besides his top

! The new member and you don’t come to a common decision (i.e.
problem of balancing wish and needs and suitability!!):
After you properly discussed the different possible positions (make sure
that you have at least discussed one alternative) it turns out to be very
difficult to find a solution that is ideal. In this case you should very
sensitively tell him that your proposal is based on your large experience
and that he should anyway try out one of the proposed opportunities!
• In this special case an experienced TM team member is a must!!
• Step 3 listed below is very important for the further screening of this
job-person match!!
• If the new member doesn’t want to follow this solution and still
insists upon his wish, you should discuss this within the TM team.
Maybe the person doesn’t fit to AIESEC.

Step 3: Evaluate your talent allocation

• Keep an eye on how the respective new member fits in and develops in
the first weeks
• Make use of upcoming PDTs!
• Gather feedback from your EB (and/or team leaders) and the OCPs
• React on apparently wrong person-job matches!
• Make sure that team members in every team contribute to the 360 degree
competency assessment!

3. Benefits and challenges

+ Member who enter the organisation learn from the very beginning that the
GCM is an essential part of AIESEC and needs to be used
+ Besides the JDs and improving a common GCM session the procedure
needs relatively marginal extra effort
+ Possibility to decrease the amount of wrong choices respectively job-
person matches
+ Bottom up instead of top down, since your members are better involved
in the allocation process. A common decision is made!
+ Trust in and understanding of the advantages of the GCM
+ Acceptance of the use of the GCM towards the whole LC
+ Your team is strongly involved in the whole allocation process!
→ Member Driven Organisation!
+ Proper Talent allocation guarantees higher overall and individual

? GCM awareness building from the first moment (especially a high level
of integrity in the LC is needed during implementation of the new
? It’s not assured that people will be true to themselves when making their
choice. Make them aware of the importance of taking the assessment test
results serious!

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