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Digital Downtime Contract

Name: Olivia Henry

Date: 2/17/20

I am definitely a screen addict, I will be the first to admit it. The level that I use my phone is often out of
hand and I feel a need to have it with me at all times. From this process, I hope to learn how to not need to be
glued to a screen 24/7 and not feel a constant need to check it. I find that my phone and other technology
distract me from being able to get things done that I need to quickly and I often find myself taking 3 hours to
get things done that only should have taken 1, simply because I cannot keep myself from being distracted.
Therefore, I hope that this process allows me to become a more productive and efficient person so that I can
carry those skills, even when I have full use of my phone, and have a better work ethic. Lastly, I want this
process for my mental health because too often I find myself comparing my lives to others which contributes
to a lot of anxiety, lowered self-esteem, and FOMO, so I hope that through this week, I am able to realize
how much better off I would be mentally if I didn’t constantly compare myself on social media. For me, this
assignment is about bettering myself as a person in ways that will stay with me even after the week is over.

Part 1—Technologies and activities that are expressly and completely prohibited
● Instagram
● Snapchat
● Twitter
● Tik Tok
● YouTube
● Spotify
● TV (including streaming apps like Netflix)
● iPhone games

Part 2—Technologies that are permissible according to their purpose of use

● Texting- For communicating with parents about logistics or plans
● Email- For emails from coaches or teachers and keep up with necessary logistical information; for
example: honors society meetings, practice schedule, club cancellations, etc. (only check once a day)
● Computer- Only for homework, classwork, or studying and for SAT work for tutoring
● Facetime/ Skype- For online SAT tutoring for 2 hours on Sunday

Part 3—Goals for the week

A. Quantifiable
● Go to sleep by 10:00
● Pick up a new hobby/ get better at a certain skill
● Get ahead on upcoming assignments
B. Unquantifiable
● Better my mental health in terms of not comparing myself to others as much
● Learn to focus better and not get so distracted by technology so that I can finish assignments faster

Student Signature ___________________________________ Date _____________________

Parent Signature ____________________________________ Date _____________________

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