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Práctica de frase nominal

Ingeniería en Minas / Ingeniería Industrial / Geología

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What does a mining engineer do?

Mining Engineers work in mining and mineral extraction facilities. They are in charge of
coordinating and supervising all the activities in the mine regarding digging, extracting, and
transporting minerals out of the mine. Mining Engineers specialize in designing, developing,
and testing machines, techniques, and processes for harvesting geological material.

A Mining Engineer’s field of expertise will depend on the type of ore or material they specialize
in exploiting, including metals, oil and gas, coal, diamonds, and other minerals. Each of these
materials requires special tools and methods of extracting, and it is up to Mining Engineers to
design and implement them in order to achieve maximum productivity and quality of
materials. Mining Engineers also need to be environmentally aware, finding ways to reduce the
negative impact their activities have on nature.

The most common employers for Mining Engineers are mineral extraction companies that sell
the materials they extract from the ground to refineries and other manufacturers. Mining
Engineers’ work may be office-based, on site, or a combination of both. Most sites can be
divided into two types: tunnel-mines and quarries.

Lea las siguientes frases nominales extraídas del texto y:

a) Marque su núcleo
b) Ponga la versión en español

1. other minerals _____________________________________________________________

2. maximum productivity_______________________________________________________
3. geological material__________________________________________________________
4. the negative impact_________________________________________________________
5. The most common employers_________________________________________________
6. mineral extraction companies_________________________________________________
7. Mining Engineers’ work______________________________________________________
8. Most sites_________________________________________________________________
9. tunnel-mines and quarries____________________________________________________
10. mining and mineral extraction facilities__________________________________________
11. A Mining Engineer’s field of expertise___________________________________________
12. all the activities in the mine___________________________________________________
13. the type of ore or material____________________________________________________
14. Each of these materials______________________________________________________
15. special tools and methods of extracting__________________________________________

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