Practice Final

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Physics 321 Practice Final Exam 3 Fall 2010


1. [xx Points] An atwood machine is set up as shown in figure 1. The machine is

designed so that the mass on the right is allowed to swing in the plane formed
by the two masses and the string, while the mass on the left can only move
vertically. Assume that the massless string connecting the masses always has
the same length.



Figure 1: Atwood machine with pendulum action.

a) [xx Points]Determine the Lagrangian in terms of the variables r and θ.

Determine Lagrange’s equations for this system and describe the meaning
of all the terms in each equation.
b) [xx Points] Construct the Hamiltonian and write out Hamilton’s equa-
tions for this system. Keep in mind that the Hamiltonian must be written
in terms of the generalized momenta.
c) [xx Points] Assume that the system is the two mass, the string and the
Earth. Is mechanical energy (i.e. E = T + U) conserved in this system?
Explain. Is linear momentum in the vertical direction conserved? Explain.

2. [xx Points] A particle of mass µ is in a central potential described by

U(r) = −F0 r − , (1)
where F0 and A are positive constants.

a) [xx Points] Determine the condition for circular orbits to exist in this
b) [xx Points] Assuming the condition derived above is satisfied sketch
Ueff (r) as a function of the radius r. Indicate on your figure where for a
fixed energy you would find i) a bound orbit with constant radius, ii) a
bound orbit with changing radius, and iii) an unbound orbit.
c) [xx Points] A particle is in a circular orbit at r0 . It is given a tiny radial
perturbation. Determine the ratio of its radial oscillation frequency to its
orbital frequency. When is the resulting orbit closed?

3. [xx Points] Imagine a “planet” shaped like an infinitely long cylinder as shown
in figure 2. It rotates with a constant angular velocity Ω. The combination of
gravity and centrifugal force leads to a constant radial force near the surface of
the planet described by F = −mg ρ̂. A projectile of mass m is fired at speed v0
at an angle θ above the surface, as shown in the figure. Use coordinates such
that x is “south” and y is “east”. The origin should be at the location where
the projectile is fired.


Figure 2: Projectile on a cylindrical planet.

a) [xx Points] Describe in words, without appealing to fictitious force, what

happens to the projectile and why.
b) [xx Points] In the limit Ω  1 determine the deflection of the projectile
to first order in Ω by the time the projectile lands.

4. [xx Points] Draw a phase diagram (ẋ versus x) for an underdamped oscillator.
Assume that x(0) = −A and that ẋ(0) = 0. Please explain the important
features in your diagram.

5. [xx Points] Show that the geodesic on the surface of a right circular cylinder
(i.e. a cylinder that has circular bases aligned one directly above the other) is
a segment of a helix.


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