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Category: Best Architectural Company

Company: ZEST Collective

ZEST Collective Description & Activity

ZEST Collective is a first of all a group of people with interior design solutions for your
workspace and commercial projects. Our experience as architects with different
specialties and a history of hundreds of projects worked together is what creates the
foundation for successful collaborations. Together with you, we can reach extraordinary
results if we share the appreciation for 4 things communication, respect, innovation,
We respect your resources and we will suggest innovation without crossing them.
Because innovation means better functionality, more efficiency and beauty. A successful
project is that space that you don’t feel but which makes you feel in a certain way. The
way you wanted. Yes, we can achieve this!
In the previous year we have strengthened our position in the workspace design field by
winning the concept and design pitch for the expansion of Impact Hub Bucharest in
both their new locations: University and Equilibrium Floreasca. And what a year it has
been! The first location was launched in October 2019 and we are just finishing up the
final stage for the second location.
In terms of studio strategy, our work has become more and more about the end user
and soft architecture than about new design trends and complicated shapes & colors.
The main trend that we follow is to build in each project the ability for the end user to
design their workday around their own wellbeing and to offer easy access to their daily
activities. This we can only achieve by collaborating, by truly knowing what the work
that goes on in the office is about, by always remembering to design the workday not
the workspace.

RE Services

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