Age Effects in Second Language Learning

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27 Age effects in second language learning Robert DeKeyser Introd [Ageefccsin ic snd scondlanguage ang re 3welnove phenomenon. Aaylapenan it Flier oe of mip ae whore, ar Fa yes he ein spn Ie aie {pestan af these age whe che parent eep being ecogias as non-atives the wt of Tha lc, The poplrpres ato fazed ny with the conepe of fr chien,” iad fiecontanes of extome neg ane wml bxcome flee speskers of ay guna ser beng reed rom thei suston stan ape beyond whic fie lnguae Keming L1) s ingly comple under anna rons Ges, eg, Bensaqusn, 2000: yey, 992). ‘fen the ee the mada het promoted spi inpiasons of thse phenomeng, ich a 3 prcniiedinponiby of sduls becoming highly skilled in 2 second Inguage (12) ond the rowed ay of elamentny school pogran rina gh level of L2 sn al cider theming seen dic age ete one and only determinant of ees at ngage leaing. Historical discussion In he It al-cnty, etezeber ve ten vous postions on dhe rae of gin sco Lbnguage developmen In 1859, the newrologis Pea and Rakes advocate so ina second ngaagebenosthey thong ta desing ploy with nee sng 2g tna noch dere lean» ngage tron In 1967, ee logue Se Lennchorg booed ‘het “enti! perioa fom sade on anal behave and applied ceo ngage fo rans, pn wing brain plsey ven argument Eversince then, Fewrhave dobted a tee ina ctl peri of anguage earning, Whi emai comroveral however, s whee the tg ees commonly een ssn nue ening alo see a eal peso hoe ‘mpl unknown texaetly whit pet of bin maursion would be pons for sich Tomaf py. Lene (1967) asompsion th inereing Leraltion 95 0 Blame tno lenge: vile, more eect ec he thw ha remlsion complete by eal infiney ots bin (Hahn, 1987; Mara 1996). In other repec, however, Leancberg sounds wrpsiasy modern, and the wed f much caren dss cn be ound in hs ge om hi base {Ole abit oles foreign language tend to eoeise the pcre, Me indi of "venige nligenc are ble to lean 3 second Lnguge afer dhe begining of thei second Age tecsin acondangingeteing cae, abough he insidence of "guage aming- Wo” np nce fer pu. Ao tionnse acqasiion fon mete evpoaeeoa gen angugescenata dinero ais aged eg guages veo be ughcan ered ndugheosoue sd Mbored eo. Focign sce cannot be overcome es afer puberty. However 2 peson ei lea 0 conmusiestinaforeglaagaiges the age oor. Ti docs nauble our hyped ‘nag nstaton base we ay ae thr the cere xenon for nggs eg ¢ cht phe drngchldbood sndace antl gage ond to seacubc one nthe ‘nmanyfandamene se.) tb eae ngunge ps. 1967.» 176 Lennebarg ely waza dat adel ca ka 2 orig neguage wel bo dn tis doc not conmdet the enti peso’ hypoth byes (thee iad, by detinson, have dhe dranage of having led a na sid. wich mea tht sme ofthe mondo Principles do no veto be Isimed a aia ag (bing egy or uy ey ote poodatlsvningspctie perf en. hough neha thst dale adsense good (esc eamin), even hough hisneans noe effotand (inspe of discogutivemaainy nd hse he rel tnd ol eho of atve-sperer ane which apc vit in he ae of pronunciation. Many des ofthe le 20 yar 0 pick op on rat heads _ rss in hispioce oF ee Jamon and Newpon' (1089) dacuson fhe niutionhypoai= st the eee hypothos, Maybe’ (193) companion ofags lees on 1 aL, Hey ‘roman’ (1988, 2009) fondant difrence hypothain snd Deer (0), Ute (2001, 2005 and Prac (Gt, 209) can chat ging npr ahi fm tnplce/proce dal tw exlcdeane eing, Lerche (197 and Ponte and Robes (1959) work id no esac provide te pak fo ch xpi sack ah sy ewe hough tli rosie the mpl for Foreign Langs the Elementary Schoo patton the I9Ksonsard). A few nee ores bold ivr er ‘ere pated 106 13nd 100 nels el ming of promnciem and trom bac the so decades ne een Bugooning french nthe cs Ogee, bth Sehevionl and nctologl, with ocrsaing onerpl and methodslogcil sopisiaion, Da teiaton echnsgvs are evolod fom lab promuncsion xing and grams jogs to es ming vecton tins, couse messrenen, eee, eeropysnogea Me surements and neuto-inogig dhe ee ofage ony spect ponunctuaan and py th bean rane in get dea, om voice tne and wows ay so sbjacency and specu ditncions Purcully ich euprl stdies, wit = Lange number of paints fencomosing both gramme spd prenuncaon, and shoring tht the ees of age of arial (oA) another peas can be ute dierent Fon one dai crsabomanoflsigage ete err lege tl, (10) and Abahani and Hens (209) eth steno ea tides fr tere dtl hotest Reset Baotengh disuse age nie cn be found ia Henna 287 ond Monta 8. Core issues “The wealdh fem sel ered ton the provous scion nl debe more din thenosesectontirnet dined the conmoveny saroundingthe ise, The eonesptof ett vid” ingles delning lesming pacity win 4 span age cnge et» nuns, ‘kine bilo esc forts dicia: bsh se cacti oft cite peri ste boon in second anguge sequen secoriog ro om cache eq, Dione, 205, 200%; ake a 2005), and therfore “age ee een peed ra mare neta em. rer ‘0 undevibleemptial ts with ver deoctealanpcaton chan the ten “real period 40, Robert Deeper “The ein aussie 3 “ees pro” ae the Ie af clear eeu wechansy of = [ological thee ae sry confound wih age rene, including iat die ‘hoes inceing ra oF LI lence et gs, der rle of schooling with a ent forum of ocho, aid L 2 L2 ua a3 feson of age oF imngaon) ad de ick oF Sapceme om ear onto ofr pois for de “el pened” ll hse gone refer completed by 2 amber f dination dh ar real for dented te exiting pial Gangs, bur tae are olen forgot. Fick ad fremoxt, incon news fo be tne Bewoen speed ef lamang and wine anne fee HA, {Chapcr 2, hi woke, for de stl novo af ollon), Wh eden are pavisua'y {00d a evel facing aivepcer lve, NOT leong rd ads or aks fens dation ws Gly ade aka Kl ol (1979 and gery aceped row by earher one ee, oof ered resach design. Quits rear suds ne Dublsted ne din so "othe el pe pote ue disse tins wh fly» coupe of yes of expe o L2. Ait sh 9 shor pred expose the hanes’ Tings comgescec atl devsoping, which me thar any ncsues ae then elect peed of loming and not ulanate senna id eee eao® see Co "es he em pid typothee” Paricobly nreing hoses, ate ai Ue show, wth se ames eed et iota bt nouns of exponie lderleames do beter, beafersver note yeas younger sor got fiacer end i Pie (20) a Lape 209, che Fore wit negra in he USA he ner we room fora lngugs are in pe. [Nistor two dibctone tnt ovelsp ty aos oes, Uke nat gute He en Fra (isc "tered ening ven nati easing, 3 expice wnes pict ming ‘sche quote fom mncbers 1957) above gg ade arent asy wone at amin graMae ‘ale orvosabulry inex Exon shan cdr, onthe coerey: whe heya ors 3 Teaming th Langage dnough tere expose and compan aeration without eetng, ‘on the langue, Mont casoon enming tendo zy quate ait on weocing on sorta and ‘host on-ttord imigna endo do isle rection, bene he ev intone once, They ace no the ss, howe, asm camoom leas do ge ge smount of “sponte fo and sommuniave paces the L2(ptclnly i inseam prosany) and 2s ‘Somes oe nolescent eer pascal thre with above-verge level of even snd” ‘riety ar iay sd gue bio eseion snd expe ndacton of ptemson thie ‘un Nese ony, when the hee dsnetons oie he ee tat asa patcpans ‘erored ests ins damroom dat encour expt ening caming with awareness ofthe ‘rrstts bing lamed), and if thie pone eed ter only = couple of yeas of L2 ‘epons, len ony fo hours week, the lth meaned oped fei lenig. not ‘ktmateocinnen rough pce amin, and ge dts are ilevart othe ciel pond she bueno co the vy ofa eee, of ou) Furie tons aod to be nnd onthe seo he dpa: vile prfeiency in 2, Lingus tadionally desing phonology, morpheryet, bd esicon eds my referthe lngly eqns em pronincotion, gamer voce) and chs oe been ob rved |Horape ete ar snenger i pronuncnon thin grammar and bry notable in voesbuby! som chon hypothesized htage eerste pronuncion Slcemepincloidente Teac now fr trong age on both pronunciation ad gana ante smi ‘sso se the eb) oes cin veal (Abason snd Hyena, 200, Hien, 1982; Siverberg art Sanwel, 200 ace His tel, 200) Ieeiingy, howowr, rec ha shown dt mere Bae gined dscns ned tobe made ‘co deem wha apes of langage ane sted by ar of sequisoan. Wain ponneion. ‘tu Abramson and Hyena (205) ou! thi woke one ne wa more ace by 28° | Ase teas in second lnguageeuing stn loa acco ing Within de an of gaa, ea, dong (1992, Deke 8, Jobson and Newpoe (18), a McDonald 2, mang een, eh Se ero saree otto iene degen of sce wih inten ae faci eevee ‘a Gobo, ska Deer 20K) fond that lenaensa oboe ome ts ‘nore sei was to age fics: cnpens face tht eee or ong) Wh 2 vere aren the moments to be acged and dinnce bewecn some Hest pace. Within care of vorauley, cepts pning Sverre Snel, 20} 4nd Enowedge af dos (Abrahomson apd yest, 209) sand out being depend ot ADA we oesbuley at whaler gansly atid eo sowie ono at of AoA ‘A ful point @ keep mind when ring che np Mera on ge ec ee notion of asivetikeea enor enilynon-prblenat esp. Abrbaasoon ae Hyena, 2m Bong 207 20, When eer ea ee base opcode my nd to celing elect cake spoen of non-atvenen he wok come obvious wae es the clingetes became ore Frou amon, aor uihon Ll le the 2,08 Iigiy-edoone Ramer, thi ely providing» Uitared pir, Beene de dae of no ssovenes makedby tees tot depends onal hes aos. When mach harder sre one ‘ia darn peat shoe qt in of vation th oer tion oF soci els, evel ofedeaton, gion of oii. ads0 on, whines very aed eo deere the *Lomndase: of msivenes one wil oly fd # wc ieee batwsen mes or Yoana ‘mes and older lesan, bu oie ofthe bere eer ame te Hel ol wii ae tsa" on sm fs ro mcs, ie tht the itv ne 0 wi. Kay, fone ‘one sold we eens of gratia cr pronunciation hare pow te it a or eso Tongng lames fia genL0), but whee nate speaker ieee mina och s5tho we of aes in Eng othe us of verbal pect the Ronee or Shi gas “Tinga ofthese eva into account what dae the empa cre show? Nobody donbisthacastongnestve enelton between AoA al le atime fn for 99 ‘splcs ofboth grammar snd prominetion abody dou citer thatsomcindkadale on pe for naive peaker in everday ineston, even though hey Ieimed 9 ngage a ay al [Nother of thee to ebro have nc 40 abou the eine of eel pi he second ane not even about age ese In fc, 4 srong nepve conelson between age oF ‘equbise andukinateaeaien thoughout the fen (reve from bith dough mae Sp) -theony aot decuntnted in nny caer sede ot edence fora ete pina: Ae Pointed out above the exes! peo eaneepe mpi reskin te Aaron ein, ‘ev anapeGomewhst rae ons nda ronda, of cus, heer on gS ‘dhe aggregate) ser which he dal of vce rate inte or mare ase ngage mae tess pronounced and/or cleuly dv iferee rowan ‘On de oxhe ind, mote cet sds ofen do noe cleteADA-peafincyconehions spy for diferent ge ranges ay. e@, 0-6, 6-12, I-18, 18-0, AO), se fee Degrivecoreaion ovse dhe Hsp that the creation sequal active afr the a tenons fr each age ange sd hence tht cre no rl peso, Tew equ maven insng seve ial prod om he ane dat. A mer ro) negative comebadon forthe hol pan innot evidencs fo ethr of thence al Nor does exotens ep ‘who enon pm forsee peters proce auton that they te inane ee ped cs orany other age ees Un esshown dha navel appearance hols up ier ‘erwin th pearance art an apps in oer woe meal shows tt hey st es ‘cng feted anor ts they found an alert pth eo each he sane bea "A Bsc cis a have ound sess who hold up woe ich ruin, evn a thet ‘ot promunsason (longue al, 1985; Longer ely 197; Boner, 17%; Borges us tt Tiree eee eee oben Deke cr 200 Uso. 200, The ss ave bon eel on warty of method. tal routs homer ox nasi by Lang, 205), Moreover th rg nd ms el Eh om stop Se, Abatamsen nd Heo (208), wh cally sed itm who wee wininsetd'a at of iiedt wie 90 gam poneiion, and Soslay found ia eof 198 agp wth anang AOA wo i hy coal as Foromive an weenie dc oben by» prc fj ening how igcth sls noe vith Ack > Woe with ave penn sge om all 0c rind can fe masta forny ofthese ae” 7 esis ot 0, cow thors who pase fr vate on mo sot wel hy aed angus preening gm te fo the exten a net even come eo tomate oma ely th te ep of ge sunt few earings exieace fr is one fice comes om Baker 200) snl Abana mud Hyon (28, Towel th sone of that ol ane scored wih he eve range ech by Hea “Dede nis they hal gh fw of spc Ors acho Deke a U0), an Huey nT 199), pone eens apt ly mes ge tl foradrems ks ha foci, potng tos a ei ering in Gece ade kam Ave se acum ohecnptea codecs ase 8 provided ban en ef dceng os dp noth care ec smeton wats he soins bras hen enero aon fa ht afte cna ee ot {he whe body of reach aes ape ef a re hig dried ih er Oe Jen force nae papulaons alps ence of mato permanent To fd ft anemic oun ste be leds ee pb Sern bloge clogy sean ink at eosin rec deter ares ‘ope nsuraizce oe uc fr mn th guns a progres cel bene celninturer Tew: nenratim mare yt cr homes i Com One's vin te aunt oe cacach ta eed ipo th oe wane ef ges Smeg hong treed (he a oor esha Ships bea dns he phology vers yee one ec nt even know {Sn wr ok rin ners wn pic pac of ba sh my vale or changin payee oe ene ers guage, Tete ee ‘Morcogmanenosins a en obec abe fom mo aad ineece soe to procs Pree ay tw at gen now no Tech br op, Vol ay S07) ad othe nero ond lng seat Fags ee Bo, 2089, tenth mene ae being slow sm ‘vrs (os Inde, 200, As el, he sing renee eo Sie n L2G sory of which an be ound icon, 205) alysis a ei thesne quoton srs avin satu ent ge Cees rien pec Inguoge taming ae doe soya hs ugg 9 etl psd; Ct arora, n+ fone pesencan® A spe loge ely fr ds ec od elon 6+ Seog ito wed rst cre quetonre wheter eres tic pio einen shes: inp mpg Kemi a cet ny fo ce & de Ratton to, Thee {rene someting ed to ces conf bees fe feo dungush beet Sect and ep ening, berworm pect ofan snd nate semen, ad beet ‘our areaoflmgiagsr tera mperof aro oven phonology ae pal esis © Teal Inhe net, ede he aro stant of ren ths quot roe da “6 ge eats in second language ening Data and common elicitation measures ‘While wide aretyofmesurs hve seo wo ses 2 prareney nage fetus, iy soba were donna tf: loa aeent ais he aes Of phonology fe. Ae sin Gari. 196%; Oysna, 1978), greta edges ith wie none of setae ncheares of momphowyat e, Jbweon an Nesp 1H; Pakown, 190) n both es ote rent reeh fas often mowed ie onon Speiie specs OF phovelagy hive ben iespned, such a voice onscteate (Abrahamson and Hye, 20), vowel ie misao (Trad a, 25), daca chores of concran rovacton gand (ion, 206,25 pci spect of gant sch brancy anon and Newport 1991), wabapet (Monel and Sabskor, 203), sd ajctinesaoun soem (Shoop zany, Arte ans dane the eng forms asf shied om wine paper pens st to ste of acon tins, not only fr pins expeniacat og, Scag ay 20, ba {or gramanaty dent eees{Abetsison and Hylerats, 208), Sill otc msataresowe [son usin che ae of weary, ach tei decom ks SieSerg and Sane, 2, nda inthe Sanks (Abrasion ae shen, 20) The lat 15 yarsorsohavescen an erperion ofrstch in cgnkve neon, indian sess in other. Trough QMFL and PET, renorchetshate eopinpoine ars the be thscars masinnly evee dng scond ngage prossing by als mb ad learned 0 12 st rene ago (sp Perna, 198,20 Wanenburger eet, 2) cen ors seen ERD hatbeon ued trace thee couse of tn section ta comet dnc ssh Zsa icon of AOA fe Hane, 2001; Wer Fox ane Neve, 186) or oman whether ‘sd mer nosey dow diene pte ear av sake fog, ede tl 200, Opava 205), Fly. a the oppsite end ofthe spectrom finn ze Heese esac a the meme fne-gained bstowon tere, thee the enue ast, Alon all ge fet sis Ut Ive colected their own data have Inte scbiy boc they have fo fe sibeets sso 90 in gener see, but deity fr 3 rune amas of age ee a momo 9 tngss or when = aamber of comnts hare ta be poled out Therefor; teches ise Csi and Miler (2008, Hake eal G03). and Steves (19H) Inve taken the ‘oppose approach: se exiting cents dat t cia a mone rable coaation betwen ‘migra ge of al and heir nguite proficiency. The problem int ese, of ous ot sab but vali selPasesment way have ude value fr cenain spe of wach, bute ena cone er ed By hy cnn wih tic fee poi fe swengs cons pepant, ca erour dons the wes ofthis appro (Deteyer, 2006 Severs 200) fe ‘We nese rm ro emit enfetion. Even though vin of methodoogss have been sed for aseing og: fess explind in che prevoseson thie chan fis sane out ‘heave sed de moe foguently wed metodo om gras denen tee ‘eter is of morphs (9p. weten giant jgient te and bal nay of mat accursey, ad laa acon agp Fr sa thee ches fat we prove a tobe with he mosrimporane wale and nding ofthe ds and arco provide es tal ‘me ext Fra other methodologies we provide a mor dled dactison [Ae Table 271 dows he vat nino of sms cat we CJT Granary Jdgmene Tes) nthe omcome arable have found age emlssons eewern AOA and GT scores Gleb «onto forth enti lfspan (orate the parincadednehe indi sl ange en [045 0.77) (ereaons being neve for tesco and pots or ner sor eton Foner eke ne) Fors younger groups ayn om iy to study between AOA < [2a AOA 1) he conelion ss fons [0.24 0 [08 frt older groupe fon [008] to [8] fe ve wipers abot valve andthe akcrare nie nes aevurcy concen pene \wheseerorae sconces, in hee sewers theta groups dese pty, he onan mach higher fr che youre than ford ade grup, execpt in Donan Mls (2000. where there was eng eect forthe younger group. Ths bl pcre om ote at 4 dozen suds provide support forthe now-comnty ofthe deskne inthe Aok protein) faneon, whi ll rather age isha of eieal psd phenomenon ker ‘wot conta to whe some vsreher ne clink thee hevidenesforan upper agit the seinen inp tinging eaming bly, ns eich al age msoeary conn for "he can cha he ge fers eared sent snp 2 mse fing eine “Theres for ctr morphosytetie meses Tale 272 iow gay sh ae pict here lal comsaons ar given they nnge fom [035] so 1074] whee gro rompions se ae, Kaan wid) AoA > 13-16 are spoil some han younger lee a soe studs ther seven no ovetap fr de ober emer with the mie yee ange Table 27.3 shows ta gba accent tinge a yd high cman for he east egyan {G06 © 10851) oe for younger eames. the any exception Beng lage e a (20), hers ‘AoA ws song confoundd wth age ting fr the older Luc he Yoong group. Wher ‘sroup comparon ae made, younger lems nays do signfently bows da de oder lesmen The behivion! evidence, then gues @non-cntnovs ages witha bed” in ‘e Aof-profiiencyfantion somewhere between age 24d 6 Fre evidence fer the eet of AoA an pronunertion comes om more meow ed tnvetiios. As Table 27.4 shows, che approch taken in thee sts van wily thoy ‘ansined production o petepion, vowee or consent sing hn jc ge ce ales they inca ouer vasa dered fon sy to sty, such slong ef eesdence (LOR) or41/43 dominance: toy esamined img insme eaey an steon lester ‘tics sone ade roupcompatonsand athe died nddinkperfosnance. This rakes ato conto ay cls conclsons excep tht Ao scent play ery iit ele, But tac ofen confounded wih dhe eas, 2nd tt fw invul onps frne om ‘ome nao constants. The main pol however, ethene ence ee Rod les eippcarng won ater vaable se ken ita accu oF of adult kaos ping ‘iv on wide ange of ranges “The evidence fom aewroxence is even mone ambigeons in Sings and harder to sunneviee becuse othe grat vanity af aks sti, oucumes Gee Table 275). Sane seis fond char quate diferecesberveen younger and olde emer i he Sts of lysin stony (Mechel ral, 200) inthe man of12 proving fied by losin inst of rn acy (Kino 197: Pan e y (995, 200%, Wenge al, 2019, Weber Fos and Neil, ijothetsdd ae ndany abt difrences (ern eta 1358), asleatnotshen enon fr prtiecy. Mest bin seks provide oly snd cence tn the ste da dey provid suppor for diranseberwsen LI and L2 poceing, even it vanced Inte Iomen, but sey do not exabah direct comstions with AOA (eg, Fahne, 2001; Haboe and ride, 2001; Ojma eal, 2005; Sabourin nd Stowe. 200 al ning ERP), Other stds ae even harks € interpre becute they dal with inset sing {ezChen ta 2007, evn shore inset Kenn fe Meee, 2008: Tkowet snd MacWhiaacy 2009), atkowsk (2005), on che cther nd doce make elvan age compas ‘ens that hows ler difnencs batweon AMA < 12 and AdA > 12, but proves oly aes tvdence aout diferent! hemiphersnvolvoment (ehavoel evidence fon 3 web-ma deal padi) 448 ~~ RR oe ects in seco anauegeeaing 7b27.1 Coreen etn oh and. profs gener yen tt REE Corr betrern don snd 2 prey asmendty a gommacy puget ats ‘enty ua ta rong ‘Avahamsen—Spanh — Saedih 1224 Tones emer se mabeke foro | toate ssrsives (2005) Sidon fore erate aysotane Chines agish 1-18 33 082 tater tater) “057 fernonsts Spam Engh) 223 2k 341 “9a trnoncts Te enonsts Liresengond —Sparith —tngtth aint 61 Sots oz totam Mats (2001) -0 —foraante Deter Honguan Engh rn. 20 57 149-0465 tratiarons (G00 near 2 026 tormaacte Dekeneretat, fesion —Kaglsh 3875 «S71 ar toeanacts inves Torr tenanns ta Hebron 98 a2 468 “ast react Saiz teraaas 8 Pogeetok Korein tngsh min. 240 1-23 a1 francs 0999) 02 focaonts (0998) wasows th Saran ase at Iebmon and Chinese s Engh 3.28 4h 539-07 lorataroen Newpor Koran coe haat 908) cole teeomste lobes ard Chinese ength 55182) 4G 963 tomes Newport 991) (1999) Hoven Eoghh mins 30335066 lerenorae 055 rrescontine {conti pane Engh 1-9 200 4413 “0.38 (para) fren lngurge ons) fempiter p=.20) ‘McQonaid Spanish eng 3.24 28 O20 063 Foret scr for 2009 tie Fomallothess Vetranee foghth 9.23 24 00-05% ten coor Riad oes ‘ater rom Sere MeBanats —varous —Eaglsh 1-180 12089 58a) forciT? (2006) fora? Shim (1999) Koren Ergs> 5.21) 0429 -04S——ferenorate $$ tr etion ine 440 ober Dees ‘rete 272 creer ate A 2 cy seman ode tes morpho Doe tein cond enguigelesming 1eble27.3 Canelsionsbatween Ao and? pen mesivedby set phndgi tgs Seoap thm ak ree es ‘ore ‘oogehoners| orierson Spanth Snedih 122 ETAT 6S foewriten outlet Saeeske ‘GT 2009) Linas Som 680996) Geek —Englth 10-72 1021-40062 maha Tersanots sgokand Chins Eoghth I-18 SEZ nk tent ater1999) Spas ro ‘epee Copiers vaeusfanch min.58 27 mi. ot noveap with ose neon oones NS junta Fh Swedbh opine 24 IS at_— noel on Spans (ean Iepotet wanS0up sae) FaCi978) ous gh 5.7205 338-035 Tnandfue Chinese Engh 1-210 S.16 059 spontaneous ‘2007 ‘ach Iehesan(1922) Chine englen £27 520-036 callous ern 5073 fertatels| ecsnd Korean fags 22-46 76 324 pot Ant Swont Struct fepured AoA I-15 be 997 ontratand —Eaglth Span ‘erae ino nate (2003) ‘Samet some inch sa Oyams1978) tien Sagfsh 5.20 620-057 riser don.2wnh lottemoned Patol sous, gh Bt 67 SS =O 9a) aay epson sereog.eteh glk Garman 63310 1249 na, Layla 2008 see preng Seroce09#8) tooth ln S18 2418-27 oot si eleercnwth Feench o Ieponed NS ost ea Gemma, 4502 TERS ona. atiennge en05) Doren (tury drton French, nseand pretence ur cenbinas 5 kn sok roan me ronge "tonge_fahond2 Aromsonand Spanish Swedih > 10175 <1 62m Pensa 005) rete eno Aowtabinand —vaous Hebrew B45 13 Fae a, _‘Sealtaby ret 2000) sara nore ‘sverand Gus Spans Engh mean 711-18 nat lr hoa 96 . sprit oy een Benny (007) vais toh $82 22 TH6! dae paar Fegectok (1995) ian Eola 15-44 2402-29 nat aRaccumts vere Aan Fag etok(199) Kowean Enlai 2401-23 062 er fancld 10 or no ELAN and tickoag (2007) varus teh 5-82-22 z2ae vot andvone aes waa pe sive eon rd en ‘sing tom) Caion 2003) can nih rat -29- 025 HOADIS peak Vseond panne Gyan 27tme, 12 BSP aceetn ome forsee vas vee (evn) Seamer fea a ara Guimetet —Spsh taghh we 10 £256 mel tine vont not 6 any) os) Ba iso con teponea§ ued Sowsnpy ate aa ee tangandcaion Koen Engh Wr 40 aa sete (0 oo _ Theneement Sy? wus vous 98 SB ealyc5; voehbused eaiyseresed cope tae't-is rapmaety gaya epee Sinn er tee powcr tayen 0/2 lan tog natok vovalaund fonconetes tariontsl pane Engi 1-9 200 413 OOR(pas) phoneme ‘poe pcny myth (io ‘Setmaton / prone (855) comeep=! ee Sag 0) Seay leestt 200) oven gh E1040 4 E16 Ictnd soon wemecet, Gran fps 2036 Fee LA me Eze Cea Eetsensge fren, mtn | Gees ‘ce a mu Ceeol pmo tghh 1:27 46 sound Fated saint, Koen Gag) 26 Ona sve dint 205) ferrell cvenes ees Tevetpeaire” | raed argh ay wan? etc irrce Sian eat (0) t5eso-85 ‘nowrap Hom Yecbtonsion Karem Engish mi.® 192 623031 (Com) ferent Gintupen ee Sane en | Pemietat len ph oly 9 90 ETpcey tf one ces the argument daly conpaions eines ga eva (there an cee me cele mote tp ssund of ocamening a efics one maybe modkieg monlngel we hips acs | Meta Sprateataan 5g am sahagand monte n Provo, Gok and Zar 2002 ERP say cao Dyes Caper 3h. is | > prone ter vot) nl thacokabewige clone told me dregs compton noxper emt Swine wou Bech igh | alae FLA ewenn MeL Teme te 1 apnten ew wernt ir es Hane ferret the el precy na ‘di ta el ote ny con fr pairency or eas esp, oe ew ny 2 Totonieand Eeghn Spnsh Zier 34 cobge GP LD om Ln Im ig Kant (297), Mechel tal 2, Peon (98, 200), Ware? seco iwwweton ‘sre mn ‘tal 2003), Weber-Fes snd Nee (1986) Alla exe ound esigificant eet OFAOA. excep. for Pern (198, Ione ao th de inesapable argument ta er documenting omy Gforce fora couple of rcs doe agemmean theese none oe other sues dhe a a9 ‘aaa on 5) ober Dekeyer obie275 (andes) a a ioe oe \wrebuge Hokey Geman we.27 2 an0 MM ——_Semancse pl. (2003) mere ma ‘amma Aon mes ive 20 VWekerfox Chine Eft 23142 61 Taal ea” oso in ete S78 rae (0386) rer) fovea fonotecefltin viene we haves a dos sug quatre direc in in atv 8a fneton oF ge, ‘re whan L1/L2 sos nd praiseneyeponie ar conta fr ‘Showing qulative effects doce not nceraiy rogue bain inaging or ERP. Howes Cer sich have edt provide mare indice evidence (and forthe laming process rater tan ond re) by negating eb deere pede vay ofboth eet ae Tonga abn diene age ange DeKsper 200), DeKeyse fel 210), an Hay and iat (1997) al show dae apttade plas 2 ch mors wapomane rales £2 sequdon for lesen and adult thn fr cen, Abrahamson a8@ Hylensamy (2008) and DeKeyset {000 br sows a no dl sms el ith ative proieney ng les they fad ‘igh apt Such nding ages bra role of expe deat een noir han ‘grumger emer fa Dley-Vaomsn 2009: Mont 200: Pan 2004, 200, Una, 2001, {Ho The meron Sereoen hi slee of bnguiie acts apd AOA 3s domed [Deke et (oming) slko poins in he cco, gen that sence snow wo py = much ager cen pic chan pi ering (Reicr , 1980). “The tere on Li tonncompate pation ao of poten rela here Now ‘only docs stron, “the nompuhologes denene Ia a ging: tot had previaly been sited by an nv” (Kops anc Sens, 2008), show the eve pattem af L acquisition inthe sense toe he eorer the ich made fon Lorna) 0 12 (Goines the ss Tenn of Lies becoming nceningy ses thot ti age ost im sion 2 trina ‘ecrinthersne sae se dae lack oinpotaes cecal ge (yun, 2000, b Hyena, 208; ont, 208; Sch, 208) ah tha he of conned prac Tt on “Theat each slo wks vo wo mar specie qooione the wie of he fle of LL “eset” fe Mae hinney, 2065) nee reas scones sequin 2 with increasing AUA/LLdevelopmene and dhe miad-debeed ie of the no-contiuly ofthe AoA ssxon. arch with adopoes Pale ely 2003; Venturer, 208) soon quoted 6 ving thot when here er ineterene am eh Loess Li completely lon 2 is segied 100 perce, and sone ve wed hist an aegunent forthe inepretation of fe ick ‘of incomplete seguson of L2 a de to (he fick of) LI entenehinent. he 2010), however, opt ence of phonenereognton i gus who were oped ata very Youngs, 2nd Hylestam cl 209} shoe cat ether compete Li Tes ar complete L2 acquisition te ees fund n chien aspen vey oun ge bt thts aces of) A esas ‘wel ues of von-nnvenein 2, Peiap one coud argue that hiss another example of {hand L2 being peoprtonatslea/acqurcd if ne 10) poset, en Palber ee (2003) or ge eects in eco angi eng Venwneys a. 008, hon att one 100 perme that does not aecoun or a Imporen ee om ssrch on sig ngage quid LI at ile ges Maybemy 1223), ‘shows thatageees.on Anerca Sign Lagaoge (ASL) Li e congetelly det le fering paren ar sinc age eles on ASL SL (in than who become dealer ofr some oer reson eas ASL 3¢ 12}. Cleat ge ffs LI, by deni, senna: bo dao ncetchnnen of pacouly seid langage, a cherefre Occasions toi vice before yng to eli age scr 2 wh segue out LI teen. “The non-conemulty dets hs ted resecher sch ae Johinon a Nese: (I89 ad DeKeyser big sssamprion for mos elementary foreign ngage ineeton andthe een peat rfieney of non-stie echens, expecially nthe sof ponuncion ‘We know th hlde eben Sa ern #12 G) nthe ong wn Kos ( sive mounts ff) stivespees ipa, bur dots an ht) alt ow yn of Iesticton (proved only» ow hous pr week and not very wesk in he year by (moh nie ches wih someines very nie pricey, cen il do beter th el 00? ‘Gfcourssadentswho veld ever yen of inseacson nde schoo and mile) Lefee going on withthe sme ngs high shoal wl know sme hes who oly inigh school, but iat des nosey anything about age, aly bout amon ofimrction ken essmesmountefthemne nd ofimnition tah era do stacetsenn mote? Tit ‘queion that has ben arsed by supine exch expeily given she sony of Iplcnins for edacrsonsl seine wo, 455 Rober Daye [Novos a empl ech cr out na ateapte9 anawer tse qusstion as be conducted in Sprit, Moe QD) provides 9 snary abd eons othe der conch & “older ibe "exeq perp or pronincation, Arsay eh plate ao 10 percent ler tecan hai lot invisalign esse tht younger lesmes cing ea efer heseamounr fiero acelderleares ae sgly young when ceed nid hrf adep a ngs. Giron ou inerprttion of the nar of gs fs abo, however, i thi they rll» om predominantly hnphick to predominant expe Ievming proce, ebe eke dererbed no 08) se ce expected More indcstcvienc ocx or the vic thine of mar qeanctave change the ents of docking leming posi wih ers ge oF areal we eal kes ce 3 “quis bi fom pict expo ean. Secs de provide a Erol view om he Tngogs development offing hition sh 2 Taran tal 968) show the import role ofietingtoe sens and expe arning in ldo cide wnlemorefocsed dis sucha Whie Cn) snd Ale Sle and Gain Mayo BU) provide eden ofthe ficiney of pe aporoprite Feat on Fn Future directions Resch on ag lis hs ony began. We ns mach mote dacuneseion af what specs of Ianginge become nerf enn at whit go, nd moh more eaten the ote 20d ‘inate cater One wena to pue wa wile ari of northside, whether they be of dhe seuophysclogesl or nero-inagig kind oF “amy” solve elev we Of ‘behavior metus heed under hborstory condoms, vai ee te MST, ining condition eye ing. and on, “Two other svenver telnet nais but no es nporent: We need escarch wih servi of eae aoe ge. prin the sane sy in oer to be ee to {eosin noe aettemy wt nse oFfeacrs frage becomes lar with. ose imponany ofa however, 2 need much Dote saps. Al prsipns i ACA ss Should hve fr cn eo develop navi pricey ip L2 Tse mca song tke thing Teng of exponite of ln Be, sey ten yes 0 that e cree lane [tinea nd iat speed ofl eee empesendence shows eames symp 1 tn en forjest sou ny te of lngunge, exept oeabulan), ap errs who eve pent ‘tao hitineenctng the 21 conden val nosey hss netso Ge Becse well tera! to ine snk of convenisnce coming of parcpanes dew om sable inmignat Conanantc (don (ooo univers), where Ll ve qe common. Combing the rere Inet of hing gly le pesos wth te tno nae vegulemere of ving igs ‘inp an nye deca, none ofthe greet cheeses. Okeninggeonpes flay oie amen, prlenbly ave peak ofan LI thats dst ffm th 2, choad bea fal we onal gre on, wheter hin age ef ne maturaonl ort References Anshan Hycst, K (00H, The rab of spade ees in mean cre Trg spon, Se Sd La enti. 38-81-09 onl, Rend icon i QU Age acm ane ea cen ogg ie Ton ve Hagia, Lage Leis 57) 29-3 ‘nef Sig, and Gu Mao, ND BS, el os om frm nd eaing oom it one fain hopuge csc amen a) Ply Oke sb key (2), Sd ine eran Cespi® p 791925 ord Be 456 - Age tects in cond nguage eng ‘hat Gc 8.0 The spn aoa ing een a (80, ean a red i ni gb LD, Union Rahs Bann A Ste) samo i Rane ptm fa Moma Cats NcoQucr Unveney Pes Dats as (94 fr someon footie ew ‘spk tt Me, 0 (99, Th bl of cg aati: tes bon Trg arte dk ge Lagoon Cota, Sh Pa ‘bane Chine ton cu nn La 8), 4S, ‘hong, 216), ming cca ron mpgs po) 7. od AMD st Hn nv Pryce py Weta OO Sicang De), Ag sl ed npn nd pros: Asctive cnn La ning 6 pee). 1. ‘iio, Net joveson aang Be Kn af Fh 29 ‘8. ln sod MY ne) et Fge gy ate Pte eg ala bo ee hue stn Sno WR (9), Tara atest 11-19, a Undo Band Ma Bot Otis mer tsa toss cong “ein maf Ma Ln 295208 sx, ROR Te incl cto re a kg, n Wado ‘Sood Seah), Cn dd nee Ae ene Gp. TO, et ose ewig Hows Bi ee ty Wem BD he ring oa fs “ett 8 Dongen (Cat samt 2 enacts Te ce fey ance eee. In BR sl i ol lp po 8 Nah ong Mana i 09H Auth f ronnie eed ge Sass: Te cow of ry adn lame of Buch w+ con ng, Sre tase 0 3-30 onze T Pte, Bon (999. Can he enna ne een eons? ‘Wee ft ce eo phe nage ed Lange! Te ef and Ingen ps Certo, UR Maange Nes Sons fon Senses, Pen Bs Sci © (P9hge nd iar women the ronson saa anaes Send Ce fio, 7-8 Gyr Nara comrins an in bee oe S90) 68-75 Dylan 0M isa mp Leste on Leet concn Pm, inet nl Cae cue eB ho Jd LP. 20, ER Snes oe eg 12 "Si in a dat ‘Cuan. Ream Mey PW be) Ae fr tl eed reiki an ft nd endl Bont 20,2 ei camp (O87 Castes ons cs ean wee en, Lai Uo GB, The tmz ofan th msg mie Send Longe Ranh, 2 11-89 Dekeper RM. 0) Te chore etal petal Tks sco nage qn, Sat ‘Sr Laine gin, 20, 99-58 Date fe MED. Acq Of ek age teen ped Iypthee In {Ascent fe Chena MD Ligne nd MM ane ih ‘ee aad ea p93 Orn, Saeed ear og ekg ty A Sy Re DBI), Ce ees fr ma a fs in sed uggs nin Ati dae, 310), 813-08 Deke he Alay. Rat a SH Gone. The ef hee peo fiw cs tl bn ‘So nl on a er Jo sr es oben okey Dope, Mad ana J 205). Wt doth en pro ay i Fl ad Tb Bde Groen), Haat: plang. 9-1, Odor Ose tiger] ln, Baya Ea Ma, ML, Sng Hs nid A, De fg "tin Engl sone ye yen cn od shelf Pry ISIS gu Eytan t Rc As Pre (808), aca gl Boones ed Pay Seo, 3-5 ge) Ee uno. R199) Fata mg rsh perenne ace Secu gn! thes Spf ten 9H). TaN gud By Yo eos Hc ant tn (0) Age coe on ean yan "final Moy nt agen Me ik, A Dy Sec and Pes, BUC, gens of il rage paces dct caging dct penal hypothe, PNAS 30-04 <3 mh op af an Sol aan ls om Cth tnd Cin BH Em ch gh gt non ‘oe Canon of acs Tn ney deh hdd. Pe ‘ib, 11 376-972 "ise, &: CODD. Whi ent in veces rcesing? Execs fe evened bo sin lf rp Rs 500) aa tlie Ailes ADO Pog slings Late” campeon eins srry cesar pak Deol, bya Casi Sa Daye, snd Wart CN, Celeron Roo ep pec fr ‘seu ingen, a Sen 40. 30-9 sey ean tan 99) Lage ade od cor ney psy amen amen “Sheena Sh San Lat ean A epchesch AU. Lange dope a oe lew Var: Conds Unity Po "iy Mov he aay Coe a). Rs faqusten nd pciont igo: Cu oe Cn, 2 11a ‘keane rd Norte na facie mae te om cf a odes Famed) cao pcan SST Awe Nee York: Sheer yet ey yd, Abnmon, Nand Fk, HS 09), Donna anager ‘ec fern lot inn La leo, 12), 21-8 Inky: 2009. Ancersnisotieodtac so rnc aodingoge rosin: Whe. ‘el ni ah nt ie ah, J Grand Fee A (07) Astin of Engi pnmotal ero oa Mond psig i deen Ac ce: joel fs ae ot Ha Rr Jotnon,} Sand Newpor. (98), Ce peed cms gun haming Te nace ef ssl ao stn gh nssend ange Can 3215-28 je eh el oa en na et The agg Gunns 6 0) Phos ptt Apt Kr lr on > “evraponsetne- Enc ges Mic n Sy ofosPR NV (993) sees ped sol ange son: ett amuse ae ‘swith Ker Engi ing IDEAL Tot omc Hes al AT Ler Kn Fe) 197). Dt ete sed th me “peloton agi Ni, 8517-074, ren 8. Lon ed See, C199). Age, olen inne cond Tmo unm TESOL Que, 1) 72-9 ape Oa Sane MS, Lingua san Te west ph. M.S. Sci. 1, Kap key noe (2), Lge cay persis ve wc thes =), Reda: eae {ats Weng the eso tens er bag ype pian pt ston: Send Une 2A. 36-8. Age tesla second language easing se Gan $n Hand Tl. Ronsns pono ago ‘clos Kc pa inp oan SL ONS tes Puan Sb Tv, Sere pr en ar Lu en oi es, Gt Ho, taeda ue, New Yas Wey ae tote MEI. om spe contests od Cal Re hath 4 ‘Matha. 0. nana enn In: Hand. ee), Soran und nce ne 18, Ch CX Kin mee ‘ay 4 Lon) Boxman Me Kem and M,C Rag a), etn nary ni 487-9), On UR Bk. rene Rh enon chen iin bg cen Ono Ae ogni am Sk an Ho Re 3a se Mebuo). ) Camus ensinamcoot ae fc Sof eon na sn ct, ts nee, 93 ‘MsDanL0,Boond hee pened Penge vaponon fe yo gone ‘Jaton preranesby x cg omy unl fib Lane SS ata otal; Cron 1 Mor. Us Sy lee a Mea SG, ee etn tan anni i ar. Aneta Deng Moa A600 Reccmuniazb nian aceon Winans ioe at Sen Soa oe spa, 1G) 25 5, Mart 5s Sn 03). Compre ands bcm mare an tci-aieeen:h “eg ft pct putas Sh Sr Sa Em aan, 3), Moa shoe. Ya ke. D-C208, Nacw ad romnvespaer presen of scm amor tom of te es ot tof aimeron spd cen ed ue an, 9, Syren nd ayn ae fn awa lcm 12 ling ia ane, S38 OnTEL AR HC, 20, Ey chon ng tee sip pat Se Umea) aS ma SNS Hane, BU), ERP yf mond pain er hd es ef pecency oma Css Newnes, TP 131 a pps $ US. Then edn npn oth HOB al 1 = le Dei Fa, [8 tr. BAe A Page © (UE) Boge np se aks Can wor ng plas Cad Ge a and GOH A arming try een Pgh ej, fae el pd ee fp ht a Te oi eon a a 08 ne ey Fakemic my. eal oom nabtingal nny pene een emt ob oth en Mp MALI Raf gh il nd Sb (959, Sure Pron, MY Peton Uns Pe eam Abn, Paty, Bris 5. Sm, Fed appr fH) Tee a ea “sion ingots ung nc, rae lings he Bakaly enn wd Bae Fits en Oa 7 f oon Bs Deen Gr F Coe Cpt, SnD. 019, Ba poesia ne alge Rene ba ; Wt Frm, ie, NS, Daps Eo eb, nd Baird V8, The ig Ss rena fusion atone Oe We? at Povo. SMa Coan Za A (9) Cerna moins ons posing ‘rei cl gf Cate Rm, Seer Ai Lewy nd ones (5, Ont soap ee wpb spt ‘ossin ie kano!» cols niece, mad Po mc of ober Dekeyer ‘pt (9). ASH Choa. TiN Yh, 18 Ae an 20 cpt 992, Ca | 17a Sanna Stowe, L A. ND Sec npg peng Whee ae Heel al ages howd anda Sou ee Rew, 20,907. satan As Bum Leader Eh]: Q008. Th ese sein of L2 Shs compan of pion om Ci fr ans ed epost bobs Croton 98, Shon. Ft Inge atten, ad oun: Te ee Cen Je Arie ne, Ae fem Seitul M.'S BM Lt unos the za in K de Dod. WS (EE. Lae tno rr pp ec, Lando: Rew Shin Tp (a0. Seva pose Jor sco Tease aspon: A extontme sai of hs blnpe IDEAL, 6 stare and Sn 6.0 Toe cfg: ofl gg squncene beeps) “Snipowcamg congo won fama] wean og 97, 38-3 once, nt) Insane Sean npr uncer rte ganas oF en Sse Lane Rea) 2-47 Sen (00 get mcm and swig pols son ee-bomy ad Tn Si 28,5557 swt, Eg gett cg pring ion ‘Brg St 139), 215-20 "aS, Wood Mn Leven (980) -Fonag scm: aon ang andreas om “he anbgarg ws scons gg, Lag om pc 240), 28-22 Sonn nana Ly of gay. On: Os sien “Thom toh Fane nested Tes pose Rasen Lan rei P08 ‘rw a Mc Wnney, B,C). np al epi ests of wn eat ‘Sonn yann voce pol aves Sh Sot Em eu, re ea ‘rs ion Dk, Mask Sy Hand eg) E Gan. A develop uy fandvowal ovisson ponent ene hava nl 3 ‘Usha. 200), Thess ieaflecon sd gastrin ioeandeand gig: Tedd preserve ein Lega od atin 4 1122 nine, MT in, Connon oer erat lng: The densest de “Cin, 92, 23-290. Unity M7 0S) A cogntie nese perpen om on agg ition Ts dc rfpecdl wan ln Sve Ed Moon ond oer penton 1I=139) ‘Wangan, Be Geos Ue Pe veges VG Pls yan oo G00, The fa agin pnt een opt Waae Jam of Newa 1 vel, Be Has C- Wana? se Duh. 200, Reply co comme “Pty igh ‘onto RE sn coat ral al sl coin” ep os Py ‘Si 31328, wanerbange Hes. , Abtkbi Cap SP Van eri 20, Buy ‘eang ogous rc ais i. Ne, 15-170 \weboron € haed Noy )(989) tana oro nc pecans “raping Ot cng on af ue ml = wine: 9 Sorcingop squsionollnend es Eopae 1/2 cones Pap Ose, Mc A Mecigy (Es) Sw! ign eno yon kena CX gi? Op. 158-25). Verh Konsban Gr Fg J a Ls, 8. 000, ramen posi ae ad cond Tangent Kare Engh gee igus Leet Ces 3) 311 8 ‘et ntlin Gy Robt ved op 1. esac douse 262 prone Tesuncy. pled Pc, 299) 258-2 smote § Bonga sd Cappo, (208). Nive Se stint oS besa uch erat hc, 85-0. 28 The role of educational level, literacy, and orality in L2 learning Martha Bigelow and jill Watson Historical discussion In te Wetem serdensic eran, inguieigo the inuence of ey onsen ntl ocess cn be tnced to the daming of the madenn slscy of hagas, Pensa de ‘Sawiti’s Couns in Gene Linguists (1916/1959) exalted fowlaionsl approaches to \uetnding a: he nad ee aamologia et of mys okt clin dnstone ‘of dchonic ves: syneronie lnguge sie, pans vert sega appeacher linguini oper, ane hey dineion beta een i ol ngs: Canis inginesint he fundons of oly a leery ave bsen akon op ia atu way by Jose (0925), Lara 1970, LéeStaun (1966), and Goody (9977), proving nil sgh io Yn shinee cogitive pte of mon-btrt pple nator fon seeds susan 2nd 3 bari for ndersanding the sornons engendered by che adene of Hcmcy “endemic leanng. Conerbuting eh ie of work wate cic oncned schol ike Pony (971, Lord (1975. 994 Heo (1963), eho explora the arene fw yas of ee “or Iientar”"dacoweing xine chanctrtcsapponing mismorzatio, sci bir ‘ch, and mytheloge Snsion in work of bigh oly, snd enphsting the profound Fisica aptabae lec om ee fnerving oF ng a oc. tn he soctlags

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