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EHC 1 Part 5

Young Person's Views for the Education Health and Care (EHC) Needs
Assessment Moderating Group

My Name: My Age:

I have written this myself: □

or, I have asked:
to write this for me: □
What are you good at?

What would you like to be better at?

EHC 1 Part 5

What do you like doing?

What is hard for you to do in school?

EHC 1 Part 5

What helps you to get on better in school?

Are you worried about anything?

EHC 1 Part 5

Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Signed: ................................................................................

Thank you for completing this form.

Please return it to:

Mrs Liz Boyes

SEND Service - North Locality

Peter Webster Centre
Derbyshire County Council
Sheffield Road
S41 8LQ

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