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Sooryayog and Natural Light Deficiency Syndrome.

Natural Light Deficiency Syndrome
What is NLDS?

Ever since the beginning of the industrial and introduction of artificial lighting ,
man has been becoming increasingly indoor person . This has lead to decreased time
spent in natural sunlight . Time spent in natural darkness has also increased . People
wake up late in the morning and go to bed late in the night . Most of us have very
little of our body part exposed to the Sun during the day time . Many cover their eyes
with glasses . Skin is also covered with creams and sunscreen lotions for cosmetic
reasons . Sunlight and Natural Darkness has a very crucial impact on the Human
body and mind , and this change in our behaviour to natural light is causing Natural
Light Deficiency Syndrome.

How does sunlight effect the human body ?

Vitamin D which is actually a hormone , is produced in the skin under UVB rays of
the sun. This hormone plays an important part in the human physiology affecting
thousands of genes . Its usually well known to be an important part of bone
metabolism and is essential for proper bone growth and prevents osteomalacia and
osteoporosis. The other more important role it plays is on the immune system , it acts
as a brake on the immune system and prevents the immune system from attacking the
own body . Thus its an important preventive factor for autoimmune diseases like
arthritis , diabetes , multiple sclerosis , psoriasis etc. Its also plays a crucial role in
preventing cancer in the human body . Studies have shown it reduces incidence of
18 different types of cancers . Vitamin D is also protective against various infectious
diseases like Tuberculosis , E coli , cholera , anthrax , etc .

Recent studies have also shown vitamin D is preventive in heart attacks as well . UV
light of the Sun is well known in lowering blood pressures as well . A single Sun bath
of 30 minutes can lower BP by 30- 40 mm for three days.
Vitamin D is also preventive in Parkinsonism , Alzhemeirs and multiple sclerosis ,
all these are diseases in which immune system is unable to maintain its normal
protective functions .
Sunlight and depression is also closely linked , Vitamin D has been found to help
people who are depressed as well . In cold countries there is a condition called
Seasonal Affective Disorder , where long dark winters make people become very
depressed and suicide rates go very high .
Currently over half of the worlds population is vitamin d deficiency . In india
studies have shown people to be vitamin D deficient in rural and urban populations
rates are 70 – 80 percent . Its highest
among healthcare workers . India is also the diabetic capital of the world . 60 percent
of diabetics have vitamin D deficiency .
Asthma has also been shown to be linked to vitamin D deficiency .

Flu epidemics are closely related to vitamin D levels.If the levels are
low infection will spread widely and it will be severe. Vaccinations
against infectious diseases have been shown to not work and infact
cause more morbidity and mortality.But Sun is the Best anti
infective in nature. In 1903 the Nobel Prize was given for treatment
of Tuberculosis through UV light. Sun light was mainstay for the
people of tuberculosis till the advent of antibiotics. But with rising
resistance of bacteria, fungi and viruses is causing failure of
antibiotics. Thus now there is serious need to adopt Sooryayog that
is sun loving on regular basis. The human body has many bacteria,
fungi and viruses growing inside of our body and each human being
has unique type of microorganisms. Giving antibiotics causes the
natural flora in the body to die as well. This is the cause of problems
in the digestive system like ulcerative colitis. Vitamin D can stem
the ongoing swine flu epidemic , we don’t need harmful vaccines .
Vitamin D has also been shown to lower caesarian rates by 300
percent , as it is preventive in preeclampsia and gestational
diabetes .
Best way to get vitamin D is sunbathing everyday 10 – 15 minutes
and exposing atleast 25 percent of the body . Men should take of
their shirt and sit in the sun or lie in the sun . Ladies if they wear
sari can get abundant sunlight .

In India we have abundant sunshine and still there is very high

vitamin D deficiency , so we should all make effort to bring
ourselves and others in Sun and benefit from this energy Source
and reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with lack of
vitamin d .
Sunlight has a natural cholesterol lowering property as well . With
sunshine and natural diets one can eliminate need of
antihypertensive , cholesterol lowering drugs .
People can get of insulin with sunlight blood sugar lowering
Indirect effect of Light or the nonvisual functions of light .
The suprachiasmatic nucleus or the SCN is the biological
clock in our body . It in further sends signal to the hypothalamus ,
which further maintains all the biological functions in our body like
respiration , heart rate , metabolism , hormonal control , emotions,
eating etc . Hypothalamus is the master endocrine gland . It guides
all the other endocrine glands in our body . To function in natural
rhythms we need to go daily and do sun gazing to ensure that the
clock starts functioning properly and all body functions happen in
correct order .

When the Sun sets and its dark the pineal gland gets the signal to
produce melatonin hormone , which is a very powerful antioxidant ,
sleep inducer , hypotensive and hypothermic agent . It also keeps
the immune system running properly . People who are awake late in
night , are deficient of this hormone. People should go to sleep by
ten , to ensure a full night of melatonin in body . Its important to
keep all lights off , so that melatonin is produced otherwise its
production switches off.

A study increased breast cancer in women who work late at night ,

due to melatonin deficiency . Of late Nights are no longer nights ,
with cities being continously lit . Light pollution has been coined for
this very phenomenon , and is the number one cause of insomnia
.Increased childhood leukemia has also been associated with it .

Artificial lighting causes increased stress , decreased attention

spans , falling IQ levels , increased blood pressure , decreased
sperm counts , loss of natural
biological rhythms etc.

Kids who study in natural light have more attention span , are more
peaceful , more joyful .
Sperm count increases with natural light .
Dental caries are also associated with lack of vitamin d in the
body , so natural light reduces chances of caries.

Obesity has also been linked to hypothalamic dysfunction due to

absence of natural light .
Eye problems are also associated to artificial light and lack of
natural light exposure , eyes to function properly need natural light .
They should be able to look at the sun freely without any pain at
sunrise and sunset for atleast ten minutes . If one cant do so , one
should train himself with Sooryayog to do so.

So NLDS is due to vitamin D deficiency , biological clock imbalance ,

hypothalamic dysfunction and melatonin deficiency . Diseases
which come under it are
Autoimmune disease like asthma , arthritis, psoriasis etc
Coronary artery diseases
TB and other infections
Mental Problems
Bone problems
Symptoms like lack of sleep , increased lethargy , can also be due
to it .
Sunlight is a very important nutrient to our body , and should be
given utmost respect .

Light the Future Medicine

All matter is made of photons of light and human body is also made
of light . Light photons are in constantly interacting with each other
inside the body . We are light beings and we need to understand the
spiritual sciences to understand fully about the light body.
Saints and rishis spending long silent periods of meditation
discovered what modern science is calling the Biophotons . This is
what is responsible for life . We get our biophotons through food
and Sun . The ultimate source of all biophotons is the Sun . By Sun
gazing in the morning and evening , we can tap into the solar
biophotons , which then go inside the entire body thru cellular
connections and keep the body functioning properly.
Human light body has seven chakras which are of seven colors
VIBGYOR . We need all the seven colors which are present in the sun
to function properly . Human body is manifested of these colors ,
hence we have color therapys . We can extract all these colors as
we do Sooryayog and using our mental faculties guide the light to
clear any imbalance of color in our body . This is the basis of energy
healing. It can be used for any ailments .
To practise one has to be a Regular Sooryayogi . After nine months
of practise one can be ready for doing healings . In this time one
has to learn to control his anger, lust , hatred , greed and other
negative emotions and learn to be more compassionate and divine.
In nine months of regular practice one becomes ready for transfer
of higher more subtler cosmic energy from Sun to entire and bring
changes into a divine human being .
This is evolution which we all so desire , to change into a more
blissful and more advanced human being . Its possible through Suns
energy .
Pineal gland has special Peizoelectric crystals thru which energy can
be increased , and this energy can be used to create new Light
inside the body as well. It has been observed that people who
sungaze the size of their pineal gland is bigger.
In classical indian music one learns in training in particular
frequencies , these are the frequencies which trigger crystals inside
the body and then these crystals produce psychedelic compounds
like DMT . These chemicals are responsible for change in our
experience from a 3 d world to a multidimensional spiritual world .
DMT the spirit molecule by Dr Rick strassman is a seminal work on
natural psychedelics present in the human body . Psychedelics are
compounds which change our view of reality from 3 d to
multidimensional . They are also called entheogens
which produce god states in individuals . They have been used in all
cultures for healing and sacred rituals . In india cannabis is one such
drug .
Our body is capable of naturally producing a wide array of
psychedelics including THC the main constituent of cannabis
/bhang/charas. It can also make lsd a very well known psychedelic.
Our body wants to realise these states hence nature has given
biological pathways to trigger such transcendental experiences .
Through Sooryayog such states are quickly attained .
Sooryayog is a sun loving process , thru which NLDS can be
completely cured.


You must not entertain any doubt or hatred for SUN. Start the practice

with abundant faith and love for the Primary Energy Source. This is not

a ritual. We are not asking you to worship SUN the way you worship

other deities. Through Sooryayog we are asking you to develop a Loving

relationship with the SUN, a love that grows deeper and deeper as days

pass. It creates such a longing in your mind, that even if you miss the

SUN one day, you feel sad.

When you get attached more and more, a time will come when SUN will

automatically detach you for your own self development.

Treat SUN as your friend. Share your joys and sorrows with him. Talk to

him just like you talk with your friend. Give him the prominent place in

your heart and see how your life and personality changes. By the

practice of Sooryayog, you establish a link between yourself and the

power that governs and gives life to the whole Universe, the Sun..

If you want to create a bond between you both, you have to look at him

in all consciousness. If you do that, there will be a communication of

vibrations between the Sun and you in which forms and colors, a whole

new world will be born. And you will attract forces and intelligent beings

who will come and dance and bathe in the beauty of the dialogue, the

conversation taking place between you and the Sun. If you really want to

obtain all the blessings from the Sun, you have to prepare yourself to get

ready for that beautiful moment the day before.

Try not to eat too much. Not to get to bed too late. Don’t do anything

that might torment or worry you the next day. Try to settle things so as to

be free, with a clear mind and peaceful heart. Then you can project

yourself outwardly to the Sun. Then you can picture it as a wondrous

world with the most perfect creatures, beings of light who live in sublime

intelligence and in absolute love and purity. Think of a glorious world, a

culture and a civilization that surpass all imagination.

You must entertain only the best thoughts and feelings before falling

asleep. In this way you clear the ground during the night and you can
arrive at the sunrise fully awake and in good form with the thought. The

heaven are speaking to us. The angles are speaking to us. They are

sending us messages. Thank you Lord for letting me here today to gain a

little more health, little more wisdom and a little more love..

The very first thing we should tune to in the morning is the Sun. and in

that way we will have a beneficial effect on our whole body. Imagine the

next day you are going to find yourself in the presence of the finest and

the most perfect servant of God, that you are going to drink to your fill of

his light, his warmth and his life. Try to leave all your worries. We should

use the receivers God gave us to communicate with the Sun and all

those beings who are more advanced we are, to get in to their

wavelength and enter into their Aura, into their happiness, light and



Safe time to begin is at sunrise or sunset . An hour after sunrise

and half hour before sunset , when sun is not to bright . In the

beginning one may experience difficulty but one has to continue till

one gets adapted to the process . Its natural to be able to look at

sun without any discomfort in early hours of the day . This shall

correct many eye ailments.Note:- Beginners to gaze for 5-7 minutes. In

case the eyes water, please close your eyes. Then slowly increase your

gazing time from 5 min, increasing every 3rd day 1 additional minute. Go
up to 25-30 minutes(it will take 2-3 months). If Sun is too bright and you

find it difficult to gaze, bend your head and look through your eyebrows.

Rub your forehead and place a silver coin to help in sungazing.

Sun symbol is a mudra in which the right male side and left feminine side

are united into one , this allows for the free flow of energy and

awakening of the higher energy centres through Sun power.

Sooryayog has to be practised in this mudra. Right lil finger is

always below in the intercoiling of fingers

Place hands in Sun symbol position, touching your body (just below the


3. Stand/sit, facing Sun,(East in the morning, west in the evening) –

close your eyes. Think and Thank with gratitude your Mother,

Father, Guru, God and all the masters’. Affirm like a child looking

towards a mother, with no thoughts in the mind. Say: “ You are my

1st Guru, my nearest and dearest friend and well-wisher

4. Slowly open your eyes with a beautiful smile.Keep Smiling throughout

the process. This helps the energy to flow easily

5. Feel the pranic breathing through your physical eyes and the coin in

your 3rd eye position

6. Breath OUT all negativity and problems, not only physical imbalance

but mental as well, like Kama, Khrodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya

etc. Let it all go out through the solar Plexus.You may repeat this

affirmation, in your mind, coordinating it with your breath: “Love in –

Negativity Out”.


(Duration Minimum 10 minutes)Close eyes and see the light in your 3rd

eye. Enjoy and soak in this light. Breath In the love /light energy into your

3rd eye. Breath Out the love/light energy through 3rd eye. Affirmation:

“Love/Light in love/light out through 3rd eye.


(Minimum 7 minutes or more)Now direct that love energy into your heart.

Feel your heart filling with curative energies. As the blood flows through

the heart, each molecule, each cell in your blood is becoming energized

and illumined. Move this energized blood to all parts of your body.Feel

your organs and glands are becoming very strong and healthy now.
Soak in this glow of light and experience this within yourself. Experience

the light everywhere:”The light is all around you. The light is in you. You

are the light!” Now radiate this light all around you. Shower the light on

all your relatives, friends, enemies, sick people, living and non-living

entities. Then slowly expand the light to the whole universe and glow like

the Sun. Repeat mentally 3 times this affirmation with conviction: “I am

the luminous love light of the universe.” Hold this position for some time.

Slowly come back to the present.


Release the hand position and with eyes closed, bend down, touch

Mother Earth with Palms and Forehead. Let the silver coin touch Mother

Earth. Take a deep breath and let everything go. Surrender to the Mother

Earth, Thanking Mother Earth with love.

Come back to sitting position. Rub your hands together to create heat in
your palms, then cup your eyes with your palms. Feel the energy healing
your eyes. Blink 6-7 times getting used to the light slowly open your
eyes. Bring hands in folded prayer position. Thank the Sun for
illuminating your inner light, with a beautiful smile. Great everyone
around you with a loving smile.

Stand in a circle and Clap minimum 324 times for good health.

Laugh Loudly, to remove all negativities within you and to free

yourself from all; inner blocks.

Finally end the session with a Love song in praise of SUN which is

given below . Those who cannot sing the song, can sing another

one or mentally express their gratitude to SUN and depart.

Akanda Jyothir Jalavo (2 times)Soorya… Man Mandir Me Akanda

Jyothir JalavoDivya jyothir, Jnana jyothir Prema jyothir jalavo ( 2

times)Akanda Jyothir Jalavo Divya jyothir jalavoJnana jyothir

jalavoPrema jyothir jalavoAkanda Jyothir Jalavo (2)Soorya… Man

Mandir Me Akanda Jyothir Jalavo(3)Soorya jyothir jalavo

JAI Soorya JAI SooryaJAI ATMA Soorya

This ends the Sooryayog process , after this in the day time one can

sunbathe for ten minutes to get Vitamin D . Sooryayog can be done even

if there are clouds in the sky. Please avoid sunglasses and sunscreens

they do more harm to the body . Follow natural diets , avoid processed

foods , eat more raw food and fruits .

Further reading:
Vitamin D by Dr Hollick

The healing Sun by Richard Hobday

Sunlight can save ur life by Dr Zane R kime

Light the future medicine by dr jacob leibermann

Light is a living spirit by Omraan Mikhail Aivanhov

Dr Sunny Sandhu


Sooryayog foundation .


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