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Name & Surname:

I.Complete the gaps using the correct form of the verbs in brackets (past simple):

1. What……………………(you/do) in the summer?

2. I…………………(take) a trip around Europe by train.
3. ……………………(it/be) expensive?
4. No, I…………………….(buy) a railcard, and it…………….(be) quite cheap.
5. …………………………(you/go)on your own, or with some friends?
6. A couple of friends………………………(come) with me.
7. …………………………..(you/buy) some clothes at the market?
8. Yes, I…………………..(buy) a pair of trousers and a shirt.
9. It…………………………(not/rain) last week.

II.Complete the gaps using the correct form of the verbs in brackets (past continuous):

1. It…………………….(snow) when I left home this morning.

2. I tried to explain my problem to her, but she………………………..(not/listen).
3. He…………………….(talk) on the phone when I arrived.
4. A lot of people………………………(wait) for the 7.30 bus last night.
5. What…………………………….(you/do) at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon?

III.Choose the correct form of the verbs written in the “ing” form:

Writting / Writing
Diging / Digging
Takeing / Taking
Having / Haveing
Lying / Lieing

IV. Change the following sentences in interrogative and answer Y / N:

1. They decided to come to my party.(Y)

2. We knew the answer.(N)
3. Kate and Bill were writing on the blackboard.(Y)
4. Anna read an interesting book yesterday.(N)
5. Paula was looking out of the window.(N)
V.Translate the following text into Romanian:

“Then they saw the shark. Sharks are not always dangerous, but this shark could
smell blood. When sharks smell blood, they want to kill and eat. The shark’s teeth
closed on the dead fish and pulled the spear gun from Sam’s hand.”


VI.What did you do last weekend?

Of. 10 points
I. 10 points – (10 * 2points)
II. 10 points – (5 * 2 points)
III. 10 points – (5 * 2 points)
IV. 20 points – (5 * 4 points)
V. 20 points
VI. 10 points

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