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Grid Synchronization of Renewable Generation

Systems Using Synchronous Power Controllers
Daniel Remon∗ , Weiyi Zhang∗ , Alvaro Luna∗ , Ignacio Candela∗ , Pedro Rodriguez‡∗
∗ Department
of Electrical Engineering
Technical University of Catalonia
GAIA Building, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain 08222
‡ Department of Engineering

Loyola University Andalusia

Campus Palmas Altas, Seville, Spain 41014

Abstract—The increasing penetration of renewable energy units are replaced by power converters, these excursions may
sources in power systems has increased the amount of gener- be aggravated as the total inertia of the system decreases.
ating units employing power electronics as their grid interface,
instead of synchronous generators. Their different dynamics have Taking this into account, recent research on the control of
brought new challenges for power system operators; in particular,
the reduction of the total inertia of power systems, which
renewable power generation systems connected to the grid
leads to larger frequency disturbances. Different methods have through power electronics, has focused on their interaction
been proposed to address this issue, with virtual synchronous with the grid and the support these systems can offer. The
machines as a promising solution; however, the start-up process flexibility of power electronics has enabled the development
of these controllers has not received much attention. This paper of control strategies that allow these generators to contribute
proposes a start-up strategy for the synchronous power controller,
explaining its working principle in detail, and assessing its
to the control of power systems and to improve their stability.
performance through time-domain simulation. In particular, different methods have been proposed to emulate
certain aspects of the dynamics of synchronous machines, with
I. I NTRODUCTION special emphasis on their inertia.
The irruption of renewable sources like solar and wind A first approach considers an additional loop that modifies
energy is modifying the traditional energy mix of many power the active power reference of a conventional converter con-
systems. In many cases, these alternative sources reduce the troller, as a function of the grid frequency [1]–[4]. However, an
dependence on conventional power plants running on fossil alternative implementation is able to embed the main features
fuels, making power systems cleaner and more sustainable. of synchronous machine dynamics in the active power loop,
However, these changes suppose new challenges for power giving the converter natural synchronization and grid-forming
systems, traditionally designed to rely on such power plants. capability naturally, and avoiding in many cases the utilization
The main concerns of system operators are due to the inherent of a phase-locked loop [5]–[10].
variability of resources like solar radiation and wind, the
reduced contribution of many generating systems employing The results about this last group of controllers usually
these renewable energy sources, and the utilization of power address their performance in normal operation, or their impact
electronics converters instead of synchronous machines as the on power system stability. However, their start-up method,
interface between the resource and the grid. which should avoid abrupt connection transients, is seldom
Ideally, large generating stations should contribute to the explained. For instance, in [7], a virtual admittance block is
control of the power system, especially through frequency temporarily introduced during the connection of the converter,
and voltage regulation. In the case of renewable generators with the objective of making this connection possible without
injecting the maximum available power, this contribution is activating the converter protections, but not trying to minimize
constrained, and these units cannot inject additional power dur- the effects of the transient; whereas in [9], an additional
ing underfrequency events. Furthermore, conventional power synchronization system is considered for the start-up process.
systems have relied on the large inertia of the synchronous
machines supporting the grid, which limits frequency excur- This paper introduces a start-up process for power con-
sions after generation and demand imbalances. When these verters employing the Synchronous Power Controller (SPC)
[8], [11]. The proposed process enables part of the controller
This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science for the synchronization process, not requiring any additional
and Innovation under the project ENE2014-60228-R. blocks. The controller and the start-up process are explained in
Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in
this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of detail, and the performance of the start-up process is verified
the host institutions or funders. through simulation.

978-1-5386-2095-3/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE


i abc R L vabc i abc vabc

i abc   eabc

R  Ls

(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Electrical characteristic of the SPC: (a) Synchronous machine model, and (b) Virtual admittance implementation.

II. T HE S YNCHRONOUS P OWER C ONTROLLER The virtual admittance allows employing commercial power
Power electronics converters employing the SPC are har- converters working as current sources, without additional
moniously integrated in power systems through the emu- voltage control loops. Moreover, it avoids derivative terms as
lation of key features of synchronous machines. Namely, those appearing when a virtual impedance is used to determine
these power converters work in natural synchronism with the a voltage reference from a current measurement.
grid, responding to frequency disturbances, and behave as B. Electromechanical Characteristic
voltage sources able to react to short-circuit faults and to
maintain isolated portions of the power system in operation, The electromechanical characteristic gives the SPC its abil-
not requiring ancillary synchronization systems nor switching ity to work in synchronism with the grid, emulating a certain
among different operation modes. These different aspects of amount of inertia. This is achieved through a swing equation,
the converter response are defined by several blocks in the whose expression, in per unit, is
controller structure. dω
2Hω= Pmech − Pelec , (2)
A. Electrical Characteristic
where H is the inertia constant in seconds, ω is its speed, and
The electrical characteristic of the SPC reproduces a simple Pmech and Pelec respectively are the input and output power.
model of a synchronous machine, where it is represented as In the SPC, these dynamics are determined by the Power
a voltage source, corresponding to its electromotive force, Loop Controller (PLC). This controller is a modified version
behind an impedance. In this model, the current generated of the swing equation to provide additional damping for the
by the machine is determined by the voltage drop between power system, which can be achieved through a first-order
the electromotive force and the grid voltage at the point of low-pass filter, a proportional-integral controller, or a more
connection, and by the total impedance in between. general transfer function [11]. In this case, a proportional-
In the SPC, this is implemented in the form of a virtual integral controller is considered
admittance block. This block receives the electromotive force
eabc generated by a Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) using Δω τz s + 1
(s) = , (3)
the signals from other SPC blocks, and a measurement of the ΔP 2Hs
instantaneous voltage at the point of connection vabc ; whereas With any of these approaches, the PLC receives an active
it generates a current reference iref
abc to be used by a lower-level power reference and an instantaneous active power measure-
current controller. ment calculated from voltage and current signals, and allows
The current reference is calculated taking into account the fixing the inertia and damping to be emulated by the converter.
fact that, in each phase, the voltage drop Δv = e − v The resulting virtual machine speed is used to calculate
would induce a current through the impedance i, given by the angle of the voltage source representing the electromotive
(1), depending on the virtual resistance and inductance values force, employed by the virtual admittance block. Moreover,
R and L. These two parameters can be modified according to this virtual speed can be used as an estimation of the grid
the grid conditions or in order to achieve different performance frequency both for regulation and synchronization purposes,
objectives. Additionally, this current reference can easily be thus avoiding the need for a phase-locked loop.
limited to avoid harming the power electronics devices or
an undesired disconnection of the converter by its protection C. Reactive Power Controller
system. The magnitude of the voltage generated by the electromotive
force, which is combined with the angle signal to define the
di 1 set of three-phase voltages employed by the virtual admittance
= (Δv − Ri) (1)
dt L block, is determined by a Reactive Power Controller (RPC).
The electrical model of the virtual machine, and its im- In its simplest version, this is a proportional-integral controller
plementation through a virtual admittance that determines the canceling out the error in the reactive power injected by the
current to be injected by the converter in order to reproduce converter, although it can also control the voltage at the point
the response of the virtual machine can be compared in Fig. 1. of connection, or employ more advanced control strategies.


'Q Q ref 'V V ref

 i ref 9LUWXDO 'v e Z 'P P ref 'f f ref


 9&2 3/&  


 (Q i   (Q
i ref

e v ¥ S P  Q  St
V\QFKURQL]HGWRY ¥ tc o n d ! Ta


Fig. 2. Full SPC diagram including its start-up process.

D. Local Regulation Loops The process starts with the connection of the converter,
which involves charging its dc capacitor, closing its ac side
In addition to the functions just described, which constitute
breaker, and enabling the modulation pulses and the current
the core of the SPC, a power converter employing the SPC can
controller with a current reference equal to zero (action 0 in
contribute to the regulation of frequency and voltage as any
Fig. 2). After these steps, the power conversion system is ready
other generating unit. This can be done through local regula-
to start its synchronization, and the core of the SPC is enabled
tion loops that modify the active and reactive power references
(action 1 in Fig. 2), i.e., the virtual admittance block, the power
proportionally to the frequency and voltage error, respectively,
loop controller, and the reactive power controller are activated.
thus defining droop characteristics that avoid undesired inter-
During this stage, the active and reactive power references are
actions among several units. To prevent continuous variations
set to zero, with the local regulation loops disabled, and the
of the power references, the measurements are adequately
power calculation block takes the reference current calculated
filtered, and these controllers can include deadbands.
by the already working virtual admittance block, instead of the
III. S TART-U P P ROCESS measured current. Additionally, the current reference tracked
by the current controller remains equal to zero.
In the case of a power converter employing a controller With these virtual active and reactive power measurements,
that reproduces the synchronous behavior of a synchronous Pv , Qv , the internal voltage eabc is rapidly modified by the
machine, like the SPC, it is necessary to initialize the con- PLC and the RPC, until it is synchronized with the grid voltage
troller correctly before it is effectively enabled. Otherwise, the vabc . During the synchronization process, the internal variables
voltage difference between the virtual electromotive force and are modified as in normal operation, but this does not cause
the grid voltage could be excessive, leading to the generation any disturbance in the power system because the effective
of a large current reference, which would eventually result in current reference for the converter is blocked. Furthermore,
an unexpected current injection. only virtual values of active and reactive power are used, and
First, it is worth noting that the synchronization condition thus no actual exchange of power is needed.
is given by the electromotive force voltage eabc being equal To check whether the synchronization is completed, a given
to the grid voltage vabc . In the virtual admittance block, power tolerance  St can be defined. When the virtual apparent
this is translated into the current reference irefabc being zero. power Sv = Pv2 + Q2v is below this threshold for a given
Equivalently, if this reference were used to calculate the stabilization time Ta , the controller can be considered synchro-
active and reactive power through the virtual admittance, the nized with the grid. Alternatively, the magnitude of the current
condition would reduce to these active and reactive power reference and a current tolerance can be employed for this
values being zero. synchronization check. Once the controller is synchronized,
Therefore, if virtual active and reactive power measurements the current controller starts reading the current reference
are defined assuming that the reference current is virtually calculated by the SPC, whereas the power calculation block
flowing through the virtual admittance, it is possible to syn- starts using the current measurement for normal operation
chronize the SPC to the grid before enabling the whole power (action 2 in Fig. 2). The active and reactive power references,
converter control system. The synchronization and start-up and the local regulation loops can also be enabled from this
process is shown in Fig. 2. moment.


20 20
Injected current (A)

Injected current (A)

10 10

0 0

−10 −10

−20 −20
12 12
Active power Active power
10 10
Reactive power Reactive power
8 8
Power (kVA)

Power (kVA)
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0


Admittance multiplier (pu)

Virtual power (kVA)


−60 0.2

−90 0.0

Time (s) Time (s)

400 400
Virtual voltage (V)

200 Virtual voltage (V) 200

0 0

−200 −200

−400 −400

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Time (s) Time (s)

(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Evolution of the current and power injected by the converter, and the main controller variables for two different synchronization methods: (a) Proposed
pre-synchronization, and (b) Virtual admittance conditioning.

IV. R ESULTS power is 10 kW, whereas the SPC parameters are designed
This section validates the proposed start-up strategy through to emulate an inertia constant of 5 s, an active power closed-
the simulation of a power converter employing the SPC. loop damping coefficient of 0.8, and a virtual impedance of
First, in order to assess the performance of the proposed 0.05+0.3j p.u., considering a 10 kVA base power and a 400 V
strategy to connect the power converter to an operating grid, base voltage.
it is compared with a virtual admittance conditioning method. After energizing the grid, connecting the converter dc side
Afterwards, the ability of the converter to energize a microgrid to its power source, closing the ac breaker, and enabling the
with the same control strategy is verified. pulses and the current controller with a zero current reference,
the synchronization process starts at t = 0 s. For the pro-
A. Comparison with an alternative strategy posed synchronization method, an apparent power tolerance of
The proposed start-up strategy is compared with a condi- 100 VA, and a stabilization time of 0.1 s are defined; whereas
tioning method is based on the same principle as the soft for the virtual admittance conditioning method, the initial
starter proposed in [12] for a virtual impedance. Namely, the admittance value is multiplied by a 0.01, this is maintained for
converter control system is fully enabled after the device is 0.5 s, and afterwards it is increased with a 0.1 s time constant,
connected, but a very low virtual admittance value is set, so so it can be assumed that it reaches its normal operation value
the resulting current reference is close to zero regardless of in 0.5 s. At t = 1 s, the active power reference is set to 10 kW,
the voltage difference. After a period of time, the internal and the local frequency regulation loop is enabled, with a 5%
voltage gets synchronized with the grid voltage, and the virtual droop.
admittance can be set to its normal operation value; however, The results obtained with each method are summarized in
the restoration of this value must be handled with care to avoid Fig. 3. On the one hand, both methods allow the controller
a large transient, so a negative exponential function of time is to be adequately initialized and ready to inject power as
considered. expected when the power reference is modified, and the
In both cases, the same power converter and control param- power conversion system response in normal operation is
eters for normal operation are considered. The converter rated similar in both cases. On the other hand, it is possible to see


600 0.6
Voltage on α axis (V)


Injected current (A)

200 0.2
0 0.0
−200 −0.2
Virtual e −0.4
Grid v −0.6
Voltage on β axis (V)


Power (kVA)
−200 −0.1

−0.2 Active power

Reactive power
−600 −0.3
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Time (s) Time (s)

(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Detail of the synchronization process: (a) Voltage synchronization with the proposed pre-synchronization, and (b) Current and power injected by the
converter during the virtual admittance conditioning process.

some differences during the synchronization process. The most in order to allow an immediate connection of the converter.
significant one takes place when the process starts: with the Namely, the apparent power tolerance is given an infinite value
proposed method, no impact is seen on the grid, as expected; and the stabilization time is set equal to 0 s.
however, the admittance conditioning method results in a short In these conditions, and after connecting the converter dc
transient where some current and power are exchanged with and ac sides and enabling the pulses with a zero current
the grid. Furthermore, when the admittance starts to increase reference, the power converter receives the connection signal
towards its rated value, another transient exchange of power at t = 0 s. From this moment, the active and reactive
can be seen. The amplitude and duration of these transients are power references are kept at 0, and frequency and voltage
closely related to the speed with which the process is carried regulation is provided with 5% and 2.5% droops, respectively.
out, making it difficult to reduce the time taken by this process Afterwards, the converter active power reference is increased
below 1 s. With the proposed method, the synchronization is to 10 kW at t = 1 s.
completed at t = 0.95 s, once again with no effect on the The evolution of the system is shown in Fig. 5. After the
grid when the current reference is enabled, and this duration connection signal is sent, the converter immediately starts
could be reduced by increasing the considered apparent power injecting the current required by the load, which also re-
tolerance. flects on the power fed by the converter, which practically
Further details of the synchronization process are shown coincides with the rated value of the load after a short
in Fig. 4. Fig. 4a depicts the evolution of the electromotive transient. Similarly, the voltage droop keeps the voltage at
force as it gets synchronized with the grid voltage through the required RMS value of 400 V. On the other hand, the
the proposed pre-synchronization method. In Fig. 4b, it is frequency shows a more interesting behavior. The presence
possible to appreciate the transient caused during the admit- of the load and the tight voltage control determine the active
tance conditioning process. The active and reactive power power drawn from the converter; however, the power converter
are affected throughout this period, and especially during the reference is significantly lower than the required value. Within
first 0.10 s, when the instantaneous apparent power exchange the controller, this causes the SPC frequency to decrease,
reaches values around 3% of the converter rated power. thus reducing the frequency of the generated signals, and
the frequency dip makes the regulation loop increase the
B. Energization of a microgrid active power reference, thus limiting the power imbalance.
In the following test, the same power converter is employed. Afterwards, when the active power reference is given a value
However, instead of a working grid, an initially de-energized over the requested power, the sign of the imbalance reverses,
microgrid is considered. The simulation studies the process the frequency rises, and the frequency droop counteracts this
through which the power converter energizes this microgrid trend by reducing the active power reference, until a new
with a few loads, taking into account that more loads and equilibrium is found at 50.5 Hz. Therefore, the frequency of
generating units can be connected afterwards following the the generated voltage signals behaves as if they were induced
same procedure as in normal operation. The total load initially by a synchronous generator, and its dependence on the power
connected is modeled by a single load of 8 kW and 6 kvar. balance provides useful information to control the microgrid
The control of the power converter is the same as in the without communications, enabling different generating units
previous test, only adapting the apparent power tolerance and to share the load and the active participation of demand.
stabilization time considered in the synchronization process Additionally, Fig. 6 shows the voltage at the point of


A start-up strategy for power converters employing the
Injected current (A)

synchronous power controller has been proposed and ex-
0 plained in detail. Employing this controller, a generating unit
−10 producing renewable energy through power electronics can
emulate certain features of the dynamics of a synchronous
12 generator, thus contributing to the control and stability of
10 the power system. The proposed strategy fully utilizes the
8 controller structure, not requiring any additional systems.
Power (kVA)

This strategy has been validated through simulation, com-
paring its performance in the connection of a power converter
Active power
0 Reactive power
to a low voltage grid with respect to an alternative method.
The results prove that the proposed strategy is able to obtain
shorter start-up times and to suppress undesired transients.
Frequency (Hz)

Furthermore, the same control system can be employed to

energize a microgrid with this power converter, limiting the
connection transient, controlling the voltage tightly, and send-
ing other elements in the system adequate signals for active
power balancing.
500 Time (s)
RMS line-to-line voltage (V)

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