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The Train Game 

Join us on a journey across the USA as we strengthen our English II skills 
and standards! 
Required materials: 
Station signs:
Text (“The Third Level” by Jack Finney):
Students are attempting to make it from Portland, Oregon to Miami 
Florida on the railway. 
Before embarking, students should read and discuss “The Third Level” by 
Jack Finney, either as a class, or written out independently. 
At each station, students must complete a task or answer a question 
related to the TEXT (“The Third Level” by Jack Finney). The answer will be a 
letter that they will write on their map. They can complete them in any 
order, and they do not need to check in with the teacher between stations. 
When they have completed all 10 stations with correct answers, a phrase 
will appear - “FIND A THEME.” 
The final thing they need to do before they can end their journey is to 
complete that task (FIND A THEME) in 2-3 full sentences underneath the 
At that point, the teacher will check their work. If it is of good quality, they 
will be finished. You can give prizes to those who complete quickest. 
(answers: OR: F NV: I AZ: N NM: D TX: A LA: T MS: H AL: E GA: M FL: E) 
Portland, OR 
The following excerpt from the text is an example of which type of 
figurative language? 
“Sometimes I think Grand Central is growing like a tree, pushing out new 
corridors and staircases like roots.” 
E. metaphor 
F. simile 
G. alliteration 
H. mood 
Las Vegas, NV 
How did the main character, Charley, respond to a major challenge (not 
being able to return to the Third Level)? 
I. He continued to try to find the Third Level despite coming up short. 
J. He gave up on finding the Third Level and decided to accept his life as 
it was. 
K. He learned to rely on other people to find the Third Level again. 
L. He created the Fourth Level. 
Phoenix, AZ 
What was i​ ronic ​about the final paragraph? 
M. Sam got to live in Galesburg as a successful businessman. 
N. Charley’s psychiatrist initially thought of the Third Level as mental 
escapism, but ended up escaping back in time himself. 
O. Charley never did get to make it back to Galesburg in 1894. 
P. Charley will never be happy, while Sam found true happiness. 
Santa Fe, NM 
Based on context, what is the best definition of the underlined word? 
“Then I heard that sort of ​hollow​ roar ahead that means open space, and 
people talking.” 
A. empty 
B. soft 
C. dull 
D. open 
Houston, TX 
Which detail is not essential to a summary of this story: 
A. Charley likes collecting stamps. 
B. Charley saw a psychiatrist and discussed the Third Level. 
C. Charley found a Third Level of Grand Central Station. 
D. Charley hoped to travel back in time to Galesburg. 
New Orleans, LA 
Which adjective best describes Charley? 
Q. ambitious 
R. confused 
S. pessimistic 
T. determined 
Meridian, MS 
Which quote best supports the idea that Charley is resolute? 
E. “Next day, during lunch hour, I drew $300 out of the bank, nearly all we 
had, and bought old-style currency.” 
F. “And I wanted two tickets to Galesburg, Illinois.” 
G. “Everybody I know wants to escape, but they don’t wander down into any 
third level at Grand Central Station.” 
H. “But I’ve never again found the corridor that leads to the third level at 
Grand Central Station, although I’ve tried often enough.” 
Birmingham, AL 
How did Charley realize that Sam had found the Third Level and went 
back in time? 
E. He found a letter from Sam dated 1894 amid his Grandfather’s stamp 
collection that he had never seen before. 
F. Sam disappeared and was never seen again. 
G. Sam always wanted what Charley had. 
H. Sam tried to convince Charley that he was crazy, while plotting to take 
Charley’s place in 1894. 
Atlanta, GA 
What is the importance of the letter from Sam at the end of the story? 
L. It keeps readers interested by using a different form of writing for 
M. It proves that Charley really found the Third Level and that Sam used it 
to travel back in time to Galesburg, 1894. 
N. It shows that Charley really was confused - the Third Level was in his 
O. It highlights the importance of handwritten communication. 
Miami, FL 
Why were Charley, his wife, and Sam so interested in going back in time to 
E. They were drawn to the idea of living in a simpler, easier time. 
F. They enjoyed the fashion of the time period and wanted to live in it. 
G. They wanted to meet their deceased relatives. 
H. They hated the busy streets of New York City. 
Possible themes can include reference to: 
Fantasy vs. Reality 
Time Travel 
Complexity of Modern Era vs. Simpler Times 
Idealization of the Past 

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