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Inspired by the Quran Quranic Arabic Level 1

Types of Words – ‫ت‬ َ ‫أَ ْق‬
ِ ‫سا ُم ال َك ِل َما‬
Learning Goals: Identify the type of a word

The Types of Words1 are three (3):

1. ٌٌٌ‫سم‬ ِ
ْ ‫ ا‬/‫اَ ْْسَ ٌاء‬

Noun: It is a word that is the name of a person, animal, place or thing and

indicates to a meaning in itself. It does not have a tense i.e it is a NAMING

WORD. Eg: The Boy, A Girl

2. ٌ‫فِ ْعل‬/‫ال‬
ٌ ‫أَقْ َع‬

Verb: It is a word that expresses an action or a state of being in relation to time

that is Past, Present and Future i.e it is an ACTION WORD. Eg: He sat, She is


3. ٌ‫ َحٌْرف‬/ٌ‫ُح ُرْوف‬
Particle: It is a word that does not indicate to a meaning in itself and it is not

attached to any of the three tenses i.e it is a FUNCTION WORD Eg: In, Upon,

On, And, Until

The words in the Quran will be either either a noun, verb or particle. One word cannot be two at the same time.

1|P a ge
Inspired by the Quran Quranic Arabic Level 1

Exercise 1: Identify Nouns, Verbs and Particles from the following:

1. Mohammad 2. Madinah 3. The Sun

4. Came 5. On 6. Does/Did/In

7. Stood 8. Listen! 9. Me

10. Star 11. Rope 12. Upon

13. Under 14. Until 15. And

Exercise 1.2: Choose the correct answer. (More than one may apply)

1. Did He not create the Earth for you? 2. Did He not create the Earth for you?

The verb in the sentence is The noun(s) in the sentence is/are

a) He a) He

b) earth b) earth

c) you c) you

d) create d) create

3. They will soon find out! 4. Did He not create the Earth for you?

The noun in the sentence is The Particle in the sentence is

a) will a) Did

b) they b) for

c) soon c) you

d) find d) create

2|P a ge
Inspired by the Quran Quranic Arabic Level 1

3|P a ge

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