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[Company Name]
1. Purpose
This Code of Conduct outlines the expectations of behavior for all those employed at
[company name][SP1] [LM2] , as well as those who interact with company employees.
These policies were developed to ensure the protection and rights of all [company
name]employees. This Code is intended to give employees clear procedural guidelines
for identifying and reporting violations.
A primary goal of [company name]is to ensure a friendly, safe, and welcoming
environment for all.
Recognizing that a healthy workplace is a prerequisite for productivity, the company will
prioritize employee safety and is prepared to refrain from business in case of Code of
Conduct violation by customers and other business partners.
We invite everyone to actively promote a culture of respect and dignity, providing safe
and positive experiences for all.

2. Applicability
This Code of Conduct applies to:
· all [company name]employees
· customers, suppliers, and visitors on company premises
· employees representing [company name]in company and industry events
· attendees, speakers, sponsors, hosts, venues and volunteers of company
sponsored events
· company and employee online engagements such as email, website and
social media
Events in this context include but are not limited to trade shows, workshops, parties and
business entertainment.
Business partners are expected to adhere to an equivalent Code of Conduct. The
company will inquire about potential partner's Code of Conduct before entering business
relationships and will consider termination of the business relationship in case of

3. Definitions
3.1. Discrimination
Discrimination refers to unfavorable treatment received by a person due to an identity
marker such as:
· protected classes under federal law:
o Race
o Color
o Religion, creed or lack thereof
o National origin or ancestry
o Sex
o Age
o Physical or mental disability
o Veteran status
o Genetic information
o Citizenship
· protected classes under company policy:
o Nationality
o Immigration status
o Language
o Sexual orientation
o Gender
o Gender identity
o Gender expression
o Pregnancy
o Child birth
o Medical condition
o Physical appearance
o Body size
o Economic status
o Social class
o Technology choices
3.2. Workplace violence
Workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or
other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. It ranges from threats
and verbal abuse to physical assaults and may include bullying, stalking use of physical
force and behavior that creates a disturbance or is dangerous.
3.3. Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment is a form of sex discrimination that occurs in the workplace. It may
be categorized as:
3.3.1. Hostile work environment sexual harassment
Any sexually inappropriate subject matter that makes the workplace uncomfortable
or intolerable. It does not have to be directed at a specific person and might include:
· unwelcome remarks, lewd, sexually explicit or offensive language, obscene
gestures or physical contact;
· display or circulation of offensive, derogatory or sexually explicit pictures or
other materials;
· offensive or derogatory jokes or comments.
3.3.2. Quid pro quo sexual harassment
Any request for sexual favors in exchange for work related matters, including
promotion in case of acceptance or retaliation in case of rejection.

4. Policy
[company name]has a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination and harassment.
All employees will participate in an annual Code of Conduct training provided by the
Every non-employee that becomes subject to the Code of Conduct as described in
section Applicability must be made aware of this Policy and Consequences.
4.1. Expected Behavior
4.1.1. Exercise consideration and respect in speech and actions.
4.1.2. Attempt collaboration before conflict.
4.1.3. Never engage in harassing, offensive, disrespectful or retaliatory conduct.
4.1.4. Whenever possible, make clear when a behavior is not wanted and demand
that the person stops.
4.1.5. Whenever possible, intervene in the presence of bad behavior (call out) being
mindful of the safety of the victim and observing best practices of bystander
4.1.6. Anyone asked to stop any harassing behavior is expected to comply
4.1.7. Be mindful of your surroundings and report immediately if you notice a
dangerous situation or someone in distress
4.1.8. Report if you witness any violations of this Code of Conduct, even if they
seem inconsequential. Any individual who witnesses harassment or
discrimination and does not report it to the appropriate channels or any
member of management who neglects to take action against harassment or
discrimination, is considered complicit in the behavior.
4.1.9. Anyone in a position of leadership, who knows or ought reasonably to know
that a person has experienced or is experiencing mistreatment such as
discrimination, harassment, or abuse, is required to take reasonable steps to
prevent the mistreatment.
4.1.10. Base employment decisions on job qualifications and merit, such as
education, experience, skills and demonstrated results.
4.1.11. Clearly establish, communicate and agree upon measurable criteria for
promotions in order to prevent biased decisions and even the appearance of

4.2. Prohibited Behavior

4.2.1. Unwelcome comments regarding a person’s appearance, lifestyle choices
and practices, including those related to food, health, parenting, relationships,
drugs, employment, education, body, apparel and presentation.
4.2.2. Questioning, challenging, or initiating unwelcome discussion regarding
someone’s stated self-identity or chosen labels.
4.2.3. Deliberate misgendering or deliberate use of “dead” or rejected names.
4.2.4. Deliberate “outing” of any aspect of a person’s identity, such as gender,
sexual orientation, or disability, without their consent.
4.2.5. Sexual discussion or display of sexually suggestive imagery and materials in
the workplace or on computers or mobile devices
4.2.6. Sexualized images and activities should not be used as promotional material.
Booth staff, volunteers (when present), venue staff should not use sexualized
clothing/uniforms/costumes, or otherwise create a sexualized environment.
4.2.7. Telling jokes or displaying materials that ridicule or offend members of a
particular gender, race or ethnic group
4.2.8. Offensive language including pet names, sexual jokes and crude comments
4.2.9. Physical contact or simulated physical contact (e.g., gestures or descriptions
of physical or sexual contact) without consent or after a request to stop.
4.2.10. Unwelcome sexual attention, including verbal, physical, or simulated sexual
innuendo or behavior.
4.2.11. Stalking, following, or deliberate intimidation of an individual or group.
4.2.12. Pattern of inappropriate social contact, such as requesting/assuming
inappropriate levels of intimacy with others, or continued one-on-one
communication after requests to stop.
4.2.13. Angry or aggressive communication, written or verbal.
4.2.14. Threats of violence toward any individual, or incitement of violence toward
any individual, including encouragement of self-harm.
4.2.15. Incendiary comments related to any individual or group that are non-
constructive or intentionally hurtful.
4.2.16. Creating or encouraging a hostile environment, which may be defined as an
atmosphere in which there is behavior, speech, or treatment of individuals
that undermines their personal power or dignity, or jeopardizes their
aspirations to achieve their personal goals.
4.2.17. Incitement, endorsement, or protection of harassing or abusive speech or
4.2.18. Retaliation against any employee who speaks up in good faith, or who
participates in good faith in the handling or investigation of a complaint or

5. Consequences
Any employee including management, customer, supplier, visitor, business partner, event
attendee or other that violates this Code of Conduct may be subject as applicable to:
· request to immediately stop and comply
· warning
· disciplinary action
· opportunity to change behavior and demonstrate rectification
· employment termination
· removal from the premises
· permanent banning
· termination of business relationship
6. Reporting[SP3] [LM4]
Contact information: [Compliance Officer / Compliance Committee / Compliance
[Each company should establish a reporting mechanism and escalation process
according to their size and resources. This could be for example:
- Direct manager, next level manager, company owner
- One or more employees indicated by management and / or
elected by the staff
- Internal or external Human Resources organization
- Legal counsel
- External service provider
While establishing this mechanism, the company should make sure that the
people responsible for investigating a complaint are impartial, equally trusted by
all parties, and not involved in the incident themselves.]

If you are subject to, witness, or suspect discrimination, harassment, or have any other
concerns, please contact the [Compliance Committee]promptly, providing as much
information as possible, such as time, place, people involved and descriptive information
as appropriate and as you feel comfortable in disclosing.
We respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting victims of abuse or
harassment. We may request permission to publicly or privately name a person about
whom we’ve received complaints regarding harassment or abuse, if we believe that
doing so will increase the safety of [company name]staff and/or the general public.
[company name]will not name harassment or abuse victims without their affirmative
All complaints brought to the attention of the [Compliance Committee]will be investigated
and the appropriate actions will be taken confidentially between the parties involved.
Investigation and resolution will be conducted as much as possible by a team
independent and trusted by the involved parties.
If you feel you have been falsely or unfairly accused of violating this Code of Conduct,
notify the [Compliance Committee]with a concise description of your grievance. All
decisions will prioritize the safety of the company employees and community.

7. Revision
Created February 19, 2018. Last updated February 19, 2018.
This Code of Conduct will be reviewed and updated annually or at any time as result of a
violation report by [company name]management and staff.

8. Signature
By signing below, all participants of this Code of Conduct certify that they understand
this to be a legally binding document.
Print: ______________________________
Sign: ______________________________
Date: ______________________________

9. License and Attribution

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
4.0 International License.
Adapted by the #coffeetoo project team from Leaf and Bean Code of Conduct by Alex
McDivitt including information from the following sources:
· Bay Area Coffee Community Code of Conduct
· Acaia Conference Code of Conduct
· Starbucks Business Ethics and Compliance Standards of Business Conduct
· SCA Code of Conduct
· Comcast Code of Conduct
· LEVO: Taking Legal Action After Sexual Harassment: An Attorney Explains
the Process
· CHERRRY BOMBE: What if Diners Had a Code of Conduct?
· OSHA: Workplace Violence

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