Arcane Mechanik (Arcane Tradition)

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The arcane mechanik is a master of artifice and a channeler of arcane energy.

An adept practitioner of the

arts of combining clockwork, science, and magic into a unified whole, the arcane mechanik produces
wonders of technology known as arcane mechanika.

A wizard must be proficient with tinkerer’s tools to become an arcane mechanik.

Beginning at 2nd level when you become an arcane mechanik, you learn to read and understand schematics
for arcane mechanika and can copy them into your spellbook as you would a spell. In addition, you gain the
following benefits:
• You add the schematics for crafting +1 mechanikal armor and +1 mechanikal weapons to your spellbook.
• You gain an arcane condenser if you don’t already have one.
• You add the find familiar spell to your spellbook and can build a mechanical body to store your familiar’s
spirit. While summoned into a mechanical body, your familiar’s type becomes construct and it gains the
following: immunity to poison damage and psychic damage, the charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified,
and poisoned conditions, and exhaustion. If your familiar is reduced to 0 hit points while bound to a
mechanical body, the body is broken and must be repaired with a DC 15 Intelligence check using artisan’s
tools (tinkerer’s tools) over the course of 1d4 hours.

Schematics for arcane mechanika function identical to magic item formulas (DMG, p. 141), except that they
are not required for an arcane mechanik to craft mechanikal items. Instead, they allow arcane mechaniks
to make twice as much progress each day that they spend crafting the item (50 gp).
If they lack a schematic, an arcane mechanik must succeed on an Intelligence (Arcana) check each day
that they spend crafting a mechanikal item, making no progress if they fail. The DC for this check equals 10
for a common item; 15 for an uncommon or rare item; or 20 for a very rare item. Legendary magic items
can’t be replicated with arcane mechanika.
The cost of a mechanikal item is typically half the value listed on page 135 of the Dungeon Master’s
Guide, but they must be fitted with an accumulator. An accumulator holds charges which a mechanikal
item drains daily to function. A mechanikal item without an accumulator—or one whose accumulator has
ran dry—has no magical properties. Standard accumulators costs 100 gp and hold 20 charges, while light
and heavy accumulators cost half/twice as much and hold half/twice as many charges, respectively.
Accumulators don’t recharge on their own and must either be plugged into an arcane turbine for 24 hours
or fed magical energy through an arcane condenser (see below). Characters that lack the ability to
recharge an accumulator on their own must typically pay an alchemist or arcane mechanik to do so for
them; such professionals will recharge a light, standard, or heavy accumulator for 25/50/100 gp,
Common and uncommon mechanikal items drain 1 charge daily; rare mechanikal items drain 2 charges
daily; and very rare mechanikal items drain 3 charges daily. An exception to this rule is made for
mechanikal wands and other typically charged magic items. These items are crafted with trickle sockets,
allowing their wielders to drain a number of charges from the item’s accumulator each time they are
used, rather than daily; spells cast from such an item drain 1 charge per level of the spell.

Starting at 2nd level, you are no longer required to make a Wisdom saving throw to remove your hands from
an arcane condenser when recharging an accumulator.
When an accumulator is attached to an arcane condenser via conduits, a spellcaster can lay hands on the
arcane condenser to feed magical energy into the accumulator. At the start of each round that a
spellcaster’s hands remain in contact with an arcane condenser that’s hooked up to an accumulator, the
spellcaster loses one spell slot of his or her choice. The accumulator then gains a number of charges equal
to half the level of the expended spell slot (rounded down).
Unfortunately, once a spellcaster has begun feeding magical energy through an arcane condenser, it
becomes difficult to stop. To remove one’s hands from an arcane condenser, a spellcaster must succeed on
a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + twice the level of the last spell slot expended) at the end of its turn. On a
failure, the spellcaster can’t remove his or her hands. At the start of each round that a spellcaster’s hands
remain unwillingly in place, the device drains a spell slot of the highest level available.
If the accumulator exceeds the maximum number of charges it can hold, it explodes. Each creature
within 20 feet of an accumulator when it explodes must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1
point of force damage for each charge held in the accumulator, or half this damage on a successful saving
throw. Additionally, the spellcaster who triggered the explosion is hit with a wave of mental backlash,
functioning as the feeblemind spell (DC 20).

At 6th level, you gain proficiency with light armor and shields, as well the mace, spear, flail, short sword, and
heavy crossbow. When wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you can use your
Intelligence modifier for your attack and damage rolls.

Starting at 10th level, you can unleash a pulse of arcane will as an action, overloading a single charged
mechanikal item within 60 feet of you that you can see. If it is being held or worn by a creature, that creature
can attempt a Charisma saving throw against your wizard spell save DC. On a failed save, the item is
overloaded. While overloaded, the item ceases functioning and cannot be activated again for 1 hour.
Once you use this feature you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

By 14th level, whenever you cast a spell, you can choose to spend 5 charges from a charged mechanikal item
you are holding to use one of the following metamagic options: Distant Spell, Empowered Spell, or Extended
Spell. When you empower a spell with this feature, you use your Intelligence modifier to determine how
many dice you can reroll, rather than your Charisma modifier.

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