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It is more dangerous to drive a motorcycle because with this you have a lot
of speed that is difficult to control and there are more chances of having
accidents, instead with the motorcycle you can use the brake or simply stop
it with your foot


I think it is easier to learn to ride a bicycle since with this you do not run
many risks, because with a car you can cause an accident and a horse can
behave wildly and hurt you

I think that it is more relaxing to travel by train because it is safer since it
does not go very fast, however when you are flying there may be a greater
risk of mechanical failure and the plane may fall, also when you drive you
have the pressure to respect the rules of traffic and avoid accidents.


in my opinion it is more difficult to sleep on a train, because on the plane

and bus there are seats with a 180 degree turn that allow you to be more
comfortable to sleep also the train produces a lot of noise on the trip


I think that it is more boring to wait at an airport because the planes can
take a long time and you still have to wait for the flight, and in traffic you
can take other roads and it is not so boring.

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