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Int J CARS (2012) 7 (Suppl 1):S97–S102

DOI 10.1007/s11548-012-0698-1


European teleradiology now and in the future: results of a survey Distribution of images within the same institution is the most fre-
E. Ranschaert1, F. Barneveld Binkhuysen2 quently used form of teleradiology (70.9 %) followed by reading
Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, Radiology, Den Bosch, The Netherlands images from home during nighttime and weekends (44.3 %). Out-
Meander Medisch Centrum, Amersfoort, The Netherlands sourcing of examinations is done by 35.5 % of the participants,
mostly to obtain an expert opinion (20.2 %) or to solve capacity
Keywords Teleradiology  PACS  Future  Survey
problems (19.7 %). Teleradiology services are provided by 31.6 % of
the respondents on a non-commercial basis and by 26 % on a com-
Purpose mercial basis. In most cases it concerns primary reads (76.6 %) and
The purpose of this survey was to attempt to map the current use of subspecialty interpretations (50.5 %). The examinations mostly come
teleradiology in Europe and to evaluate the respondents’ current and from other hospitals within same country (86.9 %). DICOM is the
future vision about this technique. In addition, analysis of the results preferred image format (91.6 %). A VPN-type connection is present
should allow the authors to give some recommendations about the in 41.6 % of cases, a regional network in 37.4 %. Additional infor-
further usage and deployment of teleradiology services within mation about the patient is usually obtained through connection with
Europe. the PACS/RIS (54.1 %), 29.7 % uses telephone and 23.8 % fax. Only
Methods 16.2 % is using a dedicated teleradiology platform or software. The
An online electronic survey was made using the SurveyMonkey possibility to discuss cases in a collaborative network is considered as
web-based survey tool [1], consisting of 32 multiple-choice and 3 the greatest advantage of teleradiology (46.1 %), followed by the
open questions. Questions were asked about demographics of the ability to efficiently distribute the workload (37.8 %). The major
participants, types of services used, security of data transmission, advantages of outsourcing with teleradiology are: the possibility to
communication of information, quality assurance and legal regula- ask for second opinion/subspecialty advises (81.9 %) and the greater
tions. Furthermore questions were posed concerning the potential availability of radiologists for on-call services (71.3 %). According to
advantages, disadvantages, threats and opportunities of teleradiology 68.9 % the main disadvantage of outsourcing image interpretations
services. In the open questions the participants were asked to express lies in the insufficient integration of patient history and/or previous
their opinion about the current and future role of teleradiology. The studies. Limited communication with clinicians is regarded as the
target group was defined as radiologists, radiology residents and second most important disadvantage (67.7 %). When asking about
radiology managers with a professional activity in a European possible threats and dangers of teleradiology, 60.2 % thinks that
country. Advanced logic features were used, as provided by Sur- radiologists might lose control over their business, 54.4 % fears that it
veyMonkey, directing participants to the right questions and might diminish the quality of radiology services, 48.8 % thinks that it
excluding participants not belonging to the target group. The survey could create instability in the job market and the radiologists’ income,
was published online with collaboration of the ESR. Participation was and another 48.4 % sees it as a threat for good patient care. According
encouraged on the ESR homepage under ‘‘Highlights’’ [2]. A message to 78.3 % the quality of teleradiology services could be improved by
about the survey was published on the ESR Facebook page [3] and developing an obligatory quality assurance system and specific tele-
also distributed via Twitter [4]. A brief article was published in the radiology training programme (70 %). The provision of double
September 2011 issue of the ESR Science Report. The authors sent an readings is also seen as a valuable solution (56.9 %). Regarding cross-
electronic invitation to the National Societies of Radiology of Euro- border teleradiology, 64.8 % agrees that pan-European image sharing
pean countries of which the addresses can be found on the ESR should be allowed under specific regulations, however the majority of
Institutional Member Societies webpage. The LinkedIn virtual net- participants who addressed this topic thinks it has no future. 6.55 %
work was used to distribute personal invitations within the authors’ mentions the need for further standardisation including a better
network [5]. Finally some publicity was made during the MIR 2011 financial and legal regulation. According to 59.9 % an adapted
Scientific Meeting [6] and the Dutch Radiology Days [7]. The survey reimbursement scheme should be agreed upon. A positive vision
remained online between September 14th and October 10th. For regarding the future of teleradiology was expressed by 79.9 %, even
analysis of the quantitative data the SurveyMonkey statistical tools 46.1 % of the responders believed that its importance would grow.
and SPSS statistical software (SPSS Statistics 20, IBM Corporation, The mentioned principal reasons for teleradiology to stay were:
NY, USA) were used. For the qualitative analysis of data the thematic shortage of radiologists and need for sub-specialisation. More
coding technique was used as described by Uwe Flick [8]. opportunities should be found in emergency reading services, flexible
Results support of small practices and in the creation of platforms to enhance
A total of 368 persons participated in the survey, of which 70.7 % collaboration between radiologists.
radiologists, 13.6 % residents and 6 % radiology managers. The Conclusion
participants represented 35 European countries, the two largest groups Teleradiology has become a technique that is widely used throughout
coming from Austria (22 %) and Belgium (22 %). The third largest Europe, mostly for distribution of work within the same institution
group came from the UK (6.5 %), followed by the Netherlands and for on-call purposes. Usage of commercial teleradiology services
(5.7 %), Germany (5 %), Italy (3.7 %), Estonia (4 %), Spain (3.7 %), is still relatively limited, mostly for solving capacity problems during
France (3.4 %), Greece (2.8 %), and Sweden (2.8 %). Of the total, night calls. Regarding cross-border image distribution within Europe
64.8 % were already using teleradiology and 36.1 % planned to use it there is still a great demand for a clear pan-European legislation, price
in the near future. 17.6 % did not use or plan to use this technique. regulation and quality assurance system. When the market for

S98 Int J CARS (2012) 7 (Suppl 1):S97–S102

teleradiology was only seen as limited, expert opinions and second

opinions were thought to have the biggest potential, followed by
emergency services, support of small practices and hospitals, and
creation of platforms that may enhance collaboration between
[1] SurveyMonkey website:
[2] ESR website, Highlights:
[3] myESR facebook webpage:
[4] myESR Twitter webpage:
[5] LinkedIn website:
[6] MIR Annual Scientific Meeting 2011, Sept. 29–30, Nice, France
[7] Dutch Radiology Days 2011, Sept. 29–30, Maastricht, the
Fig. 1 Example of an XML message describing an address update
[8] Flick U, An Introduction to Qualitative Research. Sage Publi-
cations Ltd, 2009, p. 528.

constancy test results. The XML body, which is interpreted by the

receiver, describes each action in detail.
Using control messages for administrative tasks and constancy Address and key updates
testing of DICOM e-mail based teleradiology networks Figure 1 shows an example of an XML message for an address update
F. Schwind1, H. Münch1, A. Schröter1, G. Weisser2, H.-P. Meinzer1,3, where a new e-mail address is transmitted to all partners. Each
U. Engelmann1,3 XML service part is identified by a name (ADDRESSUPDATE)
CHILI GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany and an optional action (SET or REMOVE). The body of the ser-
Universitätsklinikum, Institut für Klinische Radiologie und vice part is processed differently based on the found name and
Nuklearmedizin, Mannheim, Germany action. In case of an address update a new connection is added or
German Cancer Research Center, Division Medical and Biological updated if the given id already exists. If the action value REMOVE
Informatics, Heidelberg, Germany is set, the connection with the given id will be removed or dis-
abled, depending on the implementation of the service part
Keywords Teleradiology  DICOM e-mail  PACS 
Constancy testing
After completing or denying the action, a MDN is send to the
Purpose given e-mail address. For this purpose the existing @GIT error codes
DICOM e-mail is a wide used standard application in German tele- were extended with new messages matching the needs of service part
radiology networks [1]. It is easy to admit new partners to the messages including parser or update errors.
network, because all communication is done via dedicated servers for The service part KEYUPDATE works like the described AD-
all participants. Only the e-mail connection must be configured and DRESSUPDATE while only the complete PGP/GnuPG keyblock
keys for encryption exchanged between partners [2]. must be transmitted to add a new key. To remove an existing PGP/
One major drawback is the asynchronous communication, which GnuPG key the key id must be transferred in a service part KEY-
makes it hard to trigger automated constancy tests between partners UPDATE message using the action REMOVE.
and generate protocols, which are required by the German authorities Constancy tests
for legal reasons [3]. Furthermore it was up to now not possible to Service parts can also be used to trigger constancy tests between
update changes in addresses or encryption keys automatically. DICOM e-mail partners. The administrator of the network sends an
This paper presents a solution for automated constancy tests and e-mail containing a TESTTRANSFER request to a communication
the exchange of administrative data via e-mail, which was developed partner. The service part must contain the address and PGP/GnuPG
with the Working Group on Information Technology (Arbeitsgeme- key of the testdata receiver as well as the address and key of the
inschaft Informationstechnologie, @GIT) of the German Radiology protocol receiver. Additionally a test dataset id and an error timeout
Society (Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft, DRG) [4]. can be specified.
Methods At the moment 17 datasets, matching common radiological stud-
The newly developed DICOM e-mail service parts contain an XML ies, are predefined. It is possible to add new dataset as long as all
body part describing the action, which should be interpreted and partners use the same naming convention and support the requested
executed by the receiver. To ensure privacy, completeness and imagetype.
validity of the transferred e-mails, all communication must be After receiving the TESTTRANSFER request, the receiver sends
encrypted PGP/GnuPG compatible and signed by the sender. The the specified test data to the given connection partner. After all data is
recipient has to decrypt the e-mail and check the validity of the sig- transferred correctly (which is ensured by using the described MDN
nature. It is recommended to configure a whitelist with trusted mechanism) the test data sender generates a service part protocol and
partners for each allowed operation. delivers it to the specified recipient using the service part type
All participating hosts must support the message disposition PROTOCOL (Fig. 2).
notification (MDN) described in the @GIT Whitepaper v1.5 and Each service part PROTOCOL is send in an XML format con-
RFC3798, RFC3462. While only complete messages can be notified taining the transmission status (either COMPLETED or ABORTED if
by the receiver with the basic MDN, only one service part per e-mail the given timeout was reached), the used test dataset id and mail count
is allowed at the moment. as well as the size and transfer time of each transmitted object. In case
To enable filtering of received messages, each service part message of errors during the constancy test all error codes and descriptions are
is identified by an unencrypted X-TELEMEDICINE-SERVICEPART included as well. Using this information, the protocol receiver is able
tag, describing the action contained in the encrypted mail body. to compile a complete constancy test protocol which is compliant
The tag value is either an ADDRESS- or KEYUPDATE or TEST- with the German standard for quality assurance in teleradiology (DIN
TRANSFER for constancy test requests respectively PROTOCOL for 6868-159).

Int J CARS (2012) 7 (Suppl 1):S97–S102 S99

[2] Engelmann U, Schroeter A, Schweitzer T, Meinzer HP. An

architecture for secure exhange of medical images and reports
based on mail, DICOM and public key encryption. Eur J Med
Res 7 (Suppl. I) (2002) 22.
[3] Engelmann U, Seidel B. DIN 6868-159: A German standard for
quality assurance in teleradiology. Int J CARS (2009) 4 (Suppl 1):
[4] Weisser G, Walz M, Ruggiero S, Kämmerer M, Schröter A, Runa
A, Mildenberger P, Engelmann U, Standardization of teleradi-
ology using Dicom e-mail: recommendations of the German
Radiology Society. Eur Radiol. 2006 Mar;16(3):753–758.
[5] @GIT. Empfehlung für ein standardisiertes Teleradiologie
Übertragungsformat: Version 1.6 (2010) www.tele-x-standard.
de (Last access: 08.01.2012)

Telemedicine applied to the management of Ischemic Stroke

C. Dario1, G. Scannapieco2, M.G. Carraro3, B. Giometto4,
C. Saccavini1, A. Rebeschini1, E. Martignago1, E. Vio1
Arsenàl.IT, Veneto’s Research Centre for Innovation in e-Health,
Treviso, Italy
Local Health Authority no.9, Treviso, Italy
Local Health Authority no.7, Pieve di Soligo, Treviso, Italy
Keywords Telecounselling  Stroke  Telemedicine
Fig. 2 Flowchart for constancy tests
Ischemic Stroke represents the third cause of death and the leading
Results cause of chronic disability in Europe: Stroke causes the 10–12 % of
The authors implemented the described service part e-mails and tested death every year.
them in a connect-a-thon with other members of the @GIT. The The only therapy scientifically validated for the Treatment of
newly developed features extend the already existing ‘‘Guidelines for Ischemic Stroke is thrombolysis [1]. This type of therapy has to be
a standardized teleradiology data exchange v1.6’’ (Empfehlung für used only in specific and organized centres because there is a high risk
ein standardisiertes Teleradiologie Übertragungsformat) [5] and of haemorrhage. Only 2 % of these patients receive thrombolytic
worked between multiple teleradiology clients and servers of different treatment although 20 % of users are potentially treatable. Since
vendors. It was possible to trigger constancy tests between DICOM 2008, Veneto Region, placed on N-E of Italy, aims to set up a
e-mail partners and propagate changes in address or encryption keys structured network (according to an Hub and Spoke approach) to treat
automatically between the participants. the ischemic stroke, optimizing the use of specialized resources
Discussion among hospitals and increasing the continuity of care within the
The newly defined and implemented extensions of the DICOM e-mail regional territory, even in remote areas.
protocol simplify administrative tasks, such as public key updates, In the wake of HEALTH OPTIMUM Project [2], Arsenàl.IT [3]
changes of e-mail addresses and quality measurements. developed a system and analysed the appropriate organization that
Teleradiology users in DICOM e-mail based networks can now allows the evaluation of stroke on patients thanks to the support of a
easily analyze the quality of service by triggering constancy tests via telecounselling system that can avoid patient transfer towards a spe-
DICOM e-mail while requesting the generated protocols simulta- cialized structure. In this way, the telemedicine service fulfills
neously. It is now even possible to administrate such networks solely Regional Resolution and allows to the neurologist to prescribe
via DICOM e-mail, once the initial connection is setup correctly. thrombolytic treatment even if he is not physically present at the
While only four service part messages are defined at the moment, peripheral hospital.
these are easy extendable in the future to match the needs of The key purpose of these applications is to increment the number
upcoming DICOM e-mail teleradiology networks. of patients treated with thrombolysis therapy within 3 h from the
Conclusion beginning of the symptoms, with the consequent decrease of number
The implementation of the described methods enable automated time- of disabled persons, and to avoid useless patients transfer.
and quality test for teleradiology networks, which communicate via Methods
DICOM e-mail. In addition it is possible to send administrative With some evolutions, the telecounselling system for neurology
messages between DICOM e-mail partners. At the moment this developed by Arsenàl.IT adopts the same interoperability infrastruc-
guidelines are only used in Germany but might be useful in other ture that was set up during HEALTH OPTIMUM Project.
countries as well, where the image communication is done via DI- This platform, that allows sharing documents and images among
COM e-mail. different LHAs, is based on IHE Integration profiles [4] as:
[1] Weisser G, Engelmann U, Ruggiero S, Runa A, Schröter, Baur • XDS-Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing,
S, Walz M. Teleradiology applications with DICOM-e-mail. • XDS-I-Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing for Imaging,
Euro Radiol. 17(5) (2007) 1331–1340. doi 10.1007/s00330-006- • XCA-Cross-Community Access,
0450-8. • etc.

S100 Int J CARS (2012) 7 (Suppl 1):S97–S102

The adherence to IHE Guidelines allows using, in a coordinate and peripheral structure without transfer the patient. Otherwise, patient
efficient way, all the most authoritative ICT Standards that support will be transferred in the Hub to be treated.
eHealth field, such as: The neurologic telecounselling system between Treviso and
Conegliano hospitals is in operation. After a trial period, in 4 cases
• CDAR2 Structured Documents, out of 11, the treatment was authorised by the hub centre and
• LOINC Coding System, carried out in the peripheral clinic or hospital with a clinical out-
• PKCS#7 infrastructure for digital signature, come that was comparable to treatment in the main hospital. The
• DICOM images, procedure did not show any particular critical situations under a
• ebXML messages and transactions between IHE Actors, clinical profile.
• SMTP and HTTP message transport. After the success of this experimentation, a similar system was
The support of the physicians and medical directors allowed implemented in the province of Vicenza, and many LHAs are now
developing the appropriate organizational models. In these models, considering a deployment.
also clinical evaluation protocols (specific for ischemic stroke as Conclusion
SITS-MOST and NIH Stroke Scale) are employed, in addition to The use of telemedicine and clinical evaluation protocols allows to
telemedicine system and to CT scans. collect all necessary clinical information that helps the referring
In one of these models, a high quality audio and videoconference physicians at the Hub hospital to decide if the patient has to be treated
system is even adopted. Indeed, since 2004, the scientific literature with thrombolysis or not, and if the patient can be treated also in
has shown that videoconferencing can provide significant added value peripheral hospital. The time-saving is very decisive if we consider
to the telecounselling systems for Ischemic Stroke management [5]. the only 3 h on tap to do the thrombolysis.
In this way the real-time stream of images captured by three different Instead, the number of useless transfers can be reduced and a
cameras is used by physicians at the central Hospital to evaluate from better and equitable service can be offered to the citizen in the spoke
remote the clinical conditions of the patient affected by stroke and hospital.
placed in the Emergency Room (ER) at the peripheral hospital, Moreover, as we forecasted in the beginning of 2009, we have
respecting the national legislation on privacy. optimized the traditional telecounselling services proposed by
In order to start up the telecounselling system to be tested between HEALTH OPTIMUM Project adding the employment of video-
two hospitals, it was necessary to provide appropriate training to all cameras and international recognized clinical evaluation protocols.
clinicians and a coaching period in order to accustom the clinical to The traditional telecounselling service, applied on neurosurgical area,
use the technology thanks to the support of an expert technician. provided positive results for a total of 2300 telecounsellings per year
Results [2]. The neurological telecounselling service applied to the same
The use of clinical and technological standards described above platform as the neurosurgical one service is giving again positive
allowed structuring an organization that will treat in a new way the results at this experimentation stage. Many other LHAs are now
patients with Stroke that access to peripheral structures. considering the possibility of a deployment.
Each patient that arrives at the ER with stroke symptoms is References
urgently submitted to neurological checks. If the ischemic Stroke is [1] Alberts MJ, Hademenos G, Latchaw RE, Jagoda A, Marler JR,
verified and the symptoms arose within 3 h, the physician consults a Mayberg MR, Starke RD, Todd HW, Viste KM, Girgus M,
neurologist at the Hub, thanks to the Telecounselling System. This Shephard T, Emr M, Shwayder P, Walker MD, for the Brain
system allows the neurologist to evaluate if it is possible to apply Attack Coalition. Recommendations for the establishment of
thrombolysis therapy to the patient and reduce Stroke’s damages. The primary stroke centers. JAMA. 2000;283: 3102–3109
doctors use a structured form for the request and for the reply of [2] Dario C., Scannapieco G., Carraro M.G., Giometto B., Gion M.,
counselling where the evaluations of SITS-MOST Protocol and Scienza R., Pengo V., Battistella B., Favaro M., Vio E., (2011),
NIHSS are indicated. The neurologist can be also supported by three Quaderno 2/2011 Progetto HEALTH OPTIMUM, Arsenàl.IT
video-cameras to evaluate the patient as a face to face visit (Fig. 1). [3]
Two of the video-cameras are fixed in order to show what happen in [4]
the room and one can be moved directly by the neurologist at the Hub [5] Heinrich J. Audebert, et al, Telemedicine for Safe and Extended
structure. The third video-camera is mobile and is used by the Use of Thrombolysis in Stroke. The Telemedic Pilot Project for
emergency doctor to show important details. Integrative Stroke Care (TEMPiS) in Bavaria, American Heart
If in the Spoke structure it is possible to monitor the patient in a Association, Inc. 2004, DOI: 10.1161/01. STR.0000153015.
dedicated area, the thrombolysis treatment will be executed in the 57892.66

The vascular medicine training application

E. Tripoliti1, A. Sakellarios1, M. Peroulis2, E.G.M. Petrakis1
Technical University of Crete (TUC), Department of Electronic
and Computer Engineering, Chania, Greece
University Hospital of Ioannina, Department of Surgery, Vascular
Surgery Unit, Ioannina, Greece
Keywords e-Learning  Training scenario  Vascular medicine

We present a surgical training application enabling experts in vascular
medicine prepare educational, training content for their trainees
(medical students, endovascular surgeons under training). The train-
Fig. 1 Hub’s neurologist is evaluating health conditions of a patient ing application offers tutors (experienced surgeons) a distance
at peripheral hospital thanks to the assistance of video-camera learning solution for training their students at any time and any place

Int J CARS (2012) 7 (Suppl 1):S97–S102 S101

with a minimum cost in budget and time. The trainees (future sur- application also reveals that the application moves in the correct
geons) can use real patient data, process this data (mainly the direction since the scenario-based approach, which was a core deci-
available imaging examinations), go through the whole condition sion taken in the early steps of the development, was indeed a very
assessment and, finally, take all the important decisions (whether to good one and is very well-received by the users.
surgically treat the patient or not, choose surgical intervention method Conclusion
etc.) suggested by a training scenario. The training application is We presented a Web-based open source training application which
developed as part of the RT3S project [1] of the EU. provides learners with unlimited access to training opportunities.
Method More specifically it promotes individual training exercises, facilitates
The RT3S training application is a novel tool for designing, managing self-paced practice sessions, and captures case details for objective
and delivering online collaborative learning activities. It provides assessment. The training application supports endovascular surgeons
tutors with a highly intuitive visual authoring environment for cre- at their first steps in the specific competence and their further on-the-
ating sequences of learning activities (i.e., training scenarios). job training. By completing the scenarios they become more familiar
Learning activities range from individual tasks and small group work, with various cases and prepare themselves for making decisions for
to class activities. The RT3S training application implements a their patients. Overall, it supports trainees in improving their skills
modular architecture where tools and learning activities can be added required for competence in vascular medicine.
on-the-fly. The implementation platform is LAMS [2]. The archi- Acknowledgments
tecture consists of two main components, namely the Core and the This work was supported by project ‘‘RT3S: Real Time Simulation
Activity tools. The Core has modules for Authoring, Administration for Safer vascular Stenting’’ (project number 248801) of the EU.
and Learner/Trainee roles. The Core manages the elements that form References
the structure of the Learning Design [3], the order of the activities, [1] www.
allocating users to groups, managing when users can progress to [2]
particular activities, takes care of logins, system administration, etc. [3]
The Activity Tools component includes self-contained modules,
which form most of the visual functionality of the content the Learner
interacts with in the RT3S Training Application. Activity tools are
used in order to allow tutors to present information in the form of text, RadMiner: improved access to radiological free-text data
images, links, flash files and any other HTML features, to create a and images
series of questions, to add content into a sequence, to run a syn- E. Kotter1, A. Gerstmair1, K. Simon2, C. Simon2, P. Daumke2
chronous chat or forum over the course of a lesson etc. Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Abteilung Röntgendiagnostik,
Results Freiburg, Germany
A realistic scenario (i.e., based on a real patient case) has been Averbis GmbH, Freiburg, Germany
developed demonstrating basic pre-operation steps (before an angio-
Keywords Data mining  Radiology report  Free text  Image
plasty operation takes place) that are routinely followed once a patient
has been accepted into the hospital. A limited number of users (rep-
resenting different ages, sexes, and experience with relevant
applications) were selected for the evaluation of the application using Purpose
the above scenario. They were provided with a short description of the To build and evaluate a retrieval system for radiology reports
application, and then they were allowed to use it for almost an hour. enabling improved access to radiological image and free-text data.
The users completed an evaluation questionnaire about functionality, Methods and materials
aesthetics, ergonomics, and completeness. Figure 1 illustrates an A scalable text analysis platform is used to extract relevant infor-
overview of the evaluation results. The results from this evaluation mation from German radiology reports and to create semantic links
activity were encouraging since most aspects of the application between images and textual descriptions. The platform consists of
yielded an evaluation above average that is between 3 and 3.5, with 5 domain-specific analysis components dealing with different aspects of
being the highest score, which means that users were satisfied, but medical language such as negations, abbreviations, dimensions,
improvements must be made. The evaluation of the proposed training proper names and the morphological analysis of word compounds.
Additionally it contains an image reference and context recognition
component allowing the creation of semantic links between text and
image data. Given an explicit picture reference mentioned in a report,
e.g. ‘IMA 12-15’, and its surrounding description this component tries
to deduce the corresponding DICOM series ID based on explicit or
implicit hints and loads the referenced image(s) from the local PACS
server. Finally, key images and relevant text passages are subse-
quently made available to radiologists in a search engine for ad-hoc
On a corpus of 113.325 radiology reports the system was able to
identify 32.533 image references and successfully retrieve 32.157
images from the local PACS server. Randomized validations of
identified image references showed that the extraction component is
able to resolve the correct reference with mean-average precision of
Access to the system is made through a dedicated web-interface.
Results are delivered almost immediately and consist of a collection
of reports retrieved by the search algorithm. Significant findings in the
report are highlighted and a mouse-over displays the corresponding
Fig. 1 An overview of the evaluation results images containing the finding. If access to the complete examination

S102 Int J CARS (2012) 7 (Suppl 1):S97–S102

is needed, a direct link to the PACS database and viewer might be suitable to collect teaching cases for training of students and resident
used. training. In this aspect, it acts as an addendum to the department’s
Conclusion teaching file collection. The system also is very useful when a radi-
Our analysis shows that comprehensive syntactic and semantic text ologists wants to compare images with other similar cases for
analysis is required to achieve high quality information extraction differential diagnosis, i.e. if you suspect a rather seldom diagnosis,
from radiology reports. It’s the basis for a number of value-added you can look-up the whole RIS database for cases with this diagnosis.
applications such as image search, data mining and decision support. In the future, this technology might also be used for the follow-up
The system is used in our hospital since September 2011 and has of patients, e.g. in order to give a feedback to the radiologist when-
proved to be very useful for different applications. It allows easy ever a corresponding pathological report becomes available to a
collection and review of cases for retrospective studies. It is also very previous radiological examination.


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