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ENG 423




ABSTRACT: posters are very important forms of visual and non-verbal

communication use by commercial and political advertiser s to persuade
targeted audience. Political posters are used during election campaign periods to
familiarise candidates to the electorates and lure them to vote for candidates.
These posters contains images and elements of linguistic features such as
campaign slogans with which candidates intend to communicate certain
meanings and convince the electorate to gain their votes. This paper observes
that the vocabularies of campaign posters are simple, precise and concise to
facilitate its retain-ability by the electorates and the linguistic features are
generally descriptive, emotive and persuasive; embodying the candidates’
ideology and philosophy.

Posters: Any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical

surface. Posters are very important forms of visual communication that
commercial and political advertiser use to persuade target audience. During
election campaign periods all over the world, posters are used to familiarize
candidates to the electorates and entice them to vote for candidates. This study
analysed selected campaign posters in Ijebu- Ode municipality, Ogun State of

Advertisement: The non-personal communication of information usually paid

for and usually persuasive in nature about services or ideas by identified
sponsors through the various media.

Language of Politics: Politics is concerned with power: the power to make

decisions, to control resources, to control other people’s behaviour, and to
control their values. One may care to ask why optician chooses their words
carefully; this is because they believe in the power of language to influence
thought. They believe implicitly in linguistic relativity.

Corpus Methodology: The comparative analysis yet to be embark on in this

paper in the study of political campaign poster will be carry out with the aid of
stylistic analysis with comparison, description, analysis and conclusion
done/achieved through the exploration of poster content with linguistic element
that falls within the study of language levels. Thus, the analysis in this paper
would be done at various linguistic levels viz: graphitic/graphological level,
lexical level, syntactic level and semantic level. Seven datas (posters) are
collated for the analysis of this study. However, five of this data’s would be
explored at the aforementioned various linguistic levels while reference would
be made to the others where necessary. Stylistic analysis could be said to be a
linguistics mechanical tool with which the message in a work of art can be
construed, describe and explain so as so aid and establish authenticity in the
rhetorical and the artistic manipulation of the linguistic elements of language in
such art work and to be able to bring to light; the “why” and “how” an artwork
came to mean what it means.

The following data(s) to be used in this analysis are collected from around
Ijebu-ode municipality.


Graphetically, two emblematic symbols can be identified on the surface which

could be interpreted as representing the Candidate's Party "APC" and the
Symbol of the state's "House Of Representatives" which could also be
interpreted as- Target of the candidate's Campaign Poster. That of the
candidate's Party is placed on the Up-Right area of the data while the other, on
the Left Side, stretching out from aback the Candidate's photograph which
positioned occupying a large area of the poster with his name written totally
with Bold Capitalization followed by the post being aspired, the constituencies
followed with an inscription which could probably be regarded as
the Campaign slogan all descending downward in a kind of graphical
hierarchical manner such that the slogan could hardly be notice from afar or at
first sight compared to the other inscriptions on the poster; all colored with
White on a segmented Deep Blue background area of the poster below a more
fairly lightened Blue. In graphic design terms, the whole of the data could be
refer to as "A Two Colour Graphic Artwork" with the Totality of combined
colour properties; "Cyan and Magenta".

However, it could be side that the afore stated graphetic/graphological

properties of the poster has been made, designed and structured in a way that
could make the visualization convey the thematic campaign purpose and as such
catch the attention of the electorate or Passer-by having been placed at strategic
location in public places. The emblematic located at the Upper Right area of
the poster could be said to have been put in place so as familiarize the
electorates, most especially the not much educated ones, with the symbol of
their Party. Likewise, the photograph could also be said to propel
familiarization of the candidate and his identity with the electorates and to aid
recognition. The various inscriptions on the poster are made bold, capitalized,
and given different colour in sharp contrast with background (in terms of
blending) which makes them readable perhaps at first sight or notice. On the
whole it could be said that these graphetic/graphological items has been
structure thus to appeal to the audience visually in terms of thematic purportion
amongst others campaign purposes.

At the lexical level, inscriptions/textual-linguistic contents on the poster are

short, witty, brief, precise and concise to aid the campaign thematic purportion
of the campaign poster. Most of the lexis, especially the campaign slogan,
though could hardly be regarded as one (but is the only inscription that could be
pinned down in the poster) could be said to carry a metaphorical connotation. It
carries a motivational significance and could be said to appeal to the electorate
in such manner.
At the syntactic level, the campaign slogan which may said to represent the
candidates ideologies and philosophy could be said to contain an adverbial
clause and a prepositional phrase, as such could regarded as a Simple Sentence
since it does meet the demands of being place-able or categorize as Compound.
However, it carries a motivational connotation which could be construed that
perhaps the candidate is by means communicating to his audience (the
Electorates) that "with God on his side"(an abstract believe which could only be
propelled into Reality if the candidate wins the Post which could be made
possible if he happens to win the electorates' VOTE and eventually the election)
and with the electorates' support; other possibilities are unlimited as to people's
satisfaction, though the under-yoked factors of possibilities could as well vary
in interpretative terms.

At the semantic level, in view of the campaign slogan treated at the lexical and
Syntactic connotative level most especially in view of the abstraction cited the
syntactic analytical level of the paper it could be said that the campaign slogan
is ambiguous in nature as it can be interpreted positive and negatively by the
candidate, his political party, his supporters (as engaged in previous section )
and their opponents respectively, after all political language, no matter how
emotive or descriptive it appears to be is always subjective, personal and

By and large, this data is discovered to exhibit and convey the candidate's
identity and campaign theme with the aid of visual appeal, entice and linguistic

However, Data1 could be said to be of low graphic production quality compared

to data2 that follows. More so, with diverse visual appeal and inducement
coupled with impressive thematic purportion data 2 attempts and pursues the
same communicative campaign goals. As seen in its analysis thus,

At the graphetic/graphological level, the colours and photographs are designed

in a way that it appeals beautifully to the electorates' visual sensation. It appears
catchier compared to data1. However, it also carries a symbol that serves to
inform and familiarizes the electorates' the identity of the candidates' party and
that of himself as noted above in the analysis of data 1. The inscriptions ranging
from names, aspired post and campaign slogans are all written in bold capital
letters except for the candidate's Nickname which maintains a “Title Case”
placed at strategic location on the poster as others and beautified with various
diverse colours. In graphic designing terms, the poster could be refer to as an
artwork designed with "Colour Separation" which is used to refer to an art work
designed with the combination of the four graphic basic primary colours viz;
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. The kind of colour combination gives such
graphics artworks like posters, a creative, and attractive and ever memorial
emotive sensation, in the case of this study, can be seen exhibited in the Poster
under consideration.

At the lexica-semantic level of analysis, the campaign poster in data 2 carries

like the other posters being studied in the present paper and a more enticing and
connotatively descriptive thematic convoy. The slang-like movement-nick
"Omo-Iwa" meaning "A person Of Good Character" connotes perhaps that the
candidate has been known for good character; an attribute characterised by good
mannerism, personality, faithfulness, truthful e.t.c. and if voted elected will still
maintain such qualities which will be at the benefit of the people. Also, the
slogan, "a new thinking..." is imbued with metaphorical meaning as the word
"new" communicates or implies a change in something from obsolete to very
recent, this perhaps may be through discovery. Thus, it could be said perhaps
that it implies that the candidate is one who is innovative and if elected by the
electorate will use his innovative ideas, instrument and strategies for the benefit
the people and of the society at large as it is manifested in the phrases; "Arise”
and “Shine" which could be assumed to connote redefinition and transformation
hence, representing the candidate's ideology and communication the candidate's

This is also in line with the fact that campaigns slogans are carefully selected by
candidates and employs mostly abstract nouns in convey the campaign theme so
that the electorate can be able to retain them since short inscriptions can be
easily remembered compared to long ones.

At the syntactic level, the campaign slogan contains two noun phrases; one
carries a gerund and the other have its nouns coherently linked together by the
connecting conjunction "and" abbreviated and represented with letter "N". Thus,
this confirms the that campaign slogans are short, witty, precise and concise in
nature to help arouse and impelled a descriptive and emotive sensation and
impression in the electorates so as to convince them to buy their ideas and leave
other candidates and give their vote to the candidate.


Graphetically/ graphologically, colours are put together in an abundant manner

to beautify, entice, attract and purport campaign theme and purposes to the
electoral at first sight. The campaign slogan is situated at strategic location at
the topmost area in the poster followed by the candidate's photograph, name,
and political/party sings/symbols with the campaign mission strategically
positioned carefully in the area of the poster below the Candidate's name. It
should be noted that apart from the candidate's party's Symbol. There is another
controversial emblematic symbol of a Hand encircled displaying the “6-6-6”
logo of the renowned notorious fraternity; the US Illuminati. Well, probably to
catch people's (electorate) attention more striking and bid them move closer to
read the content of the poster. It is arguable to say that this candidate is a “name
dropper” having used another personality’s trait to sell himself.
At the lexica-semantic level, apart from the candidate's name and that of the
aspired post, the campaign slogan is in phrasal form; “Change for Good". Prior
to the afore established facts in this paper that campaign slogans on campaign
always have connotation, better put, are most times ambiguous in nature--
carrying another meaning behind its literal meaning, in the slogan, the lexis
"change" is single but metaphorical in Nature. It communicates the candidate's
ideology and aspiration. It stands to convey political opinion and the reason for
the campaign since Change is what everybody looks forward to and it serves to
assure the electorate/reader of not just any kind of but a Change directed
towards Goodness.

It carries similar graphetic/graphological significance as seen in appendices two,

except for the fact that it carries the photograph of two different candidates with
diverse goals and mission with two campaign slogans; one for each candidate.

At the lexica-semantic level, the poster carries two different campaign slogans;
the slogan speaks for a candidate vying for a governing post the other speaks for
the other candidate vying for the a senatorial post. The first slogan; "Mission to
Re-Build Continues..." Connotes that the candidate seeks for continuity as
manifested in the progressive verbal element; "continues". It can be assumed
that the candidate has probably elected before and he has started some
developments, not yet completed and which perhaps he perceived benefits the
people and as such employs it to appeal to the electorates that these works will
be complete on a Condition; if he is re-elected. The second slogan, "Time for
Change" expresses the political opinion of the second candidate located on the
left side of the poster. Though, a phrase similar to that of data (3) but
thematically it differs in connotation. The phrase could be said to be persuasive
and motivational, prompting the electorates' emotive sensation of an imminent
transformation as manifested in the word "Change" and at the time, serves to
convince the electorate that this is the moment to propel to bring about that
change, that is, by getting the candidate elected. It serves to get the electorates
to buy the candidates' ideology and philosophy, believe in him and that it gives
the candidate the privilege of wining that electorate's vote.


Graphetically, the poster enjoys a carefully and beautifully mixed colour

making it more enticing and attractive than that of the other data(s). It contains
aside the candidate's photograph and political party symbol, other picture
depicting probably past achievements signifying that the candidate has once
been elected and is vying to be re-elect, that way, those pictures serves to not
only attract the electorate but also represents the candidate's campaign
mission. Graphlogically, the various linguistic elements on the poster are
written in bold letter and fonts such that they are readable at first sight and even
at a distance; all placed strategically on the poster to aid visual appellation to the
electorate and also convey campaign thematic purportion.

At lexica-semantic level, the poster contains inscriptions of words, phrase and

clause at strategic location on the poster. All the linguistic elements viz: words,
phrase and clause in the poster carries and conative feature. It is note-worthy to
say that this poster seems to be more embellished with campaign messages such
that it contains more inscriptions compared to the other posters, the name of the
candidate however is not given more boldness compare to every other
inscriptions on the poster, in that, it is written though with capitalization
(notwithstanding a part of it is still foregrounded given more prominence than
others) but not with much boldness compared to other poster studied in this
corpus, it is therefore foreground, having been so systematically position with
carefully selected colours. The first inscription “making a giant strike!” can be
said to mean that the candidate probably is still in the office as manifested in the
progressive verb: “making” and during his tenure has made a lot of conspicuous
progress. Fortunately, that is being confirmed with the pictures and illustrations
in the posters background. In other words, this posters carries this headline to
connote the fact that the candidate is making progress and will probably
continue in this manner if only the electorate choose to give him their vote and
as such re-elect him of course, we couldn’t have been wrong to have construed
that as it is manifested in the next verbal phrase “make the right choice ”which
carries exclamatorily convincing tone as the verb “make” beckons the
electorates to contribute to the development of their society by doing the “right
thing” which in this situation is giving their vote to the candidate, hence, getting
him (the candidate) to be re-elected this phrase however is being situated and a
strategic location on the poster, bold occupying a large space compared to the
first phrase which seems to take its position as the headline. Thus, this two
phrases are engendered with attractive colour stands out sharply in contrast with
the background illustration, hence, the two phrases foregrounded having been
imbued with some kind of distinct significance thereby, the first phrase at the
headline position seemed to communicate the candidate’s recent achievements
in the presently concluded tenure (i.e. making reference to past achievements)
which at first serve to call the attention of the viewer to the various background
pictures. The second phrase, however, serves to communicate and inform the
electorate of the campaign purpose of the poster and therefore it makes
reference to the candidates photograph. In other words, the first phrase paints
the candidates as a Responsible and Innovative Personality and as such faithful
and probably trustworthy as regard the post the candidate is vying for. This
message will perhaps, appeals to the readers emotive sensitive and as such
initiate a kind of suspense or create some kind of impression in the electorate
hitherto, the second phrase is meant to take the advantage of this electorate’s
moment of impression thereby quickly introducing a new thought/idea thus
having been impressed, the reader/electorate is prompt and in a ay assured that
the man is the “Right man” for the job and if the electorates choose to give
his/her vote to him: it is a right choice”. This two phrases are powerful
metaphor that seeks the re-sharpen the audience’s view by in a ay inculcating a
thought, accompanied with pictorial evidence (in other words concrete
evidence) hence, including an impression to bring about probably some kind
relieve at first sight and then proceeds to introduce the main purpose of its
creation; Campaign theme, a powerful schematic structural composition as
such. It could be said the poster seeks to change the believe of the electorate by
including these thoughts and ideas with the aim of convincing and making him
believe that this is who they want and at the same time assuring them that that
the candidate will bring them more significant progress and also to their society.

In the same light , another phrase appears striking in contrast with the
background of the poster such that it stands out strategically below the second
phrase prompting the electorate to “SUPPORT” the candidate, (by making the
right choice afore inspired) in the phrase before this. However, sharpshooting
towards the candidates name and the aspire post which is the ultimate purpose
of the campaign, therefore, foregrounded, having been giving a “Title Case”,
the Name “Amosun” also indicates elements of foregrounding having been
imbued with more boldness compared to the first to the first two names of the

This foregrounded lexicon is nevertheless followed by a slang-like

campaign slogan “Mission to Re-build Continues” which serve to represent the
mission and vision of the candidate and in a way confirms perhaps why the
electorate/reader must try as much as possible to achieve the foregrounded
“Right Choice” by making that the candidate gets re-elects one way inspiring
the electorate to carry-on the campaign to help propel reality by seeing ti it that
the candidate is being re-elected and if such conditions are bridge then the
audience/electorate is being assured of another “Mission” which has been set
forth in planning to “Re-build” probably the infrastructural facilities of that
society and thus increase the standard of living and well-being of its people only
on one condition; if he is re-elected.

It can be deduce from the above analysis that this poster carries more
foregrounded elements more than the other poster yet analysed in the corpus
and it seems to pass more information than the others. It exhibit a persuasive
appeal followed by a convincing thought and thereafter a campaign
mission/theme in a way through its rhetorical and conative linguistive elements.


It could be deduce from the above comparative corpus analytical study of

political campaign posters like all other commercial posters such as
advertisement, propaganda and so forth…. Are made to attract audience,
persuade them, convinced them of the candidates’ ideology and philosophy and
in a way led to change their position; leave their opponent’s part to theirs and
make them believe a particular campaign mission as what they want and which
necessary they work through by giving their vote for a particular.

It can be deduce that all campaign posters carries a particular candidate’s

photograph, names and aspired post but not all campaign posters carries a
campaign slogan which is meant to represent the candidates and parties
ideologies as noticed in appendixes 6 & 7. This deviates from the principles of
advertisement since posters are also a form of advertisement. In contrast we
observe that campaign poster are designed to contains language elements which
ranges from graphological, lexical, syntactic ,semantic and also phonological
level which helps propel a rhythmic swift reading of the slogans as noticed in
data 4’s head-phrase “ Making a giant stride” in lexical items Giant and stride
are replete with the vowel diphthong /ai/ as in /dƷai.∂nt/ and /straid/ respectively
adding along with it ; connotative metaphoricity in the phrase ; a rhythmic

Graphetically, campaign posters under consideration differ in style of

designation or what could be refers to as visual appeal. They also maintain
variety in terms of sizes, shapes and graphological and graphitic pattern and
choice of language. However, above all, they have been designed and imbued
with a multivariate of colour mixture which makes it beautiful and capable of
attracting the attention of the electorate or any passer-by. More so, the
photographs are artistically designed with attractive colours, the inscriptions as
well as the campaign slogans are made enticing with appropriated colours
which help appeal sensually to the electorate’s and that way catch their
attention. Also, the names and aspired post of the candidates are written in bold
letters and fonts so that merely seeing it; it communicates the identity of the
candidate and the purpose of the poster as regards to candidate. That is, political
campaign mission, having caught their attention, the electorate perhaps gets
familiar with the candidate. The political signs and symbols are also placed on
strategic areas on the poster to familiarize mostly not well educated electorates
with the identity of their candidates’ parties. It is should be note that these
slogan, inscriptions, along with candidates’ name are positioned at strategic
areas on the poster.

As such, it can be said that political posters and slogans are one of major
tools with which politicians communicates their political ideologies and
missions. It as such enables the electorates to get familiar with the name of their
choice candidates and the campaign platforms. In Nigeria for instance, they are
distributed to electorates in forms of handbills when elections are at the corner.

According to Emmanuel C. Sharndama and Ibrahim Mohammed (2013),

campaign slogan is basically a concise statement that describes or summarizes a
candidate’s ideology or philosophy. They are short, brief, precise and concise.

At the lexical level, we observe that the lexis are generally subject
specific, most of it are abstract nouns and quite common with decisions that are
often theoretical event thoughts, they may be directly linked to a proposed plan
of action (Thorn 1997) as observed in data 4; “Mission to Rebuild Continues”
which informs the electorates of a proposed action which will be achieved if the
candidate is being re-elected. This selected lexical items making up the
campaign slogans are descriptive and emotive keywords perhaps, could possibly
be regarded as everyday language as they are lexis that are commonly used such
as “change” which happen vivid in the campaign slogan’s phrases in data (3)
and (4). Similarly, other words/lexis such as “Thinking”, “Arise” and “Shine” in
data (2) is all daily used lexis common in our society (Nigeria), however they
all carry a connotative significance behind their various literal meaning, and
they are presented in metaphorical terms which embodied the political mission
engendered in the campaign poster.

It could also be said that the words/lexis compiled in the posters are
carefully selected to make sure they enable retain-ability on the part of the
reader/electorate since short slogans can be easily remembered and memorize
than the longer ones. They represent the political and campaign ideology and
philosophy of the candidates and their party. Also, gathered from the corpus
comparative analysis, it could be said that campaign slogans contains mostly
single word/phrase which contain a word that carries a central idea; a central
aim for doing political campaign.

At the syntactic level, the various linguistic and grammatical structure of

the campaign slogans on the poster are so designed to focus on the abstract
implication of the meaning being communicated through its structure,
nevertheless, it has been observe that most campaign posters slogans are in
scripted in phrases except for the sentential slogan sighted in data 1 “With God
all things are possible” which is a simple sentence and according to Sharndama
and Mohammed’s ( 2013) research on advert he contends that campaign slogans
are not always come in compound or complex sentence. They are short, brief,
precise and concise. They carry simplicity and are mostly in phrase forms
embodying political ideologies, philosophies as well as campaign missions and

At the semantic level, it could be deducted from our corpus study that
campaign posters and slogans carry meanings beyond conceptual meaning.
Connotativeness is inscription in words, phrase and clause/sentences refers to
feelings, attitudes moods implied by a term or phrase employed by political
candidates to help canvass people and helps achieve their goals (Sharndama and
Mohammed 2013). They carry valued judgement or though which candidates
hope to considered “positive” by the electorate, the lexis and syntax are
connotative. They connote different meaning to different audience/people as it
is a known fact 9that the way the candidates and their supporters will interpret it
will be different from their opponents will. Thus, they could be regarded being
as subjective and emotional as objective substantive. They interpreted positively
by the candidates and their supporters and negatively their opponents. Hence,
they can’t be construed objectively in the sphere of politics. However, they are
purposely selected to motivate and entice the audience /electorates.

Highly emotive though but can’t be objective. From observation, campaign

language are highly subjective, personal and idiosyncratic in audience’s
consideration, they are interpreted based on diverse ideology are interpreted
based on divers audience. Thus, ambiguous in nature compared to the language
of literary texts.

In conclusion, it could said, gathered from the visualization analysis of

the collected data(s), that political campaign posters are design to not only
attract but also to persuade, motivate, impress, entice and catch attention of the
electorates’ or passer-by. They are pasted at strategic locations in public places
(or billboards) so as to sell the candidate, his mission, ideologies, philosophy,
and by that appeal to the awareness sensation of the electorate to come closer
for a quick scanning which may probably turn to reading of the candidates.
They are composed of lexis, phrases, clauses and sometimes simple sentences
that carefully selected to communicate and pass information to the electorates.
The result showed at graphological level that campaign posters are of different
shapes and sizes and are beautifully designed to attract the attention of the
electorate or passers-by. The vocabulary is descriptive and emotive, thereby
enticing to change and accept a political candidate. The syntactic features are
concise, precise and usually in declarative or imperative moods. The linguistic
features generally are descriptive, emotive and persuasive.


- Emmanuel C. Sharndama, Ibrahim Mohammed (2013) - Stylistic Analysis of

Selected Political Campaign Posters and Slogans in Yola Metropolis of
Adamawa State of Nigeria. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
(AJHSS) Volume 1—Issue 3
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Devran (2005) - A theoretical approach to Analysis of
political Posters and print ads. Department of Journalism, Faculty of
Communication, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Appendixes (Data 6)

Appendix (Data 7)

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