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Java is a widely used programming language expressly designed for use in the
distributed environment of the internet. It is the most popular programming language for
Android smartphone applications and is also among the most favored for the development of
edge devices and the internet of things. It is simpler to use and enforces an object-oriented
programming model. Java can be used to create complete applications that may run on a
single computer or be distributed among servers and clients in a network.
Java has a set of rules that determine how the instructions are written. These rules are known
as its syntax. Once a program has been written, the high-level instructions are translated into
numeric codes that computers can understand and execute.


Java has significant advantages over other languages and environments that make it suitable
for just about any programming task. The advantages of java are as follows
 Java is Platform-Independent
Java was built with the philosophy of "write once, run anywhere" (WORA). The Java
code you write on one platform (operating system) will run on other platforms with
no modification. It was written to be a portable and cross-platform language that
doesn't care about the operating system, hardware, or devices that it's running on.

 Ease of Use
Java was designed to be easy to use and is therefore easy to write, compile, debug,
and learn than other programming languages.

 Fast
As a statically typed language, Java is faster than dynamically typed languages
because things are more clearly defined. Thus, when the app is running, your
machine's resources will not be wasted on checking the definition of something in
your code

 Java is Object-Oriented
There are different styles of programming. Object-oriented approach is one of the
popular programming styles. In object-oriented programming, a complex problem is
divided into smaller sets by creating objects. This makes your code reusable, has
design benefits, and makes code easier to maintain.

 Java is Secure
Because Java was originally targeting mobile devices that would be exchanging data
over networks, it was built to include a high level of security. Java is probably the
most secure programming language to date. It provides various features for security
of Java applications. Some of the high-level features that Java handles are automatic
memory management, reduces memory corruption and vulnerabilities and lastly
provides secure communication by protecting the integrity and privacy of data

 Universal usage
Java programming language is omnipresent. Due to its stability and scalability, you
can find Java on mobiles, desktops, large scale applications etc. The same can also be
said about Java programmers who easily outnumber other professionals. Java is also
gaining big in the field of Internet of Things (IoT). 

 Great community support

With about 10 million Java developers spread across the world, Java community
continues to grow. Just like other open source technologies, Java promotes the
philosophy of giving back to the society. On multiple online forums like Stack
overflow, expert Java programmers are always ready to help the newcomers.

 Finds use in real world applications

If you are still skeptical about Java and its worth, let me tell you that Java is used in
websites like,, and It also
finds use in enterprise application development, IoT, cloud development etc. Aiding
to this popularity, Java has a strong development roadmap with a continuous
improvement to security and performance.

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