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Bitterness, bias, and fear have no

A. WRITING THE EDITORIAL place in an editorial. They make for
 Editorial Defined
weakness no matter how much they
 Characteristics of a Good bluster. – William Allan White
Editorial 6. It is a presentation of facts and
 Types of Editorials opinion in a concise, logical manner,
 How to Write an Editorial or of interesting significant news in
 Pointers on Writing an Editorial such a way that its importance to the
average reader will be clear. – M. Lyle
TWO PRIME FUNCTIONS of the newspaper
Characteristics of a Good Editorial
are to inform and to interpret. It goes without
saying then that the two most important Reddick gives three qualities of a good
sections of the newspapers are the news and editorial: (1) interest; (2) brevity; and (3)
editorial sections. force.
The editorial page is the demarcation line Spears and Lawshe, on the other hand,
between news and opinions. The news pages characterize an editorial as one that: (1) must
are for news – to give information – while the have clearness of style; (2) has moral
editorial pages are for the editorials, the purpose; (3) has sound reasoning; and (4)
editorial columns, the columns, the cartoons, has the power to influence public opinion.
and the letters to the editor – to give opinion
or to interpret the important events of the day It can be added further that a good editorial
which are usually reported on Page 1. must: (1) lead logically in a conclusion, (2)
present only one idea; (3) avoid wordiness;
Editorial Defined and (4) present facts and not mere opinion.
An editorial is the official stand of the paper What to Find in the Editorial Section?
on a relevant development or issue. It is a
personal commentary written by any of the 1. Top Editorial/Editorial proper/Lead
editors who comments or gives the Editorial – The No. 1 editorial usually
newspapers’ or the staff’s opinion about based on the banner news or on an
various aspects on an issue which is of existing issue that should be
interest and importance to the public. It is a discussed and solved right away.
critical interpretation of significant, usually 2. Editorial Column – an individual
contemporary events so that the readers will commentary or a columnist (see
be informed, influenced, or entertained. It is column writing)
3. Editorial Cartoon – A graphic
the stand of the paper, not of an individual
illustration/sketch that, like the top
editorial, comments on an important
Some authors give other definitions or issue. (See Cartooning)
explanations regarding editorials: 4. Letter to the Editor – Sent to the staff
by an outsider to complain or
1. An editorial is an article in a appreciate.
newspaper giving the editor’s view or 5. Guest Editorial – Sent in by an
those of the person or persons in authority on any topic useful to the
control of the paper. – A. Gayle reader, especially on values,
Waldrop educations, or morality.
2. It is the expression of the people’s
conscience, cause, and convictions. – Types of Editorials
Joseph Pullitzer
The kind of editorial to be written depends
3. The modern editorial includes
upon the purpose of the writer – whether to
analyses and clarifications,
inform, interpret, criticize, commend, argue,
sometimes with no opinion given. –
or entertain. These are explained as follows:
Arthur Copper
4. The editorial should provide the 1. Editorial of information. It seeks to
background in which the facts are give information on facts unknown to
seen in a new perspective and should the reader. It restates the facts of
express its opinion. – Rufus Terral news stories or adds other facts with
minimum explanation. It may define
terms, identify persons of factors or topic – educational, political, religious,
provide a background, e.g. Freedom or moral.
of the Press. 11. Letter to the editor. Sent by an
2. Editorial of interpretation. It explains outsider to the staff, either praising or
the significance or meaning of a news complaining.
event, current idea, condition, or
situation, theory, or hypothesis. The How to Write an Editorial
writer doesn’t argue nor criticize, but In writing the editorial, select only one specific
merely presents both sides of an idea to develop. Be sure the topic is of
issue and leaves the judgement to the interest to the reader.
reader. It merely interprets, say for
example, the content of a new Parts of and Editorial
memorandum issued by the principal,
Organize your editorial, select only one
e.g. Freedom of the Press; The
specific idea to develop. Be sure the topic is
Schools of Thought.
of interest to the readers.
3. Editorial of criticism. It points out the
good or the bad features of a problem Organize your editorial in three parts: (1) the
or situation mentioned in the news. Its introduction; (2) the body; and (3) the ending.
purpose is to influence the reader. It The first contains the news peg with the
suggests a solution at the end, e.g. reaction. It is usually one short paragraph. (A
School Administration Not sincere in news peg is a brief about the news event or
Press Freedom Promise. issue upon which the editorial is based.)
4. Editorial of commendation,
appreciate, or tribute. It praised The body may take two or three short
commends, or pays tribute to a paragraph that support or justify the reaction.
person or organizations that has The ending, sometimes called the clincher,
perform some worthwhile projects or summarizes the editorial’s stand.
deeds or accomplishments, e.g.
The following are examples of editorials’
Roras Construction
introduction composed of the newspeg and
5. Editorial of argumentation. This is
the reaction, not necessarily in that order.
oftentimes called editorial of
The underlined words are the reaction.
percussion. The editor argues. The
editor argues to convince or persuade a. The new office policy of requiring
the reader to the accept his stand on tardy students to study their lessons in
the issue, e.g, Freedom of the Press the library while they wait for the next
Violated. period is both timely and wise.
6. Editorial entertainment. It evokes a b. It is a source of a great pride and
smile, a chuckle, laughter, while inspiration for our school to win
suggesting truth. Its main aim is to Second Place in the Division Athletic
entertain. It is usually short, e.g. meet.
Miniskirt, Anyone? c. Our general PTA is really generous
7. Mood editorial. It represents a and concerned for the students’
philosophy rather than an argument or welfare. They will donate and
an explanation. Oftentimes, the materials to improve the school gym.
subject matter is nature or emotion, d. The move of the DepEd to revive
e.g., Those Wonderful People Called Grade VII and to add more year in
Parents high school is not the solution to the
8. Special occasion. It explains the deteriorating pre-college education in
significance of a special day or the country.
occasion, e.g., The Significance of
Christmas The body should prove or justify the reaction
9. Pooled Editorial. The consensus or stand already made in the introduction. In
stands or position of several editors a, the body should prove that the office policy
from different schools on a common is really timely (one paragraph) and wise
issue or problem published in their (another paragraph). In b, the editorial should
respective school papers at the same list reasons and figures which make the
time, e.g., Stop Tuition Fee Increase school and the stud entry proud of their
10. Guest Editorial. Opinion sent to the athletic meet achievement.
staff by an authority on a particular
The end or last paragraph of an editorial is After having your editorial, check it. The
sometimes called the punch line or clincher. following guides will be helpful to you.
But if the preceding lead and body have been
1. Is the form and style appropriate to its
well organized and carefully written, the
content and purpose?
conclusion may be omitted.
2. Were you able to accomplish your
The editorial also has a head, which should purpose?
be brief and forceful. 3. Is it sincere, such that it will make the
reader think?
Pointers on Writing and Editorial 4. Is it short and direct to the point?
1. Make the editorial interesting enough 5. Does it hang from a real or an artificial
to read. newspeg?
2. Develop it from one specific, limited 6. Was there no preaching?
idea, phrased in one sentence, and 7. Is it original and was it written
expand it into the body of the editorial. skillfully?
3. Have a purpose well in mind which 8. Is the writing simple, direct, clear, and
should be accomplished. forceful?
4. Organize all data into well-reasoned 9. Does it reflect clear, logical thinking?
arguments, with each argument 10. Is the subject matter significant to the
leading up to the conclusion. students, the school, the community,
5. Peg the lead sentence on a recent and the country?
relevant news for its impact value. 11. Are the sentences and paragraphs
6. Present both sides of an issue and comparatively short?
clarify tricky aspects with a widely Do’s and Don’ts in Writing an Editorial
understood analogy or with an
illustration that makes for easier 1. Win the reader’s interest with a lead
understanding. paragraph that will encourage him to
7. Direct the editorial towards the read further.
establishment of a 2. Do not generalize. Use plenty of facts
8. Is the writing simple, direct, clear, and and tell what these facts mean?
forceful? 3. Keep your editorial short, around 300
9. Does it not carry double meaning? words only.
10. Does it reflect clear, logical thinking? 4. Do not preach, scold, or moralize. You
11. Is the subject matter significant to the are not a priest in a pulpit nor a
students, the school, the community minister.
and the country? 5. Relate editorials directly to the lives of
12. Are the sentences and paragraphs the readers.
relatively short? 6. Avoid the first person “I”. use the
editorial “We.” e.g., We believe that
Other Editorial Beginnings the President is right to veto bill; (or)
An editorial may also start with: The Torch believes that the President
is right…
1. A simple sentence statement that 7. Write simply.
gives enough of the situation, problem 8. Develop the editorial from only one
or news to be discussed. specific, limited idea, phrased in one
2. A question which calls attention to sentence, and expanded into the
give an idea about the problem, or body.
point out the logical development of 9. Make your sentences and paragraphs
the topic. relatively short.
3. A striking statement which jolts the 10. Accomplish your purpose.
imagination and arouses the interest
of the reader. Example of the Different Types of
4. A quotation relevant to the subject Editorials
under discussion. Editorial of Information
5. A narrative illustrating the problem or
situation. Mother’s Breast Milk Is the Best
Checking Your Editorial
The campaigned launched by the UNICEF Newspaper are fully of sad stories of rape
advising mothers to breastfeed their babies is cases. Just recently, two elementary school
a very wide and timely move. girls were reported t have been raped and
slain by drug addicts.
Some mothers, because of ignorance of the
importance of breastfeeding, prefer to give The heinous crime happens almost every
their babies canned or powdered milk. day. Whose fault? The parents, the rapist, or
the victim themselves.
Breast milk contains all the nutritional food
Rampant raped can be minimized or even
values that infants need to make a them
voided if only parents take good care of their
healthy, grow and resist diseases. daughters. They should not permit their
The yellowish substance found in mother’s daughters to go out at night. Drug addicts
milk is perceived by some another to be and drunkards roam the streets at nighttime.
So do sex maniacs.
harmful. Unknown to them, this substance
contains the most essential vitamins and Parents should not let their daughters leave
minerals to prevent malnutrition. their homes unchaperoned. They should
always know their whereabouts. On the other
Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding to all hand, these young girls should always heed
nursing mothers, even to those who can their parents’ advice. They should listen to
afford to buy canned and powdered milk. reason; Mothers know what is best for them.
Certainly, mother’s milk is the best!
Editorial of Interpretation
Editorial of Argumentation Press Freedom
Solution: Return to the Basics Just recently, top editors of The Sentinel,
official school organ of the Lyceum of the
Lengthening the elementary school up to Philippines, were sued for libel for divulging
Grade VII is not the solution to the poor some abuses committed by their professor.
quality of instruction in the public school Fortunately, the case was dropped for lack of
system. merit.
Congress has deplored the proliferation of What does it mean?
half-baked products of the present school
system. Sen. Edgardo Angara has proposed The school paper is the exponent of the
to add one curriculum year each to both the students’ feelings and sentiments. Through it,
elementary and high schools. they can voice their opinions which they are
afraid to say openly inside classrooms,
We believe that this is not the solution to the especially when it concerns their teachers
deteriorating educational system. The best and school officials, for fear of reprimand or
thing we should do is to return to the basics – reproof.
the mastery of the 3 R’s – Reading, Writing,
and Arithmetic. Only competent and Such curtailment of press freedom is not only
committed teachers should be employed. unconstitutional but almost stupid. We are
They should be given higher pay and more living in a democratic country, where we have
incentives and benefits the God given right to exercise the different
freedoms we now enjoy. It is true that
No amount of frequent seminars, workshops, democracy and liberty are not excuses to
and conference will help. abuse the rights of others. But if in the abuse,
And let us do away with unnecessary if there is an abuse at all, the welfare of the
innovations learned by education abroad many is protected, then the action is justified.
which are not applicable to the Philippine The schools are the places where genuine
setting. There are so many “approaches” but democracy is taught and therefore should be
as one President of the Philippines Normal practiced.
University said “We never reach?”
One wonders how effective militancy could be
Also, the added years to the elementary and when press freedom is curtailed, and without
high school would mean more expenses on somehow upsetting the school’s established
the part of the parents. routine.
Editorial of Criticism
Rampant Rape, Whose Fault?
Editorial of Special Occasion for one of these, the least of my brethren, you
did it for me. If I, your Lord and Master, have
Holy Week: An Enigma washed your feet, how much more ought you
To some people, Holy Week is a complete to wash another’s feet?
enigma. What does this mean? Christianity is Woman with a Boy in her arms.
To others it is merely the repetition of rituals She is waiting at the gate.
and ceremonies like Rizal day or Christmas
that make their familiar appearance every
Editorial of Entertainment
To men of faith, Holy week is a mystery, but a
mystery full of meaning. It comes as a Jump into the Pasig River? No Way!
reminder that in human life, every good thing With the worsening ecological condition all
is purchased at a price. The more precious over the world, jumping into the polluted
the thing we wish to obtain, the dearer the Pasig River is never fun.
price. What is free cannot be of great value.
Just recently, there was a confrontation
Christ came to redeem man – literally buy between the police and student
him back. True, He is God, so He is All demonstrators in front of the Post Office
Powerful. Building. Then, there was the usual chasing.
But even He, had to pay a price to The demonstrators ran towards Jones Bridge
repurchase man. The price He paid in His to save their dear lives. But across the bridge,
own humanity was a life of complete they faced another phalanx of heavily armed
obedience – His passion and His death. policeman, the so-called protectors of human
right. The students were outnumbered and
Christ’s life is the price of peace and order. out-armed. What to do? “Jump into the Pasig
To bring these back to the life of man, Chris River. You are scholar, aren’t you? Use your
must die on the Cross. common sense,” shouted the leader.
The Cross has simple message. We are all The students looked at each other. Then,
one. We are all brothers. they looked at the seemingly bottomless river
filled with rubbish of all sort. They stepped
back and in unison with closed fisted hands
Mood Editorial declared:

Christianity, A Woman with A Child “it’s much better to face a legion of heartless
“foolish men” than to die without a fight at the
A woman knocked at the gate with a boy in bottom of the foul0smelling Pasig River!”
her arms.
“No way, no way, no way!”
“What sort of people are they?”
“Very untidy,” the maid said, “And they are
“Give them one peso,” ordered the master of Editorial of Tribute
the house. He thought he had done his duty National Teachers Day
“They aren’t interested in money. They want December 5 was set aside by the President
food. They say they are hungry.” to honor all teachers in the country. For this,
“Well,” the man laughed. “I never knew that he should be commended.
beggars could be choosy these days. Let This special day called National Teachers
them go if they wish to. This is not a day has long been overdue. It is high time
restaurant.” that such a day be celebrated. This is the
It was then that he heard the voice of his time when the students can give special
heart. A woman with a boy in her arms – credit and recognition for the innumerable
Madonna and Child thing the teachers do for them. Without these
unsung heroes, the students wouldn’t be
A Christian – which he believed he was – had what they should be. No amount of gold could
no business driving them away. repay them. The youth owe them gratitude
that can only be acknowledge but can never
And his thoughts went back to the word
be repaid.
Jesus told his disciples, “As long as you did it
Indeed, there is nothing more fitting and 2)Three qualities of good editorial according
proper to do than to acknowledge their to Reddick are: a.____________________,
unselfish efforts and sacrifices for the welfare
of their pupils. b._________________________, and
The celebration of the Teachers Day in all
schools prove that the students record in their 3)Aside from the editorial proper, the
hearts every little thing their teachers do for following may also be found in the editorial
them and for the school.
page for opinions:
Orchids to our beloved teacher; hats off to a.______,b.__________,c.________,d._____
our second parents! ___________ and e.__________.

4. Spears and Lawshe characterize an

editorial as one that: a.____________,
WEEK 3 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING b.____________, c.___________, and
TRUE OR FALSE: Write T if the sentence is d._____________.
true and F if it is false. In the latter case,
change a word or a group of words to make B. WRITING EDITORIAL COLUMNS
the sentence true.  Editorial Columns
 Duties and Qualities of a
Good Columnist
1.Accuracy is not so important in editorials as
in news reports.  Purpose of the Editorial
2.A good editorial need not have a formal  Form of Writing Used in
3.To be effective, an editorial should not be  Kinds and Types of Columns
4. Leaving the reader to form his own WRITING EDITORIAL COLUMNS
conclusion is a good practice for an editorial
writer. Expected Outcomes:

5. The editorial writer must primarily be a A. Knowledge of the different kinds of

reporter. columns
B. Ability to write different kinds of
6. the editorial page must not contain reprints columns
from magazine, speeches, statements. C. Understanding the uses of the
7. The first person (editorial we) is the
preferred point of view in writing editorials.
Editorial Columns

8.The most important asset of a campus AFTER HAVING GONE through the
editor is his exceptional knowledge of news writing and editorial writing, the student
grammar. is now ready to take up column writing.

9.The Campus Editor’s primary duty is to see Max Soliven and Randy David are two
to it that the image of the school is always of the country’s legendary columnist. But they
held up unblemished before the community. did not achieve the positions they hold now
by accident. They had to go through the
10.Editorials may also be found outside the ranks – they started as cub reporters.
editorial page, like for example in the sports
page. But not everyone who has mastered
news gathering and news writing can become
ENUMERATION: a columnist.
1)The three functions of an editorial are: Qualification of A Good Columnist
What makes a good columnist? Is it
b.________________ his closeness to his editor or his adviser who
makes the assignment? Definitely not. He
must have the following qualifications before
he can hope to become a columnist:
1. Ability to write good English or The columnist features news that
Filipino, whichever is his medium. papers may have forgotten to report. He
2. Ability to observe keenly. Many things presents tidbits or stories that the reporter
around him are worth writing about in has failed to notice, to provide a background
his column but this may lie hidden if to the main stories on Page One.
he didn’t have a keen observation.
3. Clear, logical thinking. One of the As an interpreter, the columnist
most important purposes of a column condenses the main news into clear, logical,
is to interpret news. He who cannot and effective sentences or paragraphs to
think clearly and logically has no emphasize the meat of the story so as to form
business being a columnist. opinion, to expose fraud whatever it exist, or
4. Wide background. He must have a like the main editorial, to teach, to praise, to
knowledge of literature, the arts, attack, to appeal, or to entertain.
history, human nature, among others. As a fiscalizer, the columnist acts as
5. Resourcefulness columns are an arbiter. In the political arena, he fiscalizes
opinions, all right, but the opinions not only the government and the ruling party,
must be based on facts. And most of but also the minority party.
the facts are hard to get. The
columnist must therefore, be A campus columnist, in the same
resourceful! vein, fiscalizes not only the administration,
6. Have a sense of fairness. A bigoted, but also the facuty and the studentry. He
prejudiced writer has no right to fill in analyzes the facts, interprets them, and forms
the seat of a columnist. Often, the logical and informed public opinion. He gives
columnist has to clarify some inside information on what people do not
conflicting issues. His job calls upon know, of things they are not privy to, and of
him to tell the truth. But how can he secret doings that are hidden from public
do this if he is committed to some views.
limited group of people or to an
institution in which he has a vested
interest? Other Purposes of the Columns
The column has other purposes:
Purpose of the Editorial Column 1. To explain the news. Ordinarily news
stories usually give only the superficial
The columnist informs the reader of
information regarding an event; only
what he may not know in case of the
the immediate circumstances
dopester. The columnist discloses what
surrounding it. The columnist has to
happened behind the closed doors of that
explain their significance and
secret party caucus, the motivation behind
consequences by:
the political moves now in the headlines, the
1. Giving the background of an
undercover events which led to that
momentous foreign policy decision, the
existence of a scandal or a racket, the For example, the news that
commission of a wrong that must be set right. a miracle rice has been
Or it may be the heartwarming tale of how a developed. Ordinarily, the
man committed a private act of honesty that news story about it will tell how
should be upheld for the emulation of all, a many cavans a hectare can
great or little deed that might inspire others to yield, when it as developed,
do the same, a funny incident, the where it was developed, who
achievement of a dream against developed it, and the
overwhelming odds – facts and anecdotes immediate steps done which
that add up to these often repeated words led to its development.
“human interest”.
But a columnist goes
Next, the columnist “forms” or helps to beyond this. He would
form public opinion when he comments with probably describe the
logic, humor, or emotion on an issue of the organization that took pains in
day. conducting the experiment or
series of experiments, the
The main purpose of the column is to
efforts of the men involved, the
inform, to interpret, and to a large degree, to
problem that had to be
overcome and the length of
time – from the moment the
idea was conceived to the be because that side is the
harvesting of the yield. one which is right and not
because that particular side
b. Determining whether a certain happens to be the side of his
event is an isolate case or part relatives.
of the pattern.
2. To entertain the readers. This
For example, a number of purpose of the columns enhances the
cattle in Bataan have died of a reader’s interest in the paper. When a
certain disease. This may be reader picks up a newspaper, he does
reported in the papers. In few not only want to be informed but also
weeks, the same thing to be entertained. Some columns fulfill
happened in Ilocos Norte. This this desire of the reader.
may again be reported in the
papers. In a few more weeks.
It happened in Camarines Sur. Form of Writing Used in Columns
This may also be written on by
a news reporter. Then, lately, The columnist, compared to a new
some cattle in Mindanao died writer, is free to use any form of writing. He
of the same disease. In each may use the essay or the story form, on
case, a news story was certain occasions, he may even use verse.
written. But a columnist tells
his readers that the cattle in
Kinds and Types of Columns
the different parts of the
country died of the disease. You may notice the following
He then calls on the Bureau of classifications are based on a daily paper.
Animal Industry to determine This is done so because the daily appears to
whether or not an epidemic have a variety of columns.
c. Pointing out how an event will Types of Columns According to Purpose
affect or not affect his readers.
1. Editorial column. An editorial column
For example, the is any personal column found in the
Organization of Petroleum editorial page. This kind of column
Exporting Countries decides to usually makes use if humor as a
increase the price of oil. The vehicle in driving the columnist’s
columnist will point out to his message. But at the bottom of this
readers the effects of this apparently humorous columns is
action of OPEC. He may tell invariably a serious matter to which
his reader that soon they may the columnist wants to call attention.
be paying ₱3 instead of ₱1.50
for their fare. Now, his readers “By the Way” by Max Soliven
are concerned. is an example.

Or the establishment of a Editorial column writing in the

nuclear power plant. The Philippines is considered to be the
columnist, after having highest expression of press freedom.
consulted the proper The newspaper column started
authorities, tells his readers during the propaganda movement of
whether or not his nuclear the revolutionary period. The journals
power plant will expose them wrote hard-hitting columns against the
toa great health hazard. colonial masters.
d. Pooling together and This was true during the post-
assessing comments of liberation era. Some of the daring
readers from the different columnists also made use of their pen
segments of society. “to fight oppression from within and
A controversy may have without”. They were Arsenio H.
more than two sides. The Lacson of the Philippine Liberty News
columnist must present all with his “In This Corner”, Armando
these sides without favoring Malay of the Manila Chronicle with his
any of them. If, however, he “With a Grain of Salt”, and I.P.
has to favor one side, it should Soliongco also of the Manila
Chronicle with his “Seriously thus a safe one is Walter Lippman’s
Speaking”. “Today and Tomorrow”.)
2. The hodge-podge column. Where
During the Commonwealth the author lumps together odds and
Period, the leading pre-war writers ends of information, a poem here, an
were Federico Mangahas, Godofredo announcement there, a pointed
Rivera, and Rafael R. Roces, among paragraph, a modernized proverb, a
others. These columnists wrote about joke, or an interesting quotation.
controversial political issues. 3. The essay column (increasingly
2. Reader’s column. It is the column in rare). It is a legacy from a more
which comments sent in by the leisurely age when writers could sit
readers are place. These comments and scribble and muse in light or
may refer to any item previously purple prose. (The exponents of this
carried by the paper, or the topics that form were Addison and Steele of the
have not appeared on the paper but famed Spectator papers, Charles
which the reader would want to bring Lamb, Oliver Goldsmith, G.K.
to the attention of the editor or to the Chesterton, and Christoper Morley.
paper’s readers. Some newspapers The Filipino columnist who best
call it “Letter to the Editor”; others, approximated this type was
“Dear Sir”. Godofredo Rivera of the Graphic).
2. Business column. It contains 4. The gossip column. Caters to the
materials about economy, trade, inherent interest of human beings.
commerce, and industry. It is found in Unfortunately, the reader’s eyes light
the business section of the paper. up more frequently when they spy the
2. Sports column. This column deals vices rather than the virtues of others.
exclusively about sports. It is found on The society columnists (as well as the
the sport page. otherwise sober ones who
2. Art column. Deals mostly on occasionally dabble in small talk)
paintings, architecture, flower chronicle here the facts and foibles of
arrangement, paper mâché, ikebana, the great and near-great, the social
and the like. climbers, and the true celebrities. The
2. Women’s column. This column first example that comes to mind is
concerns itself about the latest Walter Winchell and his “keyhole”
fashion, beauty tips, and anything journalism.
about homemaking. 5. The dopester’s column. Written by
2. Entertainment column. This is all the columnist who also has his eye to
about music, theater, cinema, and the the keyhole but with a more serious
people involved in them. purpose. He uses much the same
2. New products and inventions. A technique as the gossip columnist but
science paper usually has a column rises above the chatterbox variety of
about the latest products and news to poke into activities of the
inventions, and the researches being “men who make the decisions”. The
conducted by some prominent “victims” are usually the government’s
scientists. leaders-politicians, congressmen,
2. Personality. This may play up a senators, Cabinet officials, titans of
famous person, his significant industry and commerce, and
achievements, his activities, dreams, institutions which have to do with
and ambition. national-international affairs. The
2. Reviews. Review of an article, a columnist’s “pipelines” to sources of
book, a movie, a drama, or a painting. information often give him the ability
to “forecast” news before it happens,
bare still unannounced plans and
Types of Editorial Column According to appointments, reveal “secret pacts”,
Content and lay bare the secrets of
government and finance open to
1. The “opinion” column (also called scrutiny.
the “signed editorial column”).
Resembles an editorial in form but, in
contrast with the editorial’s impersonal Example of Editorial Column
and anonymous approach, carries the
personal, stamp of the writer’s own So It Seems
ideas. (I hesitate to use local example,
Simultaneous with the opening of thing in which the defects or peculiarities are
classes and the coming of the rains is the exaggerated so as to produce a ludicrous effect.
emergence of instant “tiendas” and ambulant
Lampoon is a piece of malicious writing, a personal
vendors within the school premises. written satire that attacks and ridicules.
They sell all sorts of food – green The editorial cartoon is one of the oldest and most
mangoes with “bagoong”, pared singkamas, notable items on the editorial page. The Chinese
soaked in brine, and artificially colored proverb that one pictures is worth a thousand words is
“gulaman”. Topping all these is the ubiquitous applied in order to persuade.
“inihaw na posit”, the unpleasant odor which
Like the editorial proper, however, the editorial cartoon
enters the classrooms. may also perform any of the three functions of the News
Press—to inform, influence, or entertain.
The unsafe food sold by the
unlicensed vendors is exposed to flies that Characteristic of a Good Cartoon
swarm in garbage piled up around the 1. A good cartoon appeals to the reader’s sense
“tiendas”. of humor in order to persuade him to accept an
opinion. It is an effective social force.
Gastroenteritis, dysentery, El Tor, 2. Also, a cartoon, like the top editorial, should
deal with only a single idea.
typhoid, and stomach ailments are on the rise 3. While subject matter covers wide range of
in the community. According to the school topics and purposes
nurse, the easiest way to contract these 4. The typical cartoon is about political and social
diseases is by eating contaminated food. conditions and problems.
5. Some cartoons are good-natures and
Now and then, the school thru the humorous, others are serious and
health services appeals to these vendors to sophisticated.
refrain from selling unsafe food to students. Cartoons in Campus Papers need not to be so
But all pleas fall on deaf ears. professional looking as those found in national dailies.
Ideas for editorial may be suggested by the editor., or
The best remedy therefore, is for the they may come from the cartoonist himself. At any rate,
students to keep away from ambulant the name of the cartoonist is placed in the cartoon,
vendors. even if the idea is not his. After all, it’s probably harder
to draw, than to have an idea.
The school runs a very comfortable
canteen, where clean, delicious and nutritious Range of Cartoon Ideas
food is sold. Cartoon ideas cover a wide range of subjects. Some
may be:
Would it not be better too if our A.Inspirational - e.g., the school represented as a
students patronize school-made food? ---- By mother taking care of her children.
Jenina Cruz
b. Satirical- e.g., the embarrassment for having girls
wear miniskirts in the classroom
 Cartooning Defined c. Corretional—e.g., problems involving people taking
 Characteristics of a Good Cartoon prohibited drugs.
 Suggestions for Cartooning
Cartoon ideas must be carefully thought of Campus
Expected Outcomes: cartoonist should ask themselves the following
A. Realization that student opinion can also be questions:
expressed in campus papers through the use
of cartoons 1. Will the cartoon hurt someone?
B. Ability to comment on the news or on an 2. Is the cartoon exaggerated?
existing issue effectively through cartooning 3. Is the cartoon decent? Parts of the human
C. Knowledge that like the lead editorial, the body should not be drawn in the style of dirty
editorial cartoon covers a wide range of tabloids. Remember, ours is a campus paper
subject matter where values and clean living are developed.
D. Familiarity with the Do’s and Don’ts in 4. Is the cartoon “corny?” Examples are
cartooning overlooked ideas such as knights fighting
Student Opinion is expressed in the newspaper through dragons, or rescuing a damsel in distress; a
the lead editorial (editorial proper), columns, letters to student climbing a steep mountain to reach a
the editor, and editorial cartoons. castle labeled “SUCCESS”, or an erupting
volcano labeled “REVOLUTION.”
Cartooning Defined A cartoonist can think of new ways of rendering an old
subject in a fresh way.
An editorial cartoon is an editorial page illustration
expressing opinion and interpretation. The word SUGGESTIONS FOR CARTOONING
cartoon is derived from two words, caricature and
lampoon. 1. If you decide to use cartoon make sure that it
is done in good taste, and it should say
Caricature is an exaggerated description, generally by something.
sketching. It is a pictorial representation of a person or 2. Like an editorial, it should deal with only one
3. The purpose of the cartoon is to visualize an Just as in news writing “cartoonize” to express
idea. Limit the use of words and labels. Unlike not to impress. The message is more
a photo, in the news page, a cartoon does not important than the drawing.
need a caption, remember also that a good 5. Be original. Don’t plagiarize. Develop your own
cartoon, like a good photo, is worth 10,000 style.
words. 6. Cartoons, like headlines and caption, may also
4. You may use symbol like dove for peace, a be sources of libel suits. The pictures and the
laurel leaf for vitory, a heart for love. But be bubble may be funny but they should not
sure that the symbol is universal; i.e., it is defame nor expose a person or object to
easily understood even by an ordinary reader. hatred, ridicule, or contempt.


Write a commentary regarding the recent issue in the country. Based your article on the
following criteria:
(10 points) (8 points) (4 points) (2 points)
 The purpose of the
editorial column is All criteria At least 1
clearly depicted in the presented criterion is not At least 2 At least 3 All criteria
article. It may inform, are met. criteria criteria presented
interpret, or fiscalize a complied. are not are not are not
certain issue. met. met. complied.
 The article tackles
issues that has appeal
on “human interest”.
 The columnist was
able to maintain the
sense of fairness in the
 The columnist exhibits
good ability in using
the language through
his written article.

Draw an editorial cartoon based on the following criteria:
(10 points) (8 points) (6 points) D (2 points)
(4 points)
 The cartoon should
have an appeal to the All At least 1
reader’s sense of criteria criterion is not At least 2 At least 3 All
humor. presente met. criteria criteria criteria
 The cartoon should d are are not are not presente
deal with only one complied. met. met. d are not
topic. The topic could complied.
be any of the following:
- Political
- Terrorism
- Foreign Debt
- Drug Abuse
- Criminality
- Health Issues
- Environment
al Problems
 The cartoon should be
originally crafted by
the cartoonist.
 The cartoon should
clearly visualize the
idea/message that the
cartoonist trying to

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