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Name : Muhammad Ghulam Robbani

NPM : 1616500027

In the few recent years, it is evident that the advancement in the field of digital
technology has been so rapid that it changes many aspects of human life. In the field of
education, there has been many efforts done to implement the use of technology to “give a
better education”. These efforts are mainly categorized into three kinds, e.g. “virtual
schooling”, “reschooling”, and “deschooling”.
Virtual schooling is the implementation of technology to provide education outside
the physical boundaries of schools. Currently there are many organizations offering their
service of virtual schooling. The learning programs and courses being offered gives the
learner more freedom in terms of time and place. Meanwhile, reschooling is the use of
technology to rebuild the current structures and processes of schools. Mainly, the ideas of
reschooling such as Fisher and Baird’s “mash-up pedagogy” and Mahiri’s “remix of
learning” revolve around the reorganization of curriculum and assessment. By fully
implementing the digital technology and giving more freedom to the learners in terms of what
subjects to learn, how and when they will learn, and who or what they will learn it from, the
learning process can better fit each of the students’ needs for the sake of their private life
The last of the three, deschooling, is the term used to describe the use of technology to
completely replace the function of currently available schools. Ever since 1960s, some
educational technology experts had argued that the current education system is too much
forced, outdated, and doesn’t give much room for individual needs and pursuit. Some writers
such as Seymour Papert, Juha Suoranta, Paul Goodman, Jonathan Kozel, John Holt, Ian
Lister, and the most famous one, Ivan Illich openly stated their opinion that the current
educational system must be dissolved. Ivan Illich believed that new technology can perfectly
play as a substitute for the process of knowledge and experience transfer and replace the
function of school.
However, no matter how attractive the ideas of deschooling might seem to be, it is
important to remember that the current formal education system holds a very important social
function for childrens and youths as a place for communal gathering and main network of
knowledge and experience. Rather than completely and sporadically change the formal
education system, certainly it is more reasonable and practical to find more moderate and
softer ways of implementing new technology to better suit the students’ needs and demands.

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