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Annals of Mathematics

Differentiable Manifolds
Author(s): Hassler Whitney
Source: Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Jul., 1936), pp. 645-680
Published by: Annals of Mathematics
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Vol. 37, No. 3, July,1936


(Received February 10, 1936)

The mainpurposeofthispaperis to providetools ofa purelyanalyticcharac-
terfora generalstudyofthe topologyofdifferentiable manifolds,and maps of
them into other manifolds. A differentiable manifoldis generallydefinedin
one of two ways; as a pointset withneighborhoods homeomorphic withEuclid-
ean space En, coordinatesin overlappingneighborhoodsbeing related by a
differentiabletransformation,2or as a subset of En, definednear each point by
expressing some of the coordinatesin terms of the others by differentiable
The firstfundamentaltheoremis that the firstdefinition is no moregeneral
than the second; any differentiable manifoldmay be imbeddedin Euclidean
space. In fact,it may be made into an analyticmanifoldin some En. As a
corollary,it may be givenan analyticRiemannianmetric. The secondfunda-
mentaltheorem(whencombinedwiththe first)deals withthe smoothingout of
a manifold. Let f be a map of any character(continuousor differentiable,
withoutan inverse)of a differentiable manifoldM of dimensionm into another,
N, of dimensionn. (Either manifoldmightbe an open subset of Euclidean
space.) Then ifn > 2m,we may alterf as littleas we please,forminga regular
map F. (A map is regularif,near each point,it is differentiable and has a dif-
ferentiableinverse.) Moreover,if n 2 2m + 1, F may be made (1-1). We
showin Theorem6 that if n > 2m + 2, then any two regularmaps fo,f, of M
into En are equivalent,in the followingsense. fo(M) may be deformedinto
fi(M) by maps fj(O < t _ 1) so that the path crossedby the manifoldis the
regularmap of an (m + l)-dimensionalmanifold. Moreover,if n > 2m + 3,
and fo(M) and fi(M) are non-singular, so is the (m + l)-manifold.
A fundamentalunsolvedproblemis the following:Can any analyticmanifold
bemappedin an analyticmannerintoEuclideanspace?4
1 Presentedto the Am. Math Soc. Sept. 1935. An outlineof the paperwill be foundin
Proc. Nat. Ac. ofSci., vol. 21 (1935),pp. 462-463.
manifoldshave been studiedforinstanceby 0. Veblen and J. H. C.
2 Differentiable

Whitehead,Thefoundations ofdifferential CambridgeTracts,1932. An example

(in fact,analytic)manifoldis themanifoldof k-planesthrougha point
of a differentiable
in n-space. See ?24.
3 Manifoldsin E. whichare defined functions
by the vanishingofa set ofdifferentiable
are ofa specialcharacter;see H. Whitney,The imbedding of manifolds* . ,in theOctober
1936issue oftheseAnnals.
I Thisseemsquiteprobable. It is provedforsomespecialanalyticmanifoldsin ??23-24.

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Theorem1 showsonlythat thereis a differentiable map (withall derivatives),

suchthatthe resultingpointset formsan analyticmanifold.
Many portionsof the proofsare based on the Weierstrassapproximation
theorem,if the manifoldsare closed; if they are open, this theoremmust be
replacedby a corresponding theoremon functionsdefinedin open sets. This
and othertheoremswhichwill be usefulmay be foundin a previouspaper.6
In provingbothfundamental theorems,the following
methodis used continually.
map of M into En,and let U be a small portionof M.
Let f be a differentiable
We considera class S of maps f' of U into En whichapproximateto f in U; S
formsa part of a Euclidean space. The mapsf' we do not wishare character-
ized by subsetsof S whosedimensionsmay be learned,-we use herethe notion
of "k-extent"of a set similarto a definitionof Carath6odory.6We finda
desirablemap f' in U, and do the same in otherneighborhoods until we have
foundF in the wholemanifoldM.
The arrangementof the paper is indicatedby the sentencesintroductory to
each part.
I. Definitionsand preliminary results............................ 646
II. The theorems............................ 652
III. The imbeddingtheorem......... .................. 659
IV. The neighborhood of a manifoldin E,1. ............. 665
V. Analyticmanifolds..... . . ........... .. 668
VI. Proofof Theorem2.................................. 673


and factswhichwill be used constantlyin

In this part we collectdefinitions
what follows. In one section, ?4, we assume a knowledgeof the imbedding
theoremand of Lemma 23.

1. Manifolds of class Ct. By an m-dimensional manifoldM of class Ct,or,

a Cr-m-manifold (r finiteor r = co ),7we shall mean a systemcomposedof a set
of points,whichwe shall also call M, and certainmaps, as follows:Let Q = Q.
be the interioroftheunit (m - 1)-sphere in Euclidean space Em.8 Let 01,62, . . .
be a finiteor denumerablenumberof (1-1) maps of Qinto M. Definethe sets
of points
(1.1) U.;= Oi(Q), Uo = Ui= U.Ui , Qii== sl(Uij)
' H. Whitney,Analyticextensions functions
ofdifferentiable in closedsets,Trans.
Am.Math. Soc., vol. 36 (1934),pp. 63-89. We referto thispaperas AE.
6 C. Carath6odory, O}berdas lineareMass vonPunktmengen, Gott.Nachr.,1914,p. 426.
7We always suppose r is finiteand > 0 unless otherwise stated. However, the results of
??1-4 all holdforr = .
setsofn realnumbers.
8 That is, thespace ofall ordered

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and the (1-1) maps

(1.2) his(x) = y1
(Oj(x)) in Qjj.
We makefourassumptions:
(a) The maps Oi coverM: For each p in M thereis an i and an x in Q such
that Oi(x) = p.
(6) The Qjjareopen.
(-y)9There are no i, j, and sequence of points xIk} such that
Xkis in Qii, Xk x in Q - Qii, hij(xk) -* x' in Q - Qji.
(5) hii(x)(ifdefined)is of class Cr(see ?2), and if r > 0, it has a non-vanishing
If, further,the hisare analytic,we say M is analytic. A 0-manifoldconsists
of a finiteor denumerablenumberof isolated points. A k-manifold(k < 0)
containsno points.
We call the Oi the maps defining M, and the Uj, neighborhoods in M. Note
thatM neednotbeconnected.
We definelimitpointsin M as follows:pk -+p if and only if thereare an i,
an s, a pointx of Q and a sequence {Xk} of pointsof Q such that
(1.3) 0i(xk) = Ps +k Oi(x) = p, Xk -+X.

We provetwo facts. If pk-- p and p is in U;, thenforsomesyP++k is in Us

and 01'(P.+k) )-* 8(p). For, say (1.3) holds. Then p is in Uji, and hence
x = 0i7'(p) is in Qjj. As Qjj is open and Xk x+ X, thereis an s such that x,+k is
in Qjj. Hencehij(X+k) = 0-'(p,+ ) is in Qjj,and as hisis continuous,
Oj'(p). If Pk -- p and Pk -- p'. thenp = p'. For supposep $ p', (1.3) holds,
and similarrelationshold with i, p, xk,x replacedby j, p', x'k,x'. (We may
evidentlytake s' = s.) Then hkj(xk)
= X'k. *x is not in Qjj; forif it were,then
his(x) = x' as is
his continuous,and
pI= 01(x') = Oj(hj1(x)) = Oi(x) = p.
Similarlyx' is not in Qj;. But this contradicts(-y).
These two facts showthat the obvious criteriaforPk not -4 p hold: If p is
in Ui and there are no {Xk}, x such that (1.3) hold, then Pk does not -* p; if
01(Xk) - Pk, Xk -_ X in Q, and Oi(x) F p, then Pk does not -* p. We can now
defineopen,closed,compactsets,etc. as usual. A manifoldM is closed or open
accordingas the set of pointsM is compactor not.
Note that any manifoldof class Cr is of class Ca fors < r; any opensubsetof
a manifoldis a manifold(with suitablychosenmaps); a finiteor denumerable
numberof manifoldstogether forma manifold. E. is a manifoldwiththeobvious
Giventwo sets of maps in M, we say theydefineCr-equivalent manifolds ifnot
onlyeach set separately,but also the two sets together,satisfythe above condi-
to (C1) and (C2)in Veblenand Whitehead,
9 (a) and (y) correspond loc. cit.

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tions. We may speak of a point being the identicalpoint on both manifolds,

of a functionbeingidenticalon them,etc. Two manifoldsare Cr-homneomorphic
ifthereis a (1-1) correspondencebetweentheirpointssuch that,on identifying
corresponding points,the two sets of maps defineCr-equivalentmanifolds. In
otherwordsthereis a (proper)(1-1) regularCr-mapofeitherone into the other
(see ?2). It is oftenconvenientnot to distinguishbetweentwo Cr-equivalent
manifolds. We may thensay forinstance"choose maps definingM such that
." The numberr should then be definitelyassociated with the manifold;
fora Cr-manifold may be Cr-equivalentto a C;-manifoldwiths > r (see Theo-

2. Functions defined in manifolds. We shall use the words "function"

and "map" interchangeably. Let R be an open set in Em,and let f be a real-
valued functiondefinedin R. It is of class Cr if it has continuouspartial de-
rivativesthroughtherth order. If R is any subsetofE,'0 we say f is ofclass Cr
in thesubsetR ofEm if its definition can be extendedthroughan open set con-
tainingR so that it is of class Crthere(see AE). It is sufficient that the exten-
sionbe possibleseparatelyabout each pointofR. If thevalues off are pointsof
Enswesay it is ofclass Cr (or ofclass Crin a subset)ifeach ofits coordinatesis.
Supposef is a functiondefinedin a subsetR of a Cr-manifold M, withvalues
in a Ct-manifold N. Let O.,xi; U., Vs; Qm, Q. be the maps etc. definingM and
N respectively." Take any po in R, and say po is in U., qo = f(po) is in Vs.
The functionf,(x) = f(G,(x)) is definedin the set R. = ,-(R. Uj). Suppose
that,forsome neighborhoodU of x0 = 6 1 (po)in Qm, x in Ri- U impliesf,(x)in
Vs; setfii(x) = 41 (fi(x)), and supposethatfii,definedin R.- U and withvalues
in Q,, is of class Ct (t < r, s). If this is true of each po and each corresponding
i, j, we say f is ofclassC' in R, or in the subset R of M, if R is not open. (If
the conditionis satisfiedat poforone pair (i, j), it is satisfiedat poforeach such
pair (i, j), on accountof (5).) If M and N are analytic,f may be analytic.
Suppose M is of class Ct, r _ 1. Let x be a point of Q, and let C1, C., ***,
be differentiable curvesendingat x, whose tangentsat x forma set of inde-
pendentvectors. If x is in Qij, then parts of these curves,and the vectors,
transform under hi, into othersuch curvesand vectorsin Q; by (a), the new
vectorsare independent. The corresponding curvesin M we shall say definea
set ofindependent directions at OE(x). If f is a Cl-mapof M intoN, these curves,
and hence "directions,"go into curvesand directionsin N. We define:f is a
regularl2map of M into N if it is of class C1,and any set of independentdirec-
tionsat a pointin M goes into such a set in N. If f is definedin a subsetof
M, we say it is regularifits definition can be extendedthroughan open subset
of M so that it is regularthere.
10 This case doesnotoccurin thefundamental theorems. In thisconnection,see also H.
Whitney,Differentiablefunctions***, Trans. Am.Math. Soc., vol. 40 (1936).
11We shallalwaysuse thesesymbolsin thismanner.
12 In Veblenand Whitehead, loc. cit.,it is also requiredthatthemapbe (1-1).

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The map f ofM intoN is completely regularifit is regular,and has the follow-
ing property: at most two points of M go into any singlepointof N; iff(pi) =
f(p2), Pi # P2, then a set of m independentdirectionsat pi togetherwithsuch a
set at P2 go into a set of 2m independentdirectionsat f(p') in N. This is of
courseonlypossible (iff is not (1-1)) if n _ 2m.
Given the map f of M into N, we definethe limitsetLf as follows:A pointq
of N is in Lf ifthereexistsequences IPkI in M and fqk4 in N such that qk -q,
f(pk) = qk, and the sequence I PkI has no limitingpoint in M. The map f is
properiff(M) does not intersectits limitset: f(M) *Lf = 0. If M and N are
Cr-m-and Cr-onmanifolds, and f is a (1-1) regularpropel Ct-mapof M into N,
we shall say f Cr-imbeds M in N. f(M) is then a Cr-m-manifold in N (see ?3).

3. Manifolds in manifolds. If f is a regularCr-mapof M into N, we shall

call the combination(M, f) a localCr-manifold in N. Each pointp ofM is then
in a neighborhoodU in whichf is (1-1). In general,the natureof M is deter-
minedby the natureof the pointset f(M); but thisis not necessarilythe case.
We shall commonlyspeak off(M) as a local manifoldin N, keepingin mindthat
M and f mustboth be given. (But see below.) The limitsetLf(M) off(M) is
the limitset Lf. The local manifoldis properiff is; has at mostregularsingu-
laritiesif f is completelyregular;is non-singular if f is (1-1). (M, f), or the
resultingpoint set f(M), is a Cr-manifold in N if it is non-singularand proper.
Iff(M) is a local manifoldin N, and f is of class Cr,we shall say M is Cr-homeo-
morphicwith f(M).
We shall shownow that if (M, f) is a Cr-manifold in N, then,usingthe point
set f(M) alone, we may determinea Cr-manifold M', whichis necessarilyC"-
homeomorphic withM. This justifiescallingthe pointset f(M) a manifoldin
N. Also, settingN = En, we justifyour originaldefinitionof a manifold.
(See also Theorem1.) Moreover,as M and f(M) are Cr-homeomorphic, there
is in generalno harmin identifying them. This justifiesthe phrase"the mani-
foldM in N."
LEmmA1. Let (M, f) be a Cr-m-manifold in theC4t-nmanifold N. Thenthe
subsetf(M) of N has thefollowing property.Any qoin f(M) is in a neighborhood
U in f(M)1 suchthatU is in someVj, and thepointsx1 (U) are givenby
(3.1) ym+k = #k(yl, ... yY) (k = 1, ... ,n- m)
(ifyi, * , ymaresuitablychosenrectangular coordinatesin En), where(y1,** ye)
runsthrough an opensetin the(yi, * , y.)-plane. Moreover, if M' is any subset
of N uith theaboveproperty, thenmaps in M' determined by (3.1) make M' a
Cr-m-manifold; M' = f(M), thenM is Cr-homeomorphic
if,further, withM'.14
Given M, f and qo,say qo = f(po); we may take a neighborhoodU* of poin M
such that U* is in some Ui and U = f(U*) is in some Vi (as f is continuous).
13Thatis, qois in U which is inf(M),and U is openinf(M), i.e.,noq in U is thelimit
(inN) ofa sequence ofpointsoff(M) - U.
14 It is easilyseenthatthelemma holdsiffis completely
regular andproper.

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Let (xi, **, xm) be rectangular coordinates in Em. f i = x}'fOi maps the open
subsetOj (U*) ofQm thematrixIIayk/ax, II ofpartial
intoQ,. Asf is regular,
derivativesof Hi f is of rankm at O,1(po); we may suppose thatthe firstdeter-
minantis 5 0. Then, taking U* small enough,(3.1) holds. To show that U
is a neighborhood of qoin f(M), take any q in U, and supposethereis a sequence
Iqk} in f(M) - U, qk -> q. Say q = f(p), qk = f(pk). Suppose therewere a
subsequence IPakI of Ipk} such that p-k p' in M. Thenf(pk) = q-k f(p')
hencef(p') = q, and p' = p, as f is (1-1). As p-k p in U*,thereis an s such
thatp, k is in U* (see ?1). But thenq, k is in U, a contradiction.Therefore
*{Pk } has no limitin M. But thenf is notproper, againa contradiction.
Next suppose that M' is a subset of N definedby equations (3.1). In each
such equation, the domain of definitionR = (yr, ** , yin)is open; we may cover

R by spheres,and map Qm intoeach sphereand henceintoM', defining maps in

M'. Usingthefactthatthehi in N are ofclass Crwithnon-vanishing Jacobian,
it is easily shownthat the same is true forthe maps in M'. Suppose further
that M' = fM). The equationsy = f~j(x) previouslyconsidered,whensolved
as before,give a furtherset of equations (3.1) and thus anotherset of maps
defining M'; but thisset is clearlyCr-equivalentto the other,and thus definesa
Cr-homeomorphism betweenM and M'.
LEMMA 2. Let M be a Cr-m-manifold in N, and N, a Cr-n-manifold in the
Cr-n'-manifold N'. ThenM is a Cr-m-manifold in N'. We mayreplace"mani-
Say f maps M into N and g maps N into N'; thenf' = gfmaps M into N'.
As f and g are regularand of class Cry so is f'. If f and g are (1-1), so is f'; the
same is easilyseen to be truewith"(1-1)" replacedby "proper."

4. Functions defined in submanifoldsof a manifold. Let M be a sub-

manifoldofN, and letf be definedin one of themanifolds;we proposeto study
the relationoff to the othermanifold. The values offmaybe pointsofanother
manifold. The resultsofthissectionwillbe used onlyoccasionally.
LEMMA 3. Let M be a local Cr-m-manifold in theCr-n-manifold N, letR be an
opensubsetofN, and letf be ofclass Crin R. Thenf is ofclass Crin thesubset
R M ofM.
By thiswe mean,ifg is the map ofM intoN, thatf' = fgis ofclass Ct in that
opensubsetR' ofM forwhichg(R') is in R. Take qoin R *M, and say qo = g(po),
Poin Uj, qoin Vs. The hypothesisis thatf*(y) = fx,(y)is of class Crin a neigh-
borhoodof yO= xl 1(qo) in Qn. As Oi,g, and xi1 are of class Cr,so is

f'(Ox(x)) = f*X,lgoi(x)

in a neighborhoodof x0 = at1 (po), as required.

A converseofthislemmais
LEMMA 4. Let M be a Cr-m-manifold in theCr-n-manifold
N, let R' be an
open subsetof M, and letf be of class Cr in R'. Then its definition
may be

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extendedthroughout an open subsetR of N containingR' so thatit is of class

Cr there.
As R' is a Cr-m-manifold in N, we maysupposewithoutloss ofgeneralitythat
R' = M. By Theorem1, we may Cr-imbedN in E, (v = 2n + 1); then,by
Lemma 2, M becomes a Cr-m-manifold in E,. Definef in R(M) by setting
f(p) = f(H(p)) (Lemma 23). f is now of class C" in R(M). For, let U be a
neighborhood of a pointpoin M, and let S be the productofI07 (U) and Em:
z = (x, y), x in 0, l(U), y in E,..m, z in S. S may be consideredas a subsetof
En. Settingf'(z) = f(Oi(x)),f' is obviouslyof class C in S. Let 0 be a con-
gruentmap of Evn into P(po),and forany p in U, let T, = Tp p(p)be the map
of P(po) into P(p) of ?19. Set
q = 4&(x,y) = Tei(z)(y).

This is a Cr-mapof S into E,. If S' = (x, y) for I y II < some a, and 4(0) =
po,i/ maps S' intopart of R(M). Moreover,
x = O-(H(q)), y = 4-1TH(1) q in 4k(S');
hence4,6 has an inverseof class Cr in 4,(S'). But in fr(S'),by the definitions
and f', f(q) = f'('-l(q)), whichshowsthatf is of class Cr in R(M). Set R =
R(M) .N; by Lemma 3;f is ofclass Cr in R.
We remarkthat the lemmashold if we replaceeverywhere"of class Cr" by
"analytic." The lemmasshowthat ifM and N are as given,andf is definedin
M, then"fis ofclassCrin M" is thesameas "fis ofclassCGin thesubsetM of N."

5. Admissible sets of maps in a manifold. Let M be a Cr-m-manifold with

maps Oi. If (a) each Esis ofclass Crin Q,14aand (b) any compactsubsetofM has
pointsin commonwithbut a finitenumberofthe Uj, we say the maps forman
admissibleset. If, further,Q' is the sphereconcentricwith Q and of half the
radius,U$ = 0i(Q'), and the U' cover M, we say the maps forma completely
admissibleset. Any manifoldmay be definedby a completelyadmissibleset
of arbitrarilysmall maps:
LEMMA 5. Let M be a C r-m-manifold, and letR1,R2, * be a setof open sets
coveringM. Then M is Cr-equivalent to a manifoldwithcompletely admissible
maps Oisuchthateach Ui is in someR,.
Let O* be the given maps in M. Let Q,, Q2, * * be the spheresof rational
centerand rationalradius such that each Qk is in Q. Q may be mapped into
Qkby a lineartransformation 4k. Setoki(x) = O*'(0k(X)); thentheHi aredefined
in Q, and obviouslydefinea manifoldCr-equivalentto M. Call thesemaps xi,
and the-corresponding neighborhoods, V,.
Set W' = V1 + *. + VA;then W$is compactand closed. Each point of
W is in someW', and henceW' is in the sum ofa finitenumberofthe W' and
is thus in some W^. Hence we may pick out a finiteor infinitesubsequence
W1,W2, ... of the W' such that WiTis in Wj+j and the W. cover M. Each
1 Q Q plus limit points.

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pointof Wi - Wj1 is in a V = xj(Q') such that Vj lies in some Rk and has no

pointsin Wi-2; a finitenumberof these V may be chosensuch that theycover
Wi - Wi1. Choose such neighborhoodsforeach i; the corresponding maps,
arrangedin a sequence 01,02, * *, obviouslyhave the requiredproperties.

6. Approximations to functionsdefined in manifolds. Let M and N be

Crm-m and Cr-n-manifolds with admissiblemaps 0,,xi, and let f(p) be a C'-map
of M into N. Take any po in M, and say po is in Uj, f(po) is in Vs. Then
fj,(x) = xY1f~i(x)is a Cr-mapof part of Qrn
into Qn,withderivatives
Dkfij(x) +kmf(x) (Uk < r),

where ak = ki + * + km. Each Dkfjf(x) is a vector function defined in part

ofQm. Let q(p) be a positivecontinuousfunctionin M, and let F(p) be another
Cr-mapof M into N. We shall say F approximatesto f in M through the 5th
orderwithan error< -q,or, F approximates (f, M, s, -q),if the followingis true:
For any pointp in any Uj thereis a j suchthatf(p) and F(p) are in V, and
|| DkFij(p) - Dkfij(p) I < -n(P) (ak - S) .
If M = Em and N = En, this reducesto the ordinary.definition.For s = 0,
thisinequalityis independentofthe maps definingM.
LEMMA6. Giventwosetsofadmissiblemaps Oj,0* in M and twosetsxj, x* in
N, and givenf(p) and q(p) as above,thereis a positivecontinuousfunction (p)
in M such thatif F approximates(f, M, s, r) in termsof the6* and x*, thenF
approximates(f,M, s, v7)in termsoftheGiand xi.
maps of Qm
Let fi,,f,*j Fij Flj be the corresponding into Qn,and set uik(x)=
*-7'(0j(x)), vil(y) = xi-(xj(y)) where defined. Now given i, j, there are num-
bers k, 1such that near a givenpoint
= x ZfOk = 7fGi~k =i
hence the derivativesoffkl of order < s are polynomialsin those of vif,f~i,and
u, I of order? s. It is sufficient
to showthat all such derivativesare bounded
in the neighborhood ofany pointpoofM. pois in a finitenumberof U; and Uk,
and f(po)is in a finitenumberof Vi and V*. Each 0ietc. is definedin a bounded
closedset, and henceits derivativesare bounded; therefore the same is trueof
the derivativesof the above functions.
We remarkthat iff is regular,completely regular,proper,or (1-1) regularand
proper,thenthesameis trueofanyfunctionwhichapproximatestof through the
We collecthere the principalresultsof the paper (apart fromLemma 23).
Usingthe firsttwo theoremsand the resultsof ?9, the remainingtheoremsmay
hence we give these proofspracticallyin fullin
be provedwithlittledifficulty;

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7. Two typesof propertiesofmaps. The purposeofthissectionis to explain

(e) and (f) ofTheorem2. See also ?9. Let M and N be Cr-m-and Cr-n-mani-
folds,and let f be a fixedCr-mapof M into N (r _ 0). Let q(p) be a positive
continuousfunctionin M. We shall say a propertyQ of maps ofM intoN is
if the followingis true:
an (f, r, tq)-property
(a) Q is definedforall mapsf' whichapproximate(f, M, r, /).
(b) Thereis a compactopen subsetW' ofM such that whetheranyf' has the
propertyQ dependsonlyon the values off' in W'.
(c) If f' approximates(f, M, r, t/)and has the propertyQ, thenforsome con-
tinuous q'(p), 0 < q'(p) < q(p), any map f" whichapproximates(f', M, r, a')
has the propertyU.
(d) If f' approximates(f, M, r, t/),then foran arbitrarycontinuous71'(p),
0 < q'(p) < q(p), thereis a map f" whichapproximates(f', M, r, <) and has
theproperty .15
Beforedefiningthe second type of property,we shall considercertainfunc-
tionals. We suppose now that M and N are analyticmanifoldsin E, and E,
Let A(p, q) be a continuousfunctionof the pair of pointsp, q of M suchthat
A(p, p) = 0 and A(p,q) > 0 forp $ q. Let P(p) be a positivecontinuousfunction
in M. To each Cr-mapf of M into E, such that

(7.1) || Dkf(q) - Dkf(p) || - A(pyq) (o k ? r),

(see ?6),1' let therecorresponda map Vf of M into E,. We shall say e is an
analyticlinear (M, E,, r, A, t)-functionalif Vf is analytic, and approximates
(f, M, r, P), and, iffi,f2and fi + f2satisfy(7.1), then17
V(fl + f2) = Vfl+ Vf2.
The existenceof such a functionalis givenby Lemma 27. Note that if e is an
analyticlinear(M, E,, r, A', ?')-functional, thenit is an analyticlinear(M, E>,
r, A, t)-functionalforA < A', r _ ?'.
We shall say a propertyQ is an [f, r, 77,A,
,]-propertyif (a), (b) and (c) hold,
and also:
(d') There is a compactopen subset W of M containingW', and thereare
Cr-mapsG1,* *, Gh of M into E, such that Gj(p) = 0 forp in M - W,with
the followingproperty. If V is any analyticlinear (M, E,, r, A, 0)-functional
and iff' approximates(f, M, r, l)and satisfies(7.1), thenthereis an arbitrarily

15 (c) and (d) may be phrasedas follows:If ( is the space of maps of M into N which

approximate(f,M, r, 1), usinga verystrongtopology,thenthose maps whichhave the

propertyQ forman everywhere denseopensubsetof(.
16Dkf(p) shall mean some Dkf.(x), wherep O,(x). If p and q are bothin some Us,
we shall use thesamei in defining
Dkf(p)and Dkf(q).
17 We add points,etc., by consideringthemas vectorsfromthe origin0. If p = Maipi
withLai = 1, thenp is independentofthe ehoiceof0.

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small a = (al, ah) such that

fa(p) = HV[f'(p)+ E ajG,(p)]
has the propertyQ. (We suppose v and r are so small that fa is in R(N) for
ai I < some a > 0, and thusH is defined;see Lemma 23.)
forA' > A,
is an [If,r, tq,A', ?']-property
Note that any [f,r, i7, A, ti-property
D< ; also, forlargeenoughA, it is an (f, r, 7)-property.

8. The fundamentaltheorems. We state here the two theoremson which

mostofthe otherresultsofthe paperare based.
THEOREM 1. Any Cr-m-manifold (r > 1 finiteor infinite)is Cr-homeomorphic
withan analyticmanifoldin Euclideanspace E2m+l.
See als6 Theorem3 and footnote32.
THEOREM 2. Let M and N beanalyticm-and n-manifolds in Euclideanspaces
E, and E, respectively.Let f be a Cr-mapofM intoN (r ? 0 finite). Let tqbe a
positivecontinuous functionin M. Then thereis a Cr-mapF of M intoN with
thefollowing properties:
(a) F approximates(f, M, r, t/).
(b) If n > 2m,thenF is completely regular.
(c) If n 2 2m + 1, thenF is (1-1).
(d) F is analytic.
(e) Let Q12,0y* ... be (f, r, t7)-properties,
letW', W2, ... be thecorresponding
subsetsofM (?7, (b)), and supposeany compactsubsetofM has pointsin common
withat mosta finitenumberoftheW$. ThenF has theproperties Q%, 2* -.
(f) For some functions A(p, q), D(p) as in ?7, let O', U', ... be [If, r, 7, A, fl-
properties. ThenF has theseproperties.
In place of (d), (e) and (f) we mayhaveif we choose(e'): (e) holdswithoutthe
If we are satisfiedwith a functionF of class Cr,we would naturallyuse (e')
in place of (d), (e) and (f). Note thatiff is properin M, thenwe can insurethat
F be properin M by taking q small enough;then,if n t 2m + 1, (b) and (c)
showthat F is a homeomorphism, and thusF(M) is a C7-(or analytic)manifold
in N. We mightgeneralizethe theoremby makingF = f at certainisolated
pointsofM, or,if r is replacedby o, lettingF(p) approximateto f(p) together
with higherand higherpartial derivativesas p approachesthe limitset LM.
(Compare AE, TheoremIII.) We could also considermanifoldsof different
classes in different subsets;an exampleis givenin Theorem5.

9. Consequences of (e) and (f) of Theorem2. We may give the functionF

variousproperties,eitherbecause these are ofone of the two types,or because
theyare the logicalsumsofa denumerablenumberofsuchproperties. We give
some examplesbelow; forthe proofsthat theyare of the requirednature,see
(A) and (B) are (b) and (c) ofthe theorem.

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(C) If K is a subsetof N whichis the sum of at mosta denumerablenumber

ofsets ofzero (n - m)-extent(see ?17), thenF(M) does not intersectK.
(D) If f(M) and N' are local C'-m- and Cl-n'-manifoldsin N, then if
m + n' < n, the local manifoldF(M) does not intersectN', whileifm + n' > n,
N*= F(M) .N' is a local (m + n'-n)-manifold in N. At each pointp ofN*,
thereare n independentdirectionsin N, each beingparallel to F(M) or to N'.
or proper,so is N*.
If f(M) and N' are non-singular,

10. A furitherimbeddingtheorem;Riemann manifolds. We may replace

E2m+lby E2min Theorem1 as follows:
THEOREM 3. Any Cr-m-manifold M (r > 1 finiteor infinite)is Cr-homeo-
morphicwitha properanalyticlocal manifoldwithat mostregularsingularities in
To prove this, let M' be a Cr-homeomorphic analytic manifoldin E2m+l.
Let p(p)(p in M') be the smallerof (a) 1, (b) the reciprocalofthe distancefrom
p to a fixedpointofE2m+l, (c) thedistancefromp to thelimitsetLM' ifLM' # 0.
Let qobe a fixedpointdistinctfromthe origin0 in E2m,and setf(p) = p(p)qoin
M'. This is a continuousmap of M' into E2msuch that f(p) ?A 0, and either
Lf(M') is void or Lf(M') = 0; hencef is proper. Let F be the analyticcom-
pletelyregularpropermap given by Theorem2 with N = E2m; F(M') is the
requiredlocal manifold.
THEOREM4. Any Cr-manifold M (r > 1 finiteor infinite)may be givenan
analyticRiemannianmetric, ofthefundamental
thecoefficients quadraticformbeing
ofclass Cr in termsoftheoriginalmapsdefining M.
This followsfromTheorem1 or 3 on usingthe dM2 ofE2m+1 or E2m.

11. An extension theorem. Suppose a closed subset of a manifoldM is

mappedinto a manifoldN; can the map be extendedoverthe restof M so as to
be differentiable?Or, M mightbe replacedby a manifoldM withboundaryB,
and the closedsubset,by B. An answeris givenby the following theorem.
THEOREM 5. Let A be a separablemetricspace, letB be a closedsubsetof A,
and letM = A -B be a C7-m-manifold (r > 1 finiteor infinite).'8Let N be a
CA-n-manifold (s 2 r), and letf be a continuousmap ofB intoN. Supposef can
be extendedso as to be continuousthroughout M.19 Then thereis a map F of A
intoN withthefollowing properties:
(a) F is continuousin A and ofclass Crin M; F = f in B.
(b) If n 2 2m,F is completely regularin M.
(c) If n _ 2m + 1, F is (1-1) in M.
Suppose,in addition,thatA is a C"'-m-manifold,10 1 ? r' < r; f is ofclass Ctin
thesubsetB ofA (see ?2), 1 ? t ? r'. Thenwe havealso
18We suppose that continuity in M agrees with continuityin A.
19This is alwayspossibleifN = E.. See forinstanceKuratowski,TopologieI, p. 211,
orAlexandroff-Hopf,TopologieI, p. 76.
20 We supposethatthemapsdefining A.
M are a subsetofthosedefining

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(d) F is ofclass Ct in A.
(e) If n > 2m and f is regular[completely regular]in B, thenF is regular
[completely regular]in A.
(f) If n _ 2m + 1 and f is regularand (1-1) in B, thenF is regularand (1-1)
in A.
We mightalso apply (e) and (f) ofTheorem2. If the extensionoff overM is
properin M [in A], we can make F properin M [in A]. If N is analytic,we
may makef(M) analytic,etc., as in Theorem2.
By Theorem1, thereare analyticmanifoldsM' and N' in E, and E,, Cr- and
Ct-homeomorphic withM and N respectively.fP gives a mapf' ofM' into N'.
Choose7(p) positiveand continuousin M so thatr(p) -+O as p -+B. Applying
Theorem2 with its r replacedby 0, we replace the extensionf' over M' by a
functionF'; the resultingmap F of M into N is of class Cr and has the prop-
erties(a), (b) and (c) (settingF = f in B).
Now supposethatA is a Cr'-manifold, 1
<lr' < r. Let A; be a Cr'-homeomor-
phic analyticmanifoldin E,; thenM is Cr'-homeomorphic withthe correspond-
ing subsetM' ofA'. Let M" be an analyticmanifoldin E', Cr-homeomorphic
with M. The map g of M" into M' thus definedis of class Cr'. We may
choose 7(p) positiveand continuousin M so that 17(p)-+0 as p -* B, and so that,
considering7(p) in M", if g" approximates(g, M", r', sq),then g" is a home-
omorphismand g" (M") does not intersectB' = A' - M. Let g" be such a
functionwhichis analytic (Theorem2); the resultingmap g' of M into g'(M)
is a Cr-homeomorphism.Letting g', in B, be the map already given,g' is
(1-1) in A. From Lemma 10 below it is seen that g' is of class Cr' in A. It is
regular,and taking r(p) small enoughinsuresthat it is proper; hence g' is a
Cr'-homeomorphism in A and a Cr-homeomorphism in M. Let A' = g'(A),
M' = g'(M). M' (but not A') is analytic. Let N' andf' be as before.
f' is continuousin A'; consideringthe values off' in B' alone,it is of class Ct
in the subset B' of E,, (Lemma 4). Suppose that we have proved Lemma 7;
thenthereis a functionF" of class Ctin R(A') (see Lemma 23) whichequals f'
togetherwithderivativesoforder< t in B', and such that F"(M') is in R(N').21
Then F"' = HF" (see Lemma 23) is of class Ct in A', and maps A' into N'.
Define7(p) in M' as before,and let F' be the approximationto F"' in M' given
by Theorem2. Set F' = F" in B'; thenF' is of class Ct in A', as is easilyseen
fromLemma 10. The resultingmap F ofA into N is of class C' in A and of
class Crin M, and has the properties(a) through(d). The regularitycondition
in (e) is satisfiedautomatically;we obtaincompleteregularity iff is completely
regularin B by applyingthe methodof proofof (A) of ?9 in usingTheorem2.
Supposen _ 2m + 1 and f is (1-1) in B. Then F(B) is thesumofa denumerable
numberof sets of zero (m + 1)-extent,by Lemmas 13, 14 and 15, and hencewe
may make F(M) avoid F(B) by applying(C) of ?9.
Thereremainsto prove
20a I.e. the extensionoff over M.
21 If N = E., we couldobviouslyavoid Lemma7.

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LEMMA 7. Let A* be a subsetof theopen set R in E,, A*.R = A*.R, and let
B* be a subsetof A*, l* A* = B*.A*. Let r(p) be a positivecontinuous func-
tion in A*. Let f' be a continuousmap of A* into E,, and letf', considered
in B* alone,be of class Ct in B*. Then thereis a Ct-mapF ofA* intoE, which
equals f' in B*, together of order< t, and approximates
withpartial derivatives
(f',A* - B*, 0, ).
We may suppose that E, = E1, the space of real numbers. By a direct
applicationof the methodofproofof AE Lemma 3,22 we finda functionf which
is continuousin R, is of class C' in a neighborhoodR' of B* (R' in R), = f' in
B*, and approximates(f', A* - B*, 0, r). Let R" be a neighborhoodof B*
such that S = -EA* is in R'. Set
AI = E;,,-R (-1 :5 s < t-1))
A=A'=A.=Ao+B* (s t),

B. = A*-S ((O < s t-1),

B = Bs = A*- B* (S > t).
The conditionsofAE TheoremIII are seen to be satisfied;the functionF given
by thetheorem(ife(x) is smallenough)has the requiredproperties.

12. A deformation theorem.We firstintroducesome definitions. Let M

and N be Cr-m-and Cr-n-manifolds, let I be the closedinterval(0, 1), and let I'
be an open intervalcontainingI. Let M' = M X I' be the productof M and
I'; this is a Cr-(m+ 1)-manifoldwitheasily definedmaps. Let f be a regular
Cr-mapof M' into N. For each p in M and t in I', set Ot(p) = f(p X t).
Each ot is a regularCr-mapof M into N. Set Mo = 4o(M), M1 = +1(M);
these are local Cr-manifolds in N. If, given Mo and M1, thereexist such M,
I' and f, we shall say the set of maps ft,t in I, formsa regularCr-deformation
of Mo into M1. A regulardeformation such that M' has at mostregularsingu-
larities,we shall call completely regular;one in whicheach 4t is (1-1), we call
topological; topological. If thereis such
one in whichf is (1-1),we call completely
a map f which merelycontinuous, it definesa deformation of Mo into M1.
THEOREM 6. Let Mo and M1 be C,-homeomorphic local Cr-m-manifolds in the
Cr-n-manifold N (r > 1 finiteor infinite, n > 2m + 2). Suppose thereexistsa
Letf1be a continuousextensionof f' throughout R. Take a subdivisionof R -B
as in AE ?8,and definean extensionf2ofclass C' off', consideredin B* alone,throughout R.
(In usingAE ?9,we take forx' a pointof B* whosedistancefromy' is less thantwice the
distance fromy' to B*). Definethe kin R-B* as in AE. Givena neighborhood R* of
B*, R* in R, let hkbe thosefunctionswhichare # 0 somewhere in R - R*, and set

f = f2+ EOrkt(fl -f2).

As ;E = 1 in R - R*, f =fi in R - R*; also f = fs in a neighborhood of B*. For R*
smallenough,f evidentlyapproximatestof' as required.

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deformation of MOintoM1 in N.23 Thenthereis a regularCr-deformation of M0

intoM1. If Mo and M1 are completely regular,so is thedeformation.If MOand
Ml are non-singular, it is topological. If, further, n > 2m + 3 and Mo and Ml
do notintersect, is completely topological.24
We shall not considerthe questionof propermaps, but merelynote that any
map of a closedmanifoldis proper. The followinglemmais necessary.
LEMMA 8. LetM bea localCr-m-manifold in theCr-n-manifoldN, n 2 2m + 1.
Thenthereis a vector functionv(p) of class Cr in M suchthatforeach p, v(p) is
independent ofthedirections in M at p.25
The lemma may be provedmost simplyby imbeddingN in E, (Lemma 19),
triangulatingM, and definingv(p) successivelyover the 0-cells,1-cells,*-- of
M. It may also be provedeasilyby the methodsin this paper.
Let vi(p) be a vectorfunctionin Mi as in the lemma,i = 0, 1. Let us C%-
imbed N in some E, (Lemma 19); then vo(p) becomes a vector v (p) in E,
parallelto N but independentof M at p. Set
go(p X t) = p + tvo(P);
this gives a Cr-mapof M' = M X I' into E,. For t < some P(p), go(p X t)
lies in R(N) (see Lemma 23); set g'(p X t) = Hgo(p X t). Letf = g' in Mo;
90 also definesthe derivativesoff of order< r in the subsetMo of M'. By the
choiceof vo,f is a regularmap of the subsetMo of M' into N (see ?2). Define
f similarlyin M1.
By hypothesis,thereis a continuousmap f' ofM' intoN whichagreeswithf
in Mo and in M1. We now apply Theorem 5 with A, B, t replaced by M',
Mo + M1, r. This gives a regularCr-mapof M' into N, and hence a regular
Cr-deformation of Mo into M1. The otherstatementsin the theoremfollowat
once fromTheorem5, exceptforthe statementon topologicaldeformations; we
leave the proofofthisto ?36.

13. Spheres bounding differentiable cells. Let S be the unit m-spherein

Em+l,let Q' be the interiorof S, and let Q be the interiorof a largerconcentric
M-sphere. Let f be a regularCr-mapof S intoN; we shall call SI = f(S) a local
Cr-m-sphere in N; we leave out "local" if f is (1-1). If f may be extended
throughout Q so as to be regularand ofclass Cr, we say Si Cr-boundsregularlythe
(m + 1)-cellf(Q'). If f is completelyregular,or (1-1), we call the bounding
completelyregular,or topological. If thereexistsan f whichis merelycontinuous,
we say S boundsa cellin N.
THEOREM 7. Any local C"-m-sphere S in the Cr-n-manifold N (r > 1, n _
2m + 2) whichboundsa cell in N, Cr-boundsregularlya cell in N. If S has at
23 This is ofcoursealwaysthecase ifN = En.
24 If N is an analyticmanifoldin E,, we maymakethe map ofM' analyticexceptover
Mo and M1 (see Theorem2). We shall strengthen thetheoremin ?36.
25 The lemmaholdsifN =
E, andn > 2m,as willbe shownin a paperon "sphere-spaces."

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regular;if n > 2m + 3 and

theboundingis completely
theboundingis topological.28
S is non-singular,
The proofrunsalmostexactlylike that of Theorem6.

14. Examples (A) Let M be the interval(- x, + ). Let ao,al,,.. be a

sequence of points dense in En, n > 2. For each integeri > 0, setf(i) = aj,
and letf map the interval(i, i + 1) into the segmentaiai+i. Set f( - t) = f(t).
This is a continuousmap of M into a subset of En. Set 7(t) = 1/(1 + I t 1).
Theorem2 then gives, if n = 2, an analytic curve everywheredense in the
plane, and if n > 3, a non-singularanalyticcurve dense in En. On applying
(C) of ?9, we may (say in E3) make the curveavoid all rationallines; we may
also replacethe curveby a denumerablenumberof such curveswhichare non-
(B) Let B be theunitcirclein the plane,withinteriorM, and setA = B + M.
MrapB into the whole of the sphereSn of dimensionn > 4. Any continuous
map of B into Sn may be extendedcontinuouslyoverM; hence,by Theorem2,
thereis an analyticregularmap F of M into S takingon the givenboundary
values; if n _ 5, F(M) is non-singular. As in (A), we may make F(M) avoid
sets of (n - m)-extentzero, may finda denumerablenumberof non-intersect-
ingsurfacesofthissortifn > 5, etc.


In this part we shall prove Lemma 19; this is Theorem 1, except for the
analyticitycondition. The proofof Theorem1 will be completedin Part V.
The presentprooffallsintotwoparts. We firstshow,in Lemma 12,practically,
that Theorem2 withthe conclusions(a) and (e') alone holds; we thenshowthat
(B) and part of (A), ?9, hold. This, with the lemma, gives the imbedding
theorem. We firstgivesomelemmasofa generalnature.

15. Some general lemmas. The lemmas which followare mostly simple
LEMMA9.27 Letf(p) be a Cr-map(r > 0) of theopensetR in Em intoEn, and
let q(p) be positiveand continuousin R. Then thereis an analyticmap F(p)
in R whichapproximates (f, R, r, r).
If n = 1, this followsat once fromAE Lemma 6. We defineopen sets
R,, R2, ... as in that lemma, and let ej be the lower bound of j(p) for p in
Ri+1. For thegeneralcase, we apply the lemmaseparatelyforeach coordinate
in En.
LEMMA10. Let A be a closedsubsetof theCr7-manifold M, let -q(p)be positive
and continuousin M -A, let I (p) -* 0 as p approachesany pointofA, and let
27See also Lemmas22 and 26. We may make F(p) approximateto f(p) to higherand
higherordersas p approachestheboundaryofR; see AE Lemma6.

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f(p) bea Cr-mapofM intotheCr-manifold N. If F approximates (f,M - A, r, -l)

and F = f in A, thenF is ofclassCrin M.
Suppose firstM = Em, N = E1; the theoremthenfollowsfromAE Lemma 1
(see AE, end of ?11). The generalcase is an immediateconsequenceofthis.
LEMMA11.2 Let A be a subsetof theopen set R in Em, withA.R = A RI
and letf(p) be of class Cr (r _ 0) in thesubsetA of R. Thenthedefinition of f
may be extendedthroughout R so it is of class Cr there. The valuesof f(p) may
be pointsof En.
If R = Em and f is real-valued,the proofis given by AE Lemma 2. If
R 53 Em, the proofneeds only a slightalteration;or we may use AE Theorem
III. If the values off are pointsofEn,we apply the lemmato each coordinate

16. Maps of a manifold with given properties. The firstof the three
lemmasgivingthe imbeddingtheoremis the following.
LEMMA12. Letf bea Cr-mapoftheCr-m-manifold M intotheCr-n-manifold N,
letr/(p)be positiveand continuousin M, and letQ1,U2, *** be (f, r, 71)-properties.
Thenthereis a C'r-mapF of M intoN whichapproximates(f, M, r, -y)and has
It is clear that there is a sequence of positivecontinuousfunctions''(p)
suchthatiffo= f andfi approximates
(fi~-,M, r, lo'),thenF = limfi exists
and approximates(f, M, r, 77). We shall choose functionsni,(j 2 1), fi,
12i(j > 2), f2, ... in that order so that if -;(p) for each p is the smallest of
i(p), *7**, 7;i(p), '(p),
s thenf; approximates (fai, M, r, ?I)I and fj(j _ i) and
F have the propertyQi(i = 1, 2, ..). Supposewe have foundthesefunctions
throughfi-1. For each p in M, let $'(p) be the smallestof the numbersn'(p)
of (c), ?7,forthe properties l, *, fl(; theniff approximates(fa, M, r, )I

f' will have the properties(1, .., Q -. Choose 7i (p)(j _ i) so that if

1I = fi-i andf approximates(fr,_1 M, r, ,j4)(j > i), then ' = limf ap-
proximates(fi~-,M, r, 7l'). Defineri, and letfi(p) approximate(fi-1,M, r, iii)
and have thepropertyQj,by (d), ?7. We thusfindall the above functions, and
the functionF has the requiredproperties.

17. The k-extentof a set. Let A be a subset of Em. We shall say the
k-extentof A is finiteifthereis a numberG such that if 0 < e < 1, then there
are sets A1, *.. , A, of diameter< e whichcover A, and vek < G. If M is a
Cl-m-manifold with admissiblemaps Oi etc., and A is a subset of M, we say
the k-extentofA is finiteifA is compact (and henceis in a finitenumberofthe
U5), and each '(A. U5) is of finitek-extentin Em. The subsetA of Emis of

k-extent zero iffor any e' > 0 there is a 5 > 0 such that if 0 < e < 6, then
thereare sets AI, . , A, of diameter< e coveringA, and 1,sk< e'. Similarly
28 This lemmais notneededin theproofofthefundamental thoughit is useful
in Lemma17. Whenwe have provedtheimbeddingtheorem, we mayshoweasilythatthe
lemmaholdswithEmand E,, replacedby a Cr-manifolds (see ?4).

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ifA is a subsetof M. A set of zero k-extent(k < 0) or of finitei-extent(I < 0)

is vacuous. These definitions(in M) are independentof the admissibleset of
maps definingM (see Lemma 15). The sum of a finitenumberof sets offinite
[zero]k-extentis of finite[zero]k-extent.
LEMMA 13. A boundedsubsetA of Ek has finitek-extent; if A containsinner
points,thenit has notzerok-extent.
This is obviouson cuttingup Ek intoequal cubesofany desiredsize. Equally
obvious is
LEMMA 14. If A hasfinitek-extent, it has zero(k + l)-extent.
LEMMA 15. If M and N are Cl-m-and Cl-n-manifolds, f is a Cl-mapofM into
N, and A is a subsetof M29 of finite[zero]k-extent, thenf(A) is of finite[zero]
Considerfirstthe case offinitek-extent. A is in a finitenumberofthe U , and
f(A) is in a finitenumberof the Vs; hence we can put A = Al + *** + At,
As in Uj(8),f(A8) in VT(J,).Set B. = (8)(A.); then B. is of finitek-extentin

Em. It is sufficientto show that if g8 = X'(-8)f(i(,), then g.(B.) is of finite

k-extentin En. g9is of class C1in the compactset B.; hence,forsome number
at,any subset B' of B8 is mapped by g9into a set g,(B') whose diameteris at
most u times that of B'. Set G* = It'G. (G correspondsto B..) Given
E,0 < e < 1, set el = e/,uk, and divide B. into sets B.,, -- , B., of diameter
< el, so that Pe < G. Then g(B81),*-- g(B.,) cover g(B.), these sets are of
diameter< e, and vee< G*,as required.
Considernow the case of zero k-extent. Definethe B. etc. as before. Given
e' > 0, set e = k'/js*,and choose 6 > 0 so that if 0 < e < 6, then thereare
sets B;1, ... , B.> of diameter< e coveringB., and v4k < 4-. Now take any
e,0 < e < 6, and set el = E/. Definethe sets B.,; then g(B81),* , g(B.,)
have the requiredproperties.

18. Transformationsof one set away from another. Let R and R' be
open subsets of Em and Eh, and foreach a = (al, ... , ah) in R' let Ta be a
Cr-mapof R into En. Let x' = Ta(x) be of class C' in termsof the n + h vari-
ables (x, a) (x in R). If foreach x in R and a in R' the vectors
ax'laai, ... , ax/xaah
are independent,we shall say the Ta forman h-parameter familyof Cr-maps.
We may also definesuch familiesof maps of one manifoldinto anotherin an
obviousmanner;Lemma 16 holds forsuch familiesalso.
LEMMA16. Let Ta(x) be an h-parameter familyofCl-mapsofR intoEn, and let
A and B be closedsetsin R and Enoffinitek-extent
and zero(h - k)-extent
tively. Thenfor8omea in R', Ta,(A) doesnotintersect
We may supposethat 0 < k < h. For some ao in R' and q > 0, all pointsa
29 Note thatM may be replacedby any open subset R of M whichcontainsA. It is
thatthemap satisfya Lipschitzcondition.
29a We may evidentlyinterchange"finite"and "zero".

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withiniq of a0 are in R'. Take t ? 1 so that if A*, in A, is of diameter< e,

then Tao(A*) is of diameter< te. The conditionthat the ax'/aai are inde-
pendentforx in A and a = a0 is equivalentto the conditionthat for some
i > 0, any directionalderivativeforx in A and a = a0 is a vectorof length_ (3.
Hence we may take I, 0 < r < a, such that forany e > O ifA* and B* are
subsetsof A and B of diameter< e, a and a' are pointsof R' withinr of ao,
and the distance froma to a' is > 44e/fl,then either TQ(A*) B* = 0 or
Ta,(A*)-B* = 0.
Let G be the numbercorresponding to A, and take e' < (13r)h/[2h(4t)hG.
Find 6 < 1 correspondingto B and e'. Choose an e, 0 < e < a. Then we
may set
A = Al + *+ A, B = B1?+ + Bo
so that the As coverA, the Bycover B, the diameterof each Ai and each By
is < E, and so that
vk < G (L h-k < ei

Let Z i be the set of all pointsa withinr of a0 such that Ta(A i)-Bi i 0; then,
by the choiceof I, the diameterof Zij is < 44e/f3, and henceits ordinaryh-vol-
ume is < (44e/#)h. Thereforethe ordinaryh-volumeof all the Zij is less than
vo-(44e)h = (4t)h(Ve1)(Cre11)/#h < (44)hGe1/#h <? lh/.h

Hence thereis an a within? of a0 whichis in no Zii; forthis a, Ta(A) does not


19. The transformation T, p. Let Po be a fixedk-plane througha fixed

point po in E,. Correspondingto any k-planeP not perpendicularto P0 and
any pointp of P we may let corresponda non-homogeneous orthogonaltrans-
formationof space T,,p whichcarriespoand Po into p and P, and is analyticin
p and P (see ?24), for instance as follows. Let P' and P' be the parallel
planes throughthe origin. Let v1,... , v, be mutuallyorthogonalunitvectors
such that vi, **,vVk are in PI. The followingrules determineTvi. The Tv2
are mutuallyorthogonalunit vectors. If 1 < i < k and P' is the plane in P'
determined by theprojectionsvs, *. , v of vi, . , viintoP', thenTv1,* , Tv1
are in P' and determinethe same orientationin P' as vl, *. *, v'; foreach
j (j = k + 1, ... , n), if P' is the plane determinedby P' and Vk+1, v, ..

then Tvk+1,* , Tviare parallelto thisplane, and Tv1,* , Tvideterminethe

same orientationin it as Tv,, * **, Tvk, Vk+1, * * * , vi. Tp,,
p is the unique linear
transformation carryingpointo p and vi into Tv .

20. (1-1) maps and properties. We can now prove

LEMMA 17. If f is a regularCr-map(r _ 1) of theCr-m-manifold M intoE.,
n _ 2m + 1, and 77 is a suffientlysmall positivecontinuous
functionin M, then
theproperty ofmapsf' whichapproximate(f, M, r, tl) ofbeing(1-1) and avoiding

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a fixedpoint bo is the logical sum of a denumerabte numberof (f, r, r0)-prop-

Let O1,02, ... be a completelyadmissibleset of maps definingM; we choose
them so that if Ui and Us have commonpoints,then f is (1-1) in Uj + Us.
(This is simple;see ?5.) Considerall sets Uj + Us such that U% Ui i = 0; we
arrangethese in a sequence W1,W2, *i - . Take 7(p) so small that any map f'
whichapproximates(f, M, r, -q)is regularand (1-1) in all Uj + Us forwhich
UviUs = 0. Take any k, and say Wk = Ui + Us; let Rk hold forthe mapf if
f'(U$) .f'(U) = 0 and bois not in f'(U'). As the U' coverM, the propertyof
f' being(1-1) and avoidingbois the sum ofthe propertiesQ1,Q2,
It remainsto showthat Uk is an (f,r, q)-property.(a) of ?7 holds; (b) holds
withW' replacedby W' = U' + U;. Asf'(U') and f'(U;) + beare bounded
closedsubsetsofE., (c) is obvious; it remainsto prove (d). Let f' approximate
(f, M, r, r). Let X'(x) be a functionof class Cr in Em which = 1 in A' and
= 0 in Em- Qm. (Such a functionis given by Lemma 11, replacingA by
Qm+ (Em,- Qm);or the functionmay be constructeddirectlywithoutgreat
difficulty.) Then X(p) = X'(07'(p)) in U. and = 0 in M - Uj, is of class Cr in
M, and = 1 in UM. For any vector v in En, set
f(p, V) = f'(p) + X(p)V.
Given an arbitrary1'(p), we may choose 3 > 0 so that if"31 v I1< 0, thenf(p, v)
approximates(f', M, r, 77'). By Lemmas 13, 14 and 15,f'(U7) + b0is of zero
(m + 1)-extentand f'(U ) is of finiter-extent. The transformations Tvq
q + v with 11v 11< , forman n-parameterfamilyin En; by Lemma 16, thereis
a vosuch that TvJ'(U') does not intersectf'(U ) + bo. f" = f(p, vo)withthis
vois thenthe requiredapproximation;forf = f' + voin U' and = f' in U.

21. Regular maps and properties. The finallemmais

LEMMA 18. Iff is a Cr-map(r _ 1) oftheC'-m-manifold M intoEn, n > 2m,
and II is a positivecontinuous functionin M, thentheproperty of maps f which
approximate (f, M, r, l) ofbeingregularis the sum
logical ofa denumerable number
of (f,r, 77)-properties.
Let 01,021... be completelyadmissiblemaps defining M, and let Qi holdforf'
iff' is regularin U'; thenif 0l, 02 ** hold,f' is regularin M. Each Qi satis-
fiesthe conditions(a), (b) and (c) of ?7; to showthat it is an (f,r, 71)-property,
we mustshowthat it satisfies(d). Set g(x) = f'(0j(x)) in Qm;thisis a Cr-map
of Qminto En. As in the last ?, it is sufficient to show that foran arbitrary
r > 0 thereis a map g'(x) of Qm into En whichapproximates(g, Qm,r, P) and
is regularin Q'. We thenset
f"(p) = f'(p) + X(p)[g'(Oj'(p)) - f'(p)] in U.,
and f"(p) = f'(p) in M -U; as f"(p) = g'(Oj,(p)) in U', it is regularin UV.

3 as a sumof [f,r, ,q,z, sl-properties.

In ?34we shallexpresstheproperty
1I v [I is the length of v.

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If r = 1, let go(x) be a functionof class C2 which approximates(g, Qm, r, I')

(Lemma 9); otherwise,set go(x) = g(x). We shall findfunctionsgi(x), ...

gm(x) = g'(x) such that gi(x) approximates(gi1, Qm, r, c'), and so that the
vectorsagi/Olx1 are independentin Q'; if ?' is small enough,g' is
...*, Ogi/aXi
the requiredfunction.
Supposewe have foundg1-1. For any vectorvin En set
gi(x,V) = gi-i(x) + xiv;
agi(x, v) ag~i-(x) agi(xxV) - 'ag9i.(X) (j 5)
azxi = aZ, +v' ax axi -
As the agj_.(x)/axj,j1, * ,i - 1, are independentin Q', we need merely
showthat thereis an arbitrarily smallvosuchthat ag;(x,vo)/ax'is independentof
thesevectorsat each pointof Q'; we thenset gi(x) = gi(x,vo). By Lemma 13,
to showthat the vectorsv, 11
it is sufficient v 11_ 1, whichdo not have the re-
quired property,forma set of zero-n-extent in En. Given the point xOof QA,
to show that the vectorsnot havingthe requiredpropertyin a
it is sufficient
closedneighborhood S of x0are of zeron-extent;fora finitenumberofsuch sets
S coverQm.
Let P(x) be the (i - 1)-plane throughthe origin0 in En determinedby
agjJ(x)1axjj- , dagj_(x)/axi_1, and set Po = P(xO). (If i = 1, P(x) = 0.)
Choose S so that P(x) is not perpendicularto POforx in S. Let Yi, ***, ynbe
rectangularcoordinates(withorigin0) in En such that Po is the (yi, *yi-.)-
plane. Let E = Em+i1l be the space withcoordinates(xi, * , xM yi, ..., Yi-).

v(x) = d(, K =maxf v(x)|| (x in S).

Let D be the subsetofE withx in S, p < K + 1, where = (yi, y,_l).

Let T. = Top(x)be the transformation of ?19 leaving0 fixedand carryingPo
into P(x). Given 9, set y = (yi, **, y- 0,
O. ** , 0) and

w(x, p) = T.(y) - v(x).

as gi-1is of class C2,this is a Cl-mapof D into En. By Lemma 15, w(D) is of
finite(m + i - l)-extent, and henceof zeron-extent. Now let v be any vector,
11v 1f< 1, such that forsome x in S, v(x) + v is in P(x); we shall showthat v is
in w(D). As P(x) = Tr(Po), thereis a y such that

v(x) + v = T2(y), v = w(x, p);

as 1Jv(x) + v 11< K + 1, 11y 11< K + 1, and v is in w(D). Hence thereis an

arbitrarilysmall vosuch that no v(x) + vois in P(x); v(x) + vo = 8gj(x,vo)/axi
is independentof 8gFi~/8x1,***, 8g.i-/axi~-in S, and the lemmais proved.

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22. Proofof the imbeddingtheorem. The last threelemmaslead at once to

LEMMA 19. Any Cr-m-manifold M maybe Cr-imbedded in E2m+1.32
Let 71(p)be a positivecontinuousfunctionin M such that if pi, P2, ... is a
sequenceofpointsofM withno limitin M, thenlim t7(pi)= 0.33 Let f map M
intothe origin0 in E2m+l; f is ofclass Cr. ApplyingLemma 12 withthe proper-
ties ofLemma 18 givesa regularCr-mapf' approximating (f,M, r,n). We now
apply Lemma 12 again, this time with the propertiesof Lemma 17, setting
bo = 0. (The new n may have to be smallerthan the last.) The resulting
functionF is (1-1) regularand of class Cr in M, and F(p) 0 0 in M. By the
choice of a, the limitset LF(M) eitheris void or equals 0; hence F is proper.
ThereforeF(M) is a Cr-manifold in E2m+1 Cr-homeomorphic with M, and the
proofis complete.
Suppose M is a Cr-m-manifold in E., r > 2, n > m. To each point p of M
thereis a normalplane P'(p); thisfamilyofplanes fillsout a neighborhood ofM
in E. in a (1-1) way. If r = 1, thismay not hold; forthe P'(p) dependon the
firstderivativesof functionsdefiningM. Our object in this part is to findan
approximating familyof planes P(p) of class Cr. ?24 is necessaryin thisproof,
and also directlyin the nextpart.

23. Projective spaces in Euclidean spaces. The followinglemma will be

needed in the next ?.
LEMMA 20. Projectiven-spaceE* may be imbeddedanalyticallyin Euclidean
space E2R+,.
The points of E* are the sets of numbers (xi, *-, x,,+1) # (0, *-., 0), pro-
portionalsets being the same point. Let S. be the unit n-sphereZx' = 1
in En+,. To each pair of "opposite" pointsp, -p of S. correspondsa point
oy(p)= y(-p) of E*. Sn is an analyticmanifoldwithobvious neighborhoods;
mappingthese neighborhoods into E* under-ydefinesE* as an analyticmani-
fold. By Lemma 19, E* is Cl-homeomorphic with a manifoldM' in E2n+l.
Let kdenotethishomeomorphism.Then +(p) = 0('y(p)) is a (2-1) regularmap
of Sn into E2,+,.
For any map g of Sn into E2n+l,setM
Ag(p) = [g(p) + g(-p)]/2; thenA+(p) = +(p).
It is easilyseen that ifg approximates(I, Sn,1, 6), thenthe same is trueofAg.
As Ag(p) = Ag(-p), we may let correspondto g a map f of E* into E2n+l;this
32 Note thatwemaylet F(M) haveno (finite) limitsetin E2m+,,
byapplyinga transforma-
tionwithreciprocalradiiat theendoftheproof.
33 Let 0i be a set of admissiblemaps in M. Let -1'(x)be continuousin Em, > 0 in Q.,
and = 0 in E. - Q.. Set vji(p) = iq'(9lNp)) in Us and - 0 in M - Ui. If a,, 2.- are
smallenough,wemaysetv1(p)- a;vi(p).
34 Comparefootnote'.

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mightbe writtenf(q) = Ag(ry'1(q)). Take e > 0 such that any map approx-
imating(4i,E*, 1, e) is (1-1) regular. Choose 6 > 0 so that if g approximates
(i6, So, 1, 6), then the correspondingf approximates(4?,E*, 1, e). Extend '

througha neighborhoodR of Sn in Enlx say by lettingit be constanton any

half ray fromthe origin; it is then of class C' in R. By Lemma 9 (or the
Weierstrassapproximationtheorem)thereis an analyticmap g approximating
(A,R, 1, S); consideringg on Sn alone,the correspondingfunction f has thenthe

24. k-planesin n-space. Let 25 be the space whose pointsare the k-planes
in n-spacethroughthe origin. We shall expressthisspace as an analyticmani-
foldM(n, k) in a Euclidean space E(n, k). Given the plane P, let v1, ,V. k
be a set of independentvectorsin P; their coordinatesforma matrix,with
k-roweddeterminants Di,...i(P). These determinants,arrangedin a sequence
D* (P), I D*k(P)y -Ynk = ( formthe homogeneous coordinates of a point
D*(P) in projectivespace E*,-,. D*(P) is independentofthevectorsvi, ,Vk,
and D*(P) $ D*(P') if P $ P'; thuswe have a (1-1) map of e into a subset
A' of E*"kl. By Lemma 20, we may imbed E*,,k-1analytically in Euclidean
space E(n, k); this carries2i' into a subsetM(n, k) of E(n, k).
We mayshowthat A' and henceM(n, k) is an analyticmanifoldby takingany
PO,choosinga determinant, say D ...k(Po), whichis # 0, and expressingeach
Di,. k in termsof the determinants Di,... ,-, s+lt... k by Vahlen's relations,
which are analytic; this determinesmaps of the requirednature in A'. Anl
analyticallyequivalent set of maps may be given as follows: Given Po, let
1 ... , Pk be pointsof P0 whichformlinearlyindependentvectorsfromthe
origin,and let L1, *--, Lk be (n - k)-planes(or analytic (n - k)-manifolds)
throughp', * , p0 orthogonalto Po. If P (throughthe origin)is near Po, it
intersectseach Li in a pointpi; the positionsofthe pi determinea map of part
ofEk(n-k) = En-k X *** X En-k (k factors)into part of M(n, k).
Anotherimportantspace is the space A* ofall k-planesin En; thisalso forms
an analyticmanifold. M(n, k) is closed;the presentmanifoldis open. We may
map V' into M(n, k) by lettingany plane correspondto the parallel plane
throughthe origin. We shall use the symbolP forpointsofeitherspace; it will
alwaysbe clearwhichspace is meant.
By an analyticfunctionof k-planeswe shall mean a functionwhich,when
consideredin M(n, k), is analytic.
We shall say two planes of any dimensions(in eitherspace) are orthogonal if
any vectorin (or perhapsbetter,parallelto) one is orthogonalto any vectorin
theother;independent iftheyhave no commonvector$ 0; perpendicular ifsome
vector,#0 in one is orthogonalto each vectorofthe other. If P, P' are points
of 5,we may let 1 P'- P 11be the distancebetweenthe corresponding points
of M(n, k).

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25. The neighborhoodof a manifoldin space. Two more lemmaslead up

to the main resultofthispart,Lemma 23.
LEMMA 21. Let M be a Cr-rn manifoldin En (r > 1 finiteor infinite),
and let
P(p) be a functionofclass C in M satisfying(a) of Lemma23. Thenthereis a
function{(p) in M satisfyingtheremainingconditions.
Take any poin M. A neighborhoodU of pomay be determined by functions
(3.1) of class Cr. Definethe transformationTp,p in termsof poand P(po) as in
?19. Set wi(p) = Tp,p(p)(vj);thenthe pointsof P(p) forp in U are givenby
(25.1) q= p + E2
Using (3.1), we may expressp in termsof yl, ..., Ym: p = ,6(yi, Y).
Puttingin (25.1) givesq as a functionofyi, . . , y,,cY, *... *, n-rn:

(25.2) q = #(Yi,*** , yi) + Zaiwi(#(yi,*. ))

= ...
g(yl, * y, a,, * , an-.)

g is of class Ct. Considerthe vectorsag/ayi,aga/aj at q = poin U. The ag/ayi

are independentvectorsin thetangentplane T to M at po,as the as vanishthere,
and the Og/laa = w,(po)are independentvectorsin P(po); as P(po) is independent
of T, the wholeset of vectorsis independent. In otherwords,the Jacobianof
(25.2) is ? 0 at po,and hencein a neighborhood R' ofpo. Solvingforyl, ** , yr
gives p in termsof q in R': p = H(q). H is of class Cr.
We maycoverM by such neighborhoods R' so that any boundedclosedsubset
of M has pointsin but a finitenumberofthe R'. It is easy to constructa pos-
itivefunctionZ(p) in M such that if R(p) is that part of P(p) withint(p) of p,
then R(p) lies in some R'. (c) and hence (b) of Lemma 23 now hold.
LEMMA 22. Lemma9 holdswithR and En replacedbyanalyticmanifolds M and
N in E,,and E, respectively."'
Let P(p) be thenormalplane to p in M. Then P(p) is analytic,and hencewe
may defineH(p) by the last lemma. H is analytic. Similarlywe defineP' and
H' forN. Set f(q) = f(H(q)) in R(M); thisis a Cr-mapofR(M) intothe subset
N of E, (see Lemma 4). If the analyticfunctionF' approximatesto f closely
enoughand R'(M) is a smallenoughneighborhood of M in R(M), thenF' maps
R'(M) into R(N), and F = HF' is an analyticmap of R'(M) into N. F, con-
sideredon M alone, is analytic(see Lemma 3).
LEMMA 23. Let M be a Cr-m-manifold in En(r _ 1 finiteor infinite). Then
thereis a positivecontinuousfunctiont(p) and a functionP(p) ofclass C" in M,
suchthat:(a) P(p) is an (n - m)-planethrough p independent ofthetangentplane
to M at p. (b) If R(p) is thatpartofP(p) withint(p) ofp, thentheR(p) fillout
a neighborhood R(M) ofM in a (1-1) way. (c) If H(q) = p forq in R(p), then
H is ofclass C" in R(M). Moreover, if M is analytic,so are P(p) and H(p).
35 See also Lemma27.

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We have just consideredthe analytic case. If n = m, the lemma is trivial

(thenH is the identity);supposen > m. Let P'(p) be the normalplane to M
at p; thereis a correspondingpointD'(p) in M(n, n - m). D' is of class Co1
and is thus continuousin M. ExtendedD' so as to be continuousthroughouta
neighborhood R ofM in En. (Almostany methodin use willdo this; or we may
use Lemma 11.) If R is small enough,D'(R) is in R(M(n, n - m)); then
D" = H'D' is a continuousmap of R into M(n, n -m), and D" = D' in M.
(H' is definedin R(M(n, n - m)) as in the last lemma.) By Lemma 22 we may
approximateD" in R by an analyticfunctionD so closelythat if P(p) is the
plane throughp in M parallelto the plane definedby D(p), then P(p) is inde-
pendentof the tangentplane to M at p. P(p), consideredin M alone, is of
class Cr,by Lemma3. The lemmanowfollowsfromLemma21.
26. The lemma and methodof proof. Our object in thispart is to prove
LEMMA24. Let M be a Cr-m-manifold in En (r > 1 finiteor infinite). Then
thereis a Cr-homeomorphicanalyticmanifoldM* in En.
This, togetherwithLemma 19, completesthe proofof TheoremI. Actually,
M*, as constructed,willapproximateto M to any desireddegree,but it is easier
to findan approximating analyticmanifoldaftera homeomorphic analyticone
is found. (See Lemma 22.) We may supposethat n > m; ifn = m,thenM is
To prove the lemma,we firstconstructan analytic(n - 1)-manifold S "sur-
rounding"M, and then findin an analytic fashiona "center"M* of S. The
proofis most easily visualized for n = 3, m = 1. The constructionof S is
straightforward.We determinea functionpositiveand analyticnear M and
vanishingin M, subtracta verysmall positiveanalyticfunction,and let S be
the set ofpointswherethe resultingfunctionvanishes. The insideof S is filled
up by (n - m)-planesP(p) approximately normalto M (see Lemma 23). The
resultingfunctionD(P) withvalues in M(n, n - m) (see ?24) is ofclass Crinside
of S. We approximatethis functionby an analyticfunction,and thus deter-
minean analyticfamilyofplanes P*(p). (These planes,unlikethe P(p), inter-
sect each otherinsideS.) A pointp insideS is in M* if and onlyif p is at the
centerofmass ofthat connectedpart of P*(p) insideS whichcontainsp.
The followinglemmais necessary.36
LEmG 25. Givenan opensetR in En, a positivecontinuous functionrq(p)in R,
and r > 0 thereis an analyticfunctionw(p) in R suchthat
(26.1) W(p)> 0, IDkw(p) I < X(p) in R (o ? r).
Let C1,C2, * be a denumerableset of overlappingcubes coveringR, and let
36 Thislemma,exceptforanalyticity, is practicallyequivalentto a theoremofOstrowski,
Bull. des Sciences Math., 1934,pp. 64-72. See also our lemma 10. The theoremwas
knownto theauthorin 1933. Note thatwe maymaker = Xoin a mannersimilarto thatin
AE Lemma6.

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i0(x) be a functionof class C' in R whichis > 0 withinC, and = 0 in R -C

(see for instance AE, ?9). If the a, are small enough and positive,then
+(x) = Za;io(x) is a positivefunctionof class C' in R satisfying
the inequality
(26.1). If w(p) is an analytic functionapproximating(O, R, r, P) for small
enoughP(p) > 0 (see Lemma 9), then (26.1) holds.

27. The manifoldS and spheres S*(p, P). In this sectionwe shall findS,
and shall showthat certain(n - m)-planesP throughpointsp nearM intersect
S in (n - m - l)-spheres S*(p, P), which are analytic and vary analytically
with p and P. In thenextsectionwe shallfindtheanalyticmanifoldM*.
Definethe planes P(p) and the projectionH(p) in the neighborhoodR(m) as
in Lemma 23. We extendthe definitions of P(p) and t(p) throughR(M) by
P(p) = P(H(p)), {(p) = t(H(p)).
Definethe function4(p) in R(M) by
(27.1) c1(p) = p - H(p) 11
As H(p) is ofclass Crin R(M), 4t(p)is ofclass Crin R(M) - M. By Lemmas9
and 10 thereis a functionV'(p) continuousin R(M) and analyticin R(M) - M
such that V' = 0 in M, and it and its gradientsatisfy
(27.2) 1V'(p) - CF(p)I < I t(p), 11VV'(p) - VF(p) 11< i
in R(M) - M. By Lemma 25, thereis a positiveanalytic functionw(p) in
R(M) such that
(27.3) 1c(p) I < 3 t(p), IIVw(p) 11< i.
(27.4) V*(p) = '(P) -(P);
then 4*(p) is continuousin R(M) and is analyticin R(M) - M, and 4* < 0
in M. S is determined by the vanishingof4*.
To provetheexistenceofand propertiesofS, we shallintroducesomeauxiliary
functions. Let po be any point of M. Sonie neighborhoodU of po in M is
definedby equations (3.1). Givenany subsetK ofM, let R(K) be the set of all
pointsp ofR(M) suchthat H(p) is in K. P(p) is independentof T (see Lemma
23); hencethereis a neighborhoodU' ofpoin M, U' in U, and a 3 > 0, suchthat
ifP is an (n - m)-planethrougha pointp ofR(U') and
(27.5) 1IP - P(p) 1 < 6
then P is independentof T and hence intersectsT in a unique point H*(P).
(T is the tangentplane to AMat po.) H* is analytic. Set

(27.6) H'(p) = H*(P(p)), u(p) = p - H(P) u'(p) = p - H'(P)

jp - H(p)I lP - H'(p)j

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We may choose U' and a so smallthat forany p in R(U') and any P throughp
(27.7) 4i*(H*(P)) < 0,1 I H'(p) - H(p) 11< t(p)/6,
(27.8) if?*(p) _ 0, then IIu'(p) - u(p) 11< 4.
For any P satisfying(27.5), let Tp be the transformation TH*(p),p of ?19,
using the fixedpoint po and plane P(po), and let S(P) be the unit (n- m - 1)-
spherein P about H*(P). Givenany pointq of So = S(P(po)), thereis a corre-
(27.9) q' = TP(q) = A(P, q) in S(P);
MAis analytic. To each P satisfying(27.5), each q in So, and any a > 0, let
correspond pointsp', q', q by
(27.10) q = p' + a(q' - p') = H*(P) + a[M(P, q)-H*(P)I.
For such values of a > 0 whichmake q lie in R(U) - U we definethe analytic
(27.11) a(P, q, a) = V(q).
We shall shownextthat forsome y,0 < y < 6,ifP is a plane througha point
p of R(U'), iP - P(p) II < y, and q is in So, thenthereis unique number
(27.12) a = p(P, q) > 0
which,put in (27.10) and (27.11), makes a vanish (withq in R(U)); moreover,
p is analytic. Set
(27.13) c'(p, 4, a) = a(P(p), q, a);
it is sufficient
to showthat,usingP(p), thereis a unique pointq of the lineseg-
mentp'q' in R(U') suchthat?*(q) = 0, and a/Oa > 0 at thispoint.
By definitionof R(M), R(U') containsall pointsofP(p) withint(p) ofH(p).
As p' = H'(p) forP = P(p), (27.7) gives
(27.14) I p' - H(p) II< t(p)/6.
Hence, if q" is the pointq forwhicha = 54(p)/6 (keepingq fixed),all of p'q"
lies in R(U'). Moreover,as H(q") = H(p), (27.1) through(27.4) with (27.14)
(27.15) 4V*(q") > 4i(q") - tt(p) > 0.
By (27.7), *(p') < 0;_hencethereis a pointofp'q" forwhich * = 0.
Now take any q on p'q" such that 4*(q) > 0, keepingP = P(p). As
Ilq' - p'll = 1, p' =H'(q'),

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and u'(q') = u'(q), differentiating

(27.13) and using (27.10) gives

(27.16) = V4*(q) -(q'- p') |PP(p)= V4*(q) -u'(q).

The projectionof V1 into any plane P equals the gradientof 4) as a function

definedin P; hence,by (27.1) and (27.6),

Proj P(p) V4I(q) = u(q),

and ifu' is any vectorparallelto P(p), then

P (q) -u' = u(q) .u'.
Hence, by (27.2) through(27.4) and (27.8),

|a|= -u'(q) + u(q) -[u'(q) - u(q)] + 1

[V+*(q) - V+D(q)]
(27.17) cl0

This showsthat 4* vanishesat a unique pointq of p'q", and the existenceand

analyticityof p is proved.
Take any P satisfying(27.5) witha replacedby y; putting(27.12) in (27.10)
gives q as a functionof Q. As I ranges over So, q ranges over an analytic
(n-m-l)-sphere S*(P); thisspherevariesanalyticallywithP. It is theinter-
sectionofP and S. A finiteor denumerablenumberofneighborhoods U' cover
M; foreach thereis a corresponding y > 0. Let y(p) be a positivecontinuous
functionin R(M) such that y(p) -y(H(p)), and if p is in any U', then y(p) is
less thanthe corresponding y. Now ifp is any pointofR(M), P containsp, and
(27.18) 1iP - P(P) 1 < y(P),
thenR(p) intersectsS in an analyticsphereS*(p, P) whichvaries analytically
withp and P.

28. The analytic manifold M*. For any p in R(M) and any plane P
throughp satisfying(27.18), let Q*(p, P) be that partofP insideS*(p, P). Let
g(p, P) be the centerof mass of Q*(p, P). We shall show that if P*(p) is any
analyticfunctionin R(M) approximatingto P(p) closelyenoughin R(M), then
the set M* ofpointsin R(M) satisfying
(28.1) g(p, P*(p)) = p

is an analyticmanifoldin R(M), Cr-homeomorphic withM.

We shall firstshowthat g(p, P) is analytic. Considera pointpo of M and a
neighborhoodU of poin M etc. as before. If V(p, P) is the (n - m)-volumeof
Q*(p, P) and I dp I denotesthe volumeelement,thenforp in R(U') and any P

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p within-y(p)of P(p),37

(28.2) g(P, P) = V, q I dq 1.

form. The pointsof Q*(p, P) are

We shall expressthis integralin a different
givenby the pairs
(q, a); qin SO, 0 _ a-< p(P, q
LettingWobe the (n - m - 1)-volume ofSo and notingthat Tppreservesvolume,
(28.2) may be written

(28.3) g(p,P) = ? frn-rn foan-m-l Ip' + a(q' -

p')} dal Ido I,
wherep = p(P, 4). This expressionis easilyseento be analytic.
Let M' be the set of points in R(M) satisfyingg(p, P(p)) = p. Each
Q*(p, P(p)) has exactly one point in M', namely,its centerof mass. Taking
Po etc. again, set
(28.4) T(pI P) = Tp1(p) - T-' (g(p, f)), Tr(p)= (p, P(p)).
T(p, P) is a point (or vector)of E.-m = P(po). r(p) 0 if and onlyif p is in
M'. We shall show that if P*(p) is an analyticfunctionapproximatingP(p)
closelyenoughin R(U') throughthe firstorder,and
(28.5) l*(p) = 'T(p, P*(p)),

then the vanishingof T*(p) determinesan analyticmanifoldthroughPo. To

this end, let ri(p), ***, m(p) and r*(p), * , ,(p) be the componentsof
r(p) and r*(p) in the directionsof fixedmutuallyorthogonalvectorsin P(po);
then r(p) = 0 if and onlyif the r,(p) = 0, and similarlyforr*(p). The Ti(p)
vanishat a unique pointof each Q*(pi, P(pi)), and the VTi(p) are independent
as functionsin P(p1); hencethe same is trueof the T*(p) and the VT*(p), if the
approximationof P*(p) is close enough. Thereforer*(p) = 0 definesan
analyticmanifoldM* in R(U'), whichcuts each Q*(p, P(p)) in a unique point
pI , and such that the tangentplane to M* at p' is independentof P(pi).
If P*(p) approximatesto P(p) closelyenoughin R(M), then the above will
holdnear each pointof M, and thevanishingof T*(p) will determinean analytic
manifoldM* cuttingeach Q*(p, P(p)) as noted. As is seen from(28.4) and
(28.5), the points of M* satisfy(28.1). The map p' = H(p) of M* into M is
(1-1) and of class Cr. As the tangentplane to M* at p is independentof P(p),
the inverseis also of class Cr (see Lemma 21); hencethemap is a Cr-homeomor-
phismand the proofis complete.


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We shall firstprove the existenceof analyticlinearfunctionalsas definedin
?7; we will thenbe able to prove Theorem2 and the propertiesin ?9. Finally,
we shall provethe unprovedstatementin Theorem6.

29. Real-valued analytic linear functionals. We shall generalize AE

Lemma 7 as follows:
LEMMA 26. Let R be an open set in E, let A(p, q) and (p) be as in ?7 in R,
and letr and s befinite,s < r. Thenthereis an analyticlinear(R, E1, r, A, <)-
functionalS; moreover, is definedfor any polynomialP of degree< s, and

VP = P.
Let R1, R2, *. be bounded open subsets of R such that Ri is in Rj+1 and
R1 + R2 + * = R, and let Ei be the minimumof P(x) forx in Rj+l. Let
A$(p) be the maximumofA(x, x') forpointsx and x' of R, whose distanceapart
in AE Lemma 7.
is p; thesefunctionsare easilyseen to satisfythe requirements
Let a be a fixedpointof R. Given any functionf of class Cr in R, set

(29.1) Q*f(X) = E Dkf (a) (x -a)

This is thepolynomialof degree< s approximating to f mostcloselyat a. (See

AE forthe notation.) V* is a linear functional,and forany polynomialP of
degree 5 8, ?*P = P. As seen in AE, footnoteon p. 78, foreach i thereis a
numberKi suchthatiff satisfies(7.1) and hence
(29.2) 1Dkf(x') - Dkf(x) |< A (1| x' - x 11)in Xi (Ok ? s),
(29.3) | Dkf(a) < Ki (O < ak - s).

Let A (p) be the maximumin Ri of

| DkP(x') - DkP(x) for lix' - xl = p, ork
< r,

forpolynomialsP(x) of degree < s whose derivativesat a are ? Ki, and set

Aj(p)- A$(p) + At (p). Now if f is any functionof class Cr in R satisfying
(29.2), thenf - ?*fsatisfiesthe same equation withA' replacedby Ai.
Let T' be the linear functionalgivenby AE Lemma 7 with M = 0, and set

(29.4) f= ?T'(f- *f) + ?*f.

2 is definedforall f = f' + P, wheref' satisfies(7.1) and hence (29.2), and P
is a polynomialof degree ? s; for
f - ?*f = f - Tf,

and this functionsatisfies(29.2) withAi, and is 0 at a. As both ?* and ?' are

linear, 2 is linear. As 2' is analyticand V*fis a polynomial,V is analytic.

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Obviously?P = P forpolynomialsP of degree < s. Finally,?f approximates

(f, R, r, ?), and the proofis complete.

30. Analyticlinear functionals. We replace R and E1 in the last lemma by

M and Ev, as follows.
LEMMA 27. Let M be an analyticm-manifold in E, letA(p, q) and ?(p) be as
in ?7, and let r be finite. Then thereis an analyticlinear (M, Er, r, A, 0)-
to prove this forreal-valuedfunctions;the generalcase then
It is sufficient
followson applyingit to each coordinateseparately. Given anyf in M, define
f' in R(M) by f'(p) = f(H(p)). We shall show that the functionalof the last
lemma,whichwe now call ,', may be applied to f'; then?f is f'f'consideredin
M alone.
Supposef is ofclass Crin M; theniff'(p') = f(H(p')), f' is ofclass Crin R(M)
(see the proofofLemma 4); we let P(p) be the normalplane to M at p. Differ-
entiatingf'(p') = f'(H(p')) showsthat Dkf'(p') is a polynomialof degree < ak
in the derivativesof order < ok of f' at p = H(p') and of H(p') at p'. Say
p = i(x). Then Dkf'(p) is determinedby the Dtfi(x) = D~f(Oj(x)) and the
DGi(x). (The latterdetermineP(p).) Hence
(30.1) Dkf'(P') = ?4[Dfi(x),DOi(x), DuH(p')] (am,ot, ou ?< ork),
forCk ? r. (k, s, t and u have respectivelya, m, m and v components.) As
the Oe are admissible,there are but a finitenumberof such expressionsfor
Dkj'(p'). Let a be a fixedpointof M. Given anyf in M or R(M), setJ(p) =
f(p) - f(a). For any compactsubsetA of M thereis a numberK such that if
f satisfies(7.1) in M, then
(30.2) i Dkj(p) I < Kin A (ok < r),

(see AE, footnoteon p. 78). Hence, by (30.1), forany two points p' and q'
of R(M) thereis a numberA such that forany such f, (I)' = 1' and hencef'
(30.3) l Dkf '(q') - Dkf'(P') I-< A (oak< r).
Let A*(p', q') be the minimumof such numbersA. There are several (but a
finitenumberof) choicesforDkf(p) in (7.1); we take A*(p', q') largeenoughfor
all these.
We show now that if p' -. ph and qh -. p', thenA*(p', qh) -O 0. Suppose
not. Then thereare a k (ak < r),sequences ph} and qh } approachingp', and
functionsfhin M satisfying(7.1), such that
(30.4) D fh(qh) - Dkfa(pa)I > a >0.
We may supposethat Po = H(p), Ph = H(p'), and qh = H(qh) arein someUi;
(30.1) then applies. Replace fhf' byJh, Jhas before. Then the Dfhi(xh) are
38 If M = R, we mayhave VP = P as in the last lemma; P is a polynomialwithvalues

in E, ifeach ofits coordinatesis.

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bounded(xh = 0Ol(pa)), and we maysupposeDfhi(xh) -- Di. As yh = Ol'(q)h)

lin Xh, (7a.1)showsthat D8fhi(yh) - Di,8 also. Therefore
all thevariablesin (30.1)
approachthe same limitwhenp is replacedby Ph as whenit is replacedby qh.
As 4) is continuous,DkJh(Ph) and Dkh (qh) approachthesame limit;but thiscon-
tradicts(30.4). It is now easy to constructa continuousfunctionA'(p', q') for
p'. q' in R(M) ofthe requirednature,such that A'(p', q') _ A*(p', q').39 Now
if f is any functionof class Cr in M satisfying(7.1), and f'(p) = f'(H(p)) in
R(M), thenf' satisfies
(30.5) | Dkf'(q) - Dkf'(P) | 5 A'(p, q) (Ok 5 r).

ApplyingLemma 26 to ' withs = 0 gives an analyticfunctionT'f' approx-

imating(f', R(M), r, D'); then Vf = V'f' in M approximates(f, M, r, ?), if D'
is sufficiently

31. Proofof Theorem 2 with (b) and (c) omitted. The proofofTheorem2
withjust (a) and (e') is given by Lemma 12. We shall prove it with(a), (d),
(e) and (f); theproofwillbe completewhenwe have proved(A) and (B) of ?9.
WVe firstapply Lemma 12 to finda functionF' of class C' whichapproximates
(f, M, r, q) and has the (f, r, i)-properties%1,02, *v..
v If n > 2m,we includein
thesepropertiesthose of ?21, to make F' regular. This is permissible,as the
finiteness conditionof (e) ofthetheoremis satisfiedfortheseproperties. Onlya
slightchangein the proofofLemma 18 is necessarybecause ofE,, beingreplaced
by N. Let W* and v*' be the neighborhoodsand functionsof ?7(b) and (c)
corresponding to Ui and F'. Because of the finiteness condition,thereis a pos-
itivecontinuousfunctiont in M such that ifF approximates(F', M, r, A),then
it approximates(f, M, r, -1),and foreach i, it approximates(F', W*, r, tq*); F
then has the propertiesl,% *... It remainsto show that the analytic
functionF may be chosen so as to approximate(F', M, r, ?) and have the
properties%', ', *.40
Replace the A(p, q) of the theoremif necessaryby a largerA so that (7.1) is
satisfiedwithf' and A replaced by F' and jA. Let e be the analytic linear
(M, E,, r, A, J)-functionalgiven by Lemma 27; we suppose r is so small that
ifF" approximates(F', M, r, I), thenF"(M) is in R(N). For some ?', if F"
satisfies(7.1) and approximates(F', M, r,c'),thenVF" approximates(F', M, r,A).
We must now choose F" so that it approximates(F', M, r, A') and satisfies
(7.1), and so that F = VF" has the propertiesU2, *...
39Letp(p)be thesmaller
of1 andhalfthedistance
p toE, - R(M),andletp(p,q)
be the smallerof p(p), p(q), 11q - p 11. Take p and q in R(M), let x(P, q) be the upper
boundofA*(p',q') for11p' - p 1 S a, q'- q 11 a, and set

A'(P,q) q - p11+ p(p,q)
1 p(p,q)

f proper,we mayfindan F whichis analytic,regular,(1-1) and

40 If n ! 2m + 1 and is

proper,and has the properties91, Q2, * * , by includingin thesepropertiesthoseof ??20

and 21, and thenapplyingLemma22 withits 7(p) sufficiently small. (See theend of ?6.)

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Let Wi, W', Gi be the open sets and functionscorresponding

to O' (i = 1,
2, * ). We shall choosesets of numbersai so that if
fo = F', fA = fh-1 + Aa;G;, F" = limfi,

then F" is the requiredfunction. As the W' are bounded,iff' is a function

satisfyingan inequalityof the nature of (7.1), and a is small enough,then
f' + E acG approximatesto f' as closelyas we please and satisfies(7.1) with
a new A as near the old as we wish. Hence we may choose numbersal, a2,
suchthatifa, 2, ... is any sequencewith I a' I < ai, thenF", usingthese ai,
satisfies(7.1) and approximates(F', M, r, D'). The proofnow runs exactly
likethat of Lemma 12,exceptthat HMf,(j ? i) and HUF" willhave the property
. The existenceofai at each step such that HSfi has thepropertyQiis given
by (d') of ?7.

32. Certain maps of M into N like translationsnear a point. Let f be a

Cr-mapofM intoN(r 2 0), take poin M, and set qo = f(po). Given any 6 > 0,
we shall findneighborhoodsW', W of po in M such that 'W' is in W and W is
within6 of po (measuringin E,), and we shall findCr-mapsGI, *., G. of M
into E, such that Gi(p) = 0 forp in M - W,and such that
(32.1) f.(p) = HV[f(p) + A, aiGi(p)] = H[?f(p) + E a,2G,(p)]
forI at I < 1 is an n-parameter
familyofCr-mapsin W'. 2 is any (M, E,, r,A,0-
functionalforA largeenoughand r small enoughnear po.
Let 0 be a Crmnapof Qminto a neighborhoodW of po; we will determinethe
size of W later. Set W' = O(Q'). Let A(p) be of class Cr in M, = 1 in Wt.
and = 0 in M - W (see ?20). Let P be the tangentplane to N at qo, let
yly,. , y, be rectangularaxes in E, such that P is the (yi, * , yn)-plane,and
let vi be the unitvectorin the directionof yi. Set
(32.2) Gi(p) = X(p)viin M (i=1,* ,n).
In usingLemma 23, let P(q) be the normalplane to q in N. Then obviously

(32.3) aH(qO) = vi(j = 1, **, n), and = 0 n + 1,

Putting(32.2) in (32.1) and differentiating

(32.4) afa(PO)= E [VGi(po)]vi= Proj KG1(po),

aai > l

whereProj v is the projectionof a vectorv in E, into P. If we leave out 2 in

(32.4), we may choose W so that the resultingvectorsafl/aai are independent
in W'. We then choose A and r so that e is definedforthe termsin (32.1)
with jaxI < 1, and so that the vectorsafl/aai are independentin W'; thenf.(p)
is an n-parameterfamilyin W'.

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33. Certainmaps of M into N like rotationsplus translationsnear a point.

Let f be a Cr-map(r > 1) of M into N. Take po,qo,etc. as before;we shall
choose W, W', and Cr-mapsGi,. Let E = E(m+l)v be a Euclidean space with
zq (i = 1, *.. , m + 1;j = 1, *. ,n).
The subscriptsi, j will,in thissection,alwaysrangeoverthevalues shown,unless
otherwisestated. Let Gijbe the unit vectorin the directionof Zij. Let 0 map
Qm into W. We may consider(xi, *.-, xm)(in Qm) as coordinatesin W, and

x forp = @(x), ag(p) forag((x)) in W.

ax. axi zb9l(p)

to any Cr-mapg of W into E,, definethe Cr-l-map p of W into

E by

(33.1) 0(p) = E ag(p) Vij+ Egi(p)Vi;

j;i;m axti
gi is thejth componentof g in E,. (Note thatj runsto n only.) Define
(33.2) G$,(p) = (i _ m),
X(p)xiv, G' 1,j(p) = X(p)v1.
For these G, (33.1) givesin W'
(33.3) ol(p) = Vi, + xiipm+li (i < m)2 41,j(p) = PVm+ii

These vectorsare obviouslyindependentforp in WI.

The familyof mapsfg(p) willbe definedby

(33.4) fo(p) = H2[f(p) + X

i ,ij
As before,we find
a fo(po) = Proj WG$j(po).

As Proj G'(p) = G'j(p), the vectorsProj 2Gj(po) are linearlyindependentfor

smallenoughI. It is easilyseen that the operationsof passingfromg to g and
are permutable;hence,as before,we may take W and W', A,
of differentiating
are linearly
and r so thatthevectorsaf0(p)/a&jj in W'. Hencefo
of W' intoE.
familyof Cl"?Th-maps
is an (m + 1)n-parameter

34. Proof of (B) and (C), ?9. In the hypothesisof (B), n _ 2m + 1. As

regularityis taken care of by (e) of the theorem,we may firstreplacethe given
map by a regularCr-map;let the new map be f. As f is locally (1-1), we may
finda positivecontinuousfunction6(p) in M such thatf(p) is (1-1) forp within
b(po)of po,forany po. For each poin M thereis a neighborhoodW as in ?32;
moreover,these may be taken arbitrarilysmall. Hence we may choose such

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neighborhoods WI, W2, * such that W1 + W2 + * coversM, any compact

subsetof M has pointsin commonwithbut a finitenumberofthe W.,and if p
is in W' + Wt, W,.Wt5$0, then WV + W,lies withina(p) ofp. Next define
the maps G;, ** , GJ(s = 1, 2, * ) as in ?32. We may suppose that the
v of the theoremis so small that any f' approximating(f, M, 1, nq)is (1-1) in
all W. + WtwithW..W $ 0.
Arrangethe pairs ofnumbers(s, t) forwhichW. Wt = 0 in a sequence. For
any k, let (s, t) be the kthmemberof the sequence,and let 9k be the property
of mapsf' whichholds iff'(W') does not intersectf'(W). The propertyof '
of being (1-1) is the sum of these properties. We shall show that ik is an
[f,r, tA, s,-property. (a), (b) and (c) of ?7 hold; we shall prove (d'), with
W,W', Gireplacedby W8+ Wt, W' + W' I G. Givenf'and ?,set
(34.1) f H(p)= H [f'()+ G(p)

Applying?32, we now see thatf'. is an n-parameter familyof Cr-maps(r _ 1)

in W. Asf'(W) is of zero (m + 1)-extentin N, W is of finiter-extentin
M, (m + 1) + m < n, andf'. = f' in Wt,thereis an arbitrarily small as such
thatf..(W) f.f.(WI) = 0 (Lemma 16), and (d') is proved.
To prove (C), ?9 we proceed as above. Let K = K1 + K2 + be the
subset N, each K. being of zero (n - m)-extent. Arrange the pairs (s, t) in
a sequence,and let Qk hold iff'(W>) does not intersectKj. The proofrunsnow
exactlyas above.

35. Proof of (A) and (D), ?9. As before,we may suppose that the given
map is regular. If r = 0 or 1, we may at the beginningreplacethe map f by a
C2-map(Lemma 22). Hence we supposethat r ? 2. Defineb(p) and the W.,
W' exactly as in ?34, and definethe G j as in ?33. Again, let k corre-
spond to (s, t), and let 2k be the propertyof mapsf' whichholds if f' has at
mostregularsingularitiesin W/ + W/; completeregularity is the sum of these
properties. We mustprove (d') forIL-,
Before proceeding,consider (D). Let VI, V2,* be admissibleneighbor-
hoods in N', and let U* hold if Wf intersectsVt onlyin the proscribedmanner.
If n' m,this is the same as stating that f'(TV) + ft has at most regular

singularities. If we show how to transform W' withreference to It, the same

processtransforms W" with reference to W'; hencewe need merelyprove (d')
Given f' and V, set

(35.1) (p) = HV [fp + G (P)


To each f' correspondsan (m + 1)n-parameterfamilyof maps Jle of W into

E, by ?33. We shall show that if f(W) avoids a certainset S, thenf$J(W)
intersectsVtin the propermanner. S will be the sum of a denumerablenum-

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ber of sets of finite(m + 1)(n - l)-extent. As the numberof parametersin

f;a is (m + 1)n and the dimensionof W. is m, we may apply Lemma 16 and
make W' avoid any of these. Applyingthe processin the proofof Lemma 12,
we may make W' avoid S, and thus completethe proof.
We shall leave out the indicess, t in what follows. The vector O'fp(p)/aOx
in P (see ?32) withcomponentsafpi (p)/axi (j = 1, (see
, n), by definition,
?33) is the projectionof the vector afp(p)/axI in E, into P. As fi is regular
(for small ,), the latter vectors (i = 1, *--, m) are independent. As the
W' may be taken arbitrarilysmall, we may suppose that the aO'p(p)/axiare
independentin W'. As N' maybe cutintoarbitrarily smallpieces,we maysup-
pose that projects in a (1-1) regularmannerinto P (if fp(W') for
'P intersects
any A). As f (W') and v are both in N, and the projectionof N into P is
regularnear qo,theyintersectin an allowablemannerin N if and onlyif their
projectionsdo in P. Let PV, Pq etc. denotetheprojectionsof V, q, etc. intoP.
Let p be a point of W', and q, a point of 7; we shall considerunderwhat
conditionsPfpl(p) = Pq, the intersectionbeing of an unallowable character.
This is so if the vectors a'f,(p)/axi determinea plane Pm in P whichhas a
plane Ph of dimensionh > k = m + n' - n in commonwith the plane Pn
tangentto PV at q' = Pq. Hence the set S in E which}4(W') must avoid is
the set of pointsz withthe followingproperty. For some q in 'V,some h > k
and plane Ph in the tangentplane Pntto PV at q' = Pq, and some plane Pm
which containsq' and has exactlyPh in commonwithPn,, the last n coordi-
nates of z determine(in P) the pointq' and the firstmn coordinatesdetermine
the directionof Pm. Let zobe that pointof S we have just described;we shall
considerthat part ofSh near zo,Si beingthose pointsof S withthiscorrespond-
ing h.
A pointz of Si is determinedby the set
(q, Ph,P., v), where v=(V, * , vm), Vi - a'f(P)

q, Ph, P., v beingchosenin the ordergiven. (The last n coordinatesof z are

thendetermined.) q runsover a set of dimensionn'. Now keep q fixed,and
vary Ph. Ph lies in Pn, and containsq'; the dimensionof sucha set of planes is
h(n' - h). Next vary Pm. It is determinedby naminga plane Pmh through
q' in the plane Pn-h throughq' orthogonalto Ph; hence the set of planes Pmis
of dimension(m - h)(n - m). Finally,vary the vectorsvi. Each one may
varyfreelyas long as it remainsin Pm; hencethe dimensionof thisset of posi-
tionsofthe set of vectorsis m2. Consequently,ifwe set h = k + h' and note
that n' - h = n - m - h', the above set runs over a part of a Euclidean
space of dimension
di = n' + h(n' - h) + (m - h)(n -) + m2
= n' - hh'+ (h + m - h)(n - ) + M2

= mn + n' - hh' < mn + n' - h in + n - m-1.

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The map of thisset into the corresponding part of Sh is of class C1,and hence
the (m + 1) (n - 1)-extentof the latteris finite,as required.

36. Completionof the proofof Theorem 6. Let 01,02, ... be a completely

admissibleset of maps in that part M* of M' forwhich0 < t < 1. We take
themso that if Us*U, F 0, thenf is (1-1) in UA+ Us. In applyingTheorem
2 in the proofof Theorem 6, let us introduce(f, r, 71)-properties as follows.
Arrangethe pairsof numbers(i, j) in a sequence. Let the kthmemberbe (i, j).
Then Ok holds forf(p X t) = Ot(p) if the followingis true. If 0 < t < 1,
p X tisin Us, and q X tis in U, thenf(p X t) f(q X t). We shallshow
that each propertyis an (f, r, 71)-property
(forsmall enoughq). It will follow
that eachOt(O < t < 1) maybe made(1-1),irrespective ofMo and M1. The new
map of M' into N is of class Cr,by Lemma 10.
We may suppose the U1 are so small that if Ui [UJ0 0, then Ui + UTis in
some Vhin N, and so that vectorsv,, -, Vn-mmay be chosenin E. withthe
followingproperty. Set f (p X t) = x-1f(p X t), and let U (t) be the set of
pointsp X t of U. whose second coordinateis t. If P and P' are the m- and
(n - m)-planesthroughthe originin E, the firstbeing orthogonalto and the
second parallel to vi, . **, v then anyfJ(U,(t)) projectsinto a subset of P
so that both the projectionand its inverseare of class Ct. The points

q p + E an, p in f(i(t)),

fillout an open set Rtin En and if solvingthis (see ?3) gives

p = H(q, t), a, = 4,.(q, t),
thenH and the 4i are of class Cr. To any Cr-mapg of Ui into Q. let Q be the
map of Ui into En-mwhose 8th componentis
p.(p X t) = I)8(g(p X t),t).

t) = f,(p X t) + E in U,;
ge(p X
thenthe As have the propertythat

g(p x t) = V8.

Hence the $ forman (n - m)-parameterfamilyin E,-.. As Ui is of dimen-

sion m + 1 < n - m, thereis an arbitrarilysmall #such that M(p X t) 0 0
in Ui (see Lemmas 14-16). For this (3,no go(U'(t)) intersectsany f (U (t))
(same t), forno 48(gp(p X t), t) = 0. Consequently,using X(p) etc. as in ?20,
we prove (d) of ?7. The other propertiesare obvious,and the statementis

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