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Jl. Gelora VII, No.

15, Palmerah – Jakarta 10270

Phone : (021) 3199 6077 ext 608 2 – 5 Mei 2019
Fax : (021) 3199 6277 ASSEMBLY HALL

Exhibitor The following address is considered as correspondence address

Company’s Name : ZEVAS Position : PEMILIK
Brand : ZEVAS Mobile Number : 082 110 278 903
Address : Office Number :
Thamrin City, Lantai 1 Blok A3a No.5
Jl. Kebon Kacang Raya, Jakarta Pusat Fax Number :

Name : JUMIRAH E-Mail :

Invoice Address Complete address is absolutely necessary

Company’s Name : ZEVAS Position : PEMILIK

Brand : ZEVAS Mobile Number : 082 110 278 903
Address : Thamrin City, Lantai 1 Blok A3aNo. 5 Office Number :

Jl. Kebon Kacang Raya, Jakarta Pusat Fax Number :

Name : JUMIRAH E-Mail :

Please complete the blanks for taxation purpose

Name : ................................
Address : ................................
Indonesian tax Id (NPWP) : ................................
Total Price (Include VAT) : ................................

*Please attach this form with SPPKP (Surat Pengukuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak)

We agree to participate in the Muslim Fashion Festival 2019 which will be held on 2 – 5 Mei 2019 at Jakarta Convention Center with the
following requirements :
As a participant, we hereby agree to fulfill the following rules of the exhibition :
a. Participation is deemed valid when the exhibitor states their willingness to participate in this exhibition by email, fax or by other
means Exhibitors must return the original attached form A, signed over Rp 6000.- duty stamp and company stamp to the organizer.
b. Full Payment : 100% + VAT 10% must be paid within two weeks after signing the contract (Form A) and maximum should be
paid 2 months before show days. The organizer has the right to cancel the exhibitor’s participation if funds are not received
whitin that time
c. The Payment Last minute Participant should complete the full payment within one week after signing the contract. The
Organizer has the right to cancel the application if funds are not received within one week after signing the contract.
d. All payments being paid are non-refundable including the 10% VAT.
e. Cancellation requested by Participant shall be submitted to the Organizer in writing of written form, completed with an
appropriate reason. The following terms and conditions apply :
1. If the cancellation is made 2 weeks or 15 days after signing the contract (Form A) or 2 months before the event (5
September 2018 and after), The participant must pay 100%+10% VAT of the total amount of the contract. .
2. If the Participant decides to cancel their participation at any time, all of the payments will not be refunded by the
Organizer including paid VAT.
3. A Last minute participant who decides to cancel their participation, should pay the total amount of the contract.
f. Payment in IDR rate applied for local/ Indonesian Companies and Foreign Companies.
g. The Parties agree that the provisions in Form A are binding and legally valid when signed by both Parties.
h. The Parties concerned may make an Agreement which is based on the Agreement set in Form A and is inseparable.
i. As a participant, we agree to abide to the committee’s rules and regulations.

Jakarta Pusat
.........................., 04 Januari
......................, 20......
Organizer, Participant,

Please, attach
the duty stamp
Rp. 6. 000,-
Dyandra Promosindo Full Name, Signature & Company Stamp

Please return the original form to the organizer, or fax to : 021-31996277/6177

2 – 5 Mei 2019

Company’s Name : ZEVAS Position : PEMILIK

Brand : ZEVAS Mobile Number : 082 110 278 903
Address : Office Number :
Thamrin City, Lantai 1 Blok A3a No.5
Jl. Kebon Kacang Raya, Jakarta Pusat Fax Number :

Name : JUMIRAH E-Mail :

Booth No : Hall / Area Name :

Option (please mark as desired) :

Raw Space (Space Only) Standard Shell Scheme

Booth area required : ................(..........x .......) Sq.m Booth area required : .............. (....... x ....... ) Sq.m

Price /sq.m : ................................ Price /sq.m : ...............................

Price Rp 13.500.000,00
: ................................ Price : ...............................

VAT : ................................ VAT : ................................

Rp 13.500.000,00
Total Price : ................................ Total Price : ................................

Jakarta Pusat 04 Januari 20.....

.............................,.................., 19

Organizer, Participant,



Dyandra Promosindo Full Name, Signature & Company Stamp

Please return the original form to the organizer, or fax to : 021-31996277/6177

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