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Republic of the Philippin Offs of tie Prende PHDPPNC OR PHILIPPINE DRUG ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Regional Oftice - National Capital Region EDEA Annex Bld. NIA Nose Rond, Natal Gover Svor Cente, Baran Finyahan Quezon City 1100 / Telefax: (03) 381-743) / coal wes onet_podi Srdansen sO PDEA tp Stsies OPDENAInl osetia September 28, 2019 The Honorable Inquest Prosecutor City Prosecutor's Office Hall of Justice Makati City ATTN: Duty Inquest Prosecutor Dear Sir/Madame; BRUCE PATRICK ALABADO ¥ CASTRO, male, 29 years old, single, jobless and residing at Tower A SMDC Jazz Unit 2720 Barangay Bel- Air, Makati City; and violation of section 7 and 15 Art Il of R.A. 9165 otherwise known as “The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002" against the named suspects below: JOSEPH RYAN LUMBA y YABUT, male, 32 years old, and residing at Beliron Place Yakal Stl, Makati City; and violation of section 5 (Administration) and 7 Art Il of R.A. 9165 otherwise known es “The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002" against the named suspects below ELDEN CHAMBERLAIN y KENT (British National), male, 58 years old and residing at Balai Sa Baibai, Barangay Agoho, Mambagao, Camiguin A. COMPLAINANTS/WITNESSE: 1. SOMNAPRITCH I. TE ——--cfo PDEA RO-NCR 2. Ol JEMUEL DE JESUS -——— c/o PDEA RO-NCR 3. MR. JOEL CARI.O M. BORJA — cio PDEA LABORATORY SERVICE, Brgy. Pinyahan, Quezon City 4, HON. CONSTANCIA LICAUCO ——— of Barangay Bel-Air, Makati City. 5. MR. ALEX MENDOZA ~~ of Hataw Media/ QCPD Press Corps B. EVIDENCE EXHIBITS: * Drug Evidences: @. One (1) piece heat-sealed transparent plastic sachet containing white crystalline substance of suspected shabu marked as 9-27- 2019 NIT BB with signature written in a masking tape; ». One (1) piece transparent plastic box marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 1 with signature written in a masking tape containing five (5) pieces heat-sealed transparent plastic sachet containing white crystalline Substance of suspected shabu marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 1-A to © RRA 9-27-2019 NIT 1- all with signature and written ina masking tape respectively; © One (1) piece brown glass bottle dropper with traces of liquid dangerous drugs marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 6 with signature written ina masking tape; @._ Three (3) pieces brown glass bottle dropper containing suspected Naud dangerous drugs marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 7 to 997-5019 NIT 9 all with signature and written on a masking tape * Non-drug Evidences: @ One (1) piece self-sealing plastic bag containing four (4) pieces lighters marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 2-A to 9-27-2019 NIT 2D al'wae Signature and written in a masking tape respectively and oné a) 2019 NIT 2-£ with signature written on a masking tape, D. One (1) piece eye glass case marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 3 with Signature written in @ masking tape containing three (3) pieces 1m! Syringe with traces of suspected liquid dangerous drugs bond with a masking tape marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 3-A with signature written on & masking tape, one piece stainless scissors marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 3-B with signature written in a masking tape, one piece blue Scissors marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 3-C with signature written in-a masking tape, two pieces improvised white per tooter with traces of Suspected dangerous drugs marked as 9-27-2619 NIT 3D with Signature written in a masking tape, and one pieces plastic straw with traces of suspected dangerous drugs marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 3-E with signature written in a masking tape: © One (1) piece unused roll of foll marked 2s 9-27-2019 NIT 4 with signature written on a masking tape; 9. One (1) piece plastic bottle of 0.9% sodium chloride marked as 9-27- 2019 NIT 5 with signature written on a masking tape. © One (1) piece grey digital weighing scale with label DIAMOND marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 10 with signature written on a masking tape; 1 One (1) unit black Lenovo tablet marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 11 with signature written on a masking tape; : 9. One (1) unit color gold Asus callular phone marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 12 with signature written on a masking tape; One (1) unit pink Oppo cellular phone marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 13 with signature written on a masking tape; i. One (1) units color silver iphones marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 14 and 9-27-2019 NIT 15 both with signature written on a masking tape: J. One (1) unit black Huawei cellular phone marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 16 with signature written on a masking tape: k. One (1) yellow envelope with label Eastwest marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 17 with signature written on @ masking tape containing One (1) piece genuine one thousand peso bill with serial number TY 020688 marked with NIT on upper right side of the bill on top of boodle money: '. One (1) piece non-professional driver's license of Chamberlain, Elden Kent marked as 9-27-2019 NIT 18 with signature written on a masking tape: C, ENCLOSURES: a. Affidavit of Poseur-Buyer; b. Affidavit of Arresting Officer; ¢. Mug shots, Booking and Information of Arrested Suspect; d. Request/Resutt of Laboratory Examination; O SAR, Acknowledgement Receipt; Request/Result of Drug Test; Request/Resul of Physical/Medical Examination; Certificate/Receipt of inventory of Seized/Confiscated Evidence; Filled-up Chain of Custody Form; Letter Request for NPS Representative: Authority to Operate and Pre-Operation Report with Control Number 10001-092019-0777 dated September 27, 2019; |. Certificate of Coordination and m. Pictures Taken. D. FACTS OF THE CASE xo sete On about 10:45 P.M. of September 27, 2019 joint operatives of PDEA RONCR led by IAV Joel D. Villorente and PDEA lS led by IA V Laura P. Nebato under the direct supervision of Dir Ill Joel B Plaza, conducted buy-bust operation inside Unit 2720, Tower A SMDC Jazz, Barangay Bel-Air, Makati City against Bruce Patrick Alabado when he agreed to sell one heat-sealed transparent plastic sachet containing white crystalline substance suspected to be shabu to SO Ill Napritch Te, a PDEA Agent who acted as poseur-buyer in exchange of 40,000.00 pesos. The said operation resulted to the arrest of the following named suspects: 1. BRUCE PATRICK ALABADO y CASTRO, male, 29 years old, single, jobless and residing at Tower A SMDC Jazz Unit 2720 Barangay Bel- Air. Makati City; 2. JOSEPH RYAN LUMBA y YABUT, male, 32 years old, and residing at Beltron Place Yakal St, Makati City; and 3. ELDEN CHAMBERLAIN y KENT (British National), male, 58 years old and residing at Balai Sa Baibai, Barangay Agoho, Mambagao, Camiguin. The seized drug evidence during the buy-bust operation gave positive for the Presence of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride or Shabu dangerous drugs with Chemistry Report No. PDEA-NGR-19-0207 with net weight of 54.0309 grams and POSITIVE result for the presence of Gamma-Butyrolactone with net weight 48.50 mi. ‘The urine specimen submitted by the BRUCE PATRICK ALABADO y CASTRO and JOSEPH RYAN LUMBA y YABUT gave POSITIVE result for the presence of Methamphetamine based on Chemistry Report No. PDEA-DTO19-479 and PDEA- DTO19-480. Request furnish this Office a copy of resolution thereof for our ready reference and please acknowledge receipt. Respectfully Yours, als rack DEA RO-NCR

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