Second Persuasive Essay

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Emirhan Karaca

12th June 2020

12B Writing
Ms. Correa
Persuasive essay

As of 2017, nearly 4,000 public schools in the U.S. follow a year-round schedule. All

schools should all be whole year-round because students will remember what they learn, it is

easier for students to learn, students will start to like school, and it helps students with being

organized and less tired.

Like I have said before, schools being all year round allows students to be able to

remember what they learn. Many students lose parts of what they have learned at school during

the summer break. And according to National Summer Learning Association, it can take

anywhere from 8 to 13 weeks at the beginning of every school year for students get back up to

speed and ready to learn the new grade’s material. This is something essential since schools

don’t last that long. Would you like your child to get a better education and remember it or have

a two to three months long break to rest and lose some of his / her knowledge and fall behind?

Besides, schools being all year round helps students achieve their goals. Researcher

Daniel O’Brien concluded that minority students progress their learning fastest during the school

year compared to white and economically advantaged students. Furthermore, Anna Habash of

Education Trust says that for minorities, a year-round school schedule does more than help

academically. In an interview with Education News, Habash noted that schools with high

numbers of poverty and minority students benefit from year-round schooling because it keeps

students “on task.” And this also helps students reach their goals by giving them more time to
work on their assignments and work which makes them able to put more time and effort into

them not just making it easier but better as well.

Not only does it have the advantages mentioned previously, but it also helps students to

like school more than they used to. Teachers and students experience a closer and longer

relationship in year-round schools than they do in traditional, shorter-calendar-year schools.

Also, many students have stated that they start feeling bored during summer brakes. With the

whole year-round system, this problem doesn’t occur. Many second language learners who have

difficulty mastering English benefit from intersession classes too. This also causes them to

develop better relationships with other students.

Also, it helps teachers and students to be more organized and less tired. In schools with

all-year-round education, the summer break is cut into more parts and separated throughout the

year. This allows students to have breaks from school and to rest without falling behind or

forgetting about many things. These short breaks help students to be on track by giving more

time for them to work as well. These breaks also seem to help with student stress and make the

students eager to learn and return to school.

So, students in year-round schools are more self-confident, have a higher self-concept,

have fewer inhibitions, and feel positive about their schooling experience. Schools should chance

to all-year-round systems for good.

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