The Following Metrics Can Be Used To Evaluate The SEM Program

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Q.1) Has Give India optimized its SEM program?

What metrics can be used to evaluate the SEM


Give India had its own SEM program, which it ran using Google AdWords, GiveIndia was allowed to bid a
maximum amount of $2 for any keyword. Of the donations received through the program, as per its
stated policy, GiveIndia retained 9.1 per cent (after informing its donors) for its own operations and
channelled the rest to the specific NGOs for whom the donations were intended

The following metrics can be used to evaluate the SEM program

 Using impression-to-click ratios to optimize text and keywords within ad groups.

 Using keyword reports to identify keywords that directly produce engagement and conversions.
Once identified, budgets can be realigned toward these words, which tends to result in a more
successful campaign.
 SEM Keyword Cost-per-click
 Search Engine Marketing Ad Impression Share
 Google Analytics Page Depth and Time-On-Site
 Using google Assisted conversion reports.

Q.2) What are your suggestions for improving the number of donations from the SEM program?

Getting Google Ad Grants

Using Google Display network to maximize the reach to potential donors.

Adding YouTube ads to their SEM campaign because they are essential in boosting brand awareness.

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