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Hellbred the Gods of good and justice grant these beings a second chance.

These, are the

Hellbred, creatures of immense power who must prove themselves worthy to
be redeemed, or face the terrible punishment they are trying escaped from. But
the Dukes of Hell never forget, and they remember always those who had
slipped their grasps once, and they mark those who do so as to never forget
Sitting in a pub known as the Blackened Eye, M’narin with his hood over his head sipped his drink
waiting for the next few hours till the morning when the town crier came in and posted jobs upon the
their fate should they fail.
pubs notice board. That is until he overheard a group of adventurers talking about betraying one of
their friends for a bigger slice of a reward. Rising to his feet M’narin walked over to the table,
grabbing his backpack which laid by his feet and fastened it to himself. Before the group even noticed A Second Chance
him M’narin spoke, “I can tell you from personal experience such an endeavor would not be in your
best interest.” The group, startled by M’narins sudden appearance jumped in their seats, each of them Hellbred are creatures who before their condemnation to hell sought
giving each other quick glances before a blue scaled dragonborn spoke up, “I have no idea what you repentance, yet were too late in receiving salvation. So, they are granted by the
are imply-,” “I do not want to play these games with you,” M’narin said interrupting the dragonborn, gods of good and justice one final chance at finding salvation. However, the
“I overheard you and I know your intentions…I was once like you, I also knew many like you who have
done what you plan to do or even worse. And I can tell you that what awaits people like you, like how
Dukes of Hell do not forget those who escaped their grasps, and as such
I used is not something you want to turn a blind eye to. But you can fix it now before it’s too late, and salvation for a Hellbred comes at a heavy cost. Only in the most heroic of deeds
hopefully by Torms grace, you will be spared what I must do to repent.” Scowling the dragonborn can a Hellbred be released of their bonds from Hell, and thus they embarked
spoke, “Is that so, and what exactly what will we be spared from?” Removing his hood M’narin on one considered doomed or impossible quest after another in an attempt to
showed his curse, the group shooting out of their chairs and backing away from him. “This….is what meet the terms of the Pact Primeval. Each Hellbred must prove themselves
awaits those who live a life of decadence and malice. But my judgement was a light one compared to
those I was judged alongside.” Putting his hood back up M,narin left the pub, got upon his horse and
worthy to the lords of good, yet the Pact Primeval ensures only the most
left. exceptional Hellbred find redemption. A Hellbred must complete a truly heroic
act in order to fulfill this oath – Saving a kingdom singlehandedly, Killing a
duke or archduke of Hell, or destroying a powerful evil artefact – for example.
In rare instances, a soul realizes how much pain and suffering it wrought Many of these Hellbred set out on this mission. Most however, find death
during its time in life and seeks redemption in the eyes of the Gods and those it before they can complete such tasks and sadly are damned for eternity in the
harmed. Most of these beings end up in the Layer of Dis within the Nine Hells, Nine Hells.
recognizing too late the atrocities it committed, a few realize sooner and repent
for their sins achieving an afterlife in the Upper Realms. However a select few
lie in between, realizing the pain they wrought in life and wishing to repent,
but pass on to soon to redeem themselves. Cautious of these mortals, who just
before their demise may have repented to escape their fate for selfish reasons,
The scourging Hellbred traits
This ritual is the final act a creature must perform before he is Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
transformed into a Hellbred. What emerges is a final gift from the Gods of both
Age: Having been given a second chance Hellbred are full grown the
good and evil, who are vying for the creatures soul. Their physical form is
moment they arrive on the Material Plane. Due to the Pact Primeval the
humanoid in shape, with dark red, smooth skin, or sometimes scales. A
Hellbred is allowed no more than 100 years in an attempt to reach salvation.
Hellbred usually adorns horns, which if they do, can be in a variety of ways,
Should the Hellbred not die by 100 year mark a Solar, or the far more likely
such as two horns sticking straight up, a single horn in the middle of the
scenario, a Pit Fiend will come claim the soul. The Hellbred bound by the Pact
forehead, or ram-like in nature. Their eyes have a sinister glow about them,
Primeval will not resist.
traditionally yellow, red, or green. These are parting gifts from the Dukes of
hell, serving as a reminder to the Hellbred of their sins in a previous life. Alignment: Hellbred are almost always Lawful Good. Few are Chaotic
Good or Neutral Good. In either case they are utterly devoted to eradicating
While their outward appearance resembles a beast worthy of the name,
evil and upholding the ideals of good.
their inner minds and souls have been purified by the blessings of the Gods of
good. They retain shadowy memories of their past, often upon seeing a person Size: Hellbred range from 5 to 6 feet in height and encompass a variety
or place from their past life they might feel emotions of pain or happiness, of builds much like humans.
though traditionally not much more. Freed from their burden of guilt and the
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
influences of those who drove them to do evil the Hellbred is free to seek his
own path. Languages: You can speak, read, and write Infernal. You also know any
languages you would have known if your previous life.
Visage of Hell: You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
Hellbred Names
Hellbred will keep their names they held in the past, though due to the
cleansing the Gods of good have put them through, any name or title that Aspect of the Body
would have any particular meaning to them or someone else will be removed,
Ability score increase: Choose two among Strength, Dexterity, or
such as a Dwarven clan name or Human last name. Hellbred may also be
Constitution. Those each receive a 1 point increase.
inclined to adopt names of Virtue.
A Baleful Blessing: Choose one of the attributes you placed a point into Oath of Redemption
as part of this aspect. You gain Proficiency in that Saving Throw.
The Oath of Redemption is reserved specifically for those who have
Infernal Physiology: You may choose one of the following. If you committed atrocities against others of the realm. Seeking to mend what was
placed one of your points in Strength you gain Proficiency in the Athletics Skill. broken and lead by example these paladins are above reproach in their code
If placed a point in Dexterity you gain the Acrobatics skill. If placed in and ethics. Common names for these knights are the Redeemers, The Woeful,
Constitution once per long rest you may automatically choose to stabilize and The Chastened, these paladins place a large amount of their efforts in not
yourself, note this is not the same as rolling a 20 on a D20 for a death save. (If only eradicating evil but redeeming anyone who is willing to repent. These
playing the Gritty Realism style of play this is reduced to a short rest) paladins had lived a life decadence and know just how hard it is for someone to
change their ways, and thus place the hardest challenge any paladin could ever
hope to face as their primary goal, redeeming the lost. Everywhere a paladin
Aspect of the Spirit goes they always look for the good in people, even intelligent monsters, and
try to draw it out to the fore, while leading by example to show wrong-doers
Ability score increase: You receive 2 points to spend in the Intelligence
that there is always a better, more righteous way. Though it must be said a
attribute, Charisma attribute or 1 point in each.
paladin of Redemption will defend themselves, and their allies to lethal ends if
Angelic Abilities: You may choose one of the following. If you placed a they must, as the also know too well sometimes people don’t want to be saved.
point in Intelligence you gain proficiency in one Knowledge skill of your These paladins often adorn their armor with symbols of hope, for example a
choice. If you placed a point Charisma you gain proficiency in the Persuasion man kneeling and rays of light embrace him.
Skill. You may also elect in place of the above options to gain proficiency in
either the Perception or Insight Skill. You also gain Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Tenets of Redemption
Agent of Virtue: Once per long rest if you fail any saving throw you
may re-roll the dice. You must accept the second roll. (Note: If playing the The tenets of redemption are simple in idea but the hardest to enact.
Gritty Realism style of play this is instead once every short rest.)
Redeem: You were once as they are now, so mercy to your enemies and show
them a better path.

Hellbred Class Archetypes Honor: Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example
to them, for how can you expect others to redeem themselves if you do not
Due to the unique nature of this race I have created a separate Paladin
hold yourself to the ideals of Justice and Benevolence.
Oath for the Hellbred or any character that seeks redemption.
Patience: A beautiful flower does not grow in a day, it must be cared for and Channel Divinity
nurtured. The same goes for those who look to better themselves, if they slip,
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two channel
pick them back up and help them.
divinity options.
Wisdom: Don’t take everyone at their word, as a snake when given no-where
Bolster Allies: As an action, you can boost a number of allies equal to your
else to run will seek to deceive you. Though do not deny them a chance to
Charisma Modifier (minimum 1), making their weapons magical for purposes of
prove themselves.
over-coming damage resistance and +1 on attack rolls, including spells, for 1
Honesty: Don’t lie or cheat. Let your word be your bond. minute. You can end this effect as part of any action, and automatically ends if
you should fall unconscious.
Vow of Sacrifice: As a bonus action, you can utter a vow of sacrifice and one
Oath Spells
ally you see within 60 feet of you that has been brought to 0 hit points or lower
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. receives healing of 5 hit points, plus an additional 5 at 5th level and every 5th
level after, plus your Charisma modifier (Minimum 1) in hit points. You take
this much damage in return as you give part of your life-force to heal your ally,
do not add the modifier to the damage. This feature will not bring you below 1
3rd Level: Shield of Faith/Sanctuary
hit point.
5th Level: Enhance Ability/Zone of Truth

9th Level: Beacon of Hope/Tongues Angelic Aegis

13th Level: Death Ward/Guardian of Faith Starting at 7th level when you or an ally within 10 feet of you is being
attacked and below 50% health they receive a +2 bonus to their AC for a
17th Level: Greater Restoration/Commune number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (Minimum 1.) At 18th level
this increases to 30 feet. So long as your ally started its turn within the Aura,
they will receive this bonus and it will continue for the allotted time. Neither
you nor an ally can benefit from this ability more than once an encounter.
Emissary of Atonement
Starting at 15th level, you may elect to make a single strike as your attack
action, which must be Smite attack. You have advantage on the attack roll and
on a hit the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or be stunned for 1
minute, as you bring forth all wrong doings it has ever done in its life. The
creature may attempt a new saving throw each round to snap out of it, if the
creature is evil it has disadvantage on the first and every subsequent Wisdom
saving throw. Any damage done to the creature ends the effect. Once you use
this feature you cannot use it again until you finish a short rest.

Symbol of the Chastised

At 20th level, as an action, for 1 minute, if you dealt any damage an
enemy, you gain a pool of 10 Hit points. These hit points may be distributed
among yourself and any ally within 30 feet of you. You also gain a +2 bonus on
attack rolls while this is in effect.

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