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No Pengarang Nama Judul Pertanyaan Hasil

Tahun Jurnal Penelitian

1. Relmarisa Journal of the application Apakah penggunaan Berdasarkan
Stefanus C, enchantment of the project model pembelajaran hasil penelitian
Tyaa Asri basic based learning project based dan pembahasan,
Hardini A model (pjbl) to learning (pjbl) dapat maka dapat
& Putra improve meningkatkan hasil disimpulkan
Surya A learning belajar dan bahwa
outcomes and kreativitas siswa? penggunaan
the creativity model
of grade III pembelajaran
students of the Project Based
country Learning (PjBL)
sidorejo lor 01 dapat
salatiga meningkatkan
hasil belajar dan
kreatifitas siswa
kelas dari 46 ke
92 % untuk hasil
belajar dan 27 ke
90% untuk
2. Dwi Journal of application of Apakah penggunaan Penerapan
Nurhayati chemistry project based metode pembelajaran metode Project
N, Sri education learning project based learnig Based Learning
Mulyani & method (pjbl) disertai dengan (PjBL) disertai
Dwi Rezeki learning (pjbl) peta konsep dapat peta konsep
N is meningkatkan dapat
accompanied prestasi dan aktivitas meningkatkan
by a concept belajar siswa? prestasi belajar
map for siswa dari 41,675
improve menjadi83,33%
and learning
students in
class x-3 redox
school of years
Daftar Pustaka

Relmarisa Stefanus C, Tyaa Asri Hardini A & Putra Surya A. (2018). the application of the
project based learning model (pjbl) to improve learning outcomes and the creativity of
grade III students of the country sidorejo lor 01 salatiga. Journal of enchantment basic 6
(1), hal 41-54

Dwi Nurhayati N, Sri Mulyani & Dwi Rezeki N. (2015). application of project based learning
method learning (pjbl) is accompanied by a concept map for improve achievements and
learning activities students in class x-3 redox materials private vocational school of
years 2013/2014 lesson. Journal of chemistry education 4 (1), hlm 74-81

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