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Philibertia (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) - Additional notes and three new

species for Bolivia

Article  in  Kew Bulletin · June 2008

DOI: 10.1007/s12225-008-9020-3


4 88

1 author:

David Goyder
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew


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KEW BULLETIN VOL. 63: 323–329 (2008)

Philibertia (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) — additional notes

and three new species for Bolivia

D. J. Goyder1

Summary. Three new species of Philibertia (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae), P. alba Goyder, P. urceolata Goyder and
P. zongoensis Goyder are described from Bolivia and illustrated. Preliminary conservation assessments are made for
these species. New records are reported for two further species.

Key Words. Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae, Bolivia, endemism, Philibertia, taxonomy.

Philibertia Kunth was revised and expanded to contain Wood, Gutiérrez & Huaylla 22363 (holotypus K; isotypi
40 largely Andean species by Goyder (2004). The HSB, LPB, MO).
genus can be distinguished from others in subtribe
Oxypetalinae by the following combination of charac- Perennial herb with stems twining to c. 2 m; rootstock
ters: corona elements arising from, or adnate to, the not seen. Latex white. Whole plant minutely pubes-
corolla are either absent or are poorly developed, cent with white hairs. Leaves with petiole 1 – 2 cm
forming at most a ring around the base of the long; lamina 3 – 5.5 × 1 – 2.7 cm, ovate, with an
gynostegium; gynostegial corona elements, if present, attenuate apex and a deeply cordate base. Inflores-
always lack a prominent ventral tooth; the stylar head cences extra-axillary, with flowers distributed irregu-
may be simple or divided, but never into more than larly along the axis; peduncle (to first flower) 1 –
two appendages. 1.5 cm long; bracts 1 – 2 mm long, filiform; pedicels
Since this revision was published, three new species 6 – 10 mm long. Calyx lobes 2 – 3 mm long, filiform,
have been discovered in Bolivia. They are here described pubescent with spreading white hairs. Corolla globose
as Philibertia alba Goyder and P. urceolata Goyder from and with lobes ± valvate in bud, pure white, minutely
the inter-Andean dry valley system of the Río Grande in pubescent outside, glabrous within; tube campanulate,
central Bolivia, and P. zongoensis Goyder from the Zongo 2 – 2.5 mm long; lobes 2.5 – 3 × 1.5 – 2 mm, broadly
valley, a steep-sided yungas valley north of La Paz. triangular, margins slightly reflexed. Gynostegium ±
New records are reported for two further species, sessile. Basal coronal ring weakly developed, forming a
Philibertia globiflora Goyder and P. religiosa Goyder, which green, slightly fleshy collar around the base of the
are also restricted to the Río Grande valley system. gynostegium. Staminal corona lobes absent. Anther
Together with P. velutina Goyder, five species of wings 1.2 mm long, very slightly triangular, the margins
Philibertia are now known to be endemic to this valley only weakly flared from the column. Corpusculum
system presenting further evidence that these inter- c. 0.2 mm long, broadly ovoid, brown; translator arms
Andean dry valleys are a significant centre of endemism c. 0.1 mm long, somewhat flattened; pollinia c. 0.25 mm
in Bolivia (Wood 2006). long, ovoid, not strongly flattened. Stylar head append-
ages vestigial, paired, extending only shortly beyond
anthers, white. Follicles and seeds not seen. Fig. 1.
Description of New Species
1. Philibertia alba Goyder sp. nov. P. pictae Schltr. similis DISTRIBUTION. Only known from the type collected
sed foliis late ovatis nec triangularibus, corolla magis near Villa Serrano in central Bolivia.
profunde divisa, gynostegio subsessili nec stipitato, lobis BOLIVIA. Chuquisaca, Prov. B. Boeto: 1st valley from
staminalibus coronae carentibus differt. Typus: Bolivia, Villa Serrano, 5 km before Pampas del Tigre, 3 March
Dept. Chuquisaca, Prov. B. Boeto: 1st valley from Villa 2006, Wood et al. 22363 (holotype K; isotypes HSB,
Serrano, 5 km before Pampas del Tigre, 3 March 2006, LPB).

Accepted for publication May 2007.

Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, U.K.

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2008


Fig. 1. Philibertia alba. A flowering shoot; B flower with half the corolla cut away to expose gynostegium; C pollinarium. All from
Wood et al. 22363. DRAWN BY MARGARET TEBBS.

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2008


HABITAT. Steep mountain slopes with remnants of DISTRIBUTION. Known from just three collections in the
moist forest and areas of open pasture. Growing in central Bolivian inter-Andean dry valley system of the
open areas amongst shrubs. Alt. c. 2200 m. Río Grande. Two come from an area some 20 km S of
USES. None recorded. Vallegrande and the third from the Sucre region.
CONSERVATION STATUS. Data Deficient. Although known BOLIVIA. Santa Cruz, Prov. Vallegrande: road S from
from a single population with an assumed extent of Vallegrande towards Pucara, c. 1 km N of summit, 25
occurrence less than 100 km2 (using criterion B1 of the Dec. 1999, Wood & Goyder 15608 (K, LPB); road
IUCN (2001) Red List categories and criteria), there is no between Guadelupe and Pucara, near summit of the
evidence to suggest the habitat is under threat or that the highest hill, 25 Jan. 2005, Wood & Mendoza 21464
population is in decline. (holotype K; isotype LPB). Chuquisaca, Prov. Oro-
NOTES. This species is similar to Philibertia picta Schltr., peza: hilltop E of Río Mama Wasi, c. 3 km NW of
but differs in its more broadly ovate rather than Punilla, 26 Dec. 1998, Wood 14288 (K — flower in
triangular leaves, its more deeply divided corolla, the spirit only).
subsessile rather than stipitate gynostegium, the re- HABITAT. Open grassland subject to periodic burning,
duced size of the corona around its base, and the among areas of scrub derived from moist semi-
absence of staminal corona lobes. The anther wings deciduous Tucumán forest. Alt. 2700 – 3200 m.
are also slightly longer than in P. picta. USES. None recorded.
CONSERVATION STATUS. Data Deficient. Although only
known from three populations with a known area of
2. Philibertia urceolata Goyder sp. nov. A P. suberecta occupancy of less than 10 km2 (using criterion B2a of
Goyder lobis corollae brevioribus rotundioribusque, lobis the IUCN (2001) Red List categories and criteria),
coronae valde evolutis bifidis et appendice capitis stylaris there is no evidence to suggest the habitat is under
singulari (nec geminatis) et ex orificio corollae breviter threat or that the populations are in decline. Indeed as
tantum exserto differt. Typus: Bolivia, Dept. Santa Cruz, the preferred habitat is open and somewhat disturbed,
Prov. Vallegrande: road between Guadelupe and Pucara, further populations may well be found in future.
near summit of the highest hill, 2750 m, 25 Jan. 2005, Philibertia urceolata is probably undercollected as it is
Wood & Mendoza 21464 (holotypus K; isotypus LPB). inconspicuous and occurs in low population densities.
I have not calculated the extent of occurrence for
Perennial herb with simple or branched erect stems to this species, as most of the territory delimited would
20 cm from a thickened somewhat woody vertical fall outside the species’ altitudinal range and other
rootstock. Latex white. Whole plant minutely pubes- habitat requirements.
cent with white hairs. Leaves with petiole 1 – 2 cm NOTES. The first collection of this species seen by me
long; lamina 1.5 – 3 × 1.5 – 2 cm, ovate, with an acute (Wood & Goyder 15608) was too immature to determine
apex and a deeply cordate base. Inflorescences extra- with confidence at the time. But it is clearly conspecific
axillary, umbelliform, with 1 – 4 flowers; peduncle with Wood & Mendoza 21464, from a locality only a few
c. 2 cm long; bracts 2 – 3 mm long, filiform; pedicels kilometres away, collected slightly later in the season. It
10 – 15 mm long. Calyx lobes 3 × 2 mm, ovate, acute, also matches the single flower collected near Sucre and
pubescent with spreading white hairs. Corolla with preserved in spirit (Wood 14288).
lobes ± valvate in bud; tube urceolate or subglobose, Philibertia urceolata is perhaps most closely related to
4 – 5 mm in diameter, yellow-green, minutely pubes- another erect species, P. suberecta Goyder, which occurs
cent outside, bearded with white hairs c. 1 mm long at higher altitude and over a much wider geographic
within; lobes 2 – 3 × 1 – 2 mm, suborbicular, minutely area. It differs in several characters including the
pubescent outside, glabrous within. Gynostegium indumentum, which is shorter and more sparse in the
sessile. Basal coronal ring absent. Staminal corona new species rather than tomentose or even lanate in
lobes arising at the base of the column, c. 2 mm long, P. suberecta. The corolla tube is globose rather than
erect, slightly longer than the staminal column, campanulate in P. urceolata, and the corolla lobes
dorsoventrally flattened but slightly fleshy at least much shorter and more rounded than the triangular
along the mid-line, oblong, the apex distinctly bifid. lobes of the P. suberecta. The corona is absent in
Anther wings 1 mm long, broadly flared away from the P. suberecta, whereas the new species has well-developed
column so the gynostegium appears broadly conical. staminal corona lobes. These are not fused to the
Corpusculum c. 0.4 mm long, subcylindrical, brown; corolla tube as in the closely allied genus Oxypetalum
translator arms c. 0.2 mm long, broadly flattened; but are otherwise reminiscent of that genus. Broad
pollinia c. 0.5 mm long, flattened, elliptic. Stylar head anther wings and a single stylar head appendage are
appendage extending c. 3.5 mm beyond the anthers encountered in several species of Philibertia, but in
and 1.5 mm beyond the mouth of the corolla, P. suberecta the anther wings are much shorter, and the
narrowly cylindrical with an entire apex, not con- stylar head appendages are paired, much longer and
torted, white. Follicles and seeds not seen. Fig. 2. contorted.

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2008


Fig. 2. Philibertia urceolata. A habit; B flower; C flower with half the corolla cut away, and with two corona lobes deflexed to
expose the gynostegium; D and E free portion of corona lobe, adaxial face and abaxial face; F pollinarium; G ovary just starting to
develop into a young follicle. A, F and G from Wood & Mendoza 21464; B – E from Wood 14288. DRAWN BY MARGARET TEBBS.

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2008


Fig. 3. Philibertia zongoensis. A habit; B flower; C calyx; D gynostegium with one corona lobe removed to expose anther; E
pollinarium. All from Wood et al. 20896. DRAWN BY MARGARET TEBBS.

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2008


As floral characters of Philibertia urceolata suggest Critically Endangered as it is known from a single
some connection between Philibertia and Oxypetalum, it location, with an assumed extent of occurrence less
would be interesting to include this species in future than 100 km2, and some habitat disturbance — the
molecular analyses of the Oxypetalinae. label data refers to remnants of cloud forest.
NOTES. Philibertia zongoensis is a very striking plant with
3. Philibertia zongoensis Goyder sp. nov. Ab omnibus its large clusters of red flowers. Leaf, corona and
ceteris speciebus inflorescentia umbellata floribus pollinarium morphology are typical of Philibertia but
numerosis (c. 30) ferenti et corolla rotata profunde the shape of the flower is more reminiscent of
lobata abaxialiter glabra differt. Typus: Bolivia, Dept. Funastrum. The corolla is much more deeply lobed
La Paz, Prov. Murillo: Zongo valley, 2580 m, 2 Nov. than in other species of Philibertia and, as a result, the
2004, Wood, Mercado, Huaylla & Mendoza 20896 flowers are ± rotate rather than campanulate. How-
(holotypus K; isotypi HSB, LPB, USZ). ever, the annular corona which surrounds the base of
the gynostegium in Funastrum is not present in the
Perennial herb with semi-succulent stems twining to new species and the leaf shape is quite different. The
3 m; rootstock not seen. Latex sparse, white. Whole glabrous outer face of the corolla is unique in
plant tomentose with white or golden hairs. Leaves Philibertia, but occurs in some species of Funastrum,
with petiole 2 – 2.5 cm long, tomentose; lamina 9 – such as F. gracile Schltr. Recent molecular surveys
10 × 3.5 – 5 cm, oblong to ovate, apex narrowing (Liede-Schumann et al. 2005; Rapini et al. 2006) have
abruptly into a long attenuate tip, base cordate, placed Funastrum sister to the core Oxypetalinae clade
adaxial face green with an indumentum of erect (containing Oxypetalum and Philibertia together with a
whitish hairs, abaxial face with red veins, tomentose, few smaller genera). It would be interesting to include
with golden hairs. Inflorescences extra-axillary with P. zongoensis in future analyses of this group.
c. 30 flowers in a sub-umbelliform cluster; peduncle
8 cm long, tomentose with golden hairs; bracts
deciduous; pedicels 4.5 – 5 cm long, red, minutely New Records
tomentose. Calyx lobes 2.5 – 4.5 mm long, lanceolate 1. Philibertia globiflora Goyder — P. globiflora was
to broadly triangular, green, pubescent with golden described from four collections from the Bolivian
hairs. Flower buds conical with lobes overlapping Departments of Cochabamba and Santa Cruz (Goyder
narrowly to the right, wine red. Corolla rotate, united 2004: 431). A recent acquisition (Wood et al. 22310)
at the base for c. 2 mm, lobes 10 × 7 mm, ± ovate but extends the range of this species into the Department
somewhat asymmetric, apex rounded, wine-red out- of Chuquisaca at the southern extent of the Río Grande
side, inner face wine-red basally, greenish above, valley system.
glabrous except towards the base and the right-hand
margin of the lobes within, which are minutely but ADDITIONAL COLLECTION. BOLIVIA. Chuquisaca, Prov.
densely papillate. Gynostegium 3.5 – 4 mm long, nez: above Icla towards Candelaria, 2750 m, 1
stipitate. Basal coronal ring absent. Staminal corona March 2006, Wood et al. 22310 (K, HSB, LPB).
lobes 2 – 3 mm long and reaching the top of the
column, ovoid but with a flattened inner face and an
acute apex, rounded or truncate at the base then 2. Philibertia religiosa Goyder — This species was based
tapering into the staminal column, white. Anther wings on two collections that came from within the city of
1.5 – 2 mm long, triangular. Corpusculum c. 0.4 mm Cochabamba. Mendoza & Lozano 832 have subsequent-
long, conical-subcylindrical, brown; translator arms ly collected this species at Yotala near Sucre, at the
c. 0.2 mm long, broadly flattened; pollinia 1 × opposite end of the Río Grande valley system, but at a
0.2 mm, not strongly flattened, subcylindrical. Apex of comparable altitude.
stylar head domed, not extending beyond the anthers,
cream. Follicles and seeds not seen. Fig. 3. ADDITIONAL COLLECTION. BOLIVIA. Chuquisaca, Prov.
Oropeza: Retén [police checkpoint] de Yotala, on the
DISTRIBUTION. Only known from the type collected in hill in front of the checkpoint, 2500 m, 17 March
the Zongo valley N of La Paz. 2004, Mendoza & Lozano 832 (LPB, USZ).
BOLIVIA. La Paz, Prov. Murillo: Zongo valley, 2 Nov.
2004, Wood et al. 20896 (holotype K; isotypes HSB,
LPB, USZ). Acknowledgements
HABITAT. Cloud forest margins. Alt. 2580 m. I am most grateful to Maria Vorontsova and Melanie
USES. None recorded. Wilmot-Dear for translating the diagnoses into Latin,
CONSERVATION STATUS. CR B1ab(iii). Using criterion and to Margaret Tebbs for the illustrations. As ever, I
B1 of the IUCN (2001) Red List categories and am indebted to John Wood and his Bolivian counter-
criteria, Philibertia zongoensis should be regarded as parts, in this instance Hibert Huaylla, Magaly Mercado

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2008


and Moises Mendoza, for their superb collections. tribes of Asclepiadeae (Apocynaceae – Asclepiadoideae):
Curators of the herbaria at HSB, LPB and USZ are Metastelmatinae, Oxypetalinae and Gonolobinae. Syst.
thanked for access to their collections. Bot. 30: 183 – 194.
Rapini, A., Chase, M. W. & Konno, T. U. P. (2006).
Phylogenetics of South American Asclepiadoideae
References (Apocynaceae). Taxon 55: 119 – 124.
Goyder, D. J. (2004). An amplified concept of Wood, J. R. I. (2006). Inter-Andean dry valleys of
Philibertia Kunth (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae), with Bolivia — floristic affinities and patterns of endemism:
a synopsis of the genus. Kew Bull. 59: 415 – 451. insights from Acanthaceae, Asclepiadaceae and Labiatae.
IUCN (2001). IUCN Red List categories and criteria, In: R. T. Pennington, G. P. Lewis & J. A. Ratter (eds),
version 3.1. IUCN Species Survival Commission. Neotropical savannas and seasonally dry forests: plant
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, U.K. diversity, biogeography and conservation, pp. 235 –
Liede-Schumann, S., Rapini, A., Goyder, D. J. & Chase, 256. Systematics Association Special Volume 69, CRC
M. (2005). Phylogenetics of the New World sub- Press, Boca Raton, Florida & London.

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2008

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