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Shamir et al JPGN  Volume 57, Supplement 1, December 2013

REFERENCES by specific food proteins or other food constituents (eg, carbo-

1. Hyman PE, Milla PJ, Benninga MA, et al. Childhood functional gastro- hydrates, fat). It may be clinically difficult to distinguish these
intestinal disorders: neonate/toddler. Gastroenterology 2006; 130:1519– conditions because there is significant overlap in symptoms. There
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how it came about, why it’s wrong, and what to do about it. J Pediatr occur in exclusively breast-fed infants. GI food allergy needs to be
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3. Nelson SP, Chen EH, Syniar GM, et al. Prevalence of symptoms of foods. Examples are carbohydrate or fat malabsorption, which
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and meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials. Pediatrics 2008; common, its exact prevalence in infancy is not known. GI food
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9. Vandenplas Y. Thickened infant formula does what it has to do: decrease cause upper and lower GI pathologies, including mucosal inflam-
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Gastrointestinal Food Allergy and From the Department of Gastroenterology & Clinical Nutrition, Royal
Intolerance in Infants and Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.
Correspondence to Ralf G. Heine, MD, Department of Gastroenterology &
Young Children Clinical Nutrition, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Parkville
3052, Victoria, Australia (e-mail:
The author reports no conflicts of interest.
Ralf G. Heine Copyright # 2013 by European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology,
Hepatology, and Nutrition and North American Society for Pediatric

I nfants and young children may present with a diverse range of

gastrointestinal (GI) allergies and intolerances that are triggered
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition
DOI: 10.1097/


Copyright 2013 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JPGN  Volume 57, Supplement 1, December 2013 Infant Crying, Colic, and GI Discomfort in Early Childhood

prevalence figures are not available. Allergic inflammation in the diarrhoea and bright rectal bleeding in the first weeks of life (14).
small intestine causes mucosal damage with distortion of the villous Infantile proctocolitis is the most common cause of low-grade rectal
architecture. Histological features share strong similarities with bleeding in infants younger than 3 months old (15). Exact preva-
untreated coeliac disease, which is the closest differential diagnosis. lence figures in infancy are not available. Symptoms usually
Early studies in cow’s-milk–sensitive enteropathy demonstrated develop between 3 and 6 weeks of age, but they may be seen
that mucosal damage is mediated by eosinophils in the presence of occasionally in older infants. Infantile proctocolitis occurs in both
vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (3). Cow’s-milk–specific breast- and formula-fed infants (16). The clinical presentation is
lymphocytes were identified in biopsies of patients with duodenal generally limited to low-grade diarrhoea containing small amounts
eosinophilic gastroenteritis or food protein–induced enteropathy of fresh blood. Infants are otherwise healthy. Because blood loss is
(4). In addition, localised production of IgE in the mucosa of the usually minimal, clinically significant anaemia is uncommon.
small intestine (in the absence of specific serum IgE) may be Endoscopic biopsies typically demonstrate an eosinophilic procto-
implicated in the pathogenesis of food allergic enteropathies (5). colitis with the presence of >6 to 10 eosinophils per microscopic
The clinical presentation of infants with cow’s-milk protein– field at high power (16). Numbers of intraepithelial lymphocytes,
induced enteropathy is similar to that of coeliac disease. These predominantly CD8þ cells, also are increased (17). The differential
formula-fed infants present with chronic diarrhoea, vomiting, and diagnosis of allergic proctocolitis in infants includes bacterial
poor weight gain and may develop associated micronutrient gastroenteritis, anal fissures, juvenile polyps, or other nonallergic
deficiencies (eg, iron deficiency, rickets). If treatment is delayed, forms of colitis, such as chronic granulomatous disease or inflam-
infants may develop protein-energy malnutrition with growth impair- matory bowel disease. The treatment of infantile allergic procto-
ment. Infants with cow’s-milk enteropathy develop secondary lactose colitis involves the dietary elimination of the offending food
malabsorption resulting from reduced expression of brush border protein. In the majority of cases, elimination of cow’s-milk protein
lactase in the shortened intestinal villi. Lactose, therefore, needs to be is sufficient and can be achieved by a maternal elimination diet in
eliminated from the infant’s diet until the normal villous architecture breast-fed infants or the use of an extensively hydrolysed hypoal-
has been restored. Soy formula and extensively hydrolysed formulae lergenic formula. The prognosis of infantile allergic proctocolitis is
are commonly used in the treatment of cow’s-milk enteropathy (6). excellent, and most infants outgrow the condition between 9 and
Strict cow’s-milk protein elimination needs to be continued until 12 months of age (16).
tolerance develops, usually between 12 and 24 months of age. In a
subset of patients, residual GI symptoms may persist to school age (7). FOOD INTOLERANCES AND CARBOHYDRATE
Food Protein–Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome Carbohydrate malabsorption in early childhood presents with
intermittent, food-associated diarrhea, abdominal bloating, and
Food protein–induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is pain. It is therefore one of the main differential diagnoses of GI
characterized by potentially severe GI reactions with profuse vomit- food allergy. The diagnostic overlap is particularly close between
ing and dehydration (8). In a population-based study, FPIES reactions non-IgE-mediated cow’s-milk allergy and lactose malabsorption.
occurred in 0.34% of infants (9). As with most cell-mediated food Other forms of carbohydrate malabsorption, including congenital
allergic disorders, the pathological mechanisms causing FPIES are sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (18), also may masquerade as food
poorly understood. The term enterocolitis may be misleading because allergy. Lactose and fructose malabsorption often are implicated in
direct evidence for allergic inflammation in the small intestine and children with recurrent abdominal pain; however, clinical trials
colon is missing. Clinical symptoms include profuse vomiting and have demonstrated that these conditions are generally not associ-
diarrhoea, with onset 2 to 4 hours after a meal. Protracted vomiting ated with recurrent abdominal pain unless a clear history of intol-
may lead to hypovolaemic shock, which is present in approximately erance to fruit or cow’s milk is evident (19).
20% of patients with FPIES. These infants present with pallor,
lethargy, and floppiness. Cutaneous signs are absent, which, apart
from the timing of reactions, is an important distinguishing clinical Lactose Intolerance/Malabsorption
feature against anaphylaxis. No diagnostic test, other than food
Lactose is a disaccharide that consists of 2 sugar molecules,
challenge, is available to confirm the diagnosis. The diagnosis is
glucose and galactose, that are linked via a b-1!4 glycosidic bond.
therefore often not established at first presentation, and infants may
Lactose is the main carbohydrate in human milk and occurs at a
develop recurrent FPIES reactions before this type of food allergy is
mean concentration of 56.8 g/L (range 43–65 g/L) (20). Lactose is
recognized (10). FPIES may be mistaken for gastroenteritis, sepsis, or
converted to lactic acid by intestinal bacteria, including Strepto-
even intestinal obstruction (11). Cow’s milk and soy are considered
coccus lactis (21). In addition, nonabsorbed lactase is fermented by
the main causative allergens (8). Solid foods, including rice, other
colonic bacteria to short-chain fatty acids (eg, butyrate) and hydro-
cereals, and poultry meats also may cause FPIES reactions in infancy
gen (22). In breast-fed infants, low-grade lactose malabsorption is
(12,13). FPIES to multiple food allergens is relatively common. The
considered physiological (23). In this age group, lactose may act as
condition does not appear to occur in breast-fed infants. Maternal
a conditional prebiotic; however, the prebiotic effects of lactose on
elimination diets in breast-fed infants are therefore not required (6).
faecal biodiversity and early immune modulation are still poorly
The treatment of FPIES involves strict avoidance of the offending
understood (22,24).
food proteins. Tolerance usually is assessed by food challenge at
Lactose requires enzymatic hydrolysis before its subunits
approximately 2 years of age. Because of the risk of significant
D-glucose and D-galactose can be absorbed (25). Lactase is a
vomiting and dehydration during a challenge, these challenges
member of the b-galactosidase family, with a molecular weight
usually are performed in hospital.
of 150 kDa. The enzyme is encoded by a gene located on chromo-
some 2 (26). Lactase is expressed in the brush border of mature
Food Protein–Induced Proctocolitis enterocytes’s enzyme and has its highest expression in the mid-
jejunum. Maximum lactase expression occurs during first months of
Food protein–induced proctocolitis is a relatively common life (27). Lactase transcription is gradually downregulated after
and benign form of GI food allergy that manifests with low-grade weaning. There are significant genetic and ethnic differences in the S39

Copyright 2013 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Shamir et al JPGN  Volume 57, Supplement 1, December 2013

rate of decline of lactase activity beyond infancy. In 65% to 70% of weight gain and linear growth. Older children may develop irritable
the world’s population, lactase activity significantly declines by bowel syndrome–like symptoms, with central abdominal pain and
adult life (nonpersistence). Lactase nonpersistence is linked to bloating. The dietary treatment involves the elimination of high-
2 main single nucleotide polymorphisms upstream from the lactase fructose foods (containing >3 g of fructose per serving). Elimin-
gene, C/T-13910 and G/A-22018 (28,29). Heterozygotes have ation of high-fructose fruit (eg, apple, pear, watermelon, raisins,
intermediate lactase levels and are more susceptible to secondary dried fruit), fruit juice, honey, and high-fructose corn syrup often is
lactose intolerance during illness. Lactase persistence is more sufficient in young children (38,39). The role of fructans (non-
common in people of northern European, west African or Middle absorbable fructose polymers) in children with fructose malabsorp-
Eastern backgrounds (30). tion is less clear. There is increasing evidence that diets low in
Congenital (primary) lactose malabsorption is a rare genetic fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and
disorder that occurs in mainly Finland and western Russia (31). polyols are effective in the treatment of adults with irritable bowel
Infants present with severe diarrhoea and growth failure in the syndrome (40); however, the use of low–fermentable oligosaccha-
newborn period. Lactase activity is low or completely absent from ride, disaccharide, monosaccharide, and polyol diets in young
an otherwise normal intestinal epithelium. Several mutations in the children is still controversial. The extent of fructose and fructan
lactase gene have been identified. Secondary lactose malabsorption elimination needs to be individualised in children. In general, the
is relatively common in infancy and is the result of another low-fructose diet can be relaxed over time. A paediatric dietitian
underlying disorder, including infective gastroenteritis, cow’s-milk should be involved to assess the nutritional adequacy of the diet and
protein–induced enteropathy, or rare epithelial dysplasia syn- to monitor growth parameters.
dromes. Viral GI infection and cow’s-milk enteropathy are by
far the most common causes of secondary lactose malabsorption Coeliac Disease and Noncoeliac Gluten
in infancy.
Lactose malabsorption in infancy presents with abdominal
distension, diarrhea, and perianal excoriation caused by acidic Coeliac disease (CD) is a gluten-sensitive autoimmune dis-
stools. Depending on the underlying pathology and duration of ease that has returned to the scientific spotlight. CD is currently
symptoms, weight gain also may be slow (32). The treatment in considered a common disorder. Population-based screening in
formula-fed infants consists of lactose restriction, by shifting to a Finland and Europe suggests a community prevalence of approxi-
lactose-reduced, cow’s-milk–based formula. In breast-fed infants, mately 1% (41,42). During the past decade, there have been
it is more difficult to limit the intake of lactose. Expressed breast significant breakthroughs in the understanding of the pathophysio-
milk can be incubated with lactase if symptoms are severe. The need logy of CD, particularly regarding the involvement of human
for ongoing lactose restriction depends on the type of the underlying leucocyte antigens (HLA-DQ2/DQ8) and tissue transglutaminase
process. In infants with infective gastroenteritis, adequate lactase in the immune processing of gluten-derived peptides by antigen-
activity is usually restored within 2 to 4 weeks; however, in very presenting cells and T lymphocytes (43,44). Highly sensitive and
young infants the recovery from gastroenteritis may be delayed. If specific serological markers such as serum IgA and IgG antibodies
cow’s-milk enteropathy is suspected, the infant should be started on against tissue transglutaminase and deamidated gliadin peptides
a hypoallergenic formula and dietary cow’s-milk protein should be have become available in recent years (45,46). The combination of
avoided. In breast-fed infants, a maternal cow’s-milk–free diet may HLA-DQ2/DQ8 screening and antibody testing has significantly
be beneficial. improved the diagnostic accuracy of the serological diagnosis of
CD. Despite these advances, the diagnosis of CD still requires
confirmation by small bowel biopsy (47–49).
Fructose Malabsorption The assessment of adverse reactions to wheat in children is
complex. Apart from CD, there is increasing recognition of non-
Fructose is a monosaccharide that occurs naturally in fruit, IgE-mediated wheat allergy (presenting with food protein–induced
honey, and some vegetables. Fructose is absorbed by glucose- proctocolitis or enterocolitis) and noncoeliac gluten sensitivity
facilitated absorption via the intestinal transporters GLUT2 and (NCGS) (50). The pathophysiology of NCGS is still poorly under-
GLUT5 (33). Absorption is increased in the presence of equimolar stood. Infants and children with non-IgE-mediated wheat allergy or
amounts (1:1) of glucose (34). Patients with fructose malabsorption NCGS do not have evidence of CD but have reproducible GI
have a limited capacity to absorb fructose. Fructose malabsorption reactions after gluten challenge. Fructans in wheat may contribute
is common in young children and generally improves with age. The to GI symptoms, although children with fructose malabsorption
diagnosis of fructose malabsorption often can be made by taking a often tolerate small amounts of wheat. From a practical perspective,
careful dietary history and by assessing the response to dietary it is important to rule out CD before wheat is eliminated from a
fructose restriction. Alternatively, the diagnosis can be made objec- child’s diet. A CD serology and HLA-DQ2/DQ8 screen is a useful
tively based on breath hydrogen testing after an oral fructose dose diagnostic tool to assess for possible CD. Slow reintroduction of
(35). Rates of fructose malabsorption (based on fructose breath increasing amounts of wheat into the diet, as tolerated, should be
hydrogen testing) were 88.2% in infants younger than 1 year of age, attempted in patients with non-IgE-mediated wheat allergy or
66.6% in 1- to 5-year-olds, 40.4% in 6- to 10-year-olds, and 27.1% NCGS; however, patients with CD need to remain on a lifelong,
in 10- to 15-year-olds (36). These results most likely reflect the strict gluten-free diet.
normal maturation of fructose absorption with age, and not all
children show clinical symptoms during a positive breath hydrogen
test. Debate, therefore, continues as to whether fructose malabsorp- REFERENCES
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Copyright 2013 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JPGN  Volume 57, Supplement 1, December 2013 Infant Crying, Colic, and GI Discomfort in Early Childhood

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