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Use Of

Dwadasamsa Chart
In Prediction
Padma‐Chakra Method‐2
Pramod Bhavasar, India.
Article No 2: Case Study
Date: 05.06.2008

Let us discuss actual case study on the


Birth Date: 15‐09‐1976
P.C. Bhavsar is one of the two masters Birth Time: 22:00
Birth Place: Ahmadabad (Gujarat‐India)
alive who teach & practice the Padma
Chakra Method. This method was initially
taught by a Yogi to his Guru Shri Nanubhai Planets Sign – Degree‐Minutes‐
from Ahmadabad. Mr Bhavsar is a BE Seconds
(Mech.), BE (Ele.) ME (Mech.) and retired Lagna 1‐2‐11‐10
HOD of Mechanical Department of Govt. Sun 4‐29‐24‐33
Polytechnic – Ahmadabad (Gujarat, India). Moon 1‐17‐52‐31
He has been honored with Jyotish Bhushan Mars 5‐21‐1‐3
by Bruhad Gujarat Astrological Society, Mercury 5‐11‐50‐13
Jupiter 1‐7‐38‐44
Jyotish Padma Shree by Ahmadabad
Venus 5‐32‐35‐57
Astrological Society (Navgrah), & Jyotish
Saturn 3‐18‐53‐41
Ratnam by Gujarat Astrological
Rahu 6‐12‐1‐48
Federation, Ahmadabad. The most Hershel 6‐11‐18‐23
outstanding characteristic of Shri Bhavasar Neptune 7‐17‐48‐51
is his acute humbleness and willingness to
share his methods within 2 minutes of
meeting him.

Lagna Chart

3  1 

4  Jupiter  12 
Saturn  Moon 

5  11 

6  10 
Mercury  8 
Pluto  Neptune  28/03/2008
7  9 

Dwadasamsa Chart

3  1

4  Mars  12 

5  11
Jupiter  Rahu 
Ketu  Saturn 

6  10
8  Mercury 

7  9 

Let us find out the year of age

15‐09‐1976 Birth Date
32 Years

She completes 32 years on 15‐09‐2008.

As I discussed earlier, for 1 year = 5 days and 5 hours is additional due to our method taking
360 days per year instead of the actually 365 days 5 hours per current calendar system. For
greater clarity please refer to my previous article in Vol3 of Saptarishis Astrology Aug 2008

Therefore, for 32 years =32 x 5 day = 160 days = 5 months and 10 days

And 32 x 5 hours = 160 hours = 0 months and 7 days

So, total becomes 5 Months and 17 Days.

Subtracting these months and days from 15‐09‐2008 we will get 28 – 03 – 2008

I.e. year of age 33 will start from date 28 – 03 – 2008.

In birth chart, as she completes 32 years, 32 / 12 = 8th house will be completed.

And 9th house will start from date 28 – 03 – 2008.

In the birth chart 9th house represents the following as discussed earlier,
1. Father 2. Owned House 3. Luck 4. Long Journey etc.

The lord of 9th house, in Birth Chart – Saturn is in third house.

Now 3rd house represents Brother or Sister, Neighbor, Father in Law etc.

In Vrishabh Lagna, 9th house is the Badhak (Badhak means worry, delay, obstacles etc.)
The lord of 9 th house is Saturn is called as Badhak – Planet.

So, the prediction will be as under from the date 28‐03‐2008 to 23‐3‐2009 i.e. during the age of
year 33

1. She has worries in her own house (i.e. Husbands House) – so difference of opinion
with husband can be there.
2. She left her husband’s house and lives at her father’s house
3. Her father is also in mental tension
4. Father in law and her own brother are also in mental tension
5. Due to all above mentioned factors they have difference of opinion among

How To Use Dwadasamsa Chart In Padma Chakra Method:‐

Step 1: Note the year lord (Saturn in this case)

Step 2: See its house position in the Dwadasamsa Chart (D12)
Step 3: Superimpose this Year Lord from Dwadasamsa Chart onto the Rasi Chart.

Saturn is in the 10th house – Kumbha (11) sign in D12. That means the working of Saturn is
in 10th house of Birth Chart. Now 10th house represents Mother in law and Job. Therefore she
has difference of opinion with her Mother in Law also. And her job is also affected due to all

Further more, 5th house in the Birth Chart represents 1st child, her first child is daughter and
child’s Birth Date is 20 – 04 – 1997 (i.e. 11 years old).
In this case the lord of 5th house is Mercury, this Mercury is in Makar Sign of Dwadasamsa
Chart – i.e. in 9th house. It means working of Mercury is in the 9th house of Birth Chart.

So, she came to her father’s house with her 11 year old daughter. And thus 1st child is also in
mental disturbance.

That is why due to above situation of mother’s charts – daughter is not able to live with her
father, grandfather and grandmother though she loves them like anything.

This scribe will try to demonstrate as many charts as possible through actual cases studies
on which predictions were made in advance using Padma Chakra method as taught by my
Guruji Late Shri Nanubhai.

Yogayatra of Varahamihira
If Karma nakshatra is afflicted in transit then the
remedy as per Varahamihira is – for 10 days to eat
food without salt in it, meat and liquor to avoid, to do
homam with honey and ghee and to take bath with
water that has been medicated with Durva (Dhub
Grass, Bermuda or Bahama Grass)–Priyangadu
(Tanguni), Sarso (Mustard) Saunf (Fennel) and
Shatavari (Asparagus).
- NakshatraKendubhadyaya, Verse 15 of
Yogayatra of Varahamihira

Samudayik Nakshatra (18th) if afflicted then gold

silver should be donated. When Vainasik (20-21-
22) nakshatra is afflicted then food should be
donated and land should be donated to a Competent
(Guni) Brahmin.
- NakshatraKendubhadyaya, Verse 17 of
Yogayatra of Varahamihira


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