Dariya Kozhakhmetova Storm On The Beach Copy Dariya Kozhakhmetova

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Writing EO2-1
Storm on the Beach
Marla watched five feet from shore as lightning covered the sky, and soon after let out

the roaring thunder. She thought about how minutes ago the sky was spotless, and the rays of the

golden sun were shining against her rosy red cheeks. Now they were stuck in the middle of a

thunder storm with the wheels of their truck swallowed by the sand. Turning her head towards

the truck she could barely see through the pouring rain how her dad and their family friend were

pushing the truck while grunting. The truck would move slightly, but then fall back down into its

hole. This pattern repeated over and over until they both went inside the car. Her father gave her

a wave signaling to come inside. Rushing to close the door restricting the rain from coming in,

she sat on the now damp back seat of their truck. Lighting flashed, making the image in her eyes

go completely shite for a moment. Shifting over to the middle seat, she now had a clear view of

the windshield. Raindrops struck the glass like bullets. Turning her attention to her father, she

noticed a small cut on his cheek.

“Dad, what happened to your cheek?” she asked.

“Oh I think I might have hit it against the car,” he said wiping a bit of the blood with his


“I-is mom going to be okay?” she asked nervously.

Last time she had seem her mother was when the storm just started. She had gone

walking down a dirt road to try and find help with getting the truck out. The storm had grown

much stronger, the wind had strengthened, and the lighting struck often. She sat there worrying

about whether her mother was alive and well.

“Don’t worry about her, Marla. She will be just fine,” he said in a concerned voice.
There was a long silence. Her father looked as if he would fall asleep any second. That

was when Mr. Blake, the family friend, popped up in his chair.

“I forgot I had this!” he exclaimed.

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a cell phone. Turning it on the black screen lit up

with a symbol of a battery flashing red.

“Here let’s see if we can charge it,” her father said.

He untangled a USB cord, and connected it to his car. Then, he turned the keys. The car

didn’t make a sound, and the control panel didn’t light up. Turning them once more there was

still no sound and no buttons lighting up. In frustration he leaned back into his chair covering his

face with his hands. Having lost hope, all of them eventually fell asleep.

The mother at this time had been walking through the powerful rain with only a shirt and

shorts on. She was walking down the dirt road, miraculously not getting stuck by lightning. With

every step her blistered feet ached more and more. Now, only her determination to get her family

home safely kept her going. Minutes later she saw what seemed like two lights in the far

distance. This was the first sign of civilization she had seen through her entire walk. Squinting

through the rain she confirmed that those were indeed lights, getting her hopes up, she picked up

her pace. With every step she took she got closer and closer to the lights until she was so close

that she realized the lights were on two sides of a brick house. She came up to the front door of

the house and knocked on the door. A woman was quick to respond by opening the door for her.

“I-I need help,” the mother said, “our car is stuck on the beach.”

“Hold on,” the woman said as she went back inside her house.

She then appeared with a blanket, and with a man behind her. The man held car keys.

They led her to their garage where a black jeep was parked. They all got inside, and the man
started driving. The mother showed them the dirt road on which she had come from. Sometime

later they were right next to the truck. The man reached for something in the back, and pulled out

a long rope. As the man was tying secure knots to both of the cars, the mother started banging on

the windows of the truck waking everyone up. The father stretched as he sat straight in his car

seat, and Mr. Blake rubbed his eyes opening them heavily. Once Marla had seen her mother tears

dropped down her face as she realized her mother was alive and well. The man got into his jeep,

started it up, and started pulling on the truck. After several attempts, the truck was no longer

stuck in the sand. Marla got out of the truck and ran up to hug her mother. They gave each other

a tight hug as tears poured down both of their faces.

“I missed you so much!” Marla mumbled as her body submerged in her mother’s arms.

The father came up to the mother and daughter pair, and hugged both of them giving his wife a

kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you!” the father exclaimed turning towards the man and woman, “Do you know

where we can get gas?”

The man then turned around, and got out a bottle full of gas out of his truck. Once the

father poured some in his car, the family thanked the strangers and they all drove back to their


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