HT Short Q & A

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Q : What is heat ?
Heat is a form of energy.
Q : What is heat transfer ?
It is defined as the transmission of energy from one region to another as
a result of temperature gradient.
Q : What is heat flux ?
Heat flux is defined as heat transfer rate per unit area.
Q : Define conduction.
Conduction is the transfer of heat from one part of the substance to another
part of same substance, or from one substance to another in physical
contact with it, without appreciable displacement of molecules forming the
Q : Define convection.
Convection is the transfer of heat within a fluid by mixing of one portion of
the fluid with another.
Q : Define Radiation.
Radiation is the transfer of heat through space or matter by means other
than conduction or convection.
Q : Fourier’s law………..?
It states that heat transfer per unit area in a direction perpendicular to heat
flow is directly proportional to temperature gradient.
Q : Define temperature gradient.
It is defined as the rate of change of temperature of different cross-section
with distance.
Q : What is thermal conductivity ? (K)
It is the ability of material to conduct heat. It is also defined as the rate of
heat transfer through unit thickness of the material per unit area per unit
temperature difference.
𝑸 = −𝑲𝑨
Q : Define newton’s law of cooling.
Heat transfer per unit area is directly proportional to temperature
difference between the surface and temperature of fluid.
∝ (𝑻𝒔 − 𝑻𝒇 ) = 𝒉(𝑻𝒔 − 𝑻𝒇 )

Q : Define coefficient of convective heat transfer. (h)

The amount of heat transmitted for a unit temperature difference between
the fluid and unit area of surface in unit time.
Q : Define Wein’s law.
It states that the wavelength 𝝀𝒎 corresponding to the maximum energy is
inversely proportional to the absolute temperature T of the hot body.
𝝀𝒎 ∝
Q : Define kirchhoff’s law.
It states that the ratio of emissive power of a body to that of absorptivity is
constant for all the bodies.
= 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕
Q : Define Stefan boltzman law.
It states that emissive power of a black body is directly proportional to the
fourth power of absolute temperature.
𝑬𝒃 ∝ 𝑻𝟒
Q : Define thermal diffusivity.
Thermal diffusivity is the ratio of thermal conductivity to the heat thermal
capacity. 𝜶=

Q : Define thermal resistance.

Thermal resistance is a heat property and a measurement of a temperature
difference by which an object or material resists a heat flow. It is the
reciprocal of thermal conductance.
(𝑲 ∗ 𝑨)
Q : Define thermal contact resistance.
It is defined as the ratio between the temperature drop and the average
heat flow across the interface.
Q : When to use overall heat transfer coefficient ?
Overall heat transfer coefficient is used when heat transfer takes place by
conduction and convection both.
Q : Define insulation.
A material which retards the flow of heat with reasonable effectiveness is
known as insulation.
Q : Define critical thickness ?
The radius of insulation for which the heat transfer is maximum is called
critical radius of insulation, and the corresponding thickness is called
critical thickness.
Q : Define fins.
It is possible to increase the heat transfer rate by increasing the surface of
heat transfer. The surfaces used for increasing heat transfer are called
extended surfaces or sometimes known as fins.
Q : Effect of temperature on thermal conductivity.
# Temperature Thermal conductivity
Pure Metal ↑ ↓
Alloys ↑ ↑
Liquids ↑ ↓
Gases ↑ ↑

Q : Define efficiency of fin.

It is defined as the ratio of actual heat transferred by the fin to the maximum
heat transferable by fin.
Q : Define effectiveness of fin.
It is the ratio of the fin heat transfer rate to the heat transfer rate that would
exist without a fin.
Q : Types of fins.
Rectangular fin.
Tapered fin.
Radial plate fin.
Disk fin.
Pin fin.
Q : Transient/unsteady state heat condition.
It represent the condition where heat flow and temperature distribution at
any point in the system vary continuously with respect to time.
Q : Define Lumped Parameter system.
It is the condition in solid with infinite thermal conductivity.
Q: Define Reynolds number.
It is defined as the ratio of the inertia force to viscous force.
Q: Define printal number.
It is the ratio of kinematic viscosity to the thermal diffusivity.
Q: Define nusselt number.
It is the ratio of heat transfer rate by convection under a unit temperature
to the heat transfer rate by conduction under a unit temperature.
Q: Define Grashoff number.
It is the ratio of product of inertial force and bounce force to the square of
viscous force.
Q: What is characteristic length ?
It is defined as the ratio of volume to the area of a body.
Q : Define boundary layer thickness.
It is defined as the distance from the boundary in which the velocity reaches
99% of the velocity of the free stream .
Q : Define laminar zone.
Length of the plate from leading edge upto which laminar boundary layer
exist is called laminar zone.
Q : Define free/natural convection.
It is the process of heat transfer which occurs due to movement of the fluid
particles by density changes associated with temperature differential in a
Q : Define boiling.
Boiling is the convective heat transfer process that involves a phase change
from liquid to vapour state.
Q : Define film condensation.
If the condensate tends to wet the surface and thereby forms a liquid film,
then it is known as film condensation.
Q : Define dropwise condensation.
In dropwise condensation the vapour condenses into small liquid droplets
of various sizes which fall down the surface in random fashion.
Q : Define heat exchanger.
It may be defined as an equipment which transfers the energy from a hot
fluid to a cold fluid, with maximum rate and minimum investment and
running cost.
Q : Types of heat exchanger.
Direct contact.
Indirect contact – (regenerators, recuperators).
Parallel flow.
Counter flow.
Crossed flow.
Concentric tube.
Shell and tube.
Q : Define direct contact heat exchanger.
In this kind of heat exchanger, the exchange of heat takes place by direct
mixing of hot and cold fluids and transfer of heat and mass takes place
Q : Define indirect contact heat exchangers.
In this kind of heat exchanger, the heat transfer between two fluids could
be carried out by transmission through wall which separates the two fluids.
Q : Define regenerators.
In a regenerator type of heat exchanger the hot and cold fluids pass
alternately through a space containing solid particles.
Q : Define recuperators.
It is the most important type of heat exchanger in which the flowing fluids
exchanging heat are on either side of dividing wall.
Q : Define parallel flow heat exchanger.
Two fluid streams (hot and cold) travel in same direction.
Q : Define counter flow heat exchanger.
Two fluids flow in opposite direction.
Q : Define crossed flow heat exchanger.
Two fluids cross one another in space, usually at right angles.
Q : Define LMTD.
Logarithmic mean temperature difference is defined as that temperature
difference which , if constant, would give the same rate of heat transfer
actually occurs under variable conditions of temperature difference.
Q : What is fouling in heat exchanger ?
Phenomenon of rust formation and deposition of fluid impurities is called
Q : What is capacity ratio ?
The ratio of the product of mass flow rate and the heat capacity of cold
fluid to the hot fluid is termed as capacity ratio.
Q : Define effectiveness of heat exchanger.
It is defined as the ratio of actual heat transfer to the maximum possible
heat transfer.
Q : Define NTU.
Number transfer unit is defined as the ratio of heat capacity of heat
exchanger to minimum heat capacity of fluid.
Q : When to use LMTD & NTU method.
If terminal temperatures are given then LMTD method is preferable and
if terminal temperatures are missing then NTU method is used.
Q : Define total emissive power.
It is defined as the total amount of radiation emitted by a body per unit area
and time.
Q : Define monochromatic (spectral) emissive power.
It is defined as the rate of energy radiated per unit area of the surface per
unit wavelength.
Q : Define Emissivity.
It is defined as the ability of the surface of a body to radiate heat.
It is also defined as the ratio of the emissive power of any body to the
emissive power of a black body of equal temperature.
Q : Define Absorptivity, Reflectivity, Transmissivity and Radiosity.
Absorptivity is a measure of how much radiation is absorbed by the body.
Reflectivity is a measure of how much of the radiation is reflected.
Transmissivity is the measure of how much radiation passes through the
Radiosity is defined as the total energy leaving a surface per unit area and
per unit time.
Q : Define black body.

A black body is one which neither reflects nor transmits any part of the
incident radiation but absorbs all of it.
Q : Define opaque body.
When no incident radiation is transmitted through the body, it is called an
opaque body.
Q : Define white body.
If all the incident radiation falling on the body are reflected, then it is
known as white body.
Q : Define gray body.
A gray body is defined as one whose absorptivity of a surface does not
vary with temperature and wavelength of the incident radiation.
Q : Define coloured body.
It is one whose absorptivity of a surface varies with the wavelength of
Q : Define intensity of radiation.
It is defined as the rate of emitted energy from unit surface area through
unit solid angle.

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