Calculation Note

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Design of fixed beam-to-

column connection
EN 1993-1-8:2005/AC:2009 Ratio

Connection no.: 1
Connection name: Frame knee

Section: I 250x125x6x9
= -90 [Deg] Inclination angle
hc = 250 [mm] Height of column section
bfc = 125 [mm] Width of column section
twc = 6 [mm] Thickness of the web of column section
tfc = 9 [mm] Thickness of the flange of column section
Ac = 36.42 [cm2] Cross-sectional area of a column
Ixc = 3892.933 [cm4] Moment of inertia of the column section
Material: STEEL A36
fyc = 248.21 [MPa] Resistance
Section: I 250x125x6x9
= 13 [Deg] Inclination angle
hb = 250 [mm] Height of beam section
bf = 125 [mm] Width of beam section
twb = 6 [mm] Thickness of the web of beam section
tfb = 9 [mm] Thickness of the flange of beam section
rb = 0 [mm] Radius of beam section fillet
Ab = 36.42 [cm2] Cross-sectional area of a beam
Ixb = 3892.933 [cm4] Moment of inertia of the beam section
Material: STEEL A36
fyb = 248.21 [MPa] Resistance

The shear plane passes through the UNTHREADED portion of the bolt.
d= 16 [mm] Bolt diameter
Class = A325 Bolt class
FtRd = 117.9 [kN] Tensile resistance of a bolt
nh = 2 Number of bolt columns
nv = 4 Number of bolt rows
h1 = 65 [mm] Distance between first bolt and upper edge of front plate
Horizontal spacing ei = 75 [mm]
Vertical spacing pi = 125;125;125 [mm]
hp = 525 [mm] Plate height
bp = 125 [mm] Plate width
tp = 10 [mm] Plate thickness
Material: STEEL A36
fyp = 248.21 [MPa] Resistance
Lower stiffener
wd = 125 [mm] Plate width
tfd = 9 [mm] Flange thickness
hd = 250 [mm] Plate height
twd = 6 [mm] Web thickness
ld = 810 [mm] Plate length
= 28.7 [Deg] Inclination angle
Material: STEEL A36
fybu = 248.21 [MPa] Resistance
Column stiffener
hsu = 232 [mm] Stiffener height
bsu = 60 [mm] Stiffener width
thu = 8 [mm] Stiffener thickness
Material: STEEL A36
fysu = 248.21 [MPa] Resistance
hsd = 232 [mm] Stiffener height
bsd = 60 [mm] Stiffener width
thd = 8 [mm] Stiffener thickness
Material: STEEL A36
fysu = 248.21 [MPa] Resistance
Fillet welds
aw = 8 [mm] Web weld
af = 8 [mm] Flange weld
as = 8 [mm] Stiffener weld
afd = 5 [mm] Horizontal weld

Material factors
M0 = 1 Partial safety factor [2.2]
M1 = 1 Partial safety factor [2.2]
M2 = 1.25 Partial safety factor [2.2]
M3 = 1.25 Partial safety factor [2.2]

Ultimate limit state

Case: Manual calculations.
Mb1,Ed = 55.61 [kN*m] Bending moment in the right beam
Vb1,Ed = 38.62 [kN] Shear force in the right beam
Nb1,Ed = 25.03 [kN] Axial force in the right beam
Beam resistances

Ab = 36.42 [cm2] Area EN1993-1-1:[6.2.3]
Ntb,Rd = Ab fyb / M0
Ntb,Rd = 903.99 [kN] Design tensile resistance of the section EN1993-1-1:[6.2.3]

Avb = 28.92 [cm2] Shear area EN1993-1-1:[6.2.6.(3)]
Vcb,Rd = Avb (fyb / 3) / M0
Vcb,Rd = 414.44 [kN] Design sectional resistance for shear EN1993-1-1:[6.2.6.(2)]
Vb1,Ed / Vcb,Rd ≤ 1,0 0.09 < 1.00 verified -0.09


W plb = 351.861 [cm3] Plastic section modulus EN1993-1-1:[6.2.5.(2)]
Mb,pl,Rd = W plb fyb / M0
Mb,pl,Rd = 87.34 [kN*m] Plastic resistance of the section for bend EN1993-1-1:[6.2.5.(2)]


W pl = 960.66 [cm3] Plastic section modulus EN1993-1-1:[6.2.5]
Mcb,Rd = W pl fyb / M0
Mcb,Rd = 238.45 [kN*m] Design resistance of the section for bend EN1993-1-1:[6.2.5]

Mcb,Rd = 238.45 [kN*m] Design resistance of the section for bend EN1993-1-1:[6.2.5]
hf = 497 [mm] Distance between the centroids of flange []
Fc,fb,Rd = Mcb,Rd / hf
Fc,fb,Rd = 479.94 [kN] Resistance of the compressed flange an []



= 13 [Deg] Angle between the front plate and the beam
= 28.7 [Deg] Inclination angle of the bracket plate
beff,c,wb = 131 [mm] Effective width of the web for compressio []
Avb = 13.92 [cm2] Shear area EN1993-1-1:[6.2.6.(3)]
= 0.84 Reduction factor for interaction with shea []
com,Ed = 150.35 [MPa] Maximum compressive stress in web []
kwc = 1 Reduction factor conditioned by compres []
Fc,wb,Rd1 = [ kwc beff,c,wb twb fyb / M0] cos() / sin( - )
Fc,wb,Rd1 = 530.25 [kN] Beam web resistance []

dwb = 220 [mm] Height of compressed web []
p = 0.93 Plate slenderness of an element []
= 0.85 Reduction factor for element buckling []
Fc,wb,Rd2 = [ kwc  beff,c,wb twb fyb / M1] cos() / sin( - )
Fc,wb,Rd2 = 448.31 [kN] Beam web resistance []

Final resistance:
Fc,wb,Rd,low = Min (Fc,wb,Rd1 , Fc,wb,Rd2)
Fc,wb,Rd,low = 448.31 [kN] Beam web resistance []

Column resistances


Mb1,Ed = 55.61 [kN*m] Bending moment (right beam) [5.3.(3)]
Mb2,Ed = 0 [kN*m] Bending moment (left beam) [5.3.(3)]
Vc1,Ed = 0 [kN] Shear force (lower column) [5.3.(3)]
Vc2,Ed = 0 [kN] Shear force (upper column) [5.3.(3)]
z= 384 [mm] Lever arm [6.2.5]
Vwp,Ed = (Mb1,Ed - Mb2,Ed) / z - (Vc1,Ed - Vc2,Ed) / 2
Vwp,Ed = 144.84 [kN] Shear force acting on the web panel [5.3.(3)]

Avs = 13.92 [cm ] Shear area of the column web EN1993-1-1:[6.2.6.(3)]
Avc = 13.92 [cm2] Shear area EN1993-1-1:[6.2.6.(3)]
ds = 497 [mm] Distance between the centroids of stiffen []
Mpl,fc,Rd = 0.63 [kN*m] Plastic resistance of the column flange fo []
Mpl,stu,Rd = 0.5 [kN*m] Plastic resistance of the upper transvers []
Mpl,stl,Rd = 0.5 [kN*m] Plastic resistance of the lower transverse []
Vwp,Rd = 0.9 ( Avs*fy,wc ) / (3 M0) + Min(4 Mpl,fc,Rd / ds , (2 Mpl,fc,Rd + Mpl,stu,Rd + Mpl,stl,Rd) / ds)
Vwp,Rd = 184.06 [kN] Resistance of the column web panel for []

Vwp,Ed / Vwp,Rd ≤ 1,0 0.79 < 1.00 verified -0.79



twc = 6 [mm] Effective thickness of the column web []
beff,c,wc = 128 [mm] Effective width of the web for compressio []
Avc = 13.92 [cm2] Shear area EN1993-1-1:[6.2.6.(3)]
= 0.85 Reduction factor for interaction with shea []
com,Ed = 0 [MPa] Maximum compressive stress in web []
kwc = 1 Reduction factor conditioned by compres []
As = 9.52 [cm2] Area of the web stiffener EN1993-1-1:[6.2.4]
Fc,wc,Rd1 =  kwc beff,c,wc twc fyc / M0 + As fys / M0
Fc,wc,Rd1 = 397.28 [kN] Column web resistance []

dwc = 220 [mm] Height of compressed web []
p = 0.92 Plate slenderness of an element []
= 0.85 Reduction factor for element buckling []
s = 5.95 Stiffener slenderness EN1993-1-1:[]
s = 1 Buckling coefficient of the stiffener EN1993-1-1:[]
Fc,wc,Rd2 =  kwc  beff,c,wc twc fyc / M1 + As s fys / M1
Fc,wc,Rd2 = 373.54 [kN] Column web resistance []

Final resistance:
Fc,wc,Rd,low = Min (Fc,wc,Rd1 , Fc,wc,Rd2)
Fc,wc,Rd = 373.54 [kN] Column web resistance []

Connection resistance for

Ft,Rd = 117.9 [kN] Bolt resistance for tension [Table 3.4]

Bp,Rd = 129.2 [kN] Punching shear resistance of a bolt [Table 3.4]

Nj,Rd = Min (Ntb,Rd , nv nh Ft,Rd , nv nh Bp,Rd)

Nj,Rd = 903.99 [kN] Connection resistance for tension [6.2]

Nb1,Ed / Nj,Rd ≤ 1,0 0.03 < 1.00 verified -0.03

Connection resistance for

Ft,Rd = 117.9 [kN] Bolt resistance for tension [Table 3.4]

Bp,Rd = 129.2 [kN] Punching shear resistance of a bolt [Table 3.4]

Ft,fc,Rd – column flange resistance due to bending

Ft,wc,Rd – column web resistance due to tension
Ft,ep,Rd – resistance of the front plate due to bending
Ft,wb,Rd – resistance of the web in tension

Ft,fc,Rd = Min (FT,1,fc,Rd , FT,2,fc,Rd , FT,3,fc,R [] , [Tab.6.2]

Ft,wc,Rd =  beff,t,wc twc fyc / M0 []
Ft,ep,Rd = Min (FT,1,ep,Rd , FT,2,ep,Rd , FT,3,e [] , [Tab.6.2]
Ft,wb,Rd = beff,t,wb twb fyb / M0 []

NO. 1

Ft1,Rd,comp - Formula Ft1,Rd,comp Component

Ft1,Rd = Min (Ft1,Rd,comp) 108.4 Bolt row resistance
Ft,fc,Rd(1) = 108.40 108.4 Column flange - tension
Ft,wc,Rd(1) = 169.42 169.42 Column web - tension
Ft,ep,Rd(1) = 133.82 133.82 Front plate - tension
Ft,wb,Rd(1) = 204.34 204.34 Beam web - tension
Bp,Rd = 258.39 258.39 Bolts due to shear punching
Vwp,Rd/ = 184.06 184.06 Web panel - shear
Fc,wc,Rd = 373.54 373.54 Column web - compression
Fc,fb,Rd = 479.94 479.94 Beam flange - compression
Fc,wb,Rd = 448.31 448.31 Beam web - compression

NO. 2

Ft2,Rd,comp - Formula Ft2,Rd,comp Component

Ft2,Rd = Min (Ft2,Rd,comp) 75.66 Bolt row resistance
Ft,fc,Rd(2) = 105.11 105.11 Column flange - tension
Ft,wc,Rd(2) = 165.84 165.84 Column web - tension
Ft,ep,Rd(2) = 129.76 129.76 Front plate - tension
Ft,wb,Rd(2) = 198.14 198.14 Beam web - tension
Bp,Rd = 258.39 258.39 Bolts due to shear punching
Vwp,Rd/ - ∑11 Fti,Rd = 184.06 - 108.40 75.66 Web panel - shear
Fc,wc,Rd - ∑11 Ftj,Rd = 373.54 - 108.40 265.15 Column web - compression
Fc,fb,Rd - ∑11 Ftj,Rd = 479.94 - 108.40 371.54 Beam flange - compression
Fc,wb,Rd - ∑11 Ftj,Rd = 448.31 - 108.40 339.91 Beam web - compression
Ft,fc,Rd(2 + 1) - ∑11 Ftj,Rd = 203.97 - 108.40 95.57 Column flange - tension - group
Ft,wc,Rd(2 + 1) - ∑11 Ftj,Rd = 238.00 - 108.40 129.61 Column web - tension - group
Ft,ep,Rd(2 + 1) - ∑11 Ftj,Rd = 251.82 - 108.40 143.42 Front plate - tension - group
Ft,wb,Rd(2 + 1) - ∑11 Ftj,Rd = 384.51 - 108.4 276.11 Beam web - tension - group

NO. 3

Ft3,Rd,comp - Formula Ft3,Rd,comp Component

Ft3,Rd = Min (Ft3,Rd,comp) 0 Bolt row resistance
Ft,fc,Rd(3) = 105.11 105.11 Column flange - tension
Ft,wc,Rd(3) = 165.84 165.84 Column web - tension
Ft,ep,Rd(3) = 129.76 129.76 Front plate - tension
Ft,wb,Rd(3) = 198.14 198.14 Beam web - tension
Bp,Rd = 258.39 258.39 Bolts due to shear punching
Vwp,Rd/ - ∑1 Fti,Rd = 184.06 - 184.06 0 Web panel - shear
Fc,wc,Rd - ∑12 Ftj,Rd = 373.54 - 184.06 189.48 Column web - compression
Fc,fb,Rd - ∑12 Ftj,Rd = 479.94 - 184.06 295.88 Beam flange - compression
Fc,wb,Rd - ∑12 Ftj,Rd = 448.31 - 184.06 264.24 Beam web - compression
Ft,fc,Rd(3 + 2) - ∑22 Ftj,Rd = 197.50 - 75.66 121.84 Column flange - tension - group
Ft,wc,Rd(3 + 2) - ∑2 Ftj,Rd = 235.03 - 75.66 159.36 Column web - tension - group
Ft,fc,Rd(3 + 2 + 1) - ∑21 Ftj,Rd = 302.72 - 184 118.66 Column flange - tension - group
Ft,wc,Rd(3 + 2 + 1) - ∑21 Ftj,Rd = 267.64 - 184 83.58 Column web - tension - group
Ft,ep,Rd(3 + 2) - ∑22 Ftj,Rd = 243.83 - 75.66 168.17 Front plate - tension - group
Ft,wb,Rd(3 + 2) - ∑22 Ftj,Rd = 372.32 - 75.66 296.65 Beam web - tension - group
Ft,ep,Rd(3 + 2 + 1) - ∑21 Ftj,Rd = 373.73 - 184 189.67 Front plate - tension - group
Ft,wb,Rd(3 + 2 + 1) - ∑21 Ftj,Rd = 570.67 - 184 386.6 Beam web - tension - group
g ( y
do not carry loads) because
resistance of one of the connection
components has been used up or
these bolts are positioned below the
center of rotation.


Nr hj Ftj,Rd Ft,fc,Rd Ft,wc,Rd Ft,ep,Rd Ft,wb,Rd Ft,Rd

1 446 108.4 108.4 169.42 133.82 204.34 235.81
2 321 75.66 105.11 165.84 129.76 198.14 235.81
3 196 - 105.11 165.84 129.76 198.14 235.81
4 71 - 106.73 167.62 129.76 198.14 235.81


Mj,Rd = ∑ hj Ftj,Rd
Mj,Rd = 72.72 [kN*m] Connection resistance for bending [6.2]

Mb1,Ed / Mj,Rd ≤ 1,0 0.76 < 1.00 verified -0.76

Connection resistance for

v = 0.6 Coefficient for calculation of Fv,Rd [Table 3.4]

Lf = 0.96 Reduction factor for long connections [3.8]
Fv,Rd = 75.12 [kN] Shear resistance of a single bolt [Table 3.4]
Ft,Rd,max = 117.9 [kN] Tensile resistance of a single bolt [Table 3.4]
Fb,Rd,int = 114.23 [kN] Bearing resistance of an intermediate bo [Table 3.4]
Fb,Rd,ext = 101.31 [kN] Bearing resistance of an outermost bolt [Table 3.4]

Nr Ftj,Rd,N Ftj,Ed,N Ftj,Rd,M Ftj,Ed,M Ftj,Ed Fvj,Rd

1 235.81 6.26 108.4 82.9 89.16 109.66
2 235.81 6.26 75.66 57.87 64.12 121.05
3 235.81 6.26 0 0 6.26 147.38
4 235.81 6.26 0 0 6.26 147.38

Ftj,Rd,N – Bolt row resistance for simple tension

Ftj,Ed,N – Force due to axial force in a bolt row
Ftj,Rd,M – Bolt row resistance for simple bending
Ftj,Ed,M – Force due to moment in a bolt row
Ftj,Ed – Maximum tensile force in a bolt row
Fvj,Rd – Reduced bolt row resistance

Ftj,Ed,N = Nj,Ed Ftj,Rd,N / Nj,Rd

Ftj,Ed,M = Mj,Ed Ftj,Rd,M / Mj,Rd
Ftj,Ed = Ftj,Ed,N + Ftj,Ed,M
Fvj,Rd = Min (nh Fv,Ed (1 - Ftj,Ed/ (1.4 nh Ft,Rd,max), nh Fv,Rd , nh Fb,Rd))

Vj,Rd = nh ∑1n Fvj,Rd [Table 3.4]

Vj,Rd = 525.48 [kN] Connection resistance for shear [Table 3.4]

Vb1,Ed / Vj,Rd ≤ 1,0 0.07 < 1.00 verified -0.07

Weld resistance
Aw = 131.975 [cm2] Area of all welds []
Awy = 55.52 [cm2] Area of horizontal welds []
Awz = 76.455 [cm2] Area of vertical welds []
Iwy = 38846.109 [cm4] Moment of inertia of the weld arrangeme []
max=max = 25.67 [MPa] Normal stress in a weld []
= = 24.41 [MPa] Stress in a vertical weld []
II = 5.05 [MPa] Tangent stress []
w = 0.85 Correlation coefficient []

[max2 + 3*(max2)] ≤ fu/(w*M2) 51.35 < 376.37 verified -0.14

2 2 2
[ + 3*( +II )] ≤ fu/(w*M2) 49.59 < 376.37 verified -0.13
 ≤ 0.9*fu/M2 25.67 < 287.93 verified -0.09

Connection stiffness
twash = 4 [mm] Washer thickness []
hhead = 12 [mm] Bolt head height []
hnut = 16 [mm] Bolt nut height []
Lb = 41 [mm] Bolt length []
k10 = 8 [mm] Stiffness coefficient of bolts [6.3.2.(1)]


Nr hj k3 k4 k5 keff,j keff,j hj keff,j hj
Sum 11.577 389.359
1 446 2 5 7 1 5.131 229.086
2 321 2 5 7 1 3.499 112.488
3 196 2 5 7 1 2.139 42.012
4 71 2 5 7 1 0.808 5.773

keff,j = 1 / (∑35 (1 / ki,j)) []

zeq = ∑j keff,j hj2 / ∑j keff,j hj

zeq = 336 [mm] Equivalent force arm []

keq = ∑j keff,j hj / zeq

keq = 3 [mm] Equivalent stiffness coefficient of a bolt a []

Avc = 13.92 [cm ] Shear area EN1993-1-1:[6.2.6.(3)]
= 1 Transformation parameter [5.3.(7)]
z= 336 [mm] Lever arm [6.2.5]
k1 = 2 [mm] Stiffness coefficient of the column web p [6.3.2.(1)]
k2 =  Stiffness coefficient of the compressed c [6.3.2.(1)]

Sj,ini = E zeq / ∑i (1 / k1 + 1 / k2 + 1 / keq [6.3.1.(4)]
Sj,ini = 24414.72 [kN*m] Initial rotational stiffness [6.3.1.(4)]

= 1.45 Stiffness coefficient of a connection [6.3.1.(6)]

Sj = Sj,ini /  [6.3.1.(4)]
Sj = 16853.4 [kN*m] Final rotational stiffness [6.3.1.(4)]

Sj,rig = 12454.15 [kN*m] Stiffness of a rigid connection []
Sj,pin = 778.38 [kN*m] Stiffness of a pinned connection []

Sj,ini  Sj,rig RIGID

Weakest component:

Distance of bolts from an edge is too la 85 [mm] > 80 [mm]
The thickness of bracket flange is less 9 [mm] < 9 [mm]

Connection conforms to
the code Ratio 0.79

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