What Is Push and Pull Marketing - Passion Digital®

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What is Push and Pull


It is argued that two types of marketing exisit. Within digital marketing and marketing as a
whole, strategies can be categorised as displaying either Push or Pull marketing techniques.
The fundamental difference between the two lies in how the consumer is approached by the firm.
With Push Marketing, the notion of promotion is to push your product on to the consumer, as the
consumer is not actively seeking your product, whereas Pull Marketing is associated with
consumers actively seeking your product, in response to direct demand. If that doesn’t quite make
sense yet, we’ve laid it out in a little more detail below.

Push Marketing
What is it?
Push marketing defines a promotional strategy in which businesses attempt to take their products
to the customers – consumers are not actively seeking a product or service, but are introduced to it
through active promotion such as billboards, TV advertising and cold-calling in the hope that they
will develop a desire to engage in purchasing said product or service. Within digital marketing, Push
Marketing is enacted by means of display advertising (https://passion.digital/services/ppc/display-
advertising/) and cold-emailing, again placing the product or service directly in front of the
consumer in the hope of raising brand awareness and ultimately, making a sale.
Overall, the term “Push” envelops the idea that marketers are attempting to push their products at
consumers, flaunting  case studies
products (https://passion.digital/case-studies/)
to consumers. training
This form of marketing can therefore be (https://passion.digita
associated with younger brands trying to build brand image and market share, and can be employed
particularly effectively in marketing fast moving consumer goods, inducing higher rates of short
term sales.
Examples of Push Marketing strategies:
– Face-to-face sales, for example in a showroom.
– Point of sale (POS) displays, such as brand named objects in a shop in order to attract attention
and promote sales
– Trade Show promotion
– Attractive packaging design to encourage purchases
Examples of Push strategies within digital marketing
– Display advertising, whereby companies use text and logos to attract potential consumers who
may not have otherwise seen the company
– Cold emails, this is a classic example of push marketing where the company will send out an
email to people with a perceived interest in their product in order to increase brand recognition

Pull Marketing
What is it?
Pull marketing relies on much the opposite, in that consumers will actively seek out a brand for its
products or services because they are already aware of its reputation. In terms of marketing,
through intensive advertising, the aim is to establish a brand that becomes inherently linked with
customer satisfaction, as products provide value for the end user. Therefore, what’s required from a
digital marketing perspective is that consumers will be influenced by effective Search Engine
Optimisation, Pay Per Click strategies (https://passion.digital/blog/2014/03/14/ppc-basics-pt2-
create-successful-ad-copy/), blogs, content marketing and Social Media campaigns and so come
to the company of their own volition. Overall, pull marketing relies on the generation of brand
loyalty and therefore growing rates of repeat custom.
Examples of Pull Marketing strategies:
– Extensive advertising campaigns, these are associated with intense marketing in order to promote
an ideology and therefore brand loyalty, for example Porsche who conduct little constant
advertising, yet the consumer seeks them.
Examples of Pull strategies within digital marketing
– Search Engine Optimisation (https://passion.digital/services/seo/) (SEO), whereby companies
will attempt to promote their website as highly a possible on the organic results of a search engines
findings in order to instigate interest.
– Pay per Click (PPC) (https://passion.digital/services/ppc/) whereby a company will pay the
publisher for each click their companies’ website receives. This form of pull marketing is conducted
in order to attract the most appropriate people to your site and therefore increase the conversion
– Social Media (https://passion.digital/services/social-media/), this involves promoting your brand
to potential consumers via websites such as facebook or twitter.

Multi-Channel Marketing

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