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Michael’s Sermon for Sunday.


I want to thank Archbishop Joseph Alexander, Sunday School Superintendent

Aunty J, Senior Pastor Lady Alexander, Resident Pastor Garth Allen, and all of the
leadership for this opportunity to speak to you today. I also want to thank all the
members of the New Covenant family who are worshipping today. I feel deeply
honored to be preaching on Children’s Day. The glory truly belongs to Jesus
Christ our Savior.


The title for my sermon today is “Be the Light”

Read Passage.

The passage today is taken from Matthew 5:3-16.

How do we becoming the light of the world. There are three ways to

become the light of God. 1) Accept Christ’s role in our lives. 2) Make

sure that other people can see the light of Christ in us. 3) Give glory to

God in what we do and where we are.

1) Accept Christ’s Role in our lives

Church Business Anecdote.

At church little Jane had listened to a sermon on "Let Your Light Shine."

The only part she remembered was the text, but she didn't understand

what it meant until her mother explained, "It means being good, obedient,

and cheerful." In the afternoon there was trouble in the nursery, and Jane

excused herself for being naughty by saying, "I've blowed myself out." —

Church Business.


- Without Christ in us, there is no light. There is only darkness.

- Martin Luther King Jr- “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can

do that. 

- It took Christ and his light, the true light, to drive out our darkness.

- Because When Christ comes into our lives he brings the light with


- But Christ does not keep the light to himself he imparts it to us.

- Light is 3 things. 1) The light of God is salvation. 2) The light of

God is revelation. 2) The Light of God is power.

- 1)The Light of God is salvation - When we get saved, we recognize

the power of Christ over our lives. We say that we are in darkness

without Christ and he is the only one who could save. The light

came from God to man. Christ did not just reveal his light to us

when we got saved. No, the light of Christ was working on us long

before that. It was working in our mother’s prayers before we were

saved.It was working in our father who prayed for us as he went to

church. It was working in our aunts who were doing intercession on

our behalf.

- 3) The Light of God is revelation. It is Christ revealed to us. God

has revealed who he is through the Light of Christ. And because

Christ has reveal himself to us, we can reveal who Christ is to other


- The Light of God is power. Light is also power. When God called

the light onto the earth, he was exercising power in heaven and in

earth. He used the light for His purpose.

- When you turn on the lights, the power of electricity goes through

your house. The places that were dark are now light. Now you can

use the light to do what you wish, whether it is to read, to watch tv

or something else.

- The Light of God has given us power. When we call upon the name

of Jesus, the light of Jesus goes through us and gives us power. We

can use the light of God for the purpose of God and for the

kingdom. Anyplace that was dark is now filled with light. Your

playground, your school, your neighborhood, all have the light of

Christ because you are there.

- Take for instance our eyes. In order for us to see, the light must

reflect off of our eyes and the parts of our eyes respond to the light

and provide an image.

- So it is with the Light of God and us. The light of God reflects in us

and our spirits respond to this light and see the image of Christ.

- So we must be the light to shine on the Earth using the power of

God to shine light on Earth.

- The sun is an example of an object that shines light. It is so bright,

the light is so powerful, that you cannot look on it and not be

affected. Even the moon is a reflection of the sun’s light. So too

must we be a reflection of the light of Christ. The light of God

should be so bright in us that people cannot leave us the same. They

cannot leave us without being affected by the light of Christ in us.

- We must walk in power and show people the revelation of the Light

of Christ.

- There is a world that need us because they need the light.

John 1:4-6.

2. Make sure that other people can see the light of Christ in us.

Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and

it giveth light unto all that are in the house-Matthew 5:3-16.


In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

- And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

- The darkness that unbelievers are trapped in does not comprehend God.

They do not comprehend revelation. They do not comprehend power.

- This is where the power of evangelism comes in.

- But you are not just an evangelist when you are talking to someone about


- You are an evangelist even when no words are spoken. You are an

evangelist when you sleep. You are an evangelist when you play.

Everywhere you go you are an evangelist. And by you actions you will

either bring people to the light of Christ, or drive people away.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said- “Your actions speak so loudly, I can not hear what you

are saying.”

- We are not human doers, we are human beings. We do not do the light of

Christ, we are the light through Christ.

- "The eyes of the world were focused on a single person: America's

astronaut John Glenn. Around the world television and radio sets

were more popular that day than all other issues combined.

Everything took second billing to that play-by-play drama

unfolding throughout the day. One of the inspiring sidelights of the

orbital flight was an event in far off Perth, Australia. That

community had agreed in advance to turn on lights in all public

buildings, residences, factories, schools and parks. All the lights of

Perth would be burning brightly as an honorary signal for America's

space hero. Informed of that fine, community-wide gesture only

after he was in orbit, John Glenn looked down from 120 miles

above the earth as he moved at a rate of 17,350 miles an hour and

saw the bright glow from the Australian continent. 'The lights show

up very well and thank everybody for turning them on,' said Glenn

from his space ship. What a warming contrast to the dark, black

belt of night which he encountered as he whirled on through space.

-The Light of God extends even further than it. It goes across the

universe from heaven to earth and was embodied in our Saviour who died

for us so that we could be set free from darkness. The Light of the Lord

leads us to live.

Job 22:28-  Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and

the light shall shine upon thy ways.

3-Give glory to God in what we do and where we are.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and

glorify your Father which is in heaven.

- We must give glory to God in what we do, so that it would attract people to

God. If we are attracting people to us, because of the light we think we have,

then I am sorry to say that what we have is darkness and not light. Its

darkness calling out to darkness.

The light of God is glory. It is God’s glory that is in us and gives us

light. People may see us and glorify God. If people see us, and want to say

bad words about our God then we have a problem. People should know the

Christ we serve by the light that is in us. A famous philosopher once said, “I

like their Christ, I don’t like their Christians. So the light that is in us we

must claim as our own, and we must walk in the way of the Lord. So that

when people see us they see Christ and they see the Christ in you and me.

"The Path of the Just"

- A little boy walked along a country lane one dark night, with his

father, and carried the lantern. The black silence all about

frightened him. He said, "Father, this light reaches such a little

way, I am afraid." His father answered, "True. my boy, but if you

walk on, the light will shine to the end of your journey."

- We may feel that we do not have enough of the light of Christ, but

Christ gives us all the light we need to do what we have to do. We

may feel as if we are not worthy, we are nobody, and God cannot

use us. The Bible is filled with people who say, who am I? But

God wants to use us. The light we have is in abundance and

overflowing. People will see it and say they want to be like us and

the Christ we follow. They will say Holy is the Lord that we serve

because no where else can we find such light.

Call to Action

We must be the light. The light of the world. Because Christ is the

light of the world. Christ came to not only be the light, but to give

the light to us. So let us shine our light, so that way people can be

drawn to God and we can be close to Christ.

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