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Name:_____________________________ Score:_______________
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be
discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8
TEST I. Crossword Puzzle: Complete the crossword puzzle below

TEST II. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of your best answer.
1. Jesus said "Take heed that no man deceives you"; how will that happen?
a) Swine will look like pigs. c) False teachers will identify who they are.
b) Many shall come in my name. d) None of the above
2. How shall the coming of the son of Man be?
a) From the west to the east c) Into Jerusalem riding on a horse
b) As the lightning comes out of the east and shines into d) None of the above
the west.
3. Who knows of the day and hour of Christ’s return?
a) Only Jesus Christ Himself c) God the Father
b) Latter day Prophets d) Angels of the Lord
4. When Laban’s sons were accusing Jacob of taking everything from their father, what did the LORD tell Jacob to do?
a) Refuse to work any longer c) Return Rachel and Leah to Laban
b) Go back to the land of his fathers and to his relatives d) Stay and fight for all of Laban’s possessions
5. How many times did Laban cheat Jacob by changing his wages?
a) Daily c) Ten times
b) Five times d) Every seven years
6. How long did Jacob say he had been with Laban? 
a) Through three seasons c) Twenty years
b) Fourteen years d) Twenty four years

7. What did Rachel tell Jacob would happen to her if he did not give her children?

a) She would harm Leah. c) She would give him her maid to have children by.
b)  She would die. d) She will adopt
8. Why did Leah give her maid to Jacob to wife?
a) She was jealous of Rachel. c) She saw she had left bearing.
b) She could not keep up. d) She doesn’t like her maid
9. When did Jacob ask Laban to send him away?
a) When Rachel had born Joseph. c) When his time was fulfilled.
b) After his second seven years were fulfilled. d) When Rachel plead to her father
10. What happens to the servant who is not prepared when his Lord returns?
a) He shall receive an extended period of spite c) He shall be given a second chance
b) He shall be cut asunder d) None of the above

TEST III: Enumeration:

 What are some of the things that Jesus mentions that will happen before the end of the age? (Matthew 24: 5-12)

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.


IV. Draw your understanding in Revelation 14: 6-13.

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