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1. Listen to the recording

2. Answer these three questions

Year 1 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Criterion The student does not The student: The student: The student: The student:
A: reach a standard 1. Recognizes some 1. Uses some 1. Uses considerable 1. Consistently uses
Knowing described by any of vocabulary 2. vocabulary relevant vocabulary, relevant vocabulary
the descriptors below. Demonstrates basic 2. Demonstrates often accurately accurately
knowledge and satisfactory 2. Demonstrates 2. Demonstrates
understand understanding of knowledge and substantial knowledge excellent knowledge
ing content and concepts understanding of and understanding of and understanding of
through limited content and concepts content and concepts content and concepts
descriptions and/or through simple through descriptions, through detailed
examples. descriptions, explanations and descriptions,
explanations and/or examples explanations and
examples examples

1. Identify: What is something that is unfairly stigmatized? (Short Answer is fine)

Stigma of depression is when depression, which is different from mental illness, is seen
as a weakness in a person and makes them look unreliable or unattractive because
they have a medical illness where they have issues dealing with all their feelings and
emotions. Especially since depression usually has non-physical symptoms, it seems
less serious and real for many people at first look. Depression is also not often clearly
understood. Not everybody understands the true meaning of the illness and therefore
knows nothing about how to cure it. Even if it’s something I think everybody dealt with at
one point in their life.

2. Identify: How are people reacting to that stigma right now? (include a detailed
Like I said before, in society, depression is commonly seen as a weakness or
vulnerability, and any weakness is seen negatively. People with depression won’t
be likely to share anything with anyone because they’re aware of how their
illness is brought upon most people, some might even say it’s a deficit in one’s
character. There are so many reasons the illness can be seen as a weakness
such as if a man can’t deal with his emotions then he gets judged badly because
he’s supposed to be ‘manly’ and ‘strong’. If a woman is tired with chores or kids,
people’ll just tell her to ‘hold it together’ or ‘deal with it’. Instead of realizing about
this illness and acknowledging their need of help, people will just pass it on like
it’s not a big deal when it can affect one’s health.

3. Justify: Explain why it is important for the stigma you are focusing on to be
destigmatized? How will it impact a person’s life if that stigma becomes
destigmatized? (I want a detailed answer with examples and an explanation)
Anyone who suffers from depression can have a significant impact on their job, their
education, their family and friends, their daily life, and their willingness to get proper
treatment. The people around them can start to avoid them, their personal relationships
can be destroyed very easily, they will have difficulties finding a job, or their school can
also very easily misunderstand their illness, and use it as a reason for any problems
with them. These can all be affected and caused by how the people around them treat
and think about their illness. Not only that, it can impact the way they think of
themselves. They’re already afraid to talk to anyone about it, the more pressure they get
from their surroundings, the more things they take back and keep to themselves. They
might take others words about their illness being something bad and a weakness and
lower their self-confidence or self-esteem. They might start slowly thinking their like
whatever people say about them, causing them to feel bad and feel ashamed of

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